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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvoj soukromého podnikání v Číně na pozadí politicko-ekonomických změn / The Development of Private Enterprise in China in Context of Political and Economic Changes

Peterová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the development of private enterprise in China in context of political and economic changes. The first chapter is devoted to the private sector development during last decades and its characteristics. The second chapter focuses on the private sector and its impact on the economy of China. Topics such as GDP or employment are discussed in this part. The end of this chapter shows the growth of Chinese private enterprise in the context of Chinese private companies' growth and the world's billionaires rise in last years. The third chapter looks at the issue from the other perspective. By analyzing yearbooks from world organizations I will find out what problems or obstacles put China to private enterprise to deal with, and also the means how the government promotes private business. The last chapter is devoted to current trends in the private business in China and its future development.

Internetové obchodování s mezinárodním prvkem / Internet business transactions with an international element

Čišecká, Nikol January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines online trade and the latest European Union directive that forbids geo- blocking, which could be a breakthrough for the sector. The work dissects the benefits of the regulation not only from the point of view of the consumer, but from that of an e- commerce company as well. It also includes a discussion of the planned international trade accord between the United States and the EU. The work is segmented into four parts. The first section defines general terms such as international privacy laws, e- commerce, and the internet. It lays out the history of the internet and its beginnings in the Czech Republic, its regulation, and the movement fighting for a so-called free internet. It also examines consumer protections on the internet and the setting of a legal authority to adjudicate conflicts created in internet trade. The second part is dedicated to e-commerce, which is often understood as a synonym for internet-based trade. It's the differences in these two terms that will be discussed in this part of the work. The definition of e-commerce is discussed as are its individual types, international organizations, and associations overseeing electronic commerce. The third part of the work examines the Transatlantic Commerce and Investment Partnership between the United States and the...

Aplikace kolizních norem / Application of Choice of Law Rules

Žaloudek, Václav January 2018 (has links)
The present dissertation deals with selected questions arising in the course of the application of choice of law rules and of the foreign law designated on the basis thereof. In this context, the dissertation analyzes general issues connected to the selected questions and then compares the possible solutions as implemented in Czech law, EU law and in selected foreign laws. As far as Czech law is concerned, attention is also paid to its historical development; the same is true about some of the foreign laws discussed in the dissertation. The dissertation focuses on selected wording and interpretation difficulties that used to arise and still arise in the context of particular legal instruments. First, two basic hypotheses are set out; their verification is one of the aims of the dissertation. The first is the question of whether the doctrine of choice of law rules represents a self- contained and self-sufficient system that - at least on a theoretical level - offers answers to all questions arising in the context of the application of choice of law rules. The second is the question of whether the concept of a bilateral choice of law rule, as commonly implemented today, facilitates international private law interaction and is - at least on a general level - a suitable way of governing international private...

Fondové pilíře důchodových systémů Nizozemí a Švédska

Kupová, Beata January 2014 (has links)
The work is focused on the functioning of pension schemes in Netherlands and Sweden, especially the importance and parametric set of second pillars. The pension systems of both foreign states, including the Czech Republic, are characterized, and then compared the inclusion and importance of funded pillars in pension systems. Then funded pillars are compared according to selected criteria. Recommendations are deduced for modification of the newly created second pillar of the Czech pension system, inspired by foreign countries.

Návrh soustavy hospodaření soukromé farmy v rostlinné výrobě

Janíček, Alois January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Rozhodné právo při absenci volby práva ve vybraných smluvních závazkových vztazích v České republice a Spojených státech amerických (mezinárodní právo soukromé ve srovnávacím pohledu) / Governing law in the absence of choice in contractual relations in the Czech Republic and in the United States (private international law in a comparative perspective)

Chvosta, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Governing Law in the Absence of Choice in Contractual Relations in the Czech Republic and in the United States (Private international law in a comparative perspective) English Summary: The subject of the thesis is the main differences in Private International Law (or Conflict of Laws in the Unites States) in the area of contractual relations in the absence of a choice of law. The introduction explains the methodology of the work, as it does not strive to provide an exhaustive list of contract types - since this would be ill-advised considering the differences in Czech and American contract law - but rather provide the reader with a general characterization of the different approaches to the subject matter. The introduction also explains the legal certainty principle (typical for Civil Law countries) and the principle of equity (typical for Common Law countries), and describes how the consideration of these will enhance the reader's understanding of the thesis' topics. The first chapter is concerned with the relevant sources of law in the Czech Republic and in the United States. The most important legislation applicable in the Czech Republic is the Czech Private International Law Act, the Rome Convention and the Rome I Regulation. In relation to US law, the text discusses some of the most important clauses...

