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Model developments for in silico studies of the lumbar spine biomechanicsNoailly, Jérôme 22 June 2009 (has links)
La present tesi investiga l'ús de la modelització amb elements finits per a l'estudi de la biomecànica lumbar per a l'avaluació clínica. Els estudis bibliogràfics del capítol 1 mostren relacions funcionals clares entre les forces externes i les estructures i formes del teixit lumbar. Els estudis clínics demostraren que independentment del seu origen, el dolor lumbar pot veure's empitjorat per sobrecàrregues dels teixits. Les mesures experimentals són insuficients per descriure la distribució de càrrega entre els diferents teixits lumbars, és així que s'han utilitzat models d'elements finits. No obstant, la fiabilitat dels models a l'hora de predir les càrregues locals en els teixits no ha estat demostrada, essent aquest un dels objectes d'estudi.En el Capítol 2 s'elaborà un model bisegment de la columna lumbar. El model inicial es completà incloent el còrtex vertebral, una definició complerta de les juntes sinovials, les plaques terminals de cartílag i una descripció millorada de l'estructura de l'anell. Es van simular càrregues simplificades per als estudis in vitro per calcular les distribucions de tensions, deformacions i energia. El model bisegment és vàlid per interpretar les distribucions de càrrega funcionals a L3-L5 en el cas d'estructures conegudes de teixit, però el conjunt de la geometria L3-L5 necessitava ser millorat.Així al Capítol 3 es creà un model geomètric bisegment precís de L3-L5. El nou model incloïa les corregides: dimensions i formes, alçades de disc, localitzacions del nucli, formes posteriors de l'os, i distribució dels lligaments. Després de comparar a nivell biomecànic l'antiga geometria amb la nova, els resultats mostraren que els rols relatius dels teixits modelats depenen de la geometria. En general, les distribucions de càrrega predites eren més fisiològiques en el nou model. En canvi, ambdós models, reprodueixen rangs experimentals de moviment, així doncs la seva validació hauria de tenir en compte les transferències de càrrega locals.El Capítol 4 es centra en la variabilitat dels angles creuats del col·lagen de l'anell. Es crearen quatre models bisegment amb organitzacions d'anell fibrós basats en la bibliografia comparant-se sota diverses càrregues. A més es proposà un paràmetre d'estabilització de l'anell per analogia a un tub de parets gruixudes. La biomecànica del model depenia en gran mesura de l'organització de l'anell fibrós, però el paràmetre d'estabilització era soviet contradictori amb les tensions i forces predites. Així, s'assumí que la geometria de la columna i l'organització de l'anell fibrós estaven lligades. Les xarxes d'anell de col·lagen adaptades es poden determinar numèricament, però els models d'anell haurien d'estar bastats en relacions mecanobiològiques.Al Capítol 5 es presenta un model de disc artificial acoblat amb el model de L3-L5. Models bisegment amb i sense implant van ser comparats amb càrregues controlades per força o desplaçament, incloent o no l'aproximació del pes del cos. La rigidesa de la pròtesi alterava generalment les distribucions de càrrega i les rotacions controlades per desplaçament conduint a grans efectes adjacents. Incloent el pes del cos les condicions de contorn semblaven més fisòlogiques que sense. Malgrat la rigidesa del nou disc, aquest sembla més prometedor que altres dispositius comercials.En aquesta tesi s'han creat sis models nous elements finits de la columna lumbar osteoligamentosa. Les simulacions han mostrat que l'ús fiable dels models requereix d'una descripció precisa de les càrregues locals i respostes mecàniques de teixits. Les prediccions locals van estar limitades qualitativament degudes al desconeixement de les estructures de teixit tou, equacions constitutives i condicions de contorn. En canvi, els models poden ser emprats com a laboratoris in silico per superar aquestes limitacions. Basat en la informació numèrica i experimental, s'ha proposat un procediment jeràrquic per al desenvolupament qualitativament fiable de models elements finits de la columna lumbar. / This PhD thesis investigated the use of finite element modelling to study lumbar spine biomechanics for clinical assessment. Bibliographic studies reported in the first Chapter showed clear functional relations between external forces and lumbar spine tissue structures and shapes. Clinical research revealed that independently of its origin, low back pain may be worsened by altered tissue mechanical environments. Experimental measurements alone cannot truly describe the load distributions between the different lumbar spine tissues. Thus, finite element models have been used in the past. But model reliability in predicting local tissue loadings is still not manifest and has been explored in this thesis as described in the following chapters.In Chapter 2, a L3-L5 lumbar spine bi-segment model was built. An initial model was completed to include the vertebral cortex, a full definition of the facet joints, the cartilage endplates, and an improved description of the annulus