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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Croissance et δ13C des cernes de trois essences forestières tempérées (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea et Pinus sylvestris) face aux variations climatiques à l'échelle interannuelle et saisonnière / Growth and ring δ13C of three temperate forest species (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea et Pinus sylvestris) under climatic variations at interannual and seasonal scales

Michelot, Alice 01 July 2011 (has links)
Il est probable que les changements climatiques futurs diminuent la croissance forestière en région tempérée. Cette vulnérabilité des espèces face aux contraintes du climat peut être étudiée via les cernes des arbres. Ces derniers sont en effet des archives du carbone utilisé par les arbres pour leur croissance, en lien avec les caractéristiques spécifiques de gestion du carbone et de réponse au climat. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer, à partir des cernes, les réponses fonctionnelles de trois essences forestières tempérées (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea et Pinus sylvestris) aux variations climatiques. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une approche expérimentale en étudiant deux proxys (ou indices climatiques) : la croissance et la composition isotopique en 13C (δ13C) des cernes, à deux échelles temporelles : interannuelle et saisonnière. A l’échelle interannuelle, sur la période 1960-2007, une étude dendrochronologique a été réalisée sur les trois essences et a été complétée par l’analyse du δ13C des cernes (en relation avec le climat). A l’échelle saisonnière, nous avons déterminé précisément, sur une année (2009), les dynamiques de croissance du cerne et les variations de δ13C intra-cerne. Nos résultats mettent en évidence une sensibilité de la croissance et du δ13C des cernes des trois essences aux sécheresses estivales. Grâce à la complémentarité des proxys et des échelles temporelles, nous avons également trouvé des réponses climatiques contrastées entre espèces. La croissance du Hêtre est la plus réactive au climat d’une année à l’autre. Cette croissance ainsi que le δ13C des cernes sont fortement sensibles aux températures de juillet, en plus des précipitations printanières et estivales. Cette réponse immédiate au climat peut être expliquée par une forte dépendance de la croissance au fonctionnement foliaire et une faible utilisation des réserves carbonées pour assurer le début de la croissance. Le Chêne présente lui des arrières-effets climatiques sur sa croissance, via une forte sensibilité aux sécheresses de l’automne précédent, contrairement aux deux autres espèces. Ce résultat est à mettre en relation avec l’utilisation importante de réserves carbonées par rapport aux assimilats pour la croissance du bois initial, cette dernière étant très rapide, comme nous l’avons observé grâce à l’analyse saisonnière de la croissance. Concernant le Pin, la croissance, parce qu’elle dure plus longtemps que celle des décidues, est influencée par les températures et les précipitations de juin jusqu'à août. Le δ13C des cernes de pins est celui qui enregistre le plus la réponse au VPD, aussi bien à l’échelle saisonnière qu'interannuelle, probablement du fait d’une forte sensibilité de la conductance stomatique à ce paramètre. Les informations fournies par les cernes permettent d’appréhender la survie des espèces face aux changements climatiques futurs et peuvent être utilisées pour comprendre le dépérissement lié à ces changements. / Climate change will probably alter the tree growth in temperate forests. The species vulnerability to climatic constraints can be studied using tree rings. The latter's are natural archives of carbon used for tree growth and are linked to species carbon transfer and response to climate. The main thesis objective was to determine the functional response of three temperate species (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea et Pinus sylvestris) under climatic variations using tree rings. For this, an experimental approach was conducted using two proxies (or climatic indices): the radial growth and the carbon isotope composition in 13C (δ13C) of rings at two time scales: interannual and intra-annual (or seasonal). At interannual scale, over the period 1960-2007, a dendrological study was done for three species and was completed by analysis of ring δ13C (in relation to climate). Over one year (2009) at seasonal scale, we precisely determined the radial growth dynamics and the variations in intra-ring δ13C. Our results highlighted growth and ring δ13C sensitivities to summer droughts. Because of proxy and time-scale complementarities, we have also found contrasted climatic responses among species. The beech growth is the most year-to-year responsive to climate. This growth and ring δ13C were highly sensitive to temperature in July in addition to spring and summer precipitation. This quick response of beech growth to climate could be explained by strong growth dependence to leaf functioning and low carbon reserve use to ensure the growth beginning. Contrary to the two others species, long-term consequences of climate on oak growth were found, via a high sensitivity to previous autumnal droughts. This result could be related to the high use of carbon reserves compared to assimilates for earlywood growth, which was very quick as observed by seasonal growth analysis. Concerning pine, the growth was influenced by temperatures and precipitation from June to August because the growth lasted longer for pine than that of the deciduous species. At both seasonal and interannual scales, the ring δ13C of pine trees was the best recorder of the VPD response, probably because of strong sensitivity of stomatal conductance to VPD. The information provided by tree rings allow to anticipate the species survival under future climate change and could be used to understand the declining due to these changes.

