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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between employee engagement and discretionary effort at a hospital in KwaZulu-Natal

Dube, Nomthandazo Octavia Thandi. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Human Resources Development / The aim of this research is to establish whether there is a significant relationship between employee engagement and discretionary effort at a hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. It also investigates the factors that relate to employee engagement and discretionary efforts and also to determine how different demographic groups perceive employee engagement and discretionary effort at a hospital in KwaZulu-Natal.

An evaluation of community participation in the integrated development planning (IDP) process : a case study of Umzumbe Municipality in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa

Khawula, Bhekuyise Mhawukelwa Sixtus January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Public Management, Department of Public Management & Economics, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / In order to eradicate the legacy of the apartheid past, the South African democratic government adopted a development approach to local government. This necessitated a commitment on the part of local government, through the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), to facilitating community participation by finding ways to meet economic, social and material needs, as well as improving quality of life. The IDP can only be well received and implemented if there is an effective public participation process to ensure that the needs and aspirations of the people are met. This research focused primarily on evaluating community participation in the IDP process through the use of the case study of Umzumbe Municipality in the KwaZulu-Natal province. Furthermore, the research answers the following questions: to what extent do communities participate in the IDP process?; what were the challenges facing communities with regard to participation in the IDP process?; and what was the role of ward councillors and ward committees in promoting community participation in the IDP process? In order to answer these questions, an empirical study was conducted using quantitative research methodology. The case study approach was used in this study in order to obtain detailed views of respondents and issues relating to the objectives of the study. Using the quantitative research methodology, the study employed a questionnaire to collect information linked to community participation. Three hundred and ninety respondents from ten wards in the local municipality were randomly sampled. In addition, ten ward councillors were requested to participate in the study in order to explore the factors influencing community participation in the study area. The questionnaires were developed and approved by the Durban University of Technology’s ethics committee before the commencement of the study. Data was then collected. The results of the study, conclusions and recommendations are provided in a way that will enable the reader to draw his or her own conclusions on the value of this study. The study was worth undertaking since the challenges of community participation for local economic development and the IDP enhance service delivery. The results of the study should expand the knowledge base of rural community participation in the IDP process in Umzumbe Municipality. The findings of this study should benefit the municipality by highlighting the challenges of community involvement in the IDP process. The envisaged outcome of this study is the development of a theoretical framework for rural community participation in the IDP process in local government. Findings from the study point to the profusion of poor or non-participation of the community in the IDP process. The study shows sour relationship between ward councillors, ward committee members and community members. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations have been made: upgrade levels of education/capacity development for ward councillors, ward committee members and community members; poverty alleviation and economic development to create employment; encourage youth and adults to engage in public forums; encourage the involvement of all stakeholders in the identification of development initiatives; co-ordination and information sharing sessions; and systems of monitoring and evaluation should be put in place to monitor community participation in the IDP process, with guidelines for the implementation of community participation initiatives. / M

Analysis into the effectiveness of the provincial agricultural research systems of KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape

Lutge, Rolf 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the advent of Globalisation, the need for improved competitiveness ill agriculture, as in all sectors, has become increasingly important in obtaining satisfactory levels of growth and development. International producers are competing for South African markets while local producers must not only defend these markets, but also seek out opportunities globally. Agricultural research has been identified as one of the more important agricultural support services contributing towards the goal of increased competitiveness. Innovation and new technology are central towards achieving satisfactory competitiveness, and in order for these to be adequately available, the agricultural research system in place must be effective and efficient in its tasks and responsibilities. The objective of this study was to determine whether or not the agricultural research systems of KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape conform to the current challenges presented by the market, technology and economic environments. The effectiveness and efficiency of these systems regarding structural interactions, research investments and the involvement of the private sector was critically analysed with regard to the stakeholders within the system, namely: producers, co-operatives, private sector agribusiness companies and agricultural research institutes. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the agricultural sectors concerned and recommendations made for potential improvements and future areas of research. It was found that most of the structural interactions between the various stakeholders investigated were conducted inefficiently and have thus resulted in a lack of cooperation, poor relationship building, and sub-optimum productivity and growth. Furthermore, it was established that investment in agricultural research is too low. Although research expenditure growth rates and expenditure per fulltime researcher are high, most of the growth rates are on the decline and most of the organizations do not employ fulltime researchers, while the actual total amounts invested are low. Investment in market research for current products is satisfactory, while investment in market research prior to conducting research is poor. Finally, increased private sector involvement has not been realized. Incentives for greater private sector involvement based on profitability, have not been adequately developed. Of those companies who have recognized the need for increased commitment to research, all but one have predicted zero to low increases in research expenditure for the future, while current research expenditures are also low. There are many areas in which the agricultural research systems of the two provinces concerned must improve. A culture inductive of greater research spending and private sector participation should be fostered to overcome the causes and motives behind these problem areas. Currently, the research systems investigated seem incapable of effectively and efficiently supplying the agricultural sectors concerned with the much needed new technologies, innovations and research management necessary to adequately increase competitiveness. However, if all the shortcomings of the system are recognized and a new demand driven orientation adopted, the research systems of South Africa will in the future be more likely to promote increased productivity and growth in agriculture through greater competitiveness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die koms van In verenigde wêreldmark, het dit noodsaaklik geword dat die landbou - net soos ander bedryfsektore - mededingend moet wees vir bevredigende groei en ontwikkeling in dié sektor. Internasionale produsente ding mee om Suid- Afrikaanse markte, terwyl plaaslike produsente nie net hierdie markte moet verdedig nie, maar ook nuwe geleenthede in die buiteland moet soek. Landbounavorsing is as een van die belangrikste landbou-ondersteuningsdienste geïdentifiseer om mededingendheid te verhoog. Om voldoende mededingend te wees, is vernuwing en nuwe tegnologie van wesenlike belang. Vir dié doel moet die bestaande landbounavorsingstelsel doeltreffend funksioneer en sy take en verantwoordelikhede behoorlik nakom. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of die landbounavorsingstelsels van KwaZulu/Natal en die Wes-Kaap die uitdagings van die huidige mark-, tegnologiese en ekonomiese omgewings die hoof kan bied. Die doeltreffendheid van strukturele interaksies, beleggings in navorsing en die betrokkenheid van die privaatsektor is krities ontleed aan die hand van die belangegroepe binne die stelsel, te wete produsente, kooperasies, private maatskappye en landbounavorsingsinstitute. Die implikasies van die resultate is vervolgens bespreek en aanbevelings is gedoen vir moontlike verbeterings en toekomstige navorsingsgebiede. Daar is bevind dat die meeste strukturele interaksies tussen die onderskeie belangegroepe wat bestudeer is, ondoeltreffend is. Daar is te min samewerking, weinig sprake van verhoudings bou, produktiwiteit is te laag en daar is te min groei. Daar is verder vasgestel dat daar te min in landbou-navorsing belê word. Alhoewel die groeikoerse van navorsingsuitgawes en uitgawes per voltydse navorser hoog is, is die meeste groeikoerse aan die daal, die meeste organisasies neem geen voltydse navorsers in diens nie en die totale besteding is laag. Belegging in marknavorsing vir bestaande produkte is bevredigend, maar belegging in marknavorsing voor navorsing aangepak word, is onbevredigend. Laastens is die privaatsektor nog nie voldoende betrokke nie. Daar bestaan egter nie genoeg aansporingsmaatreëls om die privaatsektor se betrokkenheid te verhoog nie. Van dié maatskappye wat wel die noodsaaklikheid van 'n groter verbintenis tot navorsing erken het, het almal behalwe een, nul tot lae verhogings in navorsingsuitgawes vir die toekoms voorsien, terwyl hulle huidige navorsingsuitgawes alreeds laag is. Daar is baie opsigte waann die landbounavorsingstelsels van die twee betrokke provinsies moet verbeter. Daar moet 'n kultuur ontstaan waar meer bestee word aan navorsing. Verder moet die privaatsektor meer betrokke raak om die omstandighede wat aanleiding gee tot die probleme, die hoof te help bied. Tans wil dit voorkom of die navorsingstelsels wat ondersoek is, nie daarin slaag om die betrokke landbousektore van die nuwe tegnologie, vernuwings en navorsingsbestuur te voorsien wat noodsaaklik is om mededingendheid te verhoog nie. Indien al die tekortkominge van die stelsel erken word en die korrekte aanpassings gemaak word, sal die navorsingstelsels van Suid Afrika in die toekoms 'n groter bydrae kan lewer om produktiwiteit te laat styg en groei in die landbou teweeg te bring.