fibre-reinforced structure. Simplified load-cases used for in vitro studies were simulated to calculate stress and strain energy distributions. Predictions within the L3-L5 lumbar spine bi-segment model could be interpreted in terms of functional load distributions related to known tissue structures, but the overall L3-L5 bisegment model geometry needed further update.Thus, in Chapter 3, a geometrically accurate L3-L5 lumbar spine bi-segment model was created. The new model included corrected L3 and L5 body shapes and dimensions, corrected disc heights and nucleus placements, corrected posterior bone shapes, dimensions, and orientations, and corrected ligament distributions. The new and old geometries were biomechanically compared. Results showed that the relative roles of modelled tissues greatly depend on the geometry. Predicted load distributions were generally more physiological in the new model. However, new and old models could both reproduce experimental ranges of motion, meaning that their validation should take into account local load transfers.Chapter 4 focuses on the variability of the annulus collagen criss-cross angles. Four bi-segment models with literature-based annulus fibre organizations were created and compared under diverse loads. Moreover, an annulus stabilization parameter was proposed by analogy to a thick walled pipe. Model biomechanics greatly depended on the annulus fibre organization, but annulus stabilization parameter was often contradictory with the predicted stresses and strains. Spine geometry and annulus fibrous organization were hypothesized to be linked together. Adapted annulus collagen networks may be numerically determined, but annulus modelling should be based on mechano-biological relationships.In Chapter 5, a case-study of a novel artificial disc design coupled with the L3-L5 lumbar spine model is presented. Bi-segment models with and without implant were compared under load- or displacement-controlled rotations, with or without body-weight like load. Prosthesis stiffness generally altered the load distributions and displacement-controlled rotations led to strong adjacent level effects. Including body weight-like loads seemed to give more realistic results. Although the novel disc substitute is too stiff, it is more promising than other existing commercial devices.In this thesis, six new osteoligamentous lumbar spine bi-segment finite element models were created. Simulations showed that reliable use of lumbar spine finite element models requires precise descriptions of local tissue loading and response. Local predictions were qualitatively mainly limited by a lack of knowledge about soft tissue structural organisations, constitutive equations, and boundary conditions. However, models can be used as in silico laboratories to overcome such limitations. A hierarchical procedure for the development of qualitatively reliable lumbar spine finite element models was proposed based on available numerical and experimental inputs.
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Avaliação funcional da coluna cervical em indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular / Functional assessment of the cervical spine in subjects with temporomandibular disordersMichele Peres Ferreira 26 April 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a função da coluna cervical, utilizando testes clínicos cervicais em indivíduos com e sem Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM) associados ou não ao relato de dor de cabeça. Métodos: Estudo Transversal. Foram avaliadas 57 mulheres com idade de 18 a 60 anos, divididas em dois grupos: DTM (n=40), e controle (n=17). Dada a alta frequência de relato de dor de cabeça a amostra de DTM foi estratificada em DTM com cefaleia (n=25) e DTM sem cefaleia (n=15). A incapacidade cervical foi avaliada pelo Índice de Incapacidade Cervical (NDI) e a dor na ATM pela Escala Visual Analógica de dor (EVA). A avaliação funcional da coluna cervical foi conduzida uma única avaliação por um examinador fisioterapeuta experiente e foi constituída pelos testes clínicos: análise da Amplitude de Movimento Ativa da Coluna Cervical (ADM); realização do Flexion-Rotation Test (FRT) e Cranio-Cervical Flexion Test (CCFT). Os sujeitos com DTM que relataram a presença de dores de cabeça foram instruídos a responder um questionário sobre as principais características da cefaleia referida. Para comparações entre os grupos foram aplicados ANOVA one way seguida por teste Post Hoc de Tukey ou por Teste Kruskall Wallis quando necessário. Para a análise de associação entre as variáveis categóricas foram aplicados Teste chi-quadrado ou Teste Exato de Fisher quando apropriado e para a análise de associação entre variáveis ordinais/contínua foram aplicados Testes de Correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Os indivíduos com DTM independente do relato de dor de cabeça apresentaram menor mobilidade no plano sagital, menores valores no FRT e apresentaram pior performance dos flexores profundos cervicais comparados aos controles (p<0.05). Além disso, os dados de ADM, FRT e CCFT foram associados com a intensidade de dor na