Advancing the application of analytical techniques in the biological chemistry of sporopollenin : towards novel plant physiological tracers in Quaternary palynology

Bell, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
Palynology, the study of organic microfossils, is an important tool for improving our understanding of past environments and landscapes. Palynology provides a wealth of information from which climatic and environmental conditions can be inferred. However, inferred climatic and environmental conditions are often open to interpretation. Assumptions made about past climate conditions from pollen assemblages often rely on qualitative understanding of modern-day vegetation distributions, rather than empirical relationships. Historic anthropogenic impact on the environment must also be inferred, and assessments made as to whether vegetation changes are a result of climate change or human impact. This study seeks to address some of the questions that arise through the interpretation of pollen assemblages, by establishing empirical relationships between the geochemistry of modern pollen and climate or environmental controls. It focuses on the pollen of the climatically sensitive montane conifer Cedrus atlantica, which is distributed across the mountains of Morocco and Algeria. The study investigates aspects of modern pollen geochemistry and morphology and finds a strong relationship between the stable carbon isotope composition of modern pollen and mean annual precipitation (r2 = 0.54, p <0.001) and summer precipitation (r2 = 0.63, p <0.0001). Furthermore, a stronger relationship exists with aridity measured using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (r2 = 0.86, p <0.0001), suggesting that the stable carbon isotope composition of Cedrus atlantica pollen is influenced by environmental moisture availability. The study also finds there is an increased abundance of ultraviolet absorbing compounds (UACs) in modern Cedrus atlantica pollen with increasing summer UV-B flux. This relationship was evident with samples growing in their native range (r2 = 0.84, p <0.0001), but not with samples from outside this range (r2 = 0.00, p = 0.99), suggesting a possible genetic influence. Lastly, the study finds that grain size of Cedrus atlantica pollen is highly variable within and between samples, and we rule out climatic control on pollen grain size. These results suggest that quantitative relationships can be established between the geochemistry of Cedrus atlantica pollen and environmental and climatic influences. Stable carbon isotope analysis of fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for reconstruction of summer moisture availability, while analysis of UACs in fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for the reconstruction of summer UV-B flux. These proxies will enhance our understanding of climatic and environmental change in Northwest Africa and will complement existing palynological techniques for environmental and climate reconstruction. Palynology, the study of organic microfossils, is an important tool for improving our understanding of past environments and landscapes. Palynology provides a wealth of information from which climatic and environmental conditions can be inferred. However, inferred climatic and environmental conditions are often open to interpretation. Assumptions made about past climate conditions from pollen assemblages often rely on qualitative understanding of modern-day vegetation distributions, rather than empirical relationships. Historic anthropogenic impact on the environment must also be inferred, and assessments made as to whether vegetation changes are a result of climate change or human impact. This study seeks to address some of the questions that arise through the interpretation of pollen assemblages, by establishing empirical relationships between the geochemistry of modern pollen and climate or environmental controls. It focuses on the pollen of the climatically sensitive montane conifer Cedrus atlantica, which is distributed across the mountains of Morocco and Algeria. The study investigates aspects of modern pollen geochemistry and morphology and finds a strong relationship between the stable carbon isotope composition of modern pollen and mean annual precipitation (r2 = 0.54, p <0.001) and summer precipitation (r2 = 0.63, p <0.0001). Furthermore, a stronger relationship exists with aridity measured using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (r2 = 0.86, p <0.0001), suggesting that the stable carbon isotope composition of Cedrus atlantica pollen is influenced by environmental moisture availability. The study also finds there is an increased abundance of ultraviolet absorbing compounds (UACs) in modern Cedrus atlantica pollen with increasing summer UV-B flux. This relationship was evident with samples growing in their native range (r2 = 0.84, p <0.0001), but not with samples from outside this range (r2 = 0.00, p = 0.99), suggesting a possible genetic influence. Lastly, the study finds that grain size of Cedrus atlantica pollen is highly variable within and between samples, and we rule out climatic control on pollen grain size. These results suggest that quantitative relationships can be established between the geochemistry of Cedrus atlantica pollen and environmental and climatic influences. Stable carbon isotope analysis of fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for reconstruction of summer moisture availability, while analysis of UACs in fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for the reconstruction of summer UV-B flux. These proxies will enhance our understanding of climatic and environmental change in Northwest Africa and will complement existing palynological techniques for environmental and climate reconstruction.

