Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adsorpcija"" "subject:"adsorpcije""
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Karakterizacija bioremedijacionih procesa u sedimentima zagađenim policikličnim aromatičnim ugljovodonicima i procena biodostupnosti / Characterisation of bioremediation processes in sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and bioavailability assessmentBeljin Jelena 17 December 2015 (has links)
<p>U okviru ovog istraživanja ispitani su: 1. Optimalni uslovi za<br />eksperimente biodegradacije policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika sa istim i<br />različitim brojem prstenova; 2. Uticaj struture i matriksa na biodegradaciju<br />policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika sa istim brojem prstenova; 3.<br />Fitotoksičnost biljaka (testovi klijavosti i usvajanje policikličnih aromatičnih<br />ugljovodonika); 4. Procena potencijalne biodostupne frakcije primenom<br />različitih hemijskih sorbenata (HPCD, βCD i MCD, XAD4 i TenaxTA) i 5.<br />Korelacija dobijenih rezultata testovima biodegradacije, testovima klijavosti,<br />testovima fitotoksičnosti i rezultata dobijenih iz eksperimenta procene<br />biodostupnosti hemijskim testovima. Rezultati su pokazali da se optimalni<br />uslovi za biodegradaciju postižu dodatkom mineralnih medijuma, inokuluma i<br />surfaktanata. Posmatrajući uticaj sadržaja gline i organske materije i strukture<br />molekula, najveći stepen biorazgradnje ima fluoranten, što je u skladu sa<br />njegovim fizičko-hemijskim osobinama, dok se sadržaj pirena i krizena nije<br />mogao jasno korelirati sa sadržajem organske materije i gline. Što se tiče<br />testova fitotoksičnosti, sva semena su proklijala, što govori u prilog tome da<br />mešavina ovih kontaminanata pri ispitivanim koncentracijama nije inhibirala<br />klijanje biljaka. Testovi usvojivosti ispitivanih PAH-ova su pokazali da je<br />najmanji procenat usvojivosti semenom dobijen za benzo(a)piren, što se može<br />objasniti njegovom kompleksnijom strukturom. Hemijskim testovima za<br />procenu biodostupnosti je sa druge strane pokazano da se desorpcija u prisustvu<br />MCD, XAD4 smole i Tenaxa može koristiti kao jednostavna metoda za procenu<br />potencijalne biodostupne frakcije organskih jedinjenja u sistemima sediment -voda.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate: 1. The optimal conditions for the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with the same and different numbers of rings; 2. The impact of structure and matrix biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with the same number of rings; 3. Phytotoxicity (germination tests and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon uptake); 4. The means for assessing the bioavailable fractions using various chemical sorbents (HPCD, βCD, MCD, XAD4 and TenaxTA) and 5. The correlation between the results of the biodegradation tests, germination tests, phytotoxicity tests and the results obtained from the experiments in the assessment of bioavailability and chemical tests. The results showed that the optimal conditions for biodegradation are achieved by the addition of mineral media, inoculum and surfactants. When considering the effect of the contents of clay and organic matter and the structure of the molecules, the highest degree of biodegradation was observed with fluoranthene, which is in line with its physico-chemical properties. The concentrations of pyrene and chrysene were not clearly correlated with the organic matter and clay contents. During thephytotoxicity tests, all seeds sprouted, which speaks in favor of a mixture of these contaminants not inhibiting the germination of the plants. Tests for the uptake of the investigated PAHs showed that the lowest percentage seed uptake was for benzo(a)pyrene, which is explained by its more complex structure. Chemical tests for evaluating bioavailability have shown that desorption in the presence of MCD, XAD4 and Tenax resins can be used as a simple method for the evaluation of a potential bioavailable fraction of organic compounds in water-sediment systems.</p>