ATM e a incapacidade cervical (p<0.01). Conclusão: Pacientes com DTM independente do relato de cefaleia apresentaram limitação na amplitude de flexão/extensão e do segmento C1-C2 da coluna cervical, além do menor desempenho dos músculos flexores profundos. Adicionalmente, a incapacidade cervical e a dor na ATM apresentaram correlação moderada com os testes funcionais cervicais nos indivíduos com DTM. / Objective: To evaluate the function of the cervical spine, using cervical clinical tests in individuals with and without Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)associated or not to the report of headache. Methods: Were analyzed 57 women with age between 18 and 60 years, divided in two groups: TMD (n=40) and control (n=17). Given the high frequency of headache report, the TMD sample was stratified into TMD with headache (n=25) and TMD without headache (n=15). Cervical disability was assessed by the Neck Disability Index (NDI) and TMJ pain by the Visual Analogue Scale of pain (VAS). The functional evaluation of the cervical spine was conducted by a physiotherapeutic examiner with 10 years of experience and was constituted by the clinical tests: Analysis of the Cervical Range of Motion (CROM); Flexion-Rotation Test (FRT) and Craniocervical Flexion Test (CCFT). Subjects with TMD who reported the presence of headaches were instructed to answer 11 questions that contained the main characteristics of referred headache. For comparisons between control groups, TMD with Headache and TMD without Headache, ANOVA was applied one way followed by Tukey\'s Post Hoc test or by Kruskall Wallis test when necessary. For the analysis of association between the categorical variables, chi-square test or Fisher\'s exact test were applied when appropriate and for analysis of association between ordinal / continuous variables, Spearman\'s Correlation Tests were applied. Results: Individuals with TMD independent of headache report showed less mobility in the sagittal plane, lower values in FRT and showed worse performance of the deep cervical flexors compared to Controls (p<0.05). In addition, CROM, FRT and CCFT were associated with an intensity of TMJ pain and cervical disability (p <0.01). Conclusion: Patients with TMD independently of the headache report showed limited flexion / extension range and C1-C2 segment of the cervical spine, as well as deficits in the performance of the deep flexor muscles. In addition, a cervical disability and TMJ pain report showed a moderate correlation with the functional tests of FRT and CCFT in individuals with TMD.
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Contribution à l'étude tridimensionnelle in vitro et in vivo de la cinématique et des bras de levier musculaires du rachis cervical supérieur: modélisation musculo-squelettique par infographie / In vitro and in vivo kinematics analysis and muscle moment arms comptutation of the suboccipital spine: musculoskeletal modeling and motion representationDugailly, Pierre-Michel 08 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude de la cinématique 3D du rachis cervical supérieur ainsi que<p>sur l’analyse des bras de levier des muscles sous-occipitaux postérieurs, par le développement<p>de différentes méthodes contribuant à la modélisation anatomique du mouvement.<p>La première partie de ce travail s’oriente vers l’étude des mouvements de flexion extension, de<p>rotation axiale et de flexion latérale ainsi que des axes qui y sont rapportés. Pour ce faire, deux<p>protocoles ont été développés sur préparations anatomiques, l’un visant à analyser les<p>mouvements discrets à partir de différentes attitudes du rachis cervical supérieur et l’autre<p>s’intéressant aux mouvements instantanés. Ceux-ci ont permis de mettre en évidence une<p>orientation et une position de l’axe hélicoïdal dépendantes du mouvement, du segment étudié<p>et de sa position spatiale.<p>En deuxième intention, nous nous sommes intéressés aux propriétés biomécaniques musculaires<p>de cette région, et en particulier à l’étude des bras de levier. Deux méthodes de calcul<p>distinctes ont été utilisées, montrant chacune des résultats différents d’un point de vue<p>quantitatif mais relativement similaires au niveau qualitatif.<p>Pour terminer, nous avons exploité ces méthodes afin d’apprécier leur faisabilité dans le cadre<p>d’une évaluation fonctionnelle in vivo. Il en ressort une concordance de résultats cinématiques<p>par rapport aux études susmentionnées, permettant d’entrevoir des perspectives cliniques<p>encourageantes.<p>Par ailleurs, la modélisation musculo-squelettique 3D pourrait également contribuer à la<p>compréhension du dysfonctionnement cinématique du rachis cervical supérieur./ <p><p>This thesis concerns 3D kinematics analysis of the upper cervical spine (UCS) and computation of the posterior suboccipital muscle moment arms as well the development of different methods contributing to anatomical modeling and motion representation. The first part of this work is focused on the kinematics of flexion extension, axial rotation and lateral bending of the UCS. Two protocols were developed and applied in anatomical specimens, one to analyze discrete movements in different attitudes of upper cervical spine and the second concerned instantaneous motions. In addition to usual range of motion data, orientation and position of helical axes was computed for each motion type and UCS joint segment.