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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuktutredning av massivträkonstruktion : Analys av vägg utan ångspärr / Moisture analysis of solid wood construction : Analysis of a wall without vapour barrier

Olsson Thor, Johan, Eriksson, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Rapporten ingår i ett FoU- projekt för Högskolan Dalarna, där målet är att ta fram en konstruktion utan ångspärr som ska klara dagens mått på lufttäthet och fuktkrav. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda hur fukt påverkar en byggnad medmassivträstomme och olika isoleringsmaterial utan ångspärr. Mineralull och träfiberisolering jämförs mot varandra för att se hur dessa påverkarfuktbelastningen i en väggkonstruktion. Testobjektet är lokaliserat i Dalarna, inget fukttillskott har funnits inomhus i byggnaden. För att genomföra detta arbete har tre stycken olika metoder används. Ensimulering, verkliga uppmätta värden och en provtagning. Fuktsimuleringen genomfördes med hjälp av programmet WUFI, uppmätta värden i form av relativ fuktighet och temperatur har samlats in kontinuerligt under två års tid från väggkonstruktionen via mätsensorer. Provtagningen utfördes med ett fysiskt ingrepp på samma nivå i konstruktionen som mätsensorer var placerade. Resultat presenteras i form av diagram och tabeller där det går att avläsa konstruktionens nulägesstatus i form av relativ fuktighet, temperatur, fuktkvot och mikrobiologisk påväxt. Isoleringsmaterialen påvisar en hög relativ fuktighet under vinterhalvåret längst ut i konstruktionen mot utomhusklimatet. Utomhusklimatet har visats spela stor roll i detta. Ingen direkt mikrobiologisk påväxt har påträffats trots en hög halt av fukt. Resultaten visar att träfiberisoleringen har bättre förmåga att hantera fukt i jämförelse med mineralullen. En vidarestudie med fuktbelastning och 21 °C inomhus bör utföras. Men för att denna studie ska fungera rekommenderas en tvåstegstätad fasadlösning för att klara fuktbelastningen i väggkonstruktionen. / The report is part of a research and development project for Dalarna University,where the goal is to produce a design without a vapour barrier that will meettoday's measure of airtightness and moisture requirements. The purpose of this report is to investigate how moisture affects a building withsolid wood and various insulation materials without vapour barrier. Mineral woolinsulation and wood fiber insulation will be compared against each other to seehow they affect the moisture load in a wall. The test object is located in Dalarna,no additional moisture load affect the indoor environment. To carry out this work, three different methods are used. A moisture simulationwas performed using the program WUFI, measured values in terms of relativehumidity and temperature were collected over two years from the wall of thebuilding. A sampling was performed with a physical operation on the same levelin the wall where measurement sensors were placed. Results are presented in form of graphs and tables where you can read thecurrent state of the construction in terms of relative humidity, temperature,moisture content and microbiological fouling. Insulation materials demonstrate ahigh relative humidity at outer layers of the construction during the wintermonths. The external environment has been shown to play a major part for theresults. No direct microbiological fouling has been detected despite a highcontent of moisture. The result of wood fiber insulation demonstrates a better ability to handlemoisture. A further study with a moisture load and 21 degrees indoors should beperformed. But for this study to work it’s recommended to change the currentfacade solution to a two- step sealed facade solution to manage the moistureload in the wall.

Deposição de filmes protetores sobre madeira pela técnica do plasma frio / Coating films deposited on to wood surface by cold plasma technique