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Analiza korelacije mehanizama rasprostiranja i koncentracionih nivoa pesticida u podzemnoj vodi / Correlation analysis of transport mechanisms and concentration levels ofpesticides in groundwaterŽivančev Nevena 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj teze bio je doprinos poznavanju prisustva pesticida u površinskim i podzemnim vodama u Srbiji, kao i mehanizama rasprostiranja podzemnom vodom. Korišćeni su rezultati sedmogodišnje kampanje analize kvaliteta površinske vode i korespodentnih punktova za zahvatanje podzemne vode za četiri velike reke u Srbiji: Dunav, Savu, Tisu i Veliku Moravu. Pored sistematizacije i analize podataka o izvršenim analizama na pesticide voda reka i podzemnih voda, urađena su usmerena istraživanja koja se odnose na mehanizme i intenzitet sorbiranja, laboratorijska ispitivanja i terenski ogled. Rezultati ispitivanja i analiza su obrađeni numeričkim modelima.</p> / <p>The main aim of the thesis was to contribute to the knowledge of the presence<br />of pesticides in surface and groundwaters in Serbia, as well as transport<br />mechanisms in groundwater. The results of a seven-year analysis of the<br />quality of surface waters and correspondent points for groundwater<br />abstraction for the four major rivers in Serbia were used: Danube, Sava, Tisa<br />and Velika Morava. In addition to systematization and analysis of data from<br />campaigns carried out for the presence of pesticides in river water and<br />groundwater, targeted research related to the mechanisms and intensity of<br />sorption was implemented that consisted of laboratory and field experiment.<br />The results of experiments and analyzes were processed by numerical<br />models.</p>
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Primena sorpcionih parametara odabranih hidrofobnih organskih polutanata na organskoj materiji sedimenata za procenu njihove dostupnosti u sistemima sediment-voda / Application of the parameters ofsorption of selected hydrophobic organic compounds onto the sediment organic matter for the assessment of their availability in the sediment-water systemTričković Jelena 25 May 2009 (has links)
<p>Prirodna organska materija zemljišta/sedimenata predstavlja glavnu oblast<br />za sorpciju hidrofobnih organskih jedinjenja, a njene osobine utiču na stepen<br />retencije i konsekventnu (bio)dostupnost organskih jedinjenja. Da bi se procenio<br />ekotoksikološki rizik zagađenih zemljišta/sedimenata po okolinu, dizajnirala<br />odgovarajuća strategija remedijacije ili predvidela sudbina i transport organskih<br />polutanata u zagađenim zonama, neophodno je razumevanje mehanizma sorpcije i<br />desorpcije na nivou mehanizma uspostavljenih veza. U radu je izvršeno ispitivanje<br />sorpcije i desorpcije odabranih hidrofobnih organskih polutanata, pentahlorbenzena<br />i lindana, na sekvencijalno ekstrahovanim huminskim kiselinama i huminima iz<br />jednog uzorka sedimenta u cilju pronalaženja veze između strukturnih<br />karakteristika izolovanih huminskih kiselina i humina i sorpcionih i desorpcionih<br />parametara. Afinitet za sorpciju, nelinearnost izotermi i prividna sorpciono-desorpciona histereza korelirani su sa osobinama sorbenata dobijenim iz<br />elementarne i FTIR spektroskopske analize. Predloženo je da je mehanizam<br />sorpcije na huminskim kiselinama rezultat odigravanja raspodele i specifične<br />adsorpcije, pri čemu se pri nižim koncentracijama pentahlorbenzena i lindana prvo<br />popune sorpciona mesta u kondenzovanoj aromatičnoj oblasti, a tek potom pri<br />višim koncentracijama sorpciona mesta u amorfnim alifatičnim oblastima.<br />Sveukupno viši koeficijenti nelinearnosti dobijeni za sorpciju pentahlorbenzena na huminskim kiselinama u odnosu na nelinearnost sorpcionih izotermi lindana, ukazuju na to da u ukupnoj sorpciji pentahlorbenzena veći značaj ima mehanizam raspodele i smeštanje molekula pentahlorbenzena u hidrofobne šupljine huminskih kiselina, u odnosu na specifičnu adsorpciju. Ovi zaključci su potvrđeni rezultatima spektroskopskih istraživanja interakcija odabranih organskih jedinjenja i N-metilformamida. Predloženi mehanizam sorpcije ne može objasniti sorpciju pentahlorbenzena i lindana na uzorcima humina, većje pretpostavljeno da nelinearna sorpcija za uzorke humina može biti rezultat ostvarivanja površinskih interakcija, a visoki afinitet za sorpciju rezultat je raspodele organskih jedinjenja u amorfnim alifatičnim oblastima koje pružaju odlično okruženje za sorpciju.