Exploring the local economic development initiatives for unemployed rural women in Mandeni municipality

Dhlodhlo, Lindelani Mkhumbuzi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Unemployment and poverty have an adverse effect on society and proactive and sustainable measures are needed to deal with it. Women and rural women in particular, form the most affected group when it comes to unemployment and poverty. Illiteracy and underdevelopment are the major barriers to the advancement of unemployed rural women. Women in rural settings in most cases rely on local economic development (LED) initiatives for day-to-day survival. Local government has a constitutional mandate to promote social and economic development in order to improve the quality life for the citizens of South Africa. This mandate has been followed by a number of policy documents and guidelines for LED to enable local authorities to perform this task efficiently. The concept of LED is a micro approach in that it deals directly with local issues of economic development through partnerships between communities, business, workers, development agencies and governmental agencies to promote local economy. There is a pressing need for local government to be proactive in dealing with issues of rural development and in supporting LED initiatives of rural women. The literature review covers the theoretical framework of LED through examining both international and domestic practices. The review deals with the history of LED, the LED concept, development theories, evaluation of the practices of LED, as well as participatory development, pro-poor LED, and tourism as a response to LED. It further assesses the contextual framework of LED with particular attention to South African policy and practice. The state of LED in South Africa is discussed, together with the way forward for LED. The study provides an investigation into the background of the Mandeni Municipality by looking at the demographic factors and geographical location of the area. The state of LED in Mandeni Municipality is highlighted, together with LED strategy for the Municipality, and major future development associated with LED. The study clearly portrays that there is a gap between the LED initiatives of the unemployed rural women and the Municipality. The strategic location of the Municipality facilitates future economic prospects for the area and new development proposals associated with LED. It is clear from the LED Unit structure in Mandeni Municipality that there is a lack of capacity to deal with the LED challenges and local economic initiatives. From the literature review it is clear that women are critical role players in LED because of their ability to initiate community-based economic development projects and to perform multi-task activities. It is evident that strong partnerships with various LED stakeholders working directly with low-income communities can play a meaningful role in alleviating poverty, and in the creation of employment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Werkloosheid en armoede het vandag .n nadelige invloed op die gemeenskap en proaktiewe en volhoubare maatreels is nodig om dit hok te slaan. Wat werkloosheid en armoede betref, val vroue onder die groepe wat die meeste geraak word, veral plattelandse vroue. Ongeletterdheid en onderontwikkeling is die vernaamste hindernisse vir die vooruitgang van werklose plattelandse vroue. Vroue in .n plattelandse milieu steun sterk op plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe vir hulle dag tot dag oorlewing. Plaaslike regering het .n konstitusionele mandaat om maatskaplike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling te bevorder ten einde die lewenskwaliteit van burgers van Suid-Afrika te verbeter. .n Enorme behoefte bestaan dat die plaaslike regering proaktief moet optree wanneer aangeleenthede rakende plattelandse ontwikkeling en ondersteuning van plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelings-inisiatiewe vir plattelandse vroue aangespreek word. Op beleidsvlak het Suid-Afrika sterk klem geplaas op plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling as maatreel om sosio-ekonomiese toestande vir plattelandse gemeenskappe te verbeter. Plattelandse vroue staar egter reuse uitdagings rondom onderontwikkeling in die gesig. Die groot probleem vir hierdie navorsing is dat die Mandeni munisipaliteit se plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogramme, wat vroue as voorheen gemarginaliseerde en kwesbare groepe teiken, onsigbaar is. Plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe geskied in isolasie van die munisipaliteit en daar blyk maar .n powere vennootskap tussen die munisipaliteit en plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe wat deur vroue gevoer word, te wees. Die Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkelingseenheid (LED-eenheid), wat oor .n mandaat beskik vir die implementering van plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogramme, het .n niksseggende rol in die bevordering van plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogramme vir plaaslike werklose vroue gespeel. Daarbenewens is daar baie vroue onder die bevolking van die Mandeni-munisipaliteit en die meerderheid van hulle is werkloos. Die vernaamste doelwitte van hierdie studie was om probleme te identifiseer wat die LED-eenheid gehad het met die implementering van LED-programme vir die werklose vrou en om sy vlak van deelname, in belang van die werklose plattelandse vroue, te assesseer. Die fokusgroep-metode is tydens navorsing ingespan met die insameling van data oor die twee verskillende vroueorganisasies wat plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprojekte geinisieer het. Voorts is die onderhoud-metode tydens die studie toegepas vir die insameling van data rondom die drie munisipale amptenare en die Speaker van die munisipaliteit. Die vernaamste bevindinge van die navorsing toon duidelik dat daar .n gaping bestaan tussen LED-inisiatiewe deur die plattelandse werklose vroue en die Mandeni-munisipaliteit. Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat die LED-eenheidstruktuur van die Mandeni-munisipaliteit oor onvoldoende fondse beskik en gebrek toon aan die nodige vermoe om die plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsuitdagings en plaaslike ekonomiese inisiatiewe van die werklose plattelandse vroue te hanteer. Dit is duidelik dat vroue kritiese rolspelers in plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling is weens hulle vermoe om gemeenskapsgebaseerde ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprojekte te inisieer en hulle kennis om veelvuldige taakbedrywighede van stapel te laat loop. Ten slotte beveel die studie aan dat die LED-eenheid geherstruktureer word om die LED-agterstande binne die Mandeni-munisipaliteit aan te spreek, dat daar behoorlike koordinering van LED-programme moet wees, en dat die plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe vir vroue sterk deur die Mandeni-munisipaliteit gesteun moet word.