<p>In the second part, we were interested in posterior suboccipital muscle biomechanical properties, particularly in the study of moment arms. Two different calculation methods were used, each showing different results from a quantitative point of view but quite similar in quality. Finally, we used these methods to assess their feasibility for in vivo functional assessment. The latter showed a concordance of kinematic results compared to the above studies, offering insight and clinical perspectives. In addition, musculoskeletal modelling 3D could also contribute to understanding of the kinematic features of upper cervical spine disorders.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Metody segmentace a identifikace deformovaných obratlů ve 3D CT datech onkologických pacientů / Methods of Segmentation and Identification of Deformed Vertebrae in 3D CT Data of Oncological PatientsJakubíček, Roman January 2020 (has links)
In this doctoral thesis, the design of algorithms enabling the implementation of a fully automatic system for vertebrae segmentation in 3D computed tomography (CT) image data of possibly incomplete spines, in patients with bone metastases and vertebral compressions is presented. The proposed algorithm consists of several fundamental problems: spine detection and its axis determination, individual vertebra localization and identification (labeling), and finally, precise segmentation of vertebrae. The detection of the spine, specifically identifying its ends, and determining the course of the spinal canal, combines several advanced methods, including deep learning-based approaches. A novel growing circle method has been designed for tracing the spinal cord canal. Further, the innovative spatially variant filtering of brightness profiles along the spine axis leading to intervertebral disc localization has been proposed and implemented. The discs thus obtained are subsequently identified via comparing the tested vertebrae and model of vertebrae provided by a machine-learning process and optimized by dynamic programming. The final vertebrae segmentation is provided by the deformation of the complete-spine intensity model, utilizing a proposed multilevel registration technique. The complete proposed algorithm has been validated on testing databases, including also publicly available datasets. This way, it has been proven that the newly proposed algorithms provide results at least comparable to other author’s algorithms, and in some cases, even better. The main strengths of the algorithms lie in high reliability of the results and in the robustness to even strongly distorted vertebrae of oncological patients and to the occurrence of artifacts in data; moreover, they are capable of identifying the vertebra labels even in incomplete spinal CT scans. The strength is also in the complete automation of the processing and in its relatively low computational complexity enabling implementation on standard PC hardware. The system for fully automatic localization and labeling of distorted vertebrae in possibly incomplete spinal CT data is presented in this doctoral thesis. The design of algorithms enabling the implementation utilizes several novel approaches, which were presented at international conferences and published in the journal Jakubicek et al. (2020). Based on the results of the experimental validation, the proposed algorithms seem to be routinely usable and capable of providing fully acceptable input data (identified and precisely segmented vertebrae) as needed in the subsequent automatic spine bone lesion analysis.
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The effect of differing clinical settings on chiropractic patients suffering from mechanical low back painRichardson, Grant Walter January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2007
xviii, 140 leaves / Each healing encounter, and every treatment, has specific and non-specific treatment effects. Non – specific effects, or placebo effects, are the benefits felt by the patients because of the nature of the healing encounter. Although difficult to quantify and control, a number of authors recognize that the non-specific component of management has an additive effect on the overall clinical outcome. It has been reported that due to the physical interaction and social nature of chiropractic, there is a strong non-specific component in the management process, but to what extent it facilitates in the healing encounter is unknown. It has also been shown that spinal manipulation has a clinical effect which exceeds that of placebo; therefore it is possible for its effect to be muted or amplified, depending on the presence or absence of non-specific effects. For the above reasons this study was conducted in an attempt to map the size of the non-specific effect in the healing encounter by manipulating the practice setting in which the patients were treated.
