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Integration