Exploring critical thinking and critical citizenship education in a visual art course at a secondary school, KwaZulu-Natal

Van der Berg, Cecile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Critical thinking and critical citizenship are generally considered to be desirable outcomes of the educational process as they enable students to make thoughtful choices. Citizenship Education does not currently form a separate part of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), but is rather one of the main objectives and principles that shape the whole curriculum. In this research study, students took part in a project where the aim was to promote critical thinking and critical citizenship through the investigation of contemporary South African artworks. The purpose of the research was to firstly establish how students’ participation in the project affected their ability to think critically about Post-1994 South African art and the issues it conveys. Secondly the aim was to establish how effective the teaching strategies employed were in facilitating critical thinking and critical citizenship. An interpretative approach was followed in this case study. The nature of this research is predominantly qualitative, but is used in conjunction with quantitative methods to measure the increase of critical thinking applied. During the base-line assessment, students’ initial critical thinking skills were measured through the analysis of previously unseen images. Their ability to critically analyse artworks was assessed by utilising the Artful Citizenship Visual/Critical Literacy Scoring Rubric compiled by Rawlinson et al (2007). In the post-project assessment, the same visual examples and rubric were used, to detect possible changes in the students’ ability to apply critical thinking. Main themes and sub-themes were identified during the project. The main themes were knowledge, power and identity. The subthemes were meaningful knowledge, citing of evidence, experience, multiple opinions, exclusion of voices, power versus rights, binary oppositions and self in relation to other. With these themes, I aimed to unpack and explain the differences that occurred in the results from the pre- and post-project assessment. The findings of the post-project assessment showed a 39% improvement of critical thinking applied subsequent to the project. The teaching strategies followed during this project proved to be effective as the ability of the students to think critically was positively affected. The research indicated that activities which exposed students to multiple perspectives were conducive to the development of critical thinking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kritiese denke en kritiese burgerskap word beskou as gunstige uitkomste van die opvoedingsproses omrede dit studente toerus om deurdagte besluite te neem. Burgerskapopvoeding vorm nie deel van die Nasionale Kurrikulum Verklaring (NKV) nie, maar is eerder een van die hoofdoelwitte en beginsels wat die hele kurrikulum uitmaak. In hierdie navorsingstudie het studente deelgeneem aan ‘n projek wat kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse kunswerke ondersoek. Die projek het beoog om daardeur kritiese denke en kritiese burgerskap aan te moedig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was eerstens om te wys hoe studente se deelname in hierdie projek hulle vaardigheid beïnvloed om krities te dink oor Post-1994 Suid-Afrikaanse kunswerke, asook die kwessies wat dit kommunikeer. Dit was verder die doelwit om te wys hoe effektief die geïmplimenteerde onderrigstrategiӫe was in die fasilitering van kritiese denke en kritiese burgerskap. ‘n Interpreterende benadering is gevolg in hierdie gevallestudie. Die navorsing is oorwegend kwalitatief, maar word in kombinasie met kwantitatiewe metodes gebruik om die verbetering in aanwending van kritiese denke te bepaal. Gedurende die grondlynassessering is die studente se aanvanklike kritiese denkvaardighede bevestig deur die analise van onbekende kunswerke. Hulle vaardigheid om kunswerke krities te analiseer is gemeet deur middel van die Vaardige Burgerskap Visuele / Kritiese Geletterdheid-Telling-Rubriek saamgestel deur Rawlinson et al (2007). Dieselfde visuele voorbeelde en rubriek was gebruik in ‘n na-projekassessering om moontlike veranderinge in die studente se kritiese denke te bespeur. Hooftemas en subtemas was geïdentifiseer gedurende die projek. Die hooftemas is kennis, mag, en identiteit. Die subtemas is betekenisvolle kennis, ervaring, verwysing na bewyse, meervuldige opinies, uitsluiting van stemme, mag teenoor regte, binêre opposisies en die self in verhouding tot ander. Met hierdie temas het ek gepoog om die verskil in die resultate tussen die grondlyn- en na-projekassessering te verstaan en te verduidelik. Die bevindinge toon ‘n 39% verbetering in die aanwending van kritiese denke na afloop van die projek. Die onderrigstrategiӫe wat aangewend is in hierdie projek was effektief omrede die vaardigheid van die studente om krities te dink positief beïnvloed was. Die navorsing het aangedui dat aktiwiteite wat die studente blootstel aan meervuldige perspektiewe, bydra tot die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke.