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The short-term effect of manipulation of selected cervical spinal segments on the peak torque of the rotator cuff in asymtomatic patients with and without mechanical cervical spine dysfunctionBotha, Warrick January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005
96, [20] leaves / Strengthening of the rotator cuff muscles forms an integral part of any rehabilitation programme for the shoulder. Shoulder rehabilitation programmes which incorporate early motion and emphasize strengthening, have a lower incidence of recurrent subluxations and dislocations.
If cervical manipulation were proven to increase the strength of the rotator cuff muscles, then this could be used to develop and implement more effective treatment and rehabilitation protocols for patients with musculoskeletal painful shoulders and rotator cuff pathologies, and therefore provide future patients with more effective health care.
Studies have shown consistent reflex responses associated with spinal manipulative treatments. These reflex responses have been hypothesized to cause the clinically beneficial effects of decreasing hypertonicity in muscles, pain reduction and increasing the functional ability of the patient, and although spinal manipulation has been shown to affect muscle strength, it has not been extensively researched and it is unclear whether increased muscle strength is yet another reflex effect of manipulation.
As the rotator cuff is innervated by nerves arising from the mid and lower cervical spine, it is theorised that dysfunction of the spinal joints adversely affects nerve endings, causing inhibition of nerve function and affecting the rotator cuff. This is congruent with research which describes how there could be a decrease in muscular activity due to interference with the nerve supply of a muscle by means of a spinal joint fixation. In light of this, one could hypothesize that removal of a cervical joint dysfunction by manipulation, could increase motor unit recruitment and muscular activity of the muscles supplied by that cervical level and therefore possibly strengthen the muscles involved.
Therefore the aim of this study was to determine whether cervical manipulation could contribute to the strengthening process of the rotator cuff.
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Preoperative neuroscience education for patients undergoing surgery for lumbar radiculopathyLouw, Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: On average one in three patients following lumbar surgery (LS) for
radiculopathy experience persistent pain and disability following surgery. No perioperative
treatments have shown any ability to decrease this persistent pain and disability. In another
challenging low back pain (LBP) population, chronic LBP, pain education focusing on the
neurobiology and neurophysiology of pain, has shown an ability to reduce reported pain and
disability. The purpose of this research study was to develop and test a preoperative
neuroscience education program for LS and determine its effect on pain and disability
following LS.
Research Design and Methods: After a series of studies, a newly designed preoperative
neuroscience educational tool (PNET) was developed. Eligible patients scheduled for LS for
radiculopathy participated in a multi-center study where they were randomized to either
receive usual care (preoperative education), or a combination of usual care plus one session
covering the content of the PNET, as delivered by a physiotherapist in a one-on-one verbal
session. Prior to LS, and one, three and six months after LS, 67 patients completed a series
of self-report outcome measures consisting of LBP and leg pain rating (Numeric Rating
Scale), function (Oswestry Disability Index), fear avoidance (Fear Avoidance Beliefs
Questionnaire), pain catastrophization (Pain Catastrophization Scale), pain knowledge (Pain
Neurophysiology Questionnaire), various beliefs and experiences related to LS (Likert
Scale), and post-operative utilization of healthcare (Utilization of Healthcare Questionnaire).
Results: At six month follow up there were no statistical difference (p <0.05) between the
experimental and control groups in regards to the primary outcome measures of function (p
= 0.296), LBP (p = 0.077) and leg pain (p = 0.074). The experimental group scored
significantly better on various questions regarding beliefs and experiences having undergone
LS, compared to the control group indicating a more positive surgical experience. Analysis of
healthcare utilization showed that patients who received the preoperative neuroscience
educational program had dramatically less health care utilization (medical tests and
treatments) in the six months following LS (p = 0.001), resulting in a 38% savings in
healthcare cost.
Conclusion: The addition of a preoperative neuroscience educational program to usual care
for LS for radiculopathy resulted in a profound behavioral change leading to a more positive
surgical experience, decreased healthcare utilization and resultant savings, despite
persistent pain and disability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Gemiddeld een uit elke drie pasiënte ervaar volgehoue pyn en gestremdheid
na lumbale chirurgie (LC) vir radikulopatie. Geen peri-operatiewe behandeling het al getoon
dat dit die vermoe het om hierdie volgehoue pyn en gestremdheid te verminder nie. In nog 'n
uitdagende lae rug pynbevolking, naamlik chroniese lae rugpyn, het pyn-onderrig, wat fokus
op die neurobiologie en neurofisiologie van pyn, getoon dat dit kan lei tot verminderde
rapportering van pyn en gestremdheid. Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om 'n
preoperatiewe neuro-onderrig program vir lumbale chirurgie te ontwikkel en te toets, en die
uitwerking daarvan op pyn en gestremdheid na LC te bepaal.
