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Interpersonal markers in workplace genres : pursuing transactional and relational goals in office talkKoester, Almut Josepha January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Augmenting the Remote Control : Studies in Complex Information Navigation for Digital TVBerglund, Aseel January 2004 (has links)
The transition to digital TV is changing the television set into an entertainment as well as information supplier device that provides two-way communication with the viewer. However, the present remote control device is not appropriate for navigation through the huge amount of services and information provided by the future digital TV, presumably also a device for accessing the Internet. One possibility for coping with the complex information navigation required by TV viewers is an augmentation of the interaction tools currently available for TV. Two approaches to such an augmentation are investigated in this thesis: linking paper-based TV guides to the digital TV and enhancing the remote control unit with speech interaction. Augmentation of paper-based TV guides is a futuristic research approach based on the integration of paper-based TV guides into computation technology. This solution provides interactive paper-based TV guides that also function as a remote control for the TV. A prototype system is developed and explorative studies are conducted to investigate this approach. These studies indicate the benefits of integrating paper-based TV guides into the TV set. They also illuminate the potential to provide innovative solutions for home information systems. Integrating familiar physical artefacts, such as paper and pen into TV technology may provide easy access to information services usually provided by PCs and the Internet. Thus, the same augmentation needed for TV as an entertainment device also opens up new communication channels for providing society information to citizens who do not feel comfortable with conventional computers. The thesis also reports on studies of speech interfaces for TV information navigation. Traditional speech interfaces have several common problems, such as user acceptance and misinterpretation of user input. These problems are investigated in empirical and explorative studies with implementation of mockups and running research systems. We have found that the pragmatic solution of augmenting remote control devices by speech is a suitable solution that eases information navigation and search. / On the day of the public defence the status of articles III and V was: Submitted.
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Speech Interaction for Networked Video GamesSpyridou, E., Palmer, Ian J., Williams, E.J. January 2003 (has links)
No / This four volume set provides the complete proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction held June, 2003 in Crete, Greece. A total of 2,986 individuals from industry, academia, research institutes, and governmental agencies from 59 countries submitted their work for presentation at the conference. The papers address the latest research and development efforts, as well as highlight the human aspects of design and use of computing systems. Those accepted for presentation thoroughly cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, including the cognitive, social, ergonomic, and health aspects of work with computers. The papers also address major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of diversified application areas, including offices, financial institutions, manufacturing, electronic publishing, construction, health care, and disabled and elderly people.
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Развој мултимодалног система образовне игре за слабовиду и слепу децу / Razvoj multimodalnog sistema obrazovne igre za slabovidu i slepu decu / Development of the multimodal system of educational game for partially sighted and blind childrenLučić Branko 08 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су приказани развој мултимодалног<br />система за образовну игру Луграм и истраживања<br />везана за његову примену у области редовног и<br />специјализованог основношколског образовања.<br />Извршено је испитивање утицаја Луграма на<br />повишење ефеката учења геометрије у редовној<br />разредној настави, испитивање да ли његову<br />прилагођену мултимодалну верзију могу да користе<br />слабовида и слепа деца и да ли се она може<br />користити за њихову обуку за самосталну употребу<br />рачунарске аудио верзије Луграма.<br />Утврђено је да Луграм има утицаја на пораст успеха<br />у учењу геометрије и да се прилагођена аудио-<br />тактилна верзија може користити у сврху обуке<br />слабовиде и слепе деце за самостално коришћење<br />аудио верзије игре.<br />Резултати истраживања су показали оправданост<br />приступа развоју Луграма као мултимодалног<br />система за игру и усмерили његов даљи развој ка<br />асистивном мултимодалном систему који поседује<br />способност говорне интеракције са корисником и<br />могућност прилагођења различитим категоријама<br />корисника.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su prikazani razvoj multimodalnog<br />sistema za obrazovnu igru Lugram i istraživanja<br />vezana za njegovu primenu u oblasti redovnog i<br />specijalizovanog osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja.<br />Izvršeno je ispitivanje uticaja Lugrama na<br />povišenje efekata učenja geometrije u redovnoj<br />razrednoj nastavi, ispitivanje da li njegovu<br />prilagođenu multimodalnu verziju mogu da koriste<br />slabovida i slepa deca i da li se ona može<br />koristiti za njihovu obuku za samostalnu upotrebu<br />računarske audio verzije Lugrama.<br />Utvrđeno je da Lugram ima uticaja na porast uspeha<br />u učenju geometrije i da se prilagođena audio-<br />taktilna verzija može koristiti u svrhu obuke<br />slabovide i slepe dece za samostalno korišćenje<br />audio verzije igre.<br />Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali opravdanost<br />pristupa razvoju Lugrama kao multimodalnog<br />sistema za igru i usmerili njegov dalji razvoj ka<br />asistivnom multimodalnom sistemu koji poseduje<br />sposobnost govorne interakcije sa korisnikom i<br />mogućnost prilagođenja različitim kategorijama<br />korisnika.</p> / <p>The dissertation presents the development of the multimodal system for the educational game Lugram and the research related to its application in the regular and specialized primary education. The examination of the effect which Lugram has on the improvement in learning geometry in the primary education is done, as well as the testing weather its adapted multimodal version can be used for the training of partially sighted and blind children for the independent use of the computer audio version of Lugram. It is established that Lugram has an influence on the improvement in learning geometry and that adapted audio-tactile version can be used for the training purposes for partially sighted and blind children. Results of the research have justified the approach in the development of Lugram as a multimodal system for the game. Moreover, they focus further development toward assistive multimodal system which has ability of the voice interaction with the user and also ability of adaptation to the different kind of users.</p>
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