Zánik soukromého podnikání v Československu v kontextu právních změn v letech 1948--1964 / Extinction of private entrepreneurship in Czechoslovakia in context of legal changes in 1948 - 1964

Danielovský, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the gradual disappearance of private enterprise in Czechoslovakia in the years 1948 - 1964 based on the analysis of relevant laws and regulations. The theoretical part deals with the analysis of legislation giving effect to nationalization, these laws puts into political and economic framework of the former Czechoslovakia. Thesis will concentrate not only on the second wave of nationalization and the state interventions in the economy that occurred after February 1948, but it emphasizes that the first significant changes in the national economy appear in the Czechoslovakia in the period before February 1948 through presidential decrees from October 1945. The analytical part of thesis evaluates the progress of the nationalization on the example of the eight selected enterprises. Thesis brings finding that the conduct of the nationalization of chosen companies largely meet legal requirements on nationalization. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account that the legislation governing the nationalization was strongly influenced by the political means that their aim was to destroy private enterprise.

Přičitatelnost jednání státu podle mezinárodního práva veřejného / Attribution of Conduct to a State according to Public International Law

Bruner, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis firstly describes how the concept of attribution of private conduct to a state changed during the history. Original ancient conception of collective responsibility was absolute. One could attribute to a State or ancient community any unlawful act of its members. The damaged country or community could choose whether to demand and accept reparation or resort to use of force. This conception changed in the late middle ages and modern times. The responsibility of state was made more subjective. The international relations were perceived as inter-personal relations among the sovereigns. Unlawful conduct of private persons was not attributed to those sovereigns. This subjective conception of responsibility prevailed; it was based on concept of fault of the sovereign, either in form of action or omission or negligence. Later, the attribution of conduct of the sovereign to a State widened and included also the attribution of conduct of state organs. Since the 19th century the responsibility has been gaining more objective character in certain areas of international law. The concept of diplomatic protection allowed attribution of a failure to guarantee certain standard and of a failure to protect the interests of foreigners on the territory of particular state. Another concept of due diligence prescribed...

Internetové obchodování s mezinárodním prvkem / Internet business transactions with an international element

Hůlka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with issue of Internet transactions in relation to the private international law, particularly with recent sources of law that govern cross-border sale. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part addresses general issues of Internet transactions, namely the relationship between the Internet and the law, identification of subjects on the Internet, attributability of legal effects caused due to operation of electronic agents and last but not least electronic contracting, especially delivery of electronic communication and technical methods of presentation of terms and conditions by Internet service WWW. Part two provides analysis of the most important sources of law that govern cross- border sale at the private international law level, particularly those that are part of the Czech legal system, namely the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the regulation Rome I and the Act no. 91/2012 Coll. (the act governing private international law) and beside those also relatively new unified substantive rules governing some issues of formation and performance of contracts electronically contained in the United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts. In the analysis is addressed whether and what...

Mimosmluvní instituty užití autorského díla / Non-contractual legal institutions of the use of copyrighted work

Strnad, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis provides an overview of extra-contractual legal institutions of the use of copyrighted work. The main emphasis is on the institution of free use and related topic of private copying and fair compensation. Statutory licenses, both chargeable and free of charge, are not omitted. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Brief introduction is followed by chapter providing definition of the fundamental terms of copyright from the perspective of Czech copyright law. The second chapter contains summary of sources of copyright law. Czech law, as well as European and international law is included. The third chapter contains crutial part of the thesis, the analysis of the extra-contractual legal institutions of the use of copyrighted work. After brief comment on free works follows analysis of the Three-Step Test, which is of great significance for all examined legal institutions. Relevant case law - WTO Panel report WT/DS160/R - is examined and the Max Planck Institute's Declaration on a balanced Interpretation of the Three-Step Test is also considered. Subsequent subchapters are dedicated to the institutions of free use and private copying under both, Czech and European copyright law. The thesis also includes comparative analysis of the level of the private Copying levies in the EU, based on...

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