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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dopad judikatury ESD na interpretaci základního práva na soukromí a ochranu osobních údajů / The impact of CJEU case law on the interpretation of the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection

Filipová, Paula January 2017 (has links)
in English This thesis deals with the right to personal data protection as enshrined in Article 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter) and its relationship with Article 7 Charter, the right to respect for private and family life. Since both of the rights have immediate relevance for EU data protection, their coexistence in the Charter necessitates an explanation as to their relationship, interaction and the merit of adding an independent right to personal data protection. However, such explanation is difficult to trace. International human rights instruments have traditionally safeguarded the protection of personal data by the right to privacy. The common constitutional traditions of the Member States differ significantly in the enactment of data protection and the EU legislation in force is likewise treating data protection as a privacy subset. The thesis firstly attempts to assess whether the right to personal data protection is capable of autonomous standing, detached from the privacy right and secondly, whether the CJEU allows the right to personal data protection to stand as an autonomous right in reality. To deal with the first research task, the paper analyses the doctrinal sources discussing the personal data-privacy concepts and seeks to identify the value of Article's 8...

Potenciál využití rodinného statku v Jihočeském kraji pro agroturistiku / The potential use of the family farm in South Bohemia for agro-tourism

Sýkorová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the potential use of the family farm for agro-tourism. The family farm is located in the region of South Bohemia. Therefore there is assessment of the potential of this region for tourism and for agro-tourism. It is also described how the property could be used for the needs of accommodation services. The last but not least is an analysis of the nearest competitors. For the overall evaluation is used method of the SWOT analysis.

Rozšíření pro webový prohlížeč zaměřené na ochranu soukromí / Privacy-Preserving Web Browser Extension

Červinka, Zbyněk January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with security, privacy, and anonymity on the internet. In this thesis are described tracking mechanisms and approaches that are being used to collect and send away users' personal information. Information that leaks using this tracking approaches can be used to identify user, to monitor and analyze his behavior on specific web pages and several leaked pieces of information can be misused (for example the leaked credit card number or password). In this thesis is described and tested the functionality and reliability of several current web add-ons providing the protection on the internet. New security increasing web add-on has been designed and developed to demonstrate a technique, that redefines and wraps the original JavaScript implementation of several functions and objects, the wrapping is executed before the visited web page starts processing the source code. Running the wrapping code at this time will ensure, that no other code in loaded web page will ever have access to the original implementation. This add-on is also well-tested. The final thesis' stage provides a great amount of possibilities to improve implemented add-on.

Ochrana soukromí v cloudu / Privacy protection in cloud

Chernikau, Ivan January 2019 (has links)
In the Master’s thesis were described privacy protection problems while using cloud technologies. Some of the problems can be solved with help of homomorphic encryption, data splitting or searchable encryption. These techniques were described and compared by provided security, privacy protection and efficiency. The data splitting technique was chosen and implemented in the C language. Afterwards a performance of the implemented solution was compared to AES encryption/decryption performance. An application for secured data storing in cloud was designed and implemented. This application is using the implemented data splitting technique and third-party application CloudCross. The designed application provides command line interface (CLI) and graphical user interface (GUI). GUI extends the capabilities of CLI with an ability to register cloud and with an autodetection of registered clouds. The process of uploading/downloading the data to/from cloud storage is transparent and it does not overload the user with technical details of used data splitting technique.

Ochrana citlivých informací na mobilních zařízení / Privacy Protection on Mobile Devives

Aron, Lukáš Unknown Date (has links)
Tato práce analyzuje ochranu citlivých dat na mobilních zařízeních a představuje metodu pro ochranu těchto dat před možností úniku informaci ze zařízení. Ochrana se zaměřuje na využívání zařízení, jak pro osobní účely, tak i v pracovním prostředí. Koncept navrženého řešení je implementován ve formě prototypu. Model implementace je verifikován s modelem požadovaného chování. Součástí práce jsou experimenty s prototypem a experimenty zaměřené na verifikaci mezi danými modely.

Použití smart-karet v moderní kryptografii / The use of smart-cards in modern cryptography

Kočíř, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the general use of smart cards in MULTOS in cryptographic applications. At first is described two types of authentication - the authentication by the subject with focusing on authenticators and the authentication by the knowledge. Furthermore there is the description of the anonymous authentication and attribute authentization. This is followed by a description of smart cards with a focus on MULTOS cards. There is also performed analysis of programmable smart cards .NET, JavaCard and MULTOS. Practical part is focused on the implementation of an authentication scheme, which is being developed at FEEC. The communication of authentication protocol is between the MULTOS card and reader connected to a PC. The protocol is composed of cryptographic functions such as random number generation, hash function, modular exponentiation, modular multiplication and difference of large numbers. It was also implemented the measurement of specific applications.