</p><p>U cilju daljeg proučavanja mehanizma sorpcije, izvršeno je ispitivanje kinetike<br />desorpcije tri odabrana hidrofobna organskajedinjenja, pentahlorbenzena, lindana i<br />pentahloranilina, posredstvom čvrstog adsorbenta, XAD-4 makroporozne<br />jonoizmenjivačke smole. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih za uzorak sedimenta i<br />frakciju < 125 µm za dva ravnotežna vremena (15 i 90 dana) i za sva odabrana<br />organska jedinjenja može se zaključiti da se za procenu potencijalne (bio)dostupne<br />frakcije organskih jedinjenja može koristiti jednostavna desorpcija u prisustvu<br />XAD-4 makroporozne jonoizmenjivačke smole i to na dva načina: (1) ekstrakcijom<br />sedimenta tokom 24 časa, kada frakcija koja se desorbuje odgovara frakciji<br />jedinjenja koja se nalazi u brzo-desorbujućem domenu organske materije, ili (2)<br />ekstrakcijom tokom 6 časova, kada frakcija koja se desorbuje odgovara polovini<br />one frakcije jedinjenja koja se nalazi u brzo-desorbujućem domenu organske<br />materije.</p> / <p>Natural organic matter of soil/sediment make the main region for sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds, ant its properties influence the degree of retention and, consequently, (bio)availability of organic compounds. In order to assess the ecotoxicological risks of contaminated soils/sediments to the environment and design the appropriate remediation strategy or predict the fate and transport of organic pollutants in contaminated zones, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of sorption/desorption at the level of the mechanism of established bonds. Study of the sorption and desorption of selected hydrophobic organic pollutants, pentachlorobenzene and lindane, on sequentially extracted humic acids and humins from a single sediment sample with the aim of finding the relationship between the structural characteristics of the isolated humic acids and humin and sorption and desorption parameters. Sorption affinity, nonlinearity of isotherms, and apparent sorption-desorption hysteresis were correlated to the sorbent characteristics obtained from elemental analysis and FTIR spectroscopic data. The proposed sorption mechanism on humic acids assumes that at low concentrations of pentachlorobenzene and lindane the sorption sites in the condensed aromatic region are occupied first, and then, at their higher concentrations, the sorption sites in the amorphous and aliphatic regions. Generally higher nonlinearity coefficient obtained for the sorption of pentachlorobenzene on umic acids compared with the nonlinearity of sorption isotherms for lindane, indicate that in the overall sorption of pentachlorobenzene of higher significance is the echanism of distribution and insertion of pentachlorobenzene molecule into hydrophobic dips of humic acids, compared to specific adsorption. These conclusions were confirmed with the results of spectroscopic investigation of intermolecular interaction of chosen organic compounds and N-methylformamide.Since suggested sorption mechanism could not explain sorption of pentachlorobenzene and lindane onto humin samples, it is supposed that the nonlinearity can be a result of surface interactions, while the high sorption affinity is result of distribution of organic compounds in the amorphous aliphatic regions that offer an excellent environment for sorption.</p><p>With the aim of further insight into the sorption mechanism, investigation of desorption kinetics of three chosen hydrophobic organic compounds, pentachlorobenzene, lindane and pentachloroaniline, in the presence of soild adsorbent XAD-4 macroporous ion-exchange resin was performed. On the basis of the results obtained for sediment sample and fraction < 125 µm at two equilibrium times (15 and 90 days) and for all selected organic compounds, it can be concluded that the assessment of the potential (bio)avialable fraction of organic compounds may be obtained by using simple method of desorption in the presence of XAD-4 macroporous ion-exchange resin, performed in two ways: (1) by sediment <br />extraction during 24 hours, when the desorbing fraction corresponds to the fraction of he compound that is found in the fast-desorbing domain of organic matter, or (2) by 6-hour extraction, when the desorbing fraction corresponds to one half of the fraction appearing in the fast-desorbing domain of the organic matter.</p>
