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Morphology, Anatomy And Systematics Of The Genus Salvia L. (lamiaceae) In East And Southeast Anatolia, TurkeyKahraman, Ahmet 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to revise the genus Salvia L. in East and Southeast Anatolia in Turkey on the basis of macromorphological, anatomical, palynological, mericarp micro-morphological, ecological and numerical analysis. Towards achieving this goal, about 2500 specimens of Salvia were collected and examined during extensive field studies between July 2005 and June 2009. The materials collected by other researchers either from Turkey or abroad were also investigated.
The results of the taxonomic revision show that the study area includes 59 taxa, 24 (40.7%) of which are endemic and the remaining 35 (59.3%) are non-endemic. Salvia siiirtica is described as new to science. S. macrosiphon is described as a new record for Turkey and S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica are re-evaluated as valid species as well as S. ballsiana is rediscovered.
Macromorphological characters that were considered to have taxonomically diagnostic value are investigated and their possible variations are discussed. Habit, stem, leaf, inflorescence, bract, calyx, corolla and stamen properties are compared at infrageneric and species level.
The first comprehensive evaluation of the systematic value of anatomy, palynology and mericarp micromorphology of Salvia are presented. Some characters, such as row numbers of ray cells in the root, type of the leaf blade structure, shape of cross section of the petiole, shape and number of median vascular bundles, pollen size, size of mericarps and diameter of abscission scars, are useful for infrageneric delimitation. Variation in some anatomical characters, such as number of cell layers of collenchyma and cortex, number of cell layers of palisade parenchyma, size of petiole, number of lateral vascular bundles, exine ornamentation type of pollen, presence of large lumina in the middle of the primary lumen, the muri thickness, mericarp shape, mericarp length/width ratio and surface ornamentation type, can be used for separating species within the sections.
Based on the updated geographical and ecological distribution, conservation status of the taxa is reassessed at regional, national and global levels. At the regional scale, the distribution is CR for 6 taxa EN for 9 taxa, VU for 5 taxa, NT for 10 taxa and LC for 29 taxa. At the national scale, the distribution is CR for 5 taxa, EN for 5 taxa, VU for 7 taxa, NT for 10 taxa and LC for 32 taxa. At the global scale, the distribution is CR for 5 taxa, EN for 3 taxa, VU for 6 taxa, NT for 10 taxa NT and LC for 35 taxa. The main threats in the study area are overgrazing, constructions, land clearing, fire, urbanization and tourism.
The infrageneric delimitation is performed using multivariate analysis. Identification keys to sections and species are given. Synonymy, updated descriptions, phenology, distribution and habitats in Turkey, general distribution outside Turkey, distribution maps, phytogeography, specimen citations, some notes on taxonomy and photographs showing general appearance of the taxa are also provided.
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Cult Buildings In Aceramic Neolithic Southeast Anatolia: A Case Study Of Nevali CoriSentek, Mina 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
First settlements in Southeast Anatolia begun to appear as early as 10000 BC. Among all the unanswered questions about this early period, cult-related activities and cult buildings are widely studied due to their nature, which has strong connections with the social organization and early symbolism.
During the last decade, Southeast Anatolia has provided new evidence for this early stage of development in human history. This study aims to examine cult buildings that have common characteristics / how they were treated and distributed. The settlement of Nevali Ç / ori and its cult building is taken as an example and studied in detail. Other cult buildings with the same or similar architectural features are included in this study in order to discuss the roots, the distribution and the continuity of this Aceramic Neolithic tradition.
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Les pratiques funéraires des populations néolithiques d’Anatolie : le cas de CayönüYilmaz, Yasemin 23 March 2010 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le «Skull Building» de Çayönü (Sud-Est anatolien, Néolithiqueprécéramique), qui est l’un des plus anciens bâtiments à usage funéraire au Proche-Orient. Les restes humains provenant des différents dépôts osseux (110.460fragments) du «Skull Building» ont été étudiés au travers d’une approche archéoantropologiqueet taphonomique qui n’avait encore jamais été appliquée à un sitepréhistorique anatolien. Nous avons mis au point un logiciel de dénombrement,estimé le nombre minimum d’individus inhumés lors de chacune des deux phasesd’utilisation (NMI = 97 pour le bâtiment ovalaire, NMI = 231 pour le bâtimentrectangulaire) et mis en évidence un changement des pratiques entre le bâtimentovalaire (le plus ancien) et le bâtiment rectangulaire (le plus récent). Les résultatsobtenus permettent de proposer une nouvelle interprétation du fonctionnement de cebâtiment, dans la mesure où les analyses ont montré que les différents dépôts de laseconde phase d’utilisation (bâtiment rectangulaire) étaient liés entre eux. / This study focuses on the "Skull Building" of Çayönü (Southeast Anatolian PrepotteryNeolithic), which is one of the oldest buildings for burial use in the MiddleEast. Human remains from different bone deposits (110,460 fragments) of the "SkullBuilding" have been studied through an archaeo-anthropological and taphonomicapproach which had never been applied to a prehistoric site in Anatolia. We havedeveloped a software for counting, estimated the minimum number of individualsburied in each of the two phases of use (NMI = 97 for the Oval Building, NMI = 231for the Rectangular Building) and highlighted a change in practices between the ovalbuilding (the oldest) and the rectangular building (most recent). The results obtainedallow proposing a new interpretation for the functions of this building, insofar as theanalysis showed that different deposits of the second phase of use (RectangularBuilding) were interrelated.
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