Navorsingsontwerp en Metodiek: Na 'n reeks studies is 'n nuwe preoperatiewe neuroonderrig
hulpmiddel (PNET) ontwikkel. Geskikte pasiënte wat geskeduleer was vir LC weens
radikulopatie, het deelgeneem aan 'n veelvuldige- sentrum studie. Deelnemers is lukraak in
een van twee groepe ingedeel om of gewone sorg (preoperatiewe onderrig), of 'n
kombinasie van gewone sorg met een sessie wat die inhoud van die PNET gedek het.
Laasgenoemde sessie is aangebied deur 'n fisioterapeut in 'n een-tot-een verbale sessie.
Voor die LC, en een, drie en ses maande na LC, het 67 pasiënte 'n reeks van selfverslaggewende
uitkoms metings voltooi, wat insluit: Lae Rug- en beenpyn gradering
(„Numeric Pain Rating Scale‟), Funksie („Oswestry Disability Index‟), Vrees-vermyding („Fear
Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire‟), Pyn-katastrofering („Pain Catastrophization Scale‟), Pynkennis
(„Pain Neurophysiology Questionnaire‟), verskeie oortuigings en ervarings wat
verband hou met LC („Likert Scale‟), en postoperatiewe Gesondheidsorg-benutting
(„Utilization of Healthcare Questionnaire‟).
Resultate: Tydens die ses-maande-opvolg was daar geen statistiese verskil (p <0,05)
tussen die eksperimentele- en kontrolegroepe met betrekking tot die primêre uitkoms
metings van Funksie (p = 0,296), Lae rug Pyn (p = 0.077) en beenpyn (p = 0,074), nie. Die
eksperimentele-groep het betekenisvol beter gevaar met verskeie vrae oor oortuiging en
ervarings na afloop van LC. Ontleding van gesondheidsorg benutting, het getoon dat
pasiënte wie die preoperatiewe neuro-onderrig program ontvang het, dramaties minder
Gesondheidsorg (mediese toetse en behandelings) in die ses maande na LC benodig het, (p
= 0,001), wat gelei het tot 'n 38% besparing in gesondheidsorgkoste.
Gevolgtrekking: Die byvoeging van 'n preoperatiewe neuro-onderrig program, tot die
gewone-sorg vir LC weens radikulopatie, het „n noemenswaardige gedragsverandering
veroorsaak wat tot n meer positiewe chirurgiese ervaring, verminderde gesondheidsorg
benutting en finansiele besparing gelei het, ten spyte van volgehoue pyn en gestremdheid.
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Preoperative education for patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery for radiculopathyLouw, Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio (Physiotherapy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Postoperative rehabilitation programs have shown little efficacy in decreasing pain and disability in short and long term outcomes for lumbar discectomy. Preoperative education in other disciplines of medicine and physiotherapy has shown to decrease pain and disability postoperatively. No studies to date have been published on preoperative education for spinal lumbar surgery patients with radiculopathy.
The objective of this study was to contribute towards further understanding of the preoperative educational requirements of patients undergoing lumbar surgery for lumbar radiculopthy.
Two surveys were conducted. A new questionnaire was developed for patients to determine their preoperative educational needs regarding spinal surgery due to radiculopathy. These questionnaires were administered at 4-weeks postoperatively to patients from four spinal surgeons in the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area of the US. A second physiotherapist survey was developed and distributed to physiotherapists registered with the Kansas and Missouri State Boards who were actively involved in treating spinal surgery patients in Kansas and Missouri. The data collected from completed questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tests....
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Investigation of thoracic spine kinematics in adult sports participants with chronic groin pain during a single leg drop landing taskMorris, Tracy Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chronic groin pain is widespread across many sporting disciplines. The aim of our
research was to determine if there are kinematic differences of the thoracic spine in
active sports people with chronic groin pain, compared with healthy controls. A
cross-sectional descriptive design was followed. Participants were required to
complete six single leg drop landings with each leg from a 20cm height.
The study was done in the 3D Movement Analysis Laboratory at the University of
Stellenbosch. Ten male participants with unilateral or bilateral chronic groin pain of
more than 3 months duration and 10 asymptomatic males, matched for age and
sports participation, were recruited.
