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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Pseudorandom Sequences used in 3rd Generation Spread Spectrum Systems

Manchiraju, Dinakar 12 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.

An Adaptive filtering algorithm and its application to adaptive beamforming in spread-spectrum systems for interference rejection

Kwag, Young Kil January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Code acquisition in advanced CDMA networks

Katz, M. (Marcos) 09 December 2002 (has links)
Abstract The present dissertation deals with initial synchronization in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) networks. In the first part of this thesis an extensive and up-to-date review of the literature is presented. The basic theory of code acquisition as well as different techniques and structures used to achieve the initial synchronization are discussed. A survey of the most common theoretical approaches allowing performance characterization of the acquisition process is included. The effect of noise, interference, carrier Doppler, multipath propagation, fading and data modulation on system performance are reviewed. Advanced code acquisition approaches exploiting interference suppression techniques and multiple antennas are also described. A summary of the results obtained within the area of code acquisition in CDMA networks is also embraced by this thesis. The distinctive assumption is to consider the actual variable effect of multiple access interference on the delay-domain search process, instead of the usual constant approximation. Three directions of research are followed. Models for code acquisition in quasi-synchronous and asynchronous CDMA networks are first developed and analysed. Closed-form expressions for the main performance figures of the acquisition process are derived and analysed. Results show a strong dependence of the mean acquisition time with the nature of the multiple access interference. In the second area of research the previous results are extended to consider code acquisition with a multi-branch (Rake) receiver in a multipath channel. A generic model for Rake receiver code acquisition is considered and developed, in which the synchronization takes place in two phases. The first detected path is allocated to the first finger during the initial synchronization phase, whereas the remaining fingers are successively allocated to other available paths in the postinitial synchronization phase. Performance measures for this acquisition process are also derived and analysed. Finally, based on the use of an antenna array and beamforming techniques, conventional delay-domain code acquisition is extended to the angular domain, resulting in a two-dimensional (delay-angle) search. This technique is found to be feasible, outperforming the synchronization approach exploiting a single-antenna. It is found that there exists an optimal number of antennas that minimises the mean acquisition time. Two-dimensional code acquisition is studied in a variety of scenarios, including single and multipath channels, fixed and fading channels, and with uniform and nonuniform spatial distributions of interference. Different two-dimensional search strategies are studied. A clear dependence of acquisition performance with the search strategy and the particular distribution of interference is pointed out. The performance of two-dimensional code acquisition is found to be seriously deteriorated by the presence of spatially nonuniform interference. Schemes based on search strategy and adaptive detector structures are considered and analysed to combat the performance degradation in the mentioned case. A comparative study of code acquisition exploiting multiple antennas is also presented.

Model systému UMTS / Model of UMTS System

Srdínko, Milan January 2008 (has links)
Spread Spectrum Communication techniques have been widely used in mobile and wireless communications. They have very beneficial features like antijam and security (noise-like character, pseudorandom codes usage). At first, the features of Spread Spectrum systems are described with emphasis on the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS-SS) scheme. Main specifications of UMTS system are also introduced. The goal of this thesis was to create the model of a physical layer UMTS suitable for investigation of disturbing signals influences in Matlab Simulink. This model was used to measure how the Bit error rate (BER) is affected by the Processing gain and the Signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, two important charts which describe the relation of Bit error rate versus the Processing gain and the Signal-to-noise ratio have been plotted.