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Procena remedijacionog potencijala sedimenta zagađenog prioritetnim organskim zagađujućim materijama / Investigation of remediation potential of sediment polluted with priority organic pollutantsGrgić Marko 16 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je procena potencijalno biodostupne frakcije odabranih prioritetnih organskih polutanata (pentahlorbenzena, heksahlorbenzena, lindana, trifluralina, 4-oktilfenola i 4-nonilfenola) u sedimentu, ispitivanje biodegradacionog potencijala ovih jedinjenja u sedimentu u različitim uslovima, kao i procena potencijala stabilizacije<br />sedimenta dodatkom ugljeničnih sorpcionih agenasa. U cilju razvoja metoda za određivanje biodostupnosti odabranih organskih polutanata ispitivane su i optimizovane metode višestepene i jednostepene parcijalne ekstrakcije primenom sledećih hemijskih agenasa: Tenaks smole, XAD-4 smole i rastvora ciklodekstrina (2-hidroksipropil-β-ciklodekstrina, β-ciklodekstrina i metil-β-ciklodekstrina). Optimalni agens za procenu biodostupne frakcije odabranih organskih zagađujućih materija sa sedimenta XAD-4 smola, a optimalno vreme ekstrakcije primenom jednostepenih ekstrakcija je oko 8 h. Procena biodegradacionog potencijala odabranih prioritetnih organskih zagađujućih materija u sedimentu ispitana je u različitim aerobnim i anaerobnim uslovima uz optimizaciju uslova putem biostimulacije i bioaugmentacije. Pokazano je da svih šest odabranih jedinjenja poseduju značajan potencijal biodegradacije u anaerobnoj sredini pri čemu u slučaju lindana i trifluralina dolazi do potpunog uklanjanja biodostupne količine jedinjenja primenom sva četiri ispitana inokuluma. Aerobni potencijal u ispitanim uslovima pokazali su samo alkil fenoli, gde je takođe uklonjena skoro celokupna količinabiodostupne frakcije jedinjenja u sedimentu (78-85%). Potencijal remedijacije sedimenta dodatkom ugljeničnih materijala ispitan je sa aspekta odabira ugljeničnih sorpcionih agenasa (aktivni ugalj, biougalj i humus); određivanja optimalne količine materijala; isptivanja dugoročnih i kratkoročnih efekata dodatka ovih agenasa na biodostupnost organskih zagađujućih materija kako bi se ispitao efekat starenja i toksičnosti dobijenih smeša. Rezultati stabilizacije zagađujućih supstanci u sedimentu pokazuju da: (1) povećanje doze sva tri sorpciona agensa dovodi do povećanja efikasnosti imobilizacije i smanjenja biodostupne frakcije odabranih organskih jedinjenja; (2) starenjem smeša sedimenta i sorbenata u toku prvih 90 dana dolazi do daljeg smanjenja biodostupne frakcije svih jedinjenja, nakon čega se biodostupna koncentracija ispitivanih jedinjenja primenom aktivnog uglja ne menja, dok primenom biouglja i humusa dolazi do porasta biodostupne frakcije jedinjenja. Testovi fitotoksičnosti su pokazali da je <em>Zea mays </em>akumulirao značajno veće količine ispitivanih jedinjenja iz netretiranog sedimenta u poređenju sa <em>Cucurbita pepo</em> i <em> Lactuca sativa. </em>Toksičnost smeša sedimenta sa aktivnim ugljom i humusom procenjena na osnovu inhibicije luminiscencije na <em>Vibrio fischeri</em> kao i ispitivanjem <em>Zea mays </em>germinacije i produkcije biomase je pokazala značajno smanjenje u odnosu na netretirani sediment. Akumulacija ispitivanih jedinjenja u biomasi <em>Zea mays </em>u netretiranom sedimentu je bila značajno veća u odnosu na sve smeše sedimenta i aktivnog uglja i humusa. Sva tri sorbenta pokazala su veliki remedijacioni potencijal za sediment zagađen organskim zagađujućim supstancama, ali je aktivni ugalj pokazao najbolje performance.