Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soukromé."" "subject:"soukromého.""
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Ochrana soukromí a ochrana osobních údajů zaměstnanceMládková, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the protection of privacy and personal data in labor-law relations. The literary research is defined the basic terminology, the legislative base of the protection of privacy and personal data, the rights and obligations of the parties and, last but not least, the sanctions related to the non-compliance of the obligations imposed by the law. The original research part deals with the analysis of the procedures for the protection and processing of personal data of employees and privacy at the workplace of the chosen company. The attention is focused on the processes from the beginning of the selection process, during the employment relationship and after the end of labor-law relationship. Further, the ways of monitoring employees and their legitimacy are evaluated. Based on analysed and identified shortcomings and errors, corrective recommendations are proposed in conclusion of the thesis, which will ensure compliance with valid legislation of the Czech Republic and the European Union.
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Ochrana soukromí a osobních údajů zaměstnanců v podnikatelské sféřeBalajková, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the protection of privacy and personal data in labour-law relations. The literature review is devoted to defining the terminology, the legal base of the protection of privacy and personal data, the rights and obligations of the parties and also the legal consequences arising from a breach of the obligations imposed. The original research part analyses issue of protection of privacy and personal data in a specific enterprise. Attention is given to monitored processes prior to labour-law relation and during that, including processes taking place after the end of the labour-law relationship. The attention is paid to all types of monitoring ongoing in workplace. Comparison of identified facts with the current legislation of the Czech Republic in some cases need recommendations, which are mentioned in this thesis, too.
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Ochrana obětí trestných činů a média: zveřejňování informací o týraných dětech před a po přijetí novely trestního řádu v roce 2009 / Protection of Crime Victims and the Media: Publishing of Mistreatrd Chidren Information before and after Passing the Law of Criminal Procedure Amendment in 2009Hosenseidlová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis Protection of Crime Victims and the Media: Publishing of Mistreated Children Information before and after Passing the Law of Criminal Procedure Amendment in 2009 deals with the problem of secondary victimization caused by the media. More specifically, it focuses on the mistreated children and publishing that kind of information about them which enable their identification. It is concerned with the nationwide daily press and compares the situation before and after passing the Law of Criminal Procedure Amendment in 2009. This amendment introduced measures towards better privacy protection of crime victims with a special respect to underage victims and victims of some exceptionally serious crimes. The thesis compares the occurrence of information which enable identification of mistreated children in 2008 and 2011 in the three most popular nationwide dailies - Mlada fronta Dnes, Pravo and Blesk. It is interested in the following information: names and surnames of the victims and their family members, residence location, photos of the victims, their family members and their residence location. Apart from that it also examines where journalists get those information and photos from. The main aim is to find out what was the impact of the amendment, it means whether there are less information...
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Přijetí tzv. "náhubkového zákona" a jeho dopad na česká média / Enactment of so-called "muzzle act" and its impact on czech mediaJozífek, Radek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Act no. 52/2009 Coll., which amends the Act no. 141/1961 Coll. (Penal Procedure Code), as amended by latter Acts, and some other Acts. Because of its alleged censorial character, it was often referred to as the "Muzzle Act" by local media. The thesis is composed of five parts. The first one describes methods used in the rest of the text, the second one explains main theoretical concepts and essential topics that are important for understanding the other parts - right to privacy, right to information, publication of transcripts obtained by eavesdropping devices etc. It also describes contents of the "Muzzle Act" and its amendment. The third part reviews how the Act passed the legislative process in both chambers of the Parliament, including protests of media and some scholars against it. All the main reasons why protestors considered the Act censorial or even unconstitutional are drawn up in the fourth part of the thesis. It also sums up thoughts and confronts thoughts of people who argued in favour of the Act. In the fifth part, journalists from Czech News Agency (ČTK), daily newspaper Mladá fronta DNES, weekly magazine Respekt and news website Aktuálně.cz describe how the Act influenced their working habits and contents of their media. One specialist in the field of journalism...