Magalhães, Washington Luiz Esteves 12 August 2002 (has links)
A madeira maciça é um compósito polimérico natural que pode sofrer tratamentos para atender a diversas especificações técnicas. Uma característica da madeira é a sua higroscopicidade. A madeira úmida é vulnerável ao ataque de térmitas e fungos, além de perder estabilidade dimensional. Os tratamentos mais usados são a impregnação e/ou o revestimento com tintas e vernizes. Uma técnica promissora para o revestimento de madeira maciça é o plasma frio ou descarga luminescente. Neste trabalho produziu-se plasmas frios através de descargas elétricas luminescentes em gases rarefeitos. Os precursores gasosos usados foram o etileno, acetileno, 1-buteno, e vapor de metil metacrilato e de acetato de vinila. A superfície de madeira maciça tratada por estes plasmas ficaram hidrofóbicas, sendo que os melhores resultados foram alcançados usando 1-buteno como gás precursor. Apesar do tratamento promover repelência à água, a superfície tratada continuou permeável ao vapor d\'água. Com o emprego de uma mistura gasosa formada por vapor de TEOS e O2, foi possível constatar a ineficiência da descarga luminescente capacitiva em revestir o interior de orifícios em madeira. A deposição de filmes finos a partir de plasmas de 1-buteno foi caracterizada, tendo apresentado propriedades distintas do polímero convencional. O filme depositado por plasma apresentou hidrofobicidade, resistência química, insolubilidade em solventes comuns, e resistência contra teste acelerado de intemperismo. A espectroscopia de infravermelho e a análise elementar também revelaram diferenças entre os filmes convencional e depositado por plasma. As reações químicas no plasma podem ser controladas através de ajustes na potência transferida ao reator, pressão da câmara, vazão dos gases, e tempo de exposição à descarga. Com o uso de plasmas menos energéticos é possível produzir filmes poliméricos com estruturas menos entrecruzadas. Duas técnicas distintas foram testadas neste trabalho: o plasma capacitivo e o jato de plasma. Ambas as técnicas são promissoras em função do baixo nível de vácuo necessário, baixas freqüências, pequeno consumo de energia, ausência de poluição e solventes, e o uso de reagentes disponíveis em escala industrial. / Solid wood is a natural polymer composite that can be subjected to a wide variety of treatments to make it suitable for specific technical applications. The greatest disadvantage of solid wood is its hygroscopicity. Moist wood is vulnerable to attack by fungi and termites, and loses its dimensional stability. The most widely used treatments for solid wood are impregnation and coating with paint and varnish. A promising future technique for solid wood surface coating is a plasma treatment in a glow discharge. Cold plasmas were produced by electrical glow discharges in a gas medium at reduced pressure. The precursor gases used were ethylene, acetylene, 1-butene, and vapor of vinyl acetate. The treatment caused the solid softwood surface to become hydrophobic; 1-butene-plasma produced the best results. Although the surface plasma treatment resulted in water repellence, permeability to water vapor remained. Using a mixture of tetraethyl orthosilicate vapor (TEOS) and oxygen (O2) it was possible to investigate the inability of the glow discharge to coat the surface of wood orifices. Deposition of non-conventional polymeric thin films were observed on solid wood substrate after injecting a 1-butene-argon gas mixture into a glow discharge chamber. The deposited film showed water repellence, chemical resistance, insolubility in most common organic solvents and some protection against weathering. Infrared analyses revealed differences between conventional and plasma polymerized 1-butene. Plasma chemistry can be controlled by external conditions of plasma, such as input power, gas flow rate, pressure, and the time of exposure. Using low energetic plasmas the deposited film can be polymer like with a less crosslinked structure. Two different techniques - known capacitive coupled plasma and plasma jet - were tested in this study. Both these techniques appear promising in view of the low vacum level and low frequency, low power supply required, the lack of pollutants and solventes, and the use of industrial chemicals.

Husväggar av massivträ: En kostnadsjämförelse / House walls of solid wood: A cost comparison

