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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporala och spatiala egenskaper i makroseismiska katalogdata 1375-2000

Andersson, Sara January 2011 (has links)
I Sverige uppmäts årligen runt 700 jordskalv, men ytterst få skalv är av ansenlig styrka. Andelen skalv som vi människor har förmåga att känna av är därav relativt liten. Denna studie är baserad på makroseismisk katalogdata över svenska jordskalv mellan åren 1375-2000. Att studien är makroseismisk innebär att den är icke-instrumentell och därmed baserad på mänskliga observationer i de jordbävningsdrabbade områdena. Katalogen som legat till grund för undersökningen består av 883 fall och innehåller information om tid för skalvet, utbredning och styrka. All erhållen data har sorterats i Matlab efter egenkomponerade sorteringsprogram. Resultaten har redovisats i diagramform, varav vissa sedan plottats i ArcGIS för geografisk visualisering. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att analysera erhållen katalogdata och om möjligt finna förklaringar till varför jordskalvsfrekvensen tett sig som den gjort genom tiden. Framförallt har fokus legat på tidsberoende variationer och att försöka tolka koncentrationen av jordskalv kring januari, vilken kan skådas i majoriteten av rapportens diagram. Teorier som frostknäppar, årstidscykler, och veckodag tas upp för diskussion i rapporten och analyseras huruvida dessa kan utgöra möjliga faktorer till resultatet.   Makroseismiska undersökningar innehar alltid stora osäkerheter eftersom de baseras på källor vars tillförlitlighet i många fall kan ifrågasättas. Denna rapport har därför huvudsakligen baserats på analys av tre tidsintervall, där hänsyn tagits till samhällets utveckling och därmed källmaterialets homogenitet och trovärdighet. Med tanke på de osäkerheter som en makroseismisk undersökning innebär är det möjligt att någon händelse av icke-seismiskt ursprung är inkluderad i katalogen. Svårigheten är bara att avgöra hur omfattande mängd av katalogdata dessa händelser utgör.

Seismic Investigations at the Ketzin CO2 Injection Site, Germany: Applications to Subsurface Feature Mapping and CO2 Seismic Response Modeling

Kazemeini, Sayed Hesammoddin January 2009 (has links)
3D seismic data are widely used for many different purposes. Despite different objectives, a common goal in almost all 3D seismic programs is to attain better understanding of the subsurface features. In gas injection projects, which are mainly for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and recently for environmental purposes, seismic data have an important role in the gas monitoring phase. This thesis deals with a 3D seismic investigation at the CO2 injection site at Ketzin, Germany. I focus on two critical aspects of the project: the internal architecture of the heterogeneous Stuttgart reservoir and the detectability of the CO2 response from surface seismic data. Conventional seismic methods are not able to conclusively map the internal reservoir architecture due to their limited seismic resolution. In order to overcome this limitation, I use the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) decomposition technique, which provides frequency spectra with high temporal resolution without the disadvantages of the windowing process associated with the other techniques. Results from applying this technique reveal more of the details of sand bodies within the Stuttgart Formation. The CWT technique also helps to detect and map remnant gas on the top of the structure. In addition to this method, I also show that the pre-stack spectral blueing method, which is presented for the first time in this research, has an ability to enhance seismic resolution with fewer artifacts in comparison with the post-stack spectral blueing method. The second objective of this research is to evaluate the CO2 response on surface seismic data as a feasibility study for CO2 monitoring. I build a rock physics model to estimate changes in elastic properties and seismic velocities caused by injected CO2. Based on this model, I study the seismic responses for different CO2 injection geometries and saturations using one dimensional (1D) elastic modeling and two dimensional (2D) acoustic finite-difference modeling. Results show that, in spite of random and coherent noises and reservoir heterogeneity, the CO2 seismic response should be strong enough to be detectable on surface seismic data. I use a similarity-based image registration method to isolate amplitude changes due to the reservoir from amplitude changes caused by time shifts below the reservoir. In support of seismic monitoring using surface seismic data, I also show that acoustic impedance versus Poisson’s ratio cross-plot is a suitable attribute for distinguishing gas-bearing sands from brine-bearing sands. / CO2SINK Project

New Techniques for Estimation of Source Parameters : Applications to Airborne Gravity and Pseudo-Gravity Gradient Tensors

Beiki, Majid January 2011 (has links)
Gravity gradient tensor (GGT) data contains the second derivatives of the Earth’s gravitational potential in three orthogonal directions. GGT data can be measured either using land, airborne, marine or space platforms. In the last two decades, the applications of GGT data in hydrocarbon exploration, mineral exploration and structural geology have increased considerably. This work focuses on developing new interpretation techniques for GGT data as well as pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from measured magnetic field. The applications of developed methods are demonstrated on a GGT data set from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa and a magnetic data set from the Särna area, west central Sweden. The eigenvectors of the symmetric GGT can be used to estimate the position of the causative body as well as its strike direction. For a given measurement point, the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue points approximately toward the center of mass of the source body. For quasi 2D structures, the strike direction of the source can be estimated from the direction of the eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues. The same properties of GGT are valid for the pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from magnetic field data assuming that the magnetization direction is known. The analytic signal concept is applied to GGT data in three dimensions. Three analytic signal functions are introduced along x-, y- and z-directions which are called directional analytic signals. The directional analytic signals are homogenous and satisfy Euler’s homogeneity equation. Euler deconvolution of directional analytic signals can be used to locate causative bodies. The structural index of the gravity field is automatically identified from solving three Euler equations derived from the GGT for a set of data points located within a square window with adjustable size. For 2D causative bodies with geometry striking in the y-direction, the measured gxz and gzz components of GGT can be jointly inverted for estimating the parameters of infinite dike and geological contact models. Once the strike direction of 2D causative body is estimated, the measured components can be transformed into the strike coordinate system. The GGT data within a set of square windows for both infinite dike and geological contact models are deconvolved and the best model is chosen based on the smallest data fit error. / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 730

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