</p> / <p>The aim of the research in this PhD dissertation is the assessment of the potentially biodegradable fraction of selected organic pollutants (pentachlorbenzene, hexachlorobenzene, lindane, trifluraline, 4-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenol) in the sediment, estimation of the biodegradation potential of these compounds in sediment in different conditions, as well as the assessment of the stabilization potential sediment by the sediment amendment with of carbon rich sorption agents. In order to develop and optimise methods for the bioavailability assessment of the selected organic pollutants, methods of multistage and single-step non exhaustive extraction were studied using the following chemical agents: Tenax resin, XAD -4 resin and a cyclodextrin solution (2-hydroxypropyl- β-cyclodextrin, β-cyclodextrin and methyl-β-cyclodextrin). Results showed that optimal agent for estimating the bioavailable fraction of selected organic pollutants from the sediment is XAD-4 resins, and that the optimum extraction time using single-step extraction is about 8 h. The assessment of the biodegradation potential of selected priority organic pollutants in the sediment was examined in various aerobic and anaerobic conditions, with the optimization of conditions through biostimulation and bioaugmentation. It has been shown that all six selected compounds possess significant biodegradation potential in the anaerobic environment, where in the case of lindane and trifluraline there is complete removal of the bioavailable amount of the compound using all four inoculum tested. Aerobic potential under the applied conditions has been showen only for alkyl phenols, where almost all of the bioavailable fraction of the compound in the sediment was removed (78-85%). The potential of sediment remediation with the amendment of sediment withcarbon rich materials was examined from the aspect of selecting carbon sorption agents (activated carbon, biochar and humus); estimation the optimal material doses; the long -term and short-term effects of the addition of these agents on the bioavailability of organic pollutants in order to examine the effect of aging and the toxicity of the resulting mixtures. The results of the stabilization of pollutants in the sediment show that: (1) increasing the dose of all three sorption agents leads to an increase in the immobilization efficiency and reduction of the bioavailable fraction of the selected organic compounds; (2) aging of the amended sediment during the first 90 days results in a further reduction of the biodegradable fraction of all compounds, after which the biodegradable concentration of the selected compounds remain the same in the case of activated carbon amendment, while the bioavailable fraction of the compound increases with the use of biohar and humus. Phytotoxicity tests showed that <em>Zea mays </em> accumulated significantly higher amount of selected organic pollutants from unamended sediment, comparing to <em>Cucurbita pepo </em> and <em>Lactuca sativa</em>. Toxicity of activated carbon and humus amended sediment assessed by <em>Vibrio fischeri </em> luminescence inhibition test and by measuring <em>Zea mays </em>germination and biomass yield was significantly reduced in the amended sediment samples. Accumulation of the selected organic pollutants in the <em>Zea mays</em> biomass in the unamended sediment were a significantly higher than in the humus and activated carbon amended sediment. Both sorbents show potential to be used as remediation agents for organically contaminated sediment, but activated carbon exhibited the better performance.</p>
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Sinteza, karakterizacija i primena sorbenata na bazi gvožđa i mangana za uklanjanje arsena iz vode / Synthesis, characterisation and application iron and manganeous based sorbents for arsenic removal from waterNikić Jasmina 12 July 2019 (has links)
