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Ochrana dětí z pohledu mezinárodního práva soukromého / Protection of children under international private lawMimochodková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the protection of children under the international private law. Currently, influenced by globalization and the free movement of persons, it is a relatively recent issue. It is not possible to cover the whole area of the child protection, therefore, this diploma thesis focuses on the question of the procedural status of the child, parental responsibility, maintenance obligations and international adoption. The objective of this thesis is to present to the readers a comprehensive view of child protection under the international private law in the areas above. The diploma thesis is written with using the descriptive research method and primary and secondary sources were used. The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters, introduction and ending. For readers convenience, chapters are further divided into subchapters. The intorductory chapter contains a historical sketch of the protection of children, for example in the period of ancient Rome and in the Czech in modern times, further it deals with the act on private international law and the history of czech legislation on private international law, the issue of determining the boundaries of adulthood and definition of child and about the Office for International Legal Protection of Children in the Czech Republic....
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Zákaz diskriminace a svoboda jednotlivce / Prohibition of Discrimination and Freedom of the IndividualBuchtová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This work examines the compatibility of prohibition of discrimination in private law and the principle of autonomy of will which is the leading principle of private law. For this purpose, the work analyses both principles and their limits, examines their conflict and possible coexistence. First of all, this work deals with the prohibition of discrimination in private relationships and the extend of its effect. This extend is limited by the scope of the Antidiscrimination Act as well as by certain exceptions from equal treatment. Considering the fact that antidiscrimination law does not have a long tradition in the Czech Republic, this work uses international law and EU law, as well as relevant case law, to interpret the norms of antidiscrimination law. Further, this work focuses on the principle of autonomy of will which is the fundamental prerequisite for realization of the will of individuals in private law. Besides the content of the principle of autonomy of will, this work analyses its limitations given by private law acts, especially Civil Code and Labour Code. The conflict of prohibition of discrimination and the autonomy of will is can be perceived from different perspectives. Some of them are mentioned in this work. In essence, this conflict is a conflict of two fundamental rights, equality...
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Horizontální účinky lidských práv / Horizontal Effects of Human RightsSchreiberová, Jarmila January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the issue of horizontal effect of human rights, i.e. whether and how they affect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals in private law relationships. With the development of society associated with expansion of the catalogue of human rights and with strengthening of their protection, we are witnessing infiltration of human rights into other legal areas than they were present in previously. This raises many questions about their application in such areas, especially questions about the holders of the obligations resulting from those rights. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the introductory chapter the author describes the theoretical basis of human rights, the concept, development, and especially their specific nature and function compared to conventional legal norms, which is relevant for subsequent correct understanding of their application in horizontal relationships, which is the theme of the second chapter of the thesis. In the second chapter, the author focuses on the horizontal effect of human rights itself. The chapter describes the application of human rights in horizontal relationships, and then focuses on horizontal legal relationships and recipients of human rights as holders of the obligations resulting from those rights. The...
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Doležalová, Pavlína, January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Europeizace občanského práva / Europeanisation of civil lawCulka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Europeanisation of civil law Abstract This diploma thesis aims to discuss the phenomenon of Europeanization of civil law. This is a contemporary phenomenon in the law of the member states of the European Union. Its substance is the process of influencing the sphere of private law and civil law respectivelly, as a result of the ongoing process of European integration. The first chapter deals with the definition of basic concepts. The second chapter briefly discusses the history of the whole process and then discusses the underlying theoretical questions: whether Europeanization is at all necessary and, if so, whether it is feasible and what methods thereof are being used. It aims to introduce and confront different approaches. The third chapter gives an overview of the current state of hard law in the field of civil law at the EU level. The fourth chapter focuses on the soft law in the field of European civil law and provides an overview of some of the most important academic initiatives in that field. It also demonstrates how some of the academic projects had influence on the current Czech Civil Code. The fifth chapter then specifically focuses on one area of civil law at EU level - the European tort law, which it seeks to discuss in a synthetic way. The final part of the thesis summarizes key facts and...
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Mimosmluvní instituty užití autorského díla / Non-contractual legal institutions of the use of copyrighted workKalányos, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
- ENGLISH The content of this thesis is aimed towards the interpretation of the so-called non- contractual legal institutions of the use of copyrighted work. These institutions represent such legal tools, that exceptionally allow individuals different from the author to exploit copyrighted work with no dependence on the author's permission or will. The text of the work is divided into four main chapters. For introduction into the matter, the opening part is dedicated to the explanation of the term copyright law, its position in the Czech legal system and the main principles it lies upon. This broad explanation is subsequently followed by definition of its fundamental terms - author's work and its use. The crucial part of the work lies in the fourth chapter, which bears the same title as the work itself. The structure of this chapter follows the organisation of the Czech Copyright Act. After description of the free work, the paper gets to the interpretation of individual exemptions and limitations to copyright, thus the institutes of free use and statutory licences. In relation with the matter of exemptions and limitations to copyright, the work does not forget to deal with their key tool, the Three-Step Test, and its related significant interpretation performed by The Dispute Settlement Body at...
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Analýza institutu vyvlastnění majetku ve veřejném zájmu v ČR / Analysis of expropriation of private property in the public interest in the Czech RepublicKubínková, Martina January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis analyses the institute of expropriation as a significant intervention to the property right of private subjects. The first chapter attends to different forms of property and tries to find the reasons for existence of public domains. The next part deals with the conception of public interest and approaches to this conception. The chapter about the legislature resumes the most important items of the Law of Expropriation and other laws relating to this question. In the fourth chapter are described cases of expropriation for different reasons in the Czech Republic. The last part analyses described cases, criteria for the comparing are the legal conditions for expropriation: public interest, effort to agreement with the owner and compensation of expropriation. The analysis comes to the conclusion that the biggest problem is insufficient legislature of the institute of expropriation.
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Zdravotní připojištění / Private health insuranceSedláček, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The theme of work is private health insurance. First is it described in the system of health insurance and then in the territory of Czech Republic. In the work is analyzed a new draft bill of Public health insurance and systems of health insurance in the Europe. Main goal of the thessis is to find suitable privat insurance product for Czech Republic.
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Soukromé informace při vstupu na koncentrované trhy / Private information in entry to concentrated marketsŠimák, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with gathering of private information when company tries to enter on concentrated markets. Aim of the thesis is to show how much private information will company require and how is its output and profit affected by private information. Thesis uses standard optimalization tools of microeconomic analysis.
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Privatizace bezpečnosti a její role v zahraniční politice USA / Privatization of Security and its Role in US Foreign PolicyLovíšek, Ondrej January 2013 (has links)
This paper deals with the privatisation of security and analyzes its role in US foreign policy. It is composed of four separate sections, two of which are theoretical and the other two analytical. The first chapter presents available definitions and a historical overview explaining the origin and historical development of private military forces' involvement in armed conflicts. The second part assesses the development of the role of private military companies in US foreign policy. The analytical section aims to answer two key questions: (1) which advantages and disadvantages does PMC utilization present the US government with?; and (2) how can we regulate PMC activities, so that their cooperation with the US government both lives up to the client's expectation and satisfies international human-rights norms? The third chapter therefore assesses the main argument for a and against PMC utilization from the perspective of the USA and the fourth analyzes existing regulation frameworks - national, international and self-regulation.
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