Investigating climate change and carbon cycling during the Latest Cretaceous to Paleogene (~67-52 million years ago) : new geochemical records from the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Barnet, J. January 2018 (has links)
The Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene is the most recent period of Earth history with a dynamic carbon cycle that experienced sustained global greenhouse warmth and can offer a valuable insight into our anthropogenically-warmer future world. Yet, knowledge of ambient climate conditions and evolution of the carbon cycle at this time, along with their relation to forcing mechanisms, are still poorly constrained. In this thesis, I examine marine sediments recovered from the South Atlantic Walvis Ridge (ODP Site 1262) and Indian Ocean Ninetyeast Ridge (IODP Site U1443 and ODP Site 758), to shed new light on the evolution of the climate and carbon cycle from the Late Maastrichtian through to the Early Eocene (~67.10–52.35 Ma). The overarching aims of this thesis are: 1) to identify the long-term trends and principle forcing mechanisms driving the climate and carbon cycle during this time period, through construction of 14.75 million-year-long, orbital-resolution (~1.5–4 kyr), stratigraphically complete, benthic stable carbon (δ13Cbenthic) and oxygen (δ18Obenthic) isotope records; 2) to investigate in more detail the climatic and carbon-cycle perturbations of the Early–Middle Paleocene (e.g., the Dan-C2 event, Latest Danian Event and the Danian/Selandian Transition Event) and place these in their proper (orbital) temporal context; 3) to investigate the Late Maastrichtian warming event and its relationship to the eruption of the Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province, as well as its role (if any) in the subsequent Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) mass extinction; 4) to provide the first orbital-resolution estimates of temperature and carbonate chemistry variability from the low latitude Indian Ocean spanning the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, through analysis of trace element and stable isotope data from multiple foraminiferal species. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis provide a critical new insight into the dynamic evolution of the climate and carbon cycle during the greenhouse world of the early Paleogene, and shed light on the potential forcing mechanisms driving the climate and carbon cycle during this time.


Teunissen Van Manen, Jennapher Lynn 01 May 2011 (has links)
Long-term diet patterns based on stable isotope analysis may be helpful to understand changes in food selection of black bears (Ursus americanus) over time and guide management programs to reduce human-bear conflicts. An enriched stable carbon isotope signature indicates an anthropogenic food source in the diet and an enriched nitrogen signature indicates a higher tropic level for a species. I examined longitudinal feeding patterns from 117 hair samples of black bears live captured in Great Smoky Mountains National Park during 1980–2001 using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis from hair samples. I developed a set of a priori models to examine if sex, age class, year, weight class, total hard mast index, white oak index (Quercus spp.), red oak index (Quercus spp.), nuisance status and hog harvest (Sus scrofa) affected stable isotope signatures. I used model averaging and an estimator of the unconditional variance was used to account for model uncertainty. The δ[delta]13C signatures differed by weight class with above average weight, (ß[Beta] = 0.76‰; 95% CI = 0.28 to 1.23) and average weight (ß[Beta] = 0.42‰; CI = 0.06 to 0.78) showing enriched values compared to below average bears. Bears had enriched δ[delta]15N signatures in years with low white oak mast production (ß[beta] = -0.19, CI = -0.34 to -0.03) and depleted when white oak hard mast was abundant. Sub adult bears had enriched δ[delta]15N signatures compared to adult and older adult bears. Variation of nitrogen values was small during 1980–1991 ( = 2.57, SD = 0.28) but increased substantially during 1992–2000 ( = 2.29, SD = 0.71) when there was substantial variation in hard mast production. Bears in better physical condition appear more likely to access anthropogenic food sources. In years of low white oak acorn production, the larger bears and sub adult bears are more likely to turn to alternative food sources. The long term variation detected in this study is important in identifying which bears are potentially more likely to seek out the anthropogenic food sources when changes occur in availability of natural foods.

Investigations on rainfall variability during the late Quaternary based on geochemical analyses of lake sediments from tropical and subtropical southern Africa