<p>Prisusutvo arsena u podzemnim vodama, koje se primenjuju za vodosnabdevanje stanovništva je globalan problem. Različiti konvencionalni<br />procesi se primenjuju za uklanjanje arsena iz vode, uključujući koagulaciju i<br />flokulaciju, sorpciju, membransku filtraciju i jonsku izmenu. Uzimajući u<br />obzir relativnu nisku cenu, jednostavnu kontrolu procesa i održavanje, visok<br />stepen uklanjanja arsena, sorpcija se smatra jednom od najpodobnijih tehnika<br />za uklanjanje arsena u tretmanu vode za piće. Premda su na tržištu dostupni<br />različiti sorbenti za uklanjanje arsena, postoji potreba za iznalaženjem i<br />razvojem novih <em> low-cost </em> sorbenata, a kojima bi se pak mogao obezbediti<br />visok stepen uklanjanja oba oksidaciona oblika arsena, i As(III) i As(V). Cilj<br />ovog rada bio je usmeren na sintezu i karakterizaciju novih sorbenata na bazi<br />gvožđa i mangana odnosno Fe-Mn binarnog oksida, ispitivanje njihovog<br />potencijala za uklanjanje arsena iz vode i utvrđivanje da li novosintetisani<br />sorbenti po pitanju efikasnosti, mogu konkurisati postojećim komercijalnim i<br />široko korišćenim sorbentima u tretmanima voda.<br />Metodom precipitacije, sintetisani su Fe-Mn binarni oksidi sa različitim Fe:Mn molskim odnosima 1:1, 3:1, 6:1 i 9:1, dok su kombinacijom heterogene nukleacione tehnike i precipitacije, sintetisana i četiri sorbenta magnetnih svojstava (Mag, Mag-Fe, Mag-Mn, Mag-FeMn). Modifikacijom biopolimera Chitosana i GAC, sa Fe-Mn binarnim oksidom, razvijena su preostala dva materijala Chit-FeMn, odnosno GAC-FeMn. Sintetisani sorbenti su karakterisani različitim tehnikama i metodama (SEM/EDS, XRD,FTIR, BET).Fizičko-hemijskom karakterizacijom sintetisanih sorbenata ustanovljeno je da se Fe-Mn binarni oksidi i magnetni materijali, karakterišu relativno velikim specifičnim površinama (109-300 m<sup> 2 </sup>/g) i zapreminama mezopora (0,144-0,403 cm <sup>3</sup> /g). Velika specifična površina i razvijena mikroporozna struktura uočena je kod GAC-FeMn (996 m<br /><sup>2</sup> /g; 0,394 cm<sup> 3 /</sup>g). U poređenju sa ostalim sintetisanim sorbentima, Chit-FeMn je karakterisala najmanja specifična površina i zapremina mezopora (1,99 m<br /><sup>2 </sup>/g; 0,014 cm <sup>3</sup> /g). XRD analiza Fe-Mn binarnih oksida ukazala je da je fazna struktura sintetisanih Fe-Mn binarnih oksida slična ferihidratu dok je fazna struktura magnetnih materijala ukazala na prisustvo magemita.<br />Ispitivanja kinetike sorpcionog procesa ukazala su da je mehanizam sorpcije<br />As(III) i As(V) na sintetisanim sorbentima sloţena kombinacija površinske<br />hemisorpcije, koja se odvija kroz granični sloj čestica sorbenata i unutarčestične difuzije. Tome u prilog išli su i rezultati FTIR analize kojima<br />je potvrđeno da se sorpcija arsena na sintetisanim sorbentima ostvaruje kroz<br />interakcije hidroksilnih grupa gvožđa prisutnih na površini sorbenata i arsena.<br />Dodatno, pokazano je da se za razliku od sorpcije As(V), sorpcija As(III) na sorbentima koji pored oksida gvožđa sadrže i okside mangana (Fe-Mn binarni oksidi, Mag-FeMn, Mag-Mn,Chit-FeMn i GAC-FeMn) odvija u dva koraka. U prvom koraku As(III) se oksiduje do As(V), dok u drugom koraku, oksidovani As(V) mehanizmom ligandne izmene formira komplekse na površini ovih sorbenata.<br />Afiniteti sorpcije Fe-Mn binarnih oksida (na osnovu K<sub>d</sub> vrednosti) za As(III) opadali su u nizu Fe-Mn 3:1 > Fe-Mn 1:1 > Fe-Mn 6:1 > Fe-Mn 9:1 odnosno kod As(V): Fe-Mn 6:1 > Fe-Mn 3:1 > Fe-Mn 9:1 > Fe-Mn 1:1. Kod magnetnih kompozita, najveća K<sub>d</sub> vrednost za As(III) i As(V) ustanovljena je kod Mag-FeMn. Uopšteno, Kd<br />vrednosti za As(III), kod magnetnih kompozita, opadale su u nizu: Mag-FeMn > Mag-Mn > Mag > Mag-Fe, Slično, afinitet sorbenata za As(V), opadao je na sledeći način: Mag-FeMn > Mag > Mag-Fe > Mag-Mn. U poređenju sa neimpregniranim, K<sub>d</sub> vrednosti bile su daleko veće kod obloţenih materijala, Chit-FeMn i GAC-FeMn, što je ukazalo na značajan doprinos Fe-Mn binarnog oksida adsorpcionom kapacitetu neimpregniranih medija za As(III) i As(V). U odnosu na ostale ispitivane anjone, najveći uticaj na sorpciju oba oblika arsena na svim sintetisanim sorbentima uočen je kod fosfata, dok je uticaj nitrata i hlorida, u svim slučajevima bio bez značaja. Uticaj ispitivanih anjona na sorpciju As(III) i As(V) na Fe-Mn binarnim oksidima, magnetnim materijalima, Chit-FeMn kao i na sorpciju As(V) na GAC-FeMn, opadao je u nizu: fosfati > silikati > karbonati > sulfati > nitrati > hloridi. Slično, uticaj ispitivanih anjona na sorpciju As(III) na GAC-FeMn je opadao na sledeći način: fosfati > silikati > sulfati > karbonati > nitrati > hloridi.Primenom smeše NaCl-NaOH-NaOCl odnosno primenom 0,1 M i 0,5 M rastvora NaOH, ustanovljeno je da se sintetisani sorbenti mogu jednostavno i efikasno regenerisati i višestruko primeniti, što je od izuzetnog značaja sa ekološkog i ekonomskog aspekta. Najmanje smanjenje sorpcionog kapaciteta i za As(III) i za As(V), nakon pet ciklusa sorpcije -desorpcije, ustanovljeno je kod binarnog oksida sa Fe:Mn molskim odnosom 3:1 i Mag-FeMn. Na osnovu rezultata prikazanih u ovom radu, može se zaključiti da sintetisani sorbenti, Fe-Mn binarni oksidi i magnetni kompoziti, posebno Mag-FeMn, mogu biti efikasna i ekonomična alternativa skupim komercijalnim sorbentima i drugim sofisticiranim tehnologijama. Visok oksidacioni i sorpcioni kapacitet ovih materijala, koji obezbeđuje istovremeno uklanjanje oba oksidaciona oblika arsena daje veliku prednost ovim sorbentima i čini ih veoma atraktivnim i obećavajućim u tretmanu voda. Dodatni benefit<br />magnetnih sorbenata, pre svega Mag-FeMn, ogleda se u njegovoj jednostavnoj separaciji iz vodenog medijuma i recirkulaciji u sistemu. Glavne prednosti sintetisanih Chit-FeMn i GAC-FeMn, ogledaju se u mogućnosti njihove primene kao efikasne filtracione ispune.</p> / <p>The presence of inorganic arsenic in groundwater used for drinking water supply is a global problem. Different techniques such as oxidation, coagulation, adsorption, ion exchange, and membrane filtration have been developed and applied for arsenic removal from aqueous media. Among these technologies, adsorption is regarded as one of the most promising approaches to remove arsenic from water because of its high efficiency, low cost, simplicity of operation. Although many sorbents for arsenic removal are available on the market, there is still a need to identify and develop new lowcost sorbents which are highly effective in removing both oxidation states of arsenic, As(III) and As(V). This dissertation therefore presents the synthesis and characterization of ten new iron and manganese based sorbents specifically developed for effective As removal. The Fe- Mn binary oxides were prepared with Fe:Mn molar ratios of 1:1, 3:1,6:1 and 9:1, while four heterogeneous magnetic composites (Mag, Mag-Fe,Mag-Mn, Mag-FeMn) were synthesized by combining the heterogeneous nucleation technique with precipitation. The remaining two materials, Chit-FeMn and GAC-FeMn, were created by modifying the Chitosan and GAC biopolymers with Fe-Mn binary oxide (Chit-FeMn and GAC-FeMn).Multiple techniques were applied to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the resulting sorbents (including SEM/EDS, XRD, FTIR and BET analyses). In order to establish which sorbents show the greatest promise for application during drinking water treatment, the sorption capacity of the sorbents, theAs(III) and As(V) sorption mechanisms, and the impact of various factors relevant to arsenic sorption, including the regeneration potential and the reuse potential of the sorbents, were all investigated in batch experiments. During the physical characterisation, the Fe-Mn binary oxides and magnetic materials were found to have relatively large specific surface areas (109-300 m 2 /g) and mesopore volumes (0.144-0.403 cm 3 /g). A large specific surface area and microporous structure was observed for GAC-FeMn (996 m 2 /g; 0.394 cm 3 /g). In comparison with the other synthesized sorbents, Chit-FeMn has the smallest specific surface area and pore volume (1.99 m 2 /g; 0.014 cm 3 /g). XRD analyses of the Fe-Mn binary oxides indicated that the phase structure of the synthesized Fe-Mn binary oxides was similar to ferrihydrate, while the phase structure of the magnetic materials showed a good agreement with the XRD diffractogram of maghemite. Investigations into As sorption process kinetics have shown that the sorption mechanism for both As(III) and As(V) on the synthesized sorbents is a combination of surface hemisorption, which takes place through the boundary layer of sorbent particles, and intracellular diffusion. The FTIR analyses