Code acquisition in direct sequence spread spectrum systems using smart antennas

Puska, H. (Henri) 24 March 2009 (has links)
Abstract In this doctoral thesis, initial code synchronization (i.e., code acquisition) of a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) system is studied when a smart antenna is used in a receiver. Code synchronization means time synchronization of the used spreading code in the receiver. After an introduction to the topic, a literature review of code acquisition is presented. In addition, a review of the results in the literature under fading, data modulation, Doppler, intentional interference, multiple-access interference, other system interference, and multiple antennas is given. After that, an overview of the smart antennas, especially focusing on digital beamforming and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms is presented. The end part of the thesis concentrates on the author’s own research of the topic. Original articles of this article dissertation have been classified according to their contents into two groups. The first group covers DS/SS code acquisition performance in intentional interference by exploiting how well different beamforming algorithms can eliminate narrowband and wideband interfering signals in the case, where the DOA of the desired signal is known. The obtained results show that most spatial beamforming algorithms are capable of cancelling multiple different types of interfering signals if they are not arriving from the same direction as the desired signal. If angle separation between desired and interfering signals is not sufficient, then more complex methods have to be used. The second group of articles focuses on a theoretical analysis of synchronization probabilities and mean acquisition times. If the DOA of the desired signal is unknown, the whole angular uncertainty region can be divided into small angular cells using beamforming techniques, as is proposed in the literature. Then there is a two-dimensional (delay-angle) acquisition problem. In this thesis, the research work of that area is expanded to cover also advanced beamforming techniques, since they offer increased interference suppression capability. It is shown that the code acquisition performance of the delay-angle method can be improved in some cases by adding a DOA estimator into the system, because it may reduce the number of required angular cells. In addition, such a minimum mean square error (MMSE) beamforming structure is proposed, where only one period of the known pseudo noise spreading code is used as a reference signal. The method was shown to have better acquisition performance than the delay-angle method has, since MMSE beamforming does not need DOA information. However, in this thesis, such a method was not found which outperforms the rest of the methods in all scenarios. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöstyössä tutkitaan suorahajotushajaspektrijärjestelmän (DS/SS, direct sequence spread spectrum) koodisynkronoinnin etsintävaihetta, kun vastaanottimessa käytetään älyantennia. Koodisynkronoinnilla tarkoitetaan järjestelmän käyttämän hajotuskoodin ajastuksen synkronointia vastaanottimessa. Johdannon jälkeen esitetään kirjallisuuskatsaus koodisynkronointiin sekä tuodaan esille kirjallisuudesta löytyviä tutkimustuloksia aihepiiristä seuraavissa tilanteissa: häipyvä kanava, Doppler-ilmiö, tahallinen häirintä, monikäyttöhäiriö, muiden järjestelmien aiheuttama häiriö sekä moniantennijärjestelmät. Tämän jälkeen esitetään yleiskatsaus älyantenneihin kohdistuen erityisesti digitaalisiin keilanmuodostus- sekä suuntaestimointialgoritmeihin. Työn loppuosa keskittyy kirjoittajan omaan tutkimukseen aiheesta. Tämän nippuväitöskirjan alkuperäiset artikkelit on luokiteltu kahteen ryhmään niiden sisältöön perustuen. Ensimmäinen ryhmä käsittelee DS/SS-järjestelmän koodisynkronoinnin etsintävaiheen suorituskykyä tahallisessa häirinnässä tutkimalla, miten hyvin erilaiset keilanmuodostusalgoritmit kykenevät poistamaan kapea- ja leveäkaistaisia häirintäsignaaleja tilanteessa, jossa hyötysignaalin tulosuunta tiedetään. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että monet tilatason keilanmuodostusalgoritmit kykenevät poistamaan useita erityyppisiä häirintäsignaaleita, jos ne eivät saavu hyötysignaalin kanssa samasta suunnasta. Mikäli kulmaero hyöty- ja häirintäsignaalien välillä ei ole riittävä, joudutaan käyttämään rakenteeltaan monimutkaisempia menetelmiä. Toinen ryhmä artikkeleita keskittyy synkronointiin liittyvien todennäköisyyksien ja keskimääräisen etsintäajan teoreettiseen analyysiin. Jos hyötysignaalin tulosuunta on tuntematon, voidaan kulmaepävarmuusalue jakaa pieniin kulmasoluihin käyttäen keilanmuodostustekniikoita, kuten kirjallisuudessa esitetään. Tällöin kyseessä on kaksiulotteinen (viive-kulma) etsintäongelma. Tässä työssä kyseistä tutkimusaihetta laajennetaan koskemaan myös edistyneet keilanmuodostusmenetelmät, koska ne tarjoavat parantuneen häiriönvaimennuskyvyn. Työssä osoitetaan, että viive-kulma menetelmän suorituskykyä voidaan parantaa joissakin tilanteissa lisäämällä järjestelmään suuntaestimaattori, koska se saattaa vähentää tarvittavien kulmasolujen lukumäärää. Lisäksi tutkitaan sellaista pienimmän keskineliövirheen (MMSE, minimum mean square error) keilanmuodostusmenetelmää, jossa ainoastaan yhtä hajotuskoodin koodijaksoa käytetään opetukseen. Kyseisellä menetelmällä todettiin olevan parempi suorituskyky kuin viive-kulma etsinnällä, koska MMSE-menetelmä ei tarvitse suuntainformaatiota. Tässä työssä ei kuitenkaan löydetty yhtä sellaista menetelmää, jonka suorituskyky on muita parempi kaikissa tilanteissa.

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