Sundberg, Martin, Åsberg, David January 2012 (has links)
Trä är och har sedan länge varit en av Sveriges mest exporterade råvaror. Branschen sysselsätter idag omkring 100 000 människor i landet. I samband med de senaste årens miljödiskussioner bör husens uppbyggnad diskuteras. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att främja husbyggnation i massivträ som de senaste åren fått mer publicitet inte bara på den svenska marknaden men också i centraleuropeiska länder. Frågorna i detta arbete handlar om att identifiera de vanligast förekommande ytterväggskonstruktionerna och jämföra deras materialkostnader samt kostnader för arbete vid montering. För att ha kunnat göra en rättvis jämförelse har BBR’s energikrav varit den gemensamma nämnaren för ytterväggskonstruktionerna. Frågorna har besvarats genom intervjuer med tillverkare av prefabricerade massivträväggar, träregelväggar och betongväggar varpå energiberäkningar utförts i samband med framtagning av olika väggkonstruktioner för att få fram tre lika energieffektiva väggar. Dessa väggar har sedan kostnadsjämförts. Resultatet visar att den vanligast förekommande massivträväggen består av tre till fem lager korslimmade bräder som tillsammans bildar en KL-skiva. På dessa kan isolering och fasad appliceras och på så sätt få en vägg jämförbar med en träregelvägg eller betongvägg. Det visade sig efter gjorda undersökningar att massivträväggen är marginellt dyrare än träregelväggen men väsentligt mycket billigare än betongväggen. / Wood is and has long been one of Sweden’s most exported commodities. The industry currently employs about 100 000 people in the country. In conjunction with the recent environment discussions the construction of houses should also be discussed. The purpose of this study is to promote housing construction in solid wood, which in recent years has received more publicity not only in the Swedish market but also in central European countries. The questions in this project is about identifying the most common exterior wall constructions and compare their costs for materials and labor costs during assembly. To have a fair comparison, the BBR's energy requirements have been the common denominator of the exterior wall constructions. The questions have been answered through interviews with manufacturers of prefabricated solid wooden walls, wooden stud walls and concrete walls after which energy calculations conducted in connection with the development of various wall constructions to produce three equal energy-efficient walls. These walls have then been compared by their costs. The results show that the most common wall of solid wood consists of three to five layers of cross-laminated planks that make up a CLT-board. On these insulation and façade are applied and thus obtain a wall which is similar to the wooden stud wall or concrete wall. It was found after the investigations were made that the wall of solid wood is marginally more expensive than the wooden stud wall but significantly cheaper than the concrete wall.

Medienos rietuvių glaudumo koeficiento įvertinimas fotometriniu metodu / Wood stacking coefficient determing by using photometric method

Bužas, Nerijus 21 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe aprašyta apvaliosios medienos rietuvių fotonuotraukų analizė, siekiant įvertinti medienos rietuvių glaudumo koeficientą. Darbo tikslas – Įvertinti fotometrinio metodo taikymo apvaliosios medienos rietuvių glaudumo koeficiento nustatymui galimybes. Uždaviniai: • Įvertinti atsitiktinių ir sisteminių paklaidų dydžius, gaunamus apvaliosios medienos rietuvių glaudumo koeficientą, nustatant fotometriniu metodu. • Įvertinti fotometrinio metodo paklaidų priklausomybę nuo sortimentų rūšies. • Įvertinti paklaidų priklausomybę nuo medienos rietuvių glaudumo. Tyrimo objektas – į transporto priemonę sukrauti apvaliosios madienos popiermedžiai. Tyrimo metodika Darbe naudoti mokslinio tyrimo metodai: • Dokumentų analizė; • Vaizdų analizė; • Statistinė analizė; • Loginė analizė. Darbo rezultatai – mano pasirinktas fotometrinis metodas, apvaliosios madienos rietuvių glaudumo koeficientui įvertinti, gali būti taikomas. Paklaidos yra daromos tačiau jos nėra esminės. Iš pasirnktų trijų analizuojamojo vaizdo išskyrimo būdų tiksliausi rezultatai buvo stačiakampio forma išskirtas vaizdas. / Digital photographs of spruce and birch bundles were analised by photometric method using ArcView GIS 3.2. program to determine stacking coefficient of wood in the work. The main aim – to determine ability of photometric method to avaluate stacking coefficient of bundles. The main tasks: • To determine randon and systematic bias of photometric method to estimating stacking of wood bundles. • To determine volume of bias, using photometric method, dependents of roundwood species. • To aveluate dependense of errors in stacking coefficients of bundles volume. Research object. –solid wood which is loaded in a bundles of a truck. Methods: • Dokument analysis; • Image analysis; • Statistic analysis; • Logical analysis. Calculations were made using software ArcView GIS 3.2., STATISTICA v6.0 and EXCEL. The main results. photometric method can be applied to timber stacking precision ratios. Articularly accurate are obtained with the bundle of analyzing image maked rectangle.