Autentizační protokoly a ochrana soukromí / Authentication Protocols and Privacy Protection

Hajný, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Tato dizertační práce se zabývá kryptografickými prostředky pro autentizaci. Hlavním tématem však nejsou klasické autentizační protokoly, které nabízejí pouze ověření identity, ale tzv. atributové autentizační systémy, pomocí kterých mohou uživatelé prokazovat svoje osobní atributy. Tyto atributy pak mohou představovat jakékoliv osobní informace, např. věk, národnost či místo narození. Atributy mohou být prokazovány anonymně a s podporou mnoha funkcí na ochranu digitální identity. Mezi takové funkce patří např. nespojitelnost autentizačních relací, nesledovatelnost, možnost výběru prokazovaných atributů či efektivní revokace. Atributové autentizační systémy jsou již nyní považovány za nástupce současných systémů v oficiálních strategických plánech USA (NSTIC) či EU (ENISA). Část požadovaných funkcí je již podporována existujícími kryptografickými koncepty jako jsou U-Prove či idemix. V současné době však není známý systém, který by poskytoval všechny potřebné funkce na ochranu digitální identity a zároveň byl prakticky implementovatelný na zařízeních, jako jsou čipové karty. Mezi klíčové slabiny současných systémů patří především chybějící nespojitelnost relací a absence revokace. Není tak možné efektivně zneplatnit zaniklé uživatele, ztracené či ukradené autentizační karty či karty škodlivých uživatelů. Z těchto důvodů je v této práci navrženo kryptografické schéma, které řeší slabiny nalezené při analýze existujících řešení. Výsledné schéma, jehož návrh je založen na ověřených primitivech, jako jsou $\Sigma$-protokoly pro důkazy znalostí, kryptografické závazky či ověřitelné šifrování, pak podporuje všechny požadované vlastnosti pro ochranu soukromí a digitální identity. Zároveň je však návrh snadno implementovatelný v prostředí smart-karet. Tato práce obsahuje plný kryptografický návrh systému, formální ověření klíčových vlastností, matematický model schématu v programu Mathematica pro ověření funkčnosti a výsledky experimentální implementace v prostředí .NET smart-karet. I přesto, že navrhovaný systém obsahuje podporu všech funkcí na ochranu soukromí, včetně těch, které chybí u existujících systémů, jeho výpočetní složitost zůstává stejná či nižší, doba ověření uživatele je tedy kratší než u existujících systémů. Výsledkem je schéma, které může velmi znatelně zvýšit ochranu soukromí uživatelů při jejich ověřování, především při využití v elektronických dokladech, přístupových systémech či Internetových službách.

Způsoby využívání anonymizační sítě Tor / Ways of using Tor anonymous network

Schamberger, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ways of using Tor anonymization network both from the point of view of the use in the positive sense and the use in the negative sense, the abuse. The aim of this work is to identify different ways of using the network and to quantify network abuse based on analyzed abuse reports. First, the basic concepts are defined and the development of the Internet and identification technologies in its environment are briefly described. Then, the concept of Onion routing, based on which the Tor network works, together with more technical details about the functioning of the network, is introduced. Last but not least, the Tor Browser is described as the most common tool for using the Tor network along with the types of users who use it. The last chapter of the theoretical part introduces the problem of network abuse. The practical part is primarily solved in the form of a quantitative analysis of abuse, due to their volume of almost 3 million. Quantitative analysis is done using the statistical language R and basic mining data, text mining and statistical methods. The analyzed data are related to several large nodes of the Tor network and contains several years of history. Although the total number of complaints increases almost exponentially over time, complaints about malicious...

Sledování osob a věcí - užití institutu v praxi a jeho ústavní limity / Surveillance of Persons and Items - Use of the Institute in Practise and its Constitutional Limits.

Slavíková, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
Surveillance of Persons and Items; Use of the Institute in Practise and its Constitutional Limits Abstract This diploma thesis primarily aims to analyze in detail legislation concerning the surveillance of persons and items in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Czech Republic. In order to present a comprehensive analysis, the thesis firstly defines the concept of Operative- Search Means and the basic conditions for their use. Subsequently, the author assesses particular aspects of the provision § 158d of the Criminal Procedure Code. The main focus is dedicated to the issue of interpretation of certain procedural norms, such as those concerning surveillance of communications between the defendant and their attorney, the covert surveillance in closed spaces, as well as those related to the highly debated issue of admissibility of surveillance records obtained in another criminal proceedings. With regard to all of these subtopics, the author presents the most prominent discourses of criminal procedural theory and practice. At the same time, the author presents her own suggestions as to how to deal with the issues at hand. The main thesis of the paper concerns the subsequent statement that the provision of § 158d of the Criminal Procedural Code regulating the surveillance of persons and items is in fact a...

Právo být zapomenut v kontextu moderního pojetí ochrany osobních údajů v EU a USA / The right to be forgotten in the context of a modern concept of personal data protection in the EU and the USA

Denemark, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title The right to be forgotten in the context of a modern concept of personal data protection in the EU and the USA Abstract The main topic of the thesis is the analysis of the right to be forgotten and its place in today's digital world and information society. In particular, the author discusses a different approach to the protection of personal data in Europe and in the United States of America within the context of the conflict between right to privacy and freedom of expression and right to free access to information. The author describes different conceptions of significance of these rights and different value ladder in connection in their mutual assessment. Based on outlining the different approaches to aforementioned rights, the author examines the inclusion of the right to be forgotten within the two legal cultures and consequently examines different forms of the right to be forgotten. Such forms are introduced in the context of privacy rights in the European union and presented in the was, how the legislation has been developing as the privacy laws evolved. Author closely examines the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union which is focused on right to be forgotten. Attention is also paid to the practical implementation of the right to be forgotten in accordance with the...

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