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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Knowing me - knowing you' : an exploratory and analytical study of the factors at an individual and organisation level which influence housing choices for older people

Bright, Colleen M. January 2013 (has links)
This research study is concerned with the projected, significant rise in the number of older people in the next 20 to 30 years with a consequent growth in demand for health, social care and specialised housing. There is also an added challenge of meeting this growing demand alongside government policy requirements on ‘choice’ and ‘voice’, as they operate in Wales, as well as current and projected fiscal challenges. In the context of the challenges posed by an increasing older people population this research study will explore the concept of choice and specifically whether housing choice exists for older people in maintaining their independence in old age. The significance of independent living in the context of this research study, relates to an individual’s ability to maintain choice and control over their daily lives within their home environment. The research findings indicate that decisions made, or not made, by individuals in terms of planning ahead for old age, can potentially impact on their ability to sustain independence as they age in the home of their choice. The tendency for older people to ‘discount the future’ is explored by the researcher highlighting the potential to influence such behaviour by encouraging older people to ‘count the future’ and plan for it in terms of their individual needs. The impact on individual housing choice of decisions made by organisations, in particular local authorities, the NHS and Registered Social Landlords, is also explored within the Literature Review and discussion of the research findings. The consequences of a growing elderly population will be explored by focusing on how the housing choices available to older people with a long term condition, and potentially increasing care needs as they age, may be influenced by decisions made at an individual and organisation level. The findings of this qualitative, exploratory study are based on data collected and analysed from 22 one to one, semi-structured interviews with 2 groups of older people. The Prospective Group (forward looking to potential changes in their housing needs) comprised 10 older people aged between 57 to 80 years, all of whom live in their own home in the community, and the Retrospective Group (looking back to the circumstances that prompted changes in their housing needs) comprised 12 older people aged between 66 to 84 years, all of whom have moved in to sheltered housing. The research findings were also reviewed and discussed with a number of community based groups and a Focus Group. Analysis and discussion of the research findings enabled the identification of a number of themes which the researcher has distilled in to 3 overarching themes: • Enabling informed choice • Issues for organisations • Issues for Individuals The findings of this research study are important because they illustrate that, while most if not all Individuals wish to remain independent in the home of their choice as they age, achievement of this outcome is usually left to chance. The researcher argues that this will continue to be the case unless action is taken at a national and local level to clarify the role of organisations and individuals in supporting and achieving independent living in to old age. The findings point to potentially significant implications for individuals and organisations in terms of an erosion of choices available for sustaining independence in to old age, at an individual level, and an inability to sustain services, at an organisation level. Emerging policy and continued national and local debate on the issues explored by this research study illustrate an increased focus on the consequences of an ageing population. The researcher suggests that future planning of housing and communities will need to more effectively reflect the diverse needs, wants and expectations of current and future generations of older people in terms of the homes they wish to live in.

Ageing in place:potentials and restrictions – a case study of the living environment for older people in Oulu

Kondo, S. (Shigehiko) 01 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract The political principle concerning services for older people in Finland emphasises home care. The public authority set the national targets concerning service provisions and attempts to encourage the older population to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. In this regard, the national government employs a typical sociological or gerontological concept, known as ageing in place. Although the structure of social and health care services significantly shifted to domiciliary services in the 1990s, Finland is still considered to maintain relatively institutionalised welfare programmes. Due to continual ageing and pressures to reduce expenditure on social services, it still remains unexplored as to what extent encouraging ageing in place is realistic from the aspect of the living environment. This study is conducted as a single case study focusing on sixteen local districts in the city of Oulu. The forty-three projects researched, covering all categories, namely residential homes, sheltered housing and rental accommodation for older people, and ranging from central location to suburban districts, are systematically analysed using the building permits and the collected data in addition to the researcher’s neighbourhood surveys. The collected data are primarily analysed in quantitative manners and measured in multi-disciplinary ways. The outcomes of the analysis overall suggest that the living standards of all the housing projects studied here do not necessarily help older residents to cope with every possible environmental problem while real meanings of diversity among the projects studied are considered to be rather limited regarding the aspect of the possible lifestyles of residents. The degree of the realisation of ageing in place depends on the definition of the concept adopted by the various stakeholders (national and local authorities, developers, service providers, older people). The realisation of ageing in place seems to require wider and deeper discussions. Discussion of the ageing-in-place concept points to a lack of preventative objectives which aims at minimising services by providing appropriate living settings for older people instead of pursuing the best combination of care services and accommodation. There are special roles which only housing facilities can address. / Tiivistelmä Poliittisesti Suomessa painotetaan vanhusten palveluissa lähtökohtaisesti kotihoitoa. Viranomaiset ovat asettaneet valtakunnallisia tavoitteita palvelujen tarjoamisesta vanhuksille ja pyrkivät edistämään vanhusten kotiasumista niin pitkään kuin mahdollista. Tässä mielessä valtio toteuttaa ageing in place -toimintamallia, joka on laajalti vakiintunut sosiologian ja gerontologian konsepti. Vaikka sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltopalveluiden rakenteet siirtyivät 1990-luvulla merkittävästi kotipalveluiden suuntaan, Suomea pidetään edelleen maana, jossa hyvinvointipalvelut ovat suhteellisen laitoskeskeisiä. Johtuen väestön etenevästä ikääntymisestä ja paineista vähentää sosiaalipalvelujen kustannuksia, on vielä epäselvää missä määrin ageing in place -mallin edistäminen on realistista asuinympäristön näkökulmasta. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, joka keskittyi kuuteentoista Oulun kaupunginosaan. Tutkittuja neljääkymmentäkolmea kohdetta, jotka edustivat erilaisia vanhusten asuinkategorioita, siis vanhainkoteja, tehostettua palveluasumista ja ikääntyneiden vuokra-asumista, ja olivat sijoittuneet niin keskustan alueelle kuin lähiöihin, analysoitiin systemaattisesti käyttäen avuksi rakennuslupia, kerättyä dataa ja tutkijan naapurustokyselyitä. Näin kerättyä dataa analysoitiin pääasiassa kvantitatiivisesti ja mitattiin monitieteellisin menetelmin. Analyysin lopputulokset viittaavat yleisesti ottaen siihen, että tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelluissa asuinrakennuskohteissa asumisen taso ei välttämättä auttanut ikääntyneitä asukkaita selviytymään kaikista mahdollista asuinympäristöä koskevista ongelmista, ja toisaalta asukkaiden erilaisten elämäntyylien kannalta rakennusten välisten erojen nähdään olevan todelliselta merkitykseltään varsin rajoittuneita. Ageing in place -mallin toteutumisen aste riippuu siitä, miten eri tahot (valtion viranomaiset ja paikalliset viranomaiset, kehittäjät, palveluntarjoajat, vanhukset) kyseisen konseptin määrittelevät. Vaikuttaa siltä, että ageing in place -mallin toteuttaminen edellyttää jatkossa laajempaa ja perusteellisempaa keskustelua. Ageing in place -konseptia koskevassa keskustelussa ei ole nähtävissä sellaista ajattelutapaa, jossa pyrittäisi minimoimaan palveluiden määrä tarjoamalla vanhuksille sopivanlaiset asuinolosuhteet, vaan sen sijaan keskustelussa on keskitytty etsimään parasta hoitopalveluiden ja asumisen yhdistelmää. On kuitenkin tiettyjä ongelmia, joita voi ratkaista vain sopivilla asuinympäristöillä.

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