An investigation into staff participation in the management of three secondary schools in the Phoenix-Verulam district

Chetty, Uthamaganthan Perumal January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Education (Management), Durban Institute of Technology, 2003. / Education has undergone many changes, over the past ten years. Prior to 1994, public schools in South Africa were-predominantly bureaucratic organisations where the principals of schools implemented an autocratic style of management. Now education-has moved away from such a system to-a-democratic system- in-which staff participation is encouraged. After 1998, the-Department of Education and Culture of KwaZulu-Natal made it compulsory for the principal to inform staff on all procedures to be implemented in the rationalisation and redeployment process. The Department also encouraged staff participation in deciding on matters relating to the schoot The researcher undertook a research study in three secondary schools in the Phoenix- Verulam District to assess the extent to-which staff were involved in management decisions and whether this had been successful. It was discovered that problems were encountered when management and administrative responsibilities were shared with staff members. The researcher made recommendations to solve these problems and improve staff participation in the management of a school. / M

The relationship and interpretation of clothing behaviour and identity of African South African women in the corporate world in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)

Modiba, Maite January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for the degree of Master's of Technology: Fashion, Durban Institute of Technology, 2003. / This study addresses the relationship between the clothing behaviour and identity of African South African women in the corporate world, with reference to black identity and Western style of clothes. Central to these two issues the study tried to focus on the factors which may have an influence on the clothing behaviour of African South African women. Clothing as communication and factors which influence people's clothing behaviour were also covered to find out why people wear the clothes they wear. The sample consisted of African South African women (n =100) in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Research was conducted by means of a structured questionnaire. The qualitative method provided a systematic investigation of the topic. The research methods included descriptive and inferential Statistics. Three hypotheses were formulated for the investigation. Each of the clothing variables was examined relative to the hypothesized relationship. There were fifty-one clothing variables employed in the analyses. The results exhibited a need for ethnically influenced clothes for African South Africans. The findings indicate that there was symbolic meaning attached to ethnically influenced clothing and beads, and that the symbolism attached to clothing items can influence a person's clothing behaviour. Recommendations were noted and followed by the Conclusion. / M

The role of sulphate-reducing bacteria in mercury-contaminated estuarine sediments : a case study of Durban Bay