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Mediální svoboda projevu versus právo veřejných osob na soukromí / Media between Public Watchdog and Greedy Pitbull: Free Speech versus PrivacyHolubová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this Master thesis entitled "Freedom of the Media versus Public Figures' Right to Privacy" is to investigate and analyse the conflict between freedom of the media and right to privacy of public persons. The thesis is formally structured into eight thematical chapters and two parts- theoretical and analytical. The theoretical part of the thesis provides legal, philosophical and media background for further analysis in the special part of the thesis. The analytical part deals with selected case studies of media photography conflicting with right to privacy of public figures. First chapter focuses on the freedom of speech and freedom of the media in historical, legal and philosophical perspective, deals also with the problem of censorship and technological challenges in the postmodern electronic age of the internet. Second chapter critically examines the concept of watchdog journalism in democratic system with special interest in the debate on the current affairs of the British media system. Third chapter deals with right to privacy and reflects also on the fluid concept of privacy in the era of social networking. Fourth chapter analyzes so-called public figure doctrine, celebritization and mediatization of politics and also discusses the collision between free speech and privacy....
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Vybrané etické problémy, s nimiž se může setkávat sociální pracovník v domově pro seniory při péči o umírající klienty. / The selected problems in the home for elderly people from the perspective of social workerPFEFFROVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Master's project identifies, describes, analyses and provides sugestions of solving ethical problems whom social worker is dealing with when working and looking after clients in terminal phase of their life. Master's project is divided into 4 chapters. First chapter is focusing on explanation of terms like dying, aging, nursing home and social worker. Second chapter is about explanation of chosen ethical terms with whom social worker is often dealing with. Third chapter is focusing on each of all areas where problems may occur for social worker during his work, for example moving clients to the hospital, keeping their privacy during stay in a double bed room and optimizing daily schedules of dying patient. Last area of interest is divided into providing tasks like feeding, hygiene and spiritual care. Last chapter is conclusion of those problems with ideas and examples how to solve them. Moving clients in terminal stadium of their life is within competences of a nurse, however, it would be better if nursing homes would have their own doctors, who could examine and analyse each patient individualy. Dying in a double bed room with presence of another patient is uncomfortable and displeasing moment, that could be solved with spare room, where this roommate could stay during last moments of that dying patient. Food is served in accordance with schedule, which could be good to adjust to clients individual needs. Same adjustments would be good in schedule of staff, to ensure 24 hour care. Spiritual care is insufficient, and social worker is responsible for this situation and should fix it along with coopreation of various churches.
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Autocenzura na Facebooku / Self-censorship on FacebookKRAUSOVÁ, Vladimíra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with self-censorship on the biggest online social network Facebook. The main purpose was to determine the reasons for using self-censorship on Facebook. Qualitative research was elaborated with usage of semi structured interview focused on virtual world of active Facebook users and on deeper examination of it. Theoretical part describes concepts and ideas related to the theme of the thesis. The methodological part describes in detail the qualitative research and it's requirements. The analytical part deals with the research itself, analysis of transcribed interviews and with the rules designed by researcher for safe use of Facebook by children. The researcher has decided to set the rules from the findings determined during the creation of the thesis. The self-censorship is the key to the safe behavior on Facebook. Every user of this social network has to learn how to distinguish, what could be placed there and what shouldn't.
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Ochrana soukromí a osobních údajů v právu Evropské unie s ohledem na problematiku data retention / Protection of Privacy and Personal Data in European Union Lawwith Regards to Data RetentionSerdula, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
1 PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND PERSONAL DATA IN EUROPEAN UNION LAW WITH REGARDS TO DATA RETENTION ABSTRACT The thesis deals with the issue of data retention, i.e. the issue of storing communications metadata by telecommunications service providers for the purpose of possible later access to this data by state authorities. The thesis focuses not only on the relevant EU legislation, but also on the related case law of the Court of Justice, which plays crucial role in determining the standard of protection offered by EU law. This analysis focuses on two main legal issues - the issue of scope of the EU legislation in this area and the issue of proportionality. With regards to the first issue, the author is of the opinion that the Court of Justice interprets the scope of the relevant EU legislation overly broadly. Author criticizes the fact that the Court of Justice applied secondary law adopted on the basis of Article 95 TEC on the issue of access to the retained data by the Member States authorities, including the authorities of Member States which are active in the field of national security. Regarding the issue of proportionality, author criticizes the fact that the Court of Justice perceives the blanket retention of communications metadata to be incompatible with EU law as such, no matter how strict the...