Deposição de filmes protetores sobre madeira pela técnica do plasma frio / Coating films deposited on to wood surface by cold plasma technique

Washington Luiz Esteves Magalhães 12 August 2002 (has links)
A madeira maciça é um compósito polimérico natural que pode sofrer tratamentos para atender a diversas especificações técnicas. Uma característica da madeira é a sua higroscopicidade. A madeira úmida é vulnerável ao ataque de térmitas e fungos, além de perder estabilidade dimensional. Os tratamentos mais usados são a impregnação e/ou o revestimento com tintas e vernizes. Uma técnica promissora para o revestimento de madeira maciça é o plasma frio ou descarga luminescente. Neste trabalho produziu-se plasmas frios através de descargas elétricas luminescentes em gases rarefeitos. Os precursores gasosos usados foram o etileno, acetileno, 1-buteno, e vapor de metil metacrilato e de acetato de vinila. A superfície de madeira maciça tratada por estes plasmas ficaram hidrofóbicas, sendo que os melhores resultados foram alcançados usando 1-buteno como gás precursor. Apesar do tratamento promover repelência à água, a superfície tratada continuou permeável ao vapor d\'água. Com o emprego de uma mistura gasosa formada por vapor de TEOS e O2, foi possível constatar a ineficiência da descarga luminescente capacitiva em revestir o interior de orifícios em madeira. A deposição de filmes finos a partir de plasmas de 1-buteno foi caracterizada, tendo apresentado propriedades distintas do polímero convencional. O filme depositado por plasma apresentou hidrofobicidade, resistência química, insolubilidade em solventes comuns, e resistência contra teste acelerado de intemperismo. A espectroscopia de infravermelho e a análise elementar também revelaram diferenças entre os filmes convencional e depositado por plasma. As reações químicas no plasma podem ser controladas através de ajustes na potência transferida ao reator, pressão da câmara, vazão dos gases, e tempo de exposição à descarga. Com o uso de plasmas menos energéticos é possível produzir filmes poliméricos com estruturas menos entrecruzadas. Duas técnicas distintas foram testadas neste trabalho: o plasma capacitivo e o jato de plasma. Ambas as técnicas são promissoras em função do baixo nível de vácuo necessário, baixas freqüências, pequeno consumo de energia, ausência de poluição e solventes, e o uso de reagentes disponíveis em escala industrial. / Solid wood is a natural polymer composite that can be subjected to a wide variety of treatments to make it suitable for specific technical applications. The greatest disadvantage of solid wood is its hygroscopicity. Moist wood is vulnerable to attack by fungi and termites, and loses its dimensional stability. The most widely used treatments for solid wood are impregnation and coating with paint and varnish. A promising future technique for solid wood surface coating is a plasma treatment in a glow discharge. Cold plasmas were produced by electrical glow discharges in a gas medium at reduced pressure. The precursor gases used were ethylene, acetylene, 1-butene, and vapor of vinyl acetate. The treatment caused the solid softwood surface to become hydrophobic; 1-butene-plasma produced the best results. Although the surface plasma treatment resulted in water repellence, permeability to water vapor remained. Using a mixture of tetraethyl orthosilicate vapor (TEOS) and oxygen (O2) it was possible to investigate the inability of the glow discharge to coat the surface of wood orifices. Deposition of non-conventional polymeric thin films were observed on solid wood substrate after injecting a 1-butene-argon gas mixture into a glow discharge chamber. The deposited film showed water repellence, chemical resistance, insolubility in most common organic solvents and some protection against weathering. Infrared analyses revealed differences between conventional and plasma polymerized 1-butene. Plasma chemistry can be controlled by external conditions of plasma, such as input power, gas flow rate, pressure, and the time of exposure. Using low energetic plasmas the deposited film can be polymer like with a less crosslinked structure. Two different techniques - known capacitive coupled plasma and plasma jet - were tested in this study. Both these techniques appear promising in view of the low vacum level and low frequency, low power supply required, the lack of pollutants and solventes, and the use of industrial chemicals.

Untersuchungen zum Effekt von Dichte auf mechanische und hygrische Eigenschaften von Spanplatten und Massivholz am Beispiel von Paulownia / Studies about the effect of density on mechanical and hygrical properties of particleboards and solid wood using the example of Paulownia

Nelis, Philipp Alexander 02 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Utveckling av ett flerbostadshus i massivträ / Development of an apartment building in solid wood