Kristen, Iris January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents investigations on sediments from two African lakes which have been recording changes in their surrounding environmental and climate conditions since more than 200,000 years. Focus of this work is the time of the last Glacial and the Holocene (the last ~100,000 years before present [in the following 100 kyr BP]). One important precondition for this kind of research is a good understanding of the present ecosystems in and around the lakes and of the sediment formation under modern climate conditions. Both studies therefore include investigations on the modern environment (including organisms, soils, rocks, lake water and sediments). A 90 m long sediment sequence was investigated from Lake Tswaing (north-eastern South Africa) using geochemical analyses. These investigations document alternating periods of high detrital input and low (especially autochthonous) organic matter content and periods of low detrital input, carbonatic or evaporitic sedimentation and high autochthonous organic matter content. These alternations are interpreted as changes between relatively humid and arid conditions, respectively. Before c. 75 kyr BP, they seem to follow changes in local insolation whereas afterwards they appear to be acyclic and are probably caused by changes in ocean circulation and/or in the mean position of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Today, these factors have main influence on precipitation in this area where rainfall occurs almost exclusively during austral summer. All modern organisms were analysed for their biomarker and bulk organic and compound-specific stable carbon isotope composition. The same investigations on sediments from the modern lake floor document the mixed input of the investigated individual organisms and reveal additional influences by methanotrophic bacteria. A comparison of modern sediment characteristics with those of sediments covering the time 14 to 2 kyr BP shows changes in the productivity of the lake and the surrounding vegetation which are best explained by changes in hydrology. More humid conditions are indicated for times older than 10 kyr BP and younger than 7.5 kyr BP, whereas arid conditions prevailed in between. These observations agree with the results from sediment composition and indications from other climate archives nearby. The second lake study deals with Lake Challa, a small, deep crater lake on the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. In this lake form mm-scale laminated sediments which were analyses with micro-XRF scanning for changes in the element composition. By comparing these results with investigations on thin sections, results from ongoing sediment trap studies, meteorological data, and investigations on the surrounding rocks and soils, I develop a model for seasonal variability in the limnology and sedimentation of Lake Challa. The lake appears to be stratified during the warm rain seasons (October – December and March – May) during which detrital material is delivered to the lake and carbonates precipitate. On the lake floor forms a dark lamina with high contents of Fe and Ti and high Ca/Al and low Mn/Fe ratios. Diatoms bloom during the cool and windy season (June – September) when mixing down to c. 60 m depth provides easily bio-available nutrients. Contemporaneously, Fe and Mn-oxides are precipitating which cause high Mn/Fe ratios in the light diatom-rich laminae of the sediments. Trends in the Mn/Fe ratio of the sediments are interpreted to reflect changes in the intensity or duration of seasonal mixing in Lake Challa. This interpretation is supported by parallel changes in the organic matter and biogenic silica content observed in the 22 m long profile recovered from Lake Challa. This covers the time of the last 25 kyr BP. It documents a transition around 16 kyr BP from relatively well-mixed conditions with high detrital input during glacial times to stronger stratified conditions which are probably related to increasing lake levels in Challa and generally more humid conditions in East Africa. Intensified mixing is recorded for the time of the Younger Dryas and the period between 11.4 and 10.7 kyr BP. For these periods, reduced intensity of the SW monsoon and intensified NE monsoon are reported from archives of the Indian-Asian Monsoon region, arguing for the latter as a probable source for wind mixing in Lake Challa. This connection is probably also responsible for contemporaneous events in the Mn/Fe ratios of the Lake Challa sediments and in other records of northern hemisphere monsoon intensity during the Holocene and underlines the close interaction of global low latitude atmospheric circulation. / In dieser Arbeit werden Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen an den Sedimenten zweier afrikanischer Seen vorgestellt, die