confirmed that arsenic sorption was accomplished through the interactions of the hydroxyl groups of iron present on the surface of the sorbents and arsenic. In contrast to the sorption of As(V), it was also shown that As(III) sorption onto sorbents containing manganese oxides (Fe-Mn binary oxides, Mag-FeMn, Mag-Mn, Chit-FeMn and GAC -FeMn) takes place in two steps. In the first step As(III) is oxidized to As(V), while in the second step, the oxidized As(V) forms complexes on the surface of the sorbents via ligand exchange. The Fe-Mn binary oxide sorption capacities (expressed as Kd values) for As(III) followed the trend Fe-Mn 3:1 > Fe-Mn 1:1 > Fe-Mn 6:1 > Fe-Mn 9:1, whereas the As(V) trend was Fe-Mn 6:1 > Fe-Mn 3:1 > Fe-Mn 9:1 > Fe-Mn 1:1. In the magnetic composites, the largest Kd value for As(III) and As(V) was obtained for Mag-FeMn. Generally, the Kd values for As(III) in the magnetic composites decreased in the series: Mag-FeMn > Mag-Mn > Mag > Mag-Fe. Similarly, the affinity of the sorbents for As(V) was as follows: Mag-FeMn > Mag > Mag-Fe > Mag- Mn. In comparison to the nonimpregnated materials, the Kd values were much higher for the boated materials, Chit-FeMn and GAC-FeMn, demonstrating the significant advantage Fe-Mn binary oxides provide in increasing As(III) and As(V) adsorption capacities. One of the most problematic limiting factors in applying adsorption technologies during drinking water treatment is the presence of other water constituents which interfere with the adsorption process. Investigations into the inhibitory effect of competive anions on the adsorption of both forms of arsenic revealed that phosphates were the worst offenders in terms ofreducing the arsenic removal efficacy of sorbents investigated. From the largest to the smallest negative influence of the anions investigated, for As(III) and As(V) adsorption on Fe-Mn binary oxides, magnetic materials and Chit-FeMn, as well as As(V) adsorption on GAC-FeMn, the order was: phosphates > silicates > carbonates > sulfates > nitrates > chlorides, with the presence of the latter two anions proving almost irrelevant to the As adsorption process. Similarly, the negative influence of anions on As(III) sorption on GAC-FeMn was: phosphates > silicates > sulphates > carbonates > nitrates > chlorides. Another issue with applying adsorption in real treatment conditions is the need to regularly regenerate and/or replace the spent sorbent. In this work, a simple and efficient process for sorbent rfegeneration is demonstrated. This regeneration process can be applied to the sorbents investigated multiple times, and uses an NaCl-NaOH-NaOCl mixture, or 0.1 M and 0.5 M NaOH solutions. This finding is of great importance from an ecological and economic point of view. The minimum reduction in the sorption capacity for both As(III) and As(V), after five sorption-regeneration cycles, was found in the binary oxide with a 3:1 Fe:Mn molar ratio and Mag-FeMn. Arsenic sorption behaviour was also investigated using real groundwater samples, with the results demonstrating the great potential of 3:1 Fe-Mn binary oxide and Mag- FeMn. However, Chit-FeMn and GAC-FeMn were less effective at adsorbing As from the groundwater samples.Based on the results presented in this dissertation, it can be concluded that the synthesized sorbents, especially the Fe-Mn binary oxides and magnetic composites, and Mag-FeMn in particular, can be efficient and economical alternatives to expensive commercial sorbents and other sophisticated As removal technologies. The high oxidation and sorption capacity of these materials, which ensure the simultaneous removal of arsenic with both oxidation states, is a large advantage for these sorbents and makes them very attractive and promising for application in drinking water treatment. An additional benefit of the magnetic sorbents, primarily Mag-FeMn, is the ease with which they may be separated from the aqueous medium, allowing for simple recirculation within a system. Similarly, the main advantages of the synthesized Chit- FeMn and GAC-FeMn are reflected in their application as effective filtration media.</p>
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