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Architektonická studie kostela pro sídliště Líšeň-Vinohrady v Brně / The architectural study of the church for the estate Lisen-Vinohrady, BrnoHavlík, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of sacral space of Brno-Líšeň, where there is a request to build a church as a part the Salesian Center. Part of the problematics was the construction of the Parish house and the Community house as a part of the church mentioned above. The plot is situated at the site of the southern slope between Horáková and Molákova Street and in close proximity of the Salesi center. The project is conceived as a progressively graduating spiral rising from the mass of the community house to the sculpture of the cross at the tower of the church. Visually both building are separated from the north side but are partially connected thanks to the underground floor from the south side. The building of the community center shall be a three-story building. The design of the church itself is based on the centralization of space and due to progressive gradation to the center of the building, where all the events associated with the Christian year take place. The complex serves both as a place where the widespread society can fulfill their spiritual needs as well as a sanctuary of the Salesian community, where they can fulfill their mission.
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Kryptografická ochrana digitální identity / Cryptographic Protection of Digital IdentityDzurenda, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Dizertační práce se zabývá kryptografickými schématy zvyšující ochranu soukromí uživatelů v systémech řízení přístupu a sběru dat. V současnosti jsou systémy fyzického řízení přístupu na bázi čipových karet využívány téměř dennodenně většinou z nás, například v zaměstnání, ve veřejné dopravě a v hotelech. Tyto systémy však stále neposkytují dostatečnou kryptografickou ochranu a tedy bezpečnost. Uživatelské identifikátory a klíče lze snadno odposlechnout a padělat. Funkce, které by zajišťovaly ochranu soukromí uživatele, téměř vždy chybí. Proto je zde reálné riziko možného sledovaní lidí, jejich pohybu a chovaní. Poskytovatelé služeb nebo případní útočníci, kteří odposlouchávají komunikaci, mohou vytvářet profily uživatelů, ví, co dělají, kde se pohybují a o co se zajímají. Za účelem zlepšení tohoto stavu jsme navrhli čtyři nová kryptografická schémata založená na efektivních důkazech s nulovou znalostí a kryptografii eliptických křivek. Konkrétně dizertační práce prezentuje tři nová autentizační schémata pro využití v systémech řízení přístupu a jedno nové schéma pro využití v systémech sběru dat. První schéma využívá distribuovaný autentizační přístup vyžadující spolupráci více RFID prvků v autentizačním procesu. Tato vlastnost je výhodná zvláště v případech řízení přístupu do nebezpečných prostor, kdy pro povolení přístupu uživatele je nezbytné, aby byl uživatel vybaven ochrannými pomůckami (se zabudovanými RFID prvky). Další dvě schémata jsou založena na atributovém způsobu ověření, tj. schémata umožňují anonymně prokázat vlastnictví atributů uživatele, jako je věk, občanství a pohlaví. Zatím co jedno schéma implementuje efektivní revokační a identifikační mechanismy, druhé schéma poskytuje nejrychlejší verifikaci držení uživatelských atributů ze všech současných řešení. Poslední, čtvrté schéma reprezentuje schéma krátkého skupinového podpisu pro scénář sběru dat. Schémata sběru dat se používají pro bezpečný a spolehlivý přenos dat ze vzdálených uzlů do řídící jednotky. S rostoucím významem chytrých měřičů v energetice, inteligentních zařízení v domácnostech a rozličných senzorových sítí, se potřeba bezpečných systémů sběru dat stává velmi naléhavou. Tato schémata musí podporovat nejen standardní bezpečnostní funkce, jako je důvěrnost a autentičnost přenášených dat, ale také funkce nové, jako je silná ochrana soukromí a identity uživatele či identifikace škodlivých uživatelů. Navržená schémata jsou prokazatelně bezpečná a nabízí celou řadu funkcí rozšiřující ochranu soukromí a identity uživatele, jmenovitě se pak jedná o zajištění anonymity, nesledovatelnosti a nespojitelnosti jednotlivých relací uživatele. Kromě úplné kryptografické specifikace a bezpečnostní analýzy navržených schémat, obsahuje tato práce také výsledky měření implementací jednotlivých schémat na v současnosti nejpoužívanějších zařízeních v oblasti řízení přístupu a sběru dat.
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