ein Archiv für Klimaveränderungen über einen Zeitraum von mehr als 200.000 Jahren darstellen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in dieser Arbeit auf dem letzten Glazial und dem Holozän (ca. 100.000 Jahre vor heute [nachfolgend als 100 kyr BP bezeichnet] bis heute). Grundlegende Voraussetzung für solche Studien ist ein gutes Verständnis der Ökosysteme in und um den See, sowie des gegenwärtigen Sedimentationsgeschehens. Deswegen beinhalten beide Seestudien Untersuchungen der heutigen Organismen, Böden, Gesteine, Wasserchemie und Sedimentablagerungen. Im Tswaing-See im nordöstlichen Südafrika wurden anhand eines 90 m langen Sedimentprofils Studien zur Sedimentzusammensetzung und Untersuchungen der Zusammensetzung und Qualität des organischen Materials durchgeführt. Sie zeigen einen Wechsel zwischen Phasen hohen detritischen Eintrags, während derer v.a. kaum autochthones organisches Material im See erhalten blieb, mit Phasen geringen Eintrags und dafür karbonatischer oder evaporitischer Sedimentation, die hohe Gehalte v.a. autochthonen organischen Materials aufweisen. Diese Phasen werden als relativ feuchte bzw. trockene Perioden interpretiert und folgen bis vor ca. 75 kyr BP Schwankungen der lokalen solaren Einstrahlung. Dieser Einfluss nimmt nach 75 kyr BP ab und azyklische feuchte Phasen werden beobachtet. Mögliche Ursachen sind Veränderungen in der ozeanischen Zirkulation und Verschiebungen in der Lage der Innertropischen Konvergenzzone (ITCZ); beides sind auch heute Haupteinflussfaktoren auf die Niederschläge in der Region. Die heute lebenden Organismen des Tswaing-Kraters wurden mittels Analysen der Biomarkerzusammensetzung und der Kohlenstoffisotopie charakterisiert und ihr Einfluss auf die heutigen Seeablagerungen untersucht. Dabei konnten zusätzlich Indikatoren für die Aktivität methanotropher Bakterien nachgewiesen werden. Der Vergleich heutiger Sedimente mit denen des Zeitraumes 14 bis 2 kyr BP zeigt deutliche Veränderungen sowohl in der Zusammensetzung, als auch in der Kohlenstoffisotopie der Biomarker, die mit Veränderungen in der Hydrologie erklärt werden können. Die gefundenen Hinweise auf feuchtere Bedingungen im Zeitraum älter als 10 kyr BP, für trockenere Verhältnissen zwischen 10 und 7.5 kyr BP und für die nachfolgende Wiederzunahme an Feuchtigkeit werden durch die sedimentologischen Ergebnisse unterstützt. Objekt der zweiten Seestudie ist der Challa-See am Fuß des Kilimanjaro. Hier werden heute im mm-Maßstab laminierte Sedimente gebildet, die mit Mikro-XRF-scanning auf Veränderungen in der Elementzusammensetzung untersucht wurden. Zusammen mit Untersuchungen der Mikrofazies und im Vergleich mit ersten Ergebnissen noch laufender Sedimentfallenstudien, mit meteorologischen Daten und Analysen des Umgebungsgesteins werden die saisonalen Veränderungen in der Temperaturverteilung, der Durchmischungstiefe, dem detritischen Eintrag und der Bioproduktivität des Sees in den Sedimenten nachvollziehbar. Der See ist in den feucht-warmen Perioden von Oktober bis Dezember und von März bis Mai stratifiziert. Während dieser Zeit erfolgt der Eintrag detritischen Materials und Kalziumkarbonat fällt aus; eine dunkle Lage mit hohen Gehalten an Fe und Ti und mit hohen Ca/Al- und niedrigen Mn/Fe-Verhältnissen bildet sich am Boden des Sees. Diatomeen blühen während der kühlen, windigen Periode von Juni bis September, wenn die Durchmischung bis auf etwa 60 m Tiefe Nährstoffe verfügbar macht. Die Ausfällung von Fe- und Mn-oxiden sorgt für hohe Mn/Fe-Verhältnisse; es bildet sich eine helle Lage auf dem Sediment. Trends im Mn/Fe-Verhältnis werden als Signal für Veränderungen in der Intensität oder Dauer der saisonalen Durchmischung interpretiert. Dies wird unterstützt durch parallele Trends im Gehalt an organischem Material und an biogenem Silizium, wie durch Analysen an einem 22 m langen Bohrkern gezeigt werden kann. Nach gut durchmischten und von erhöhtem Eintrag von außen geprägten Verhältnissen während des letzten Glazials erfolgt gegen 16 kyr BP ein Übergang zu stärker stratifizierten Bedingungen. Diese korrespondieren mit einem steigenden Seespiegel und verbreiteten Hinweisen auf feuchte Bedingungen im tropischen Ostafrika. Stärkere Durchmischung herrschte während der Jüngeren Dryas und von 11.4 bis 10.7 kyr BP. Diese Perioden entsprechen Zeiten verringerter Südwest- und vermutlich verstärkter Nordostmonsunintensität im Bereich des Indisch-Asiatischen Monsuns und spiegeln eine global beobachtete südliche Verschiebung der ITCZ wider. Nach einer kurzen stabilen, feuchten Phase im frühen Holozän nimmt die Durchmischung des Sees im Verlauf des Holozän wieder zu. Abrupte Ereignisse während des Holozän scheinen im Challa-See zeitgleich mit Veränderungen der Monsunintensität der Nordhemisphäre aufzutreten und bezeugen die starke klimatische Kopplung der niederen Breiten in globalem Maßstab.