The main outcome measures were: thoracic spine angle at initial foot contact,
maximum thoracic spine angle, range of movement (ROM) (difference between the
minimum and maximum values) and thoracic spine angle at lowest vertical point of
the pelvis. This was assessed in all 3 movement planes: the sagittal plane (X plane),
the coronal plane (Y plane) and the transverse plane (Z plane). The results of our study showed that for the unilaterally affected groin pain group, the
cases landed in significantly more thoracic flexion (P<0.001 with large effect size)
and were in significantly more thoracic flexion still at the lowest point. Peak thoracic
flexion was significantly more in the cases than the controls. (P<0.001 with medium
effect size) The same was true for the bilaterally affected group when landing on the
most painful side, although this was not statistically significant. There were no
significant differences in the frontal or transverse planes. In the bilaterally painful
group, axial rotation ROM was significantly reduced when landing on either leg
(worst affected side: P=0.040 with medium effect size and least affected side: p=0.006 with large effect size). The same occurred in the unilaterally affected group,
although this was not statistically significant.
Our study suggests that, in participants with chronic groin pain, there is greater
thoracic forward flexion away from neutral during landing and that total axial rotation
ROM during landing is diminished. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kroniese liespyn kom dikwels en in verskeie sportsoorte voor. Die doel van ons
studie was om te bepaal of daar kinematiese verskille van die torakale werwelkolom
is in aktiewe sportmense met chroniese liespyn, in vergelyking met gesonde
kontroles. ‘n Dwars-deursnit beskrywende studiemetode is gevolg, en uitgevoer in
die 3D Beweging Analise Laboratorium, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Deelnemers
moes ses landings op een been doen, met elke been, vanaf 'n 20cm hoogte. Tien
mans met eensydige of bilaterale chroniese liespyn vir langer as 3 maande, en 10
asimptomatiese mans (ooreenstemmende ouderdom en sport deelname) het
deelgeneem. Die hoof uitkomste wat gemeet is, was torakale werwelkolom
krommingshoek by aanvanklike voet-kontak, maksimum torakale werwelkolom
krommingshoek, omvang van beweging (OVB) (verskil tussen die minimum en
maksimum waardes) en torakale werwelkolom krommingshoek by die laagste punt
van die bekken. Dit is beoordeel in al 3 beweging vlakke: die sagittale (X) vlak, die
koronale/frontale (Y) vlak en die transversale (Z) vlak. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat, in die eensydig-geaffekteerde liespyn
groep, die deelnemers in beduidend meer torakale fleksie geland het(P < 0.001, met
'n groot effekgrootte), asook met aansienlik meer torakale fleksie by die laagste punt
na landing. Piek torakale fleksie was aansienlik meer in die liespyn-gevalle as in die
kontroles. (P < 0.001, met middelmatige effekgrootte ) Dieselfde het vir die bilateraalgeaffekteerde
groep gegeld wanneer hulle op hul mees pynlike kant geland het,
hoewel dit nie statisties beduidend was nie. Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskille
in die frontale of transversale vlakke van beweging nie. In die bilateraal pynlike
groep, was aksiale rotasie OVB aansienlik verminder wanneer die gevalle op hul
pynlikste been óf op hul minder pynlike been geland het ( mees pynlike been : P = 0,040, met 'n middelmatige effekgrootte en minder pynlike been : p = 0,006, met 'n
groot effekgrootte ). Dieselfde het in die eensydig-geaffekteerde groep gebeur,
hoewel dit nie statisties beduidend was nie.
Ons studie dui daarop dat, in deelnemers met chroniese liespyn, daar meer torokale
fleksie weg van neutraal tydens landing is en dat die totale aksiale rotasie OVB
tydens die landing verminder is, in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep.
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Analysis of spatial discrimination in the lumbar spine of normal manLeja, Eliza January 2014 (has links)
A clinical study was performed in order to determine if healthy test subjects can differentiate between adjacent and separated pairs of vertebrae in the lumbar spine. The variable of interest was number of correctly specied pairs of vertebrae. The test subjects were evaluated in terms of sensitivity and specicity of this test. Bootstrap resampling was applied in the data analysis. The results clearly indicated that the test subjects in this study were able to successfully determine whether a pair of adjacent or separated vertebrae was tested during the procedure.
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