Simpson, Elizabeth Anne January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Biotechnology, Durban Insititute of Technology, 2003. / Stimulated by the findings of international researchers, that the sulfate-reducing microorganism Desulfovibrio desulfuricans could be incriminated in the process of mercury bio-methylation, it was decided to test this hypothesis on sediments from selected areas of Durban Bay where elevated levels of the bio-hazardous heavy metal had previously been detected. The Environmentek Division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Durban) is involved in an ongoing chemical assessment of heavy metal contamination (including levels of mercury) in the sediments of this estuary, but nothing is currently understood about the form in which mercury exists or the biological processes that could be determining its fate. The purpose of this project was to attempt to answer some of these questions. The study involved attempting to isolate, identify and quantify microorganisms of the species Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens in one hundred and eighty sediment samples taken from three designated sites in the bay. Each sample was additionally analysed for total and methyl mercury and sulfate content, as well as a number of physical parameters. Based on the outcome of the initial survey, it was envisaged that further laboratory experimentation would be conducted to determine whether or not isolates were responsible for the production of the highly toxic organic mercury and whether this process was occurring in situ in the sediments. The findings of this project were contrary to what had been expected. Total mercury concentrations (apart from one instance) did not appear to be appreciably elevated in the areas under study. Similarly, the levels of methyl mercury were fourrd to be either diminished or absent. Numbers of D. desulfuricans were low and not uniformly distributed throughout the sediments. Cl. perfringens was more in evidence, but counts were not perceptibly increased. Sulfate levels were consistently high, indicating significantly impaired rates of sulfate reduction. Difficulty experienced in sub-culturing / M

Materials and new designs in sustainable community development : a case study of Phumani Paper's Eshowe and Endlovini projects

14 January 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Fine Art) / As a Fine Art graduate student, I worked at Phumani Paper Project's research unit based at the Technikon Witwatersrand from 2001 to 2004. The experience allowed me to render my services as a trainer for craft product design to help develop and sustain the poverty alleviation programme for Phumani Paper's papermaking projects around the country. Participants of the project benefit from the program in terms of training in the making of craft items, personal capacity building, and income generating opportunities. South Africa's history is fundamental to understanding the present social imbalance which the government, non-governmental organisations and private organisations are trying to address in various ways. My research work at the KwaZulu-Natal Papermaking and Packaging Project (KZN-PCPP) in Eshowe culminated in the writing of this dissertation. My research explored issues related to materials and design for the sustainability of the KZNPCPP. In regard to poverty alleviation I used Participatory Action Research (PAR), which was core to the activities and works presented in this dissertation. New designs for the packaging of craft products introduced during my intervention period helped improve the marketability of the products produced at KZNPCPP, and helped the participants to learn new skills. I focused on the introduction of sugar cane paper pulp in the making of ceramic wares. This added value to the potters' experience and to a certain extent helped reduce losses due to breakage during transportation.

Development through rural advancement, with special reference to Kwazulu-Natal

12 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The aim of this study was to analyse and discuss the importance of rural advancement in the development of developing regions or countries, and KwaZulu-Natal was used as a case study. The literature focused on the backwardness of the rural areas and the importance of rural advancement for the development of less developed regions or countries. Development cannot be said to have taken place unless people's lives in general have improved. Large parts of developing regions or countries consists of rural areas. Furthermore, it appears that a large proportion of the population in the developing regions or countries live in rural areas. Rural advancement will, therefore, play a crucial role in the development of developing regions or countries. Amongst other things, it will improve the lives of the people living in rural areas, it will provide markets for both local factor inputs and locally produced goods and services, it will redistribute national income, it will reverse rural-urban migration by providing employment opportunities in the rural areas, and in general it will stimulate the rural economy. KwaZulu-Natal is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa, and a large proportion of KwaZulu-Natal's population live in non-urban areas. The development of KwaZulu-Natal will therefore to a great extent depend on the development of its rural parts. The rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal are subject to a number of factors that results in underdevelopment. Rural KwaZulu-Natal is poverty-stricken, low levels of human development prevail, there are high rates of unemployment, low productivity, low economic activity, and in general people in rural KwaZulu-Natal are subject to low standards of living. Economic activities in the province are concentrated to a large extent in the urban areas of the province. This suggests that development initiatives of the past were not focused on rural KwaZulu-Natal. Rural KwaZulu-Natal is also subject to high rates of political conflict, crime and violence which have hindered the development of the province. The provision of social and basic services in rural KwaZulu-Natal is inadequate, and the province is subject to environmental degradation. The study confirmed that rural advancement - through stimulation of the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of development - will play a crucial role in the future development of less developed regions or countries, in general.

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