Ecological information of ring width, stable carbon isotope composition and wood anatomical variables in tropical tree rings - A contribution to dendrochronology in the tropics / Ökologische Informationen von Ringbreiten, stabilen Kohlenstoff-Isotopen und holzanatomischen Variablen in tropischen Jahresringen – Ein Beitrag zur Dendrochronologie in den Tropen

Fichtler, Esther 05 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Soil organic matter dynamics: influence of soil disturbance on labile pools

Zakharova, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Soils are the largest pool of carbon (C) in terrestrial ecosystems and store 1500 Gt of C in their soil organic matter (SOM). SOM is a dynamic, complex and heterogeneous mixture, which influences soil quality through a wide range of soil properties. Labile SOM comprises a small fraction of total SOM (approximately 5%), but due to its rapid turnover has been suggested to be most vulnerable to loss following soil disturbance. This research was undertaken to examine the consequences of soil disturbance on labile SOM, its availability and protection in soils using the isotopic analysis of soil-respired CO₂ (δ¹³CO₂). A range of soils were incubated in both the short- (minutes) and long-term (months) to assess changes in labile SOM. Shifts in soil-respired δ¹³CO₂ over the course of soil incubations were found to reflect changes in labile substrate utilisation. There was a rapid depletion of δ¹³CO₂ (from a starting range between -22.5 and -23.9‰, to between -25.8 and -27.5‰) immediately after soil sampling. These initial changes in δ¹³CO₂ indicated an increased availability of labile SOM following the disturbance of coring the soil and starting the incubations. Subsequently δ¹³CO₂ reverted back to the initial, relatively enriched starting values, but this took several months and was due to labile SOM pools becoming exhausted. A subsequent study was undertaken to test if soil-respired δ¹³CO₂ values are a direct function of the amount of labile SOM and soil physical conditions. A range of pasture soils were incubated in the short-term (300 minutes), and changes in soil-respired δ¹³CO₂ were measured along with physical and chemical soil properties. Equilibrium soil-respired δ¹³CO₂, observed after the initial rapid depletion and stabilisation, was a function of the amount of labile SOM (measured as hot water extractable C, HWEC), total soil C and soil protection capacity (measured as specific soil surface area, SSA). An independent experimental approach to assess the effect of SSA, where labile SOM was immobilised onto allophane – a clay mineral with large, active surface area – indicated limited availability of labile SOM through more enriched δ¹³CO₂ (in a range between -20.5 and -20.6 ‰) and a significant (up to three times) reduction in HWEC. In the third study, isotopic measurements were coupled with CO₂ evolution rates to directly test whether equilibrium soil-respired δ¹³CO₂ can reflect labile SOM vulnerability to loss. Soils were sampled from an experimental tillage trial with different management treatments (chemical fallow, arable cropping and permanent pasture) with a range of C inputs and soil disturbance regimes. Soils were incubated in the short- (300 minutes) and long-term (600 days) and changes in δ¹³CO₂ and respiration rates measured. Physical and chemical fractionation methods were used to quantify the amount of labile SOM. Pasture soils were characterised by higher labile SOM estimates (HWEC; sand-sized C; labile C respired during long-term incubations) than the other soils. Long-term absence of plant inputs in fallow soils resulted in a significant depletion of labile SOM (close to 50% based on sand-sized C and HWEC estimates) compared with pasture soils. The values of δ¹³CO₂ became more depleted in 13C from fallow to pasture soils (from -26.3 ‰ to -28.1 ‰) and, when standardised (against the isotopic composition of the solid soil material), Δ¹³CO₂ values also showed a decrease from fallow to pasture soils (from -0.3 ‰ to -1.1 ‰). Moreover, these patterns in isotopic measures were in strong agreement with the amount of labile SOM and its availability across the soils, and were best explained by the isotopic values of the labile HWEC fraction. Collectively, these results confirm that labile SOM availability and utilisation change immediately after soil disturbance. Moreover, isotopic analysis of soil-respired CO₂ is a powerful technique, which enables us to probe mechanisms and examine the consequences of soil disturbance on labile SOM by reflecting its availability and the degree of SOM protection.

Stabilní izotopy uhlíku v letokruzích smrku jako marker napadení stromu patogenní houbou. / Carbon Stable Isotopes in Spruce Tree Rings as a Marker of Pathogenic Fungal Attack of Trees.

NECUDOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Trees are long living plants, which use carbon from the air and hydrogen and oxygen predominantly from soil water for their growth. They deposit these elements largely into a wood where they may persist for thousands of years. Tree growth is influenced by environment, especially by air temperature and precipitation. These factors have an effect on stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rate which influence carbon stable isotope ratio (13C/12C) in the tree tissue. This thesis is focus on stable carbon isotopes in tree-rings of Norway spruce attacked by honey mushroom, and Norway spruce which doesn?t show any signs of disease. The hypothesis of the thesis is based on an expected difference in carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis between the spruce attacked by honey mushroom and a ?healthy? spruce. The difference in isotope fractionation could be caused by water deficit induced by honey mushroom disease in the tree. We expect that the attacked spruce defends against water loss by closing stomata, and it could lead to lower CO2 concentration in the needles and higher ?13C value in tree-rings biomass The stable carbon isotope analysis (IRMS) was done on tree-rings of four spruce pairs, each one including an attacked spruce and spruce which didn?t show any signs of disease. Carbon isotope ratio of early wood, late wood and in biomass of the whole annual increment was measured. In contrary to our hypothesis we did not fined any systematic difference in isotopic composition between the attacked spruce and the spruce which did not show any signs of disease.