Sandgren, Marie, Yngvesson, Linnéa January 2015 (has links)
Stockholm är ett av de län som växer snabbast, därför behöver länet byggas ut. Idag är klimat och miljöfrågor viktiga och påverkar bland annat bostadbyggandet. Massivträ är ett stommaterial som är på framfart tack vare dess miljö- och klimatfördelar. Berg | C.F. Møller ska på uppdrag av HSB Stockholm projektera ett bostadsområde i södra Stockholm, Årsta. Området som ska projekteras består av ett antal olika hustyper. För examensarbetet har ett flerbostadhus i åtta våningar valts. Huset ska projekteras med en massivträstomme, därför har en fördjupning inom massivträteknik varit nödvändig för att ta fram förslagshandlingar innehållande ritningar och konstruktionsdetaljer. Analyser av området har gett inspiration till utformning av det slutliga resultatet. Stor vikt har lagts på att rita yteffektiva lägenheter med hänsyn till Svensk Standard, Byggnadsutformning – Bostäder – Invändiga mått, och till kriterier som valts för projektet. Resultatet består av förslagshandlingar för flerbostadshuset, som gavs ett unikt utseende med burspråk i spegelglas, för att skapa en variation i fasaden, och med en heltäckande träfasad för att indikera på det valda stommaterialet. Flerbostadhuset är projekterat för 15 treor och 14 tvåor med en kommersiell lokal i markplan för att skapa rörelse i kvarteret. / Stockholm is one of the regions with the fastest growth, therefore the region requires to be expended. Climate and environmental issues are important today and influences the construction of buildings among other things. Solid wood is a structure material which is on the rampage thanks to its climate- and environmental advantages. Berg | C.F. Møller will on behalf of HSB Stockholm project a dwelling area in Årsta, southern Stockholm. The projected area consists of a number of different house types. For this thesis an apartment building in eight flats has been chosen. The house will be projected with solid wood, therefore a deep study has been made in the subject of construction made of solid wood. This in order to produce drawings and construction details. Analyses of the area have inspired the design of the final result. A great importance in the project has been drawing space-efficient apartments with respect to the Swedish Standard, Building Design – Housing – Interior dimensions, and to criteria which has been chosen for the project. The result is made up of concept drawings for the apartment building, which was given a unique look with a bay window in mirror glass. To create a variation in the facade. The apartment building is built with a wood facade to indicate the selected structure material and is projected for 15 threes and 14 twos with a commercial local at ground floor to create movements in the surroundings.

In-Plane Lateral Load Capacities of Vertically Oriented Interlocking Timber Panels

Decker, Brandon T 01 July 2014 (has links)
The Vertically Oriented Interlocking Timber (VOIT) panel is a new solid wood panel similar to Interlocking Cross Laminated Timber (ICLT) and the more commonly known Cross Laminated Timber (CLT). Like ICLT, VOIT panels use timber connections instead of the adhesives or metal fasteners common to CLT. The difference of VOIT is the orientation of the layers. Where CLT and ICLT panels alternate the orientation of each layer, VOIT panels orient all the layers in the same direction. The vertically oriented layers are then attached to one another by smaller horizontal dovetail members.Two types of VOIT panels were provided to be tested for in-plane lateral loading. Type I had three rows of horizontal dovetail members connecting the layers and Type II had four rows of dovetail members as well as two diagonal members to provide stiffness. Two panels of each type were provided, measuring 8 ft. wide, 8 ft. tall, and 13.75 in. thick. Each panel was disassembled after monotonic lateral in-plane loading to determine possible failure modes. Testing results suggest the VOIT panels to be comparable in shear strength to other wood shear walls, including light frame, CLT, and ICLT walls. A two-part analytical model was created to determine the deflection of the wall when loaded as well as the shear strength of the wall. The model predicted deflection and wall strength reasonably well. Due to the small sample size, additional testing is necessary to confirm the results of the Type I and Type II VOIT panels. Additional testing with more variations of the panel and member geometries is also needed to validate the scope of the model.

Bytový dům na bázi dřeva / Wood-based Block of Flats

Balcar, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The Master´s thesis addresses the design of wooden residential building. It is a four-storey building with a gabled roof with a slope of 15°. Building is designed for housing 32 people. The building is located on flat terrain. The main structural system are KLH solid wood panels with insulation layer on the outside. The ground floor is brick and consists of rooms of technical support and garages. The Master´s thesis includes project documentation for construction execution.

Výstavní pavilon / Exhibition pavilion

Řeháček, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and review of the supporting structure of the exhibition pavilion in the suburb of Brno. The design is shaped dome built over the octagonal floor plan with eight lateral niches. The pavilion is 30m wide and 8 meters tall.

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