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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv vrstvy oxidů na chlazení ocelových povrchů / Influence of the oxide layer on the cooling of steel surfaces

Resl, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of the oxide layer on the spray cooling of steel surfaces. As part of the work steel samples with oxide layer are made and the thickness, porosity and surface roughness of this layer are characterized. The average thermal conductivity of porous oxide layer is determined for different regimes of oxidation. Further, the influence of the oxide layer on the heat transfer coefficient during the spray cooling is experimentally investigated on created samples and the basic numerical simulation of the cooling is done for selected experiment with oxide layer. The thesis also contains theoretical introduction to given issue.

Větrná elektrárna se Savoniovým rotorem pro výrobu elektrické energie / Wind power station with Savonius rotor for production of electric power

Klečka, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
Using of wind energy belongs to one of the fastest developing segments in the power production from renewable resources, which also relates to new studies and development of different types of power stations and brings new ideas to small wind sources spheres too. Savonius rotor is included in these spheres as well. This thesis deals with a complete design, realization and trial measurement of single-step Savonius rotor model. Introduction part treats of basic division and rotor utilization. Design part includes the design as well rotor graphical documentation. In the following part there is data evaluation, which leads to comparison with theoretical calculations. The final part includes an examination of possible utilization of Savonius rotor for generation of electricity.

Zatopení nízkých pravoúhlých přelivů se širokou korunou / Submergence of low rectangular sharp-edged broad-crested weirs

Major, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with submergence of low rectangular sharp-edged broad-crested weirs. From measurement of water levels in front of and behind of weir at different discharges and different weir heights, were determined values of submergence coefficient depending on relative height of submergence. From these values were determined the equation of submergence coefficient. Measured values were compared which results measurements, which are given in professional literature.

Stanoveni kavitace na ventilu z poklesu průtočnosti a z vysokofrekvenčních pulsací tlaku. / Cavitation assessment from flow rate drop and high-frequency pressure pulsations.

Šebek, Miloš January 2010 (has links)
Main issue of this master´s thesis deals with high-frequency pulsations caused by cavitating hydraulic components (in this case nozzle and throttle valve). In first measurement on the nozzle was not a high-frequency sensor set in the way, so the evaluation was incorrect. After re-setting of the way was the nozzle measured again and the pulsations were evaluated correct this time. During the last measurement was the sensor located behind the throttle valve, which was with gradual opening and cavitation treatment measured. Resulting dependencies worked out on time dependence. A special mathematical method, Fourier transformation, was used. It transformed pressure amplitudes into frequency dependence. Evaluation of dependecies is the basic step for frequency band assesment, in which the cavitation on particular components happens.

Tvorba a transformace atmosférického aerosolu v mezní vrstvě / Formation and transformation of atmospheric aerosol in boundary layer

Holubová Šmejkalová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
Title: Formation and transformation of atmospheric aerosol in boundary layer Author: Mgr. Adéla Holubová Šmejkalová Institute: Institute for Environmental Studies Supervisor: Ing. Vladimír Ždímal, Dr., Institute of Chemical Process Fundamen- tals of the CAS Training workplace: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS Abstract: The experimental measurement of aerosol clusters from 1.17 nm in size was carried out from August 2016 till December 2018 at the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice. Atmospheric conditions leading to aerosol clusters stabili- zation, fresh particles formation and particle growth were analyzed. Data of days with no new particle formation confrmed the connection between mixing layer height development and decrease of total aerosol number concentration together with lower gaseous pollutant concentrations. On the contrary, new particle for- mation process overcomes dilution of the atmosphere by increasing the number of freshly nucleated particles. Only decreasing gaseous pollutant concentrations were observed during these events. The atmospheric boundary layer was high du- ring new particle formation events that can mean enrichment of the atmosphere by other components transported by long-range transport or some transfer from the free troposphere. The measurement in...

Brno, Merhautova ulice: Návrh obytného podkroví bytového domu

Havlík, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the reconstruction of the attic apartment building on street Merhautova in Brno. By reconstucting the loft space will create a new housing unit for the needs of the owner family of apartment building. The whole building was mesuared and subsequently evaluated in the documentation of the current state of the loft space. There were three draft layout according to homeowner and selected the best option, which was drawn up in the project documentation and obtaining approval for implementation.

Energeticky nezávislá mobilní buňka

Sezima, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The task of this diploma thesis is to design a basic unit of a living house - container, which will be suitable by its proportions to be transported easily on the roads and at the same time it will meet the requirements of a thermal protection of a building. Other complementary units are designed to the basic container to extend a house space with new rooms. There have been designed four options, for which the author calculated heat loss coefficients and defined energy ambition grade of building. For the basic unit the calculations are made for two grades of a thermal isolation. For an exact definition of these results, linear thermal bridges were calculated. Methodical process of construction composition assessment and a process of heat loss coefficients calculating are made regarding a standard ČSN 73 0540 Thermal protection of a building. Energy ambition grade of building is defined according to a public notice n.78/2013 about energy ambition grade from 22th March. According to a standard ČSN EN 12 831 there have been planned a heating load for every individual room.

Pasivní dřevostavba - bungalov

Šula, František January 2014 (has links)
Work focuses on developing the structural design of two wooden buildings bungalow type. This is a design layout plan of the house. The layout drawings are prepared to design and production. Based on a drawing of bills are drawn material costs, which are compared. By comparison only affects cladding, because other structures are identical for both systems. The proposed stores are made of heat engineering calculations and compared with the standard in terms of penetration of heat and moisture balance in the structure. For calculations serve program WARMTH

Blažovice - rozšíření provozu ZŠ do podkroví

Jakubec, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the construction of garret in the building of elementary school. The school construction is two-storey with planned garret. The school is currently used by 125 children. Thesis deals with the designing of project documentation, construction modifications, demolition of the roof construction and the creation of usable garret above the second floor. Then timber frame and brick variants will be compared and evaluated. In the thesis will be included especially a schematic plans of current storeys, current views and photos. The construction will fulfill all valid standards and regulations.

Variabilita koeficientů difuze vodní páry ve dřevě a její vliv na vlhkostní pole uvnitř vybrané konstrukce

Maňák, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Hygroscopic properties of wood have significant impact on water vapor diffusion in this material. For the description of this phenomenon the water vapor permeability dependence on relative humidity or partial water vapor pressure can be used. Analytical expression of the diffusion coefficient of wood was modified in order to obtain values for the water vapor permeability. For the verification a cup method experiment at 25, 62.5 and 75% average relative humidity was performed and the results were compared to other researches. Calculated data formed the input of a numerical model, in which a stationary linear analysis with a nonlinear analysis was compared, taking the variability of diffusion properties into account in the construction details of vapor diffusion-open timber constructions. Differences in moisture fields were shown, which in some cases lead to underestimation of the risk of condensation or degradation of wood components in the building envelope, in other cases point to the actual better ability of wooden structures to divert moisture from the interior to the exterior of the building.

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