Origem e destino da matéria orgânica do sistema lagunar Mundaú- Manguaba, AL, Brasil: sinais de cana de açucar

Nazario, Mariana Gallucci 01 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-02-01T18:17:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação Mariana.pdf: 2676586 bytes, checksum: f84c5dd984b98dd78c0816e6a516bacc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-01T18:17:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação Mariana.pdf: 2676586 bytes, checksum: f84c5dd984b98dd78c0816e6a516bacc (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências- Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as condições atuais do impacto da cana-de-açúcar nos sedimentos superficiais do Sistema Lagunar Mundaú- Manguaba, estado de Alagoas, litoral nordeste do Brasil. Nas ultimas três décadas, aproximadamente metade das bacias de drenagem no entorno do sistema estiveram cobertas por lavouras de cana. A utilização de marcadores geoquímicos orgânicos na determinação da origem da matéria orgânica tem-se mostrado uma ferramenta importante na avaliação da magnitude da poluição de sistemas lagunares por atividades agrícolas. Análises da composição elementar do carbono e nitrogênio orgânico (razão C:N) e isotópica do carbono (d13C), associadas à determinação de carboidratos e ligninas foram realizadas em 30 amostras de sedimentos totais ao longo das duas lagunas, canais e principais rios, bem como nas frações fina e grossa dos sedimentos. Além disso, foram analisadas 8 amostras de solo, procurando abranger todos os estágios de plantio da cana. A distribuição dos compostos analisados evidenciou a compartimentação do sistema em setores distintos, sugerindo que ocorram diferentes padrões de produção, introdução e degradação de matéria orgânica em cada região. De uma maneira geral, os valores de C:N e d13C indicam a presença de material autóctone nas partes centrais das lagunas e nos canais, a influência de fontes terrestres nos rios e uma mistura entre os dois tipos de material nas saídas dos rios. Nas amostras de solo foram verificadas o sinal característico de plantas C4, como a cana, com d13C próximo a -15‰ e razão C:N de 16, em média. A baixa razão C:N dos solos pode ser resultado, principalmente, da introdução de fertilizantes nitrogenados. As razões carboidrato:carbono foram mais elevadas nos solos e rios, indicando a presença de material vegetal. Da mesma forma, as maiores concentrações de ligninas (?) foram encontradas nas desembocaduras dos rios, evidenciando o aporte de material terrestre nesses locais. A distribuição das razões dos grupos fenólicos (S/V e C/V) não se mostrou muito distinta entre as estações, mas na maioria das amostras apresentou valores elevados da razão C/V, indicando a contribuição de angiospermas não lenhosas, tais como a cana, na composição de ligninas. Foi verificada a evidência de contribuição alóctone nas partes medianas das lagunas, mas os altos valores da relação entre as formas ácida e aldeídica do grupo vanilina [(Ad/Al)v] identificam o estágio avançado da degradação desse material, mascarando sinais específicos da cana. A entrada de matéria orgânica nas lagunas contribui para o aumento da produtividade primária, fato evidenciado pelas maiores concentrações de carboidratos nas regiões centrais. De uma maneira geral, as frações finas apresentaram-se enriquecidas em carbono e carboidratos, enquanto que valores elevados de ligninas e C:N, associados a valores de d13C mais leves, indicam que a fração grossa dos rios e região montante das lagunas é constituída principalmente por fragmentos vegetais. Os rios Paraíba do Meio e Mundaú apresentaram maior participação de cana em seus sedimentos, com 44% e 39%, respectivamente, enquanto que o rio Sumaúma apresenta aproximadamente 15% de cana em sua estação após a usina. O material lixiviado das bacias de drenagem provavelmente já é introduzido nos rios bastante processado, devido ao constante revolvimento e manejo dos solos. / This work aims to evaluate the actual conditions of sugar cane impact on the superficial sediments of Mundaú-Manguaba Lagoon System, State of Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil. During the last three decades, almost half of catchments areas around the system have been covered by sugar cane crops. Organic geochemistry tracers are currently used for the determination of organic matter origin as important tools for the pollution evaluation in lagoon systems affected by agricultural activities. Organic carbon and nitrogen analysis (ratio C:N), carbon isotopic analysis and carbohydrates and lignins determination were performed among 30 samples of course and fine fractions from two lagoons, channels and main rivers. Eight soil samples were also analyzed in order to represent all sugar cane cultivation stages. The compounds distribution showed the system partition to distinct sectors suggesting that different patterns of organic matter production, introduction and degradation occur in each regions. Overall, C:N e d13C values indicate presence of autochthonous material along central parts of lagoons and channels, influence of terrigenous source in rivers and a mixture of both materials at rivers outlets. The characteristic signal of C4 plants like sugar cane, were found in soil samples: d13C near to -15‰ and C:N ratio average 16. Lower C:N ratios may result, mainly, from the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers. Carbohydrate:carbon ratios were higher in soil and rivers, which indicate the presence of vegetal fragments. In the same way, higher lignin (?) concentrations were found at rivers outlets, showing the input of terrigenous sources at these locations. The distribution of phenoic groups ratios (S/V e C/V) were not significantly distinct between samples, but most of them had high values of C/V ratio, which indicates the contribution of non-woody angiosperms to lignins composition. There is an evidence of alochthonous contribution at median sectors, but high values of the acid:aldehyde ratios of vanillyl group [(Ad/Al)v] able the identification of advanced degradation stage of this material, hiding the specific signature of sugar cane. The input of organic matter in the lagoons improves the primary production, as showed by higher concentrations of carbohydrates in central sectors. In general, fine fractions had higher carbon and carbohydrate content. Meanwhile, higher values of lignins and C:N associated with lighter values of d13C indicate that the course fraction from rivers and month lagoons sector is constituted mainly by vegetal fragments. Paraíba do Meio and Mundaú rivers sediments presented higher sugar cane content, with 44% and 39% respectively, while sugar cane content was close to 15% in the station close to the plant in Sumaúma River. The leaching material from the cachtment area already reaches the rivers in a highlyprocessed form due to the constant mixture and management of the soils.

The Permian-Triassic boundary in the NW-Iranian Transcaucasus and in Central Iran

Leda, Lucyna 19 June 2020 (has links)
Perm/Trias-Grenzprofile in den Regionen von Julfa (NW-Iran) und Abadeh (Zentral-Iran) zeigen eine Abfolge von drei charakteristischen Gesteinseinheiten, (1) den Paratirolites Limestone mit dem end-permischen Massensterbehorizont an seiner Oberkante, (2) den Boundary Clay und (3) die untertriassische Elikah-Formation mit der mit Conodonten definierten Perm/Trias-Grenze an seiner Basis. Die Karbonatmikrofazies zeigt eine Veränderung in den Profilen bei Julfa; innerhalb des Paratirolites Limestone ist eine zunehmende Anzahl von Intraklasten, Fe-Mn-Krusten und biogenen Verkrustungen erkennbar. Die Karbonatproduktion des späten Perms wurde mit der Ablagerung von mikrobiellen Karbonaten an der Basis der Elikah-Formation in Julfa erneuert. Die in den Profilen von Baghuk (Abadeh-Region) vorkommenden Mikrobialite sind vielfältig; es gibt groß-und kleinskalige, arboreszierendende Mikrobialit-Ansammlungen mit auffälliger Morphologie und innerer Struktur. In den Regionen von Julfa (NW-Iran) und Abadeh (Zentral-Iran) deutet eine deutliche und weltweit nachvollziehbare negative Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion hin. Die rasche Exkursion der Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion unterhalb des Aussterbehorizonts im obersten Bereich des Paratirolites Limestone wird durch eine stratigraphische Kondensation, die ein Defizit der Karbonatproduktion/Akkumulation und/oder eine schnelle geochemische Veränderung in Richtung Karbonatuntersättigung spiegelt, verstärkt. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass ein länger andauernder Mechanismus, wie die thermische Metamorphose von an organischem Material reicher Sedimente, und/oder verstärkte Verwitterung auf den Kontinenten, die negative Perm/Trias- Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion verursacht haben könnte. Die Stickstoffisotopenwerte zeigen keinen Trend unterhalb des Aussterbehorizonts, was auf eine Kombination verschiedener Prozesse (Stickstofffixierung und ein Gleichgewichtszustand zwischen Nitratassimilation, Stickstoff-Fixierung und Denitrifikation) hinweist. / Permian-Triassic boundary sections in the Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran) regions display a succession of three characteristic rock units, (1) the Paratirolites Limestone with the end-Permian mass extinction horizon at its top, (2) the Boundary Clay, and (3) the Early Triassic Elikah Formation with the conodont Permian-Triassic boundary at its base. The carbonate microfacies reveals a change, in the sections near Julfa, within the Paratirolites Limestone with an increasing number of intraclasts, Fe-Mn crusts, and biogenic encrustation. A decline in carbonate accumulation occurs towards the top of this unit, finally resulting in a complete demise of the carbonate factory. The skeletal carbonate factory was restored with the deposition of microbial carbonates at the base of the Elikah Formation at Julfa. At Baghuk Mountain (Abadeh region) large- and small-scale, arborescent microbialite buildups with conspicuous morphology and internal structure occur. In the Julfa and Abadeh regions, a prominent and globally traceable negative carbon isotope excursion indicates major perturbations of the carbon cycle around the P-Tr boundary. The sudden carbonate carbon isotope decrease below the extinction horizon is triggered by stratigraphic condensation that mirrors a deficit of the carbonate production/accumulation and/or a rapid geochemical change towards carbonate undersaturation. The negative carbon isotope trend before extinction horizon is gradual, suggesting that a longer lasting mechanism, such as thermal metamorphism of organic-rich sediments, and/or enhanced weathering on the continents may have caused the negative Permian-Triassic stable carbon isotope excursion. The bulk nitrogen isotope values in the sections of the Julfa region do not show any trend below the extinction horizon, pointing to rather mixing of different processes (nitrogen fixation and an equilibrium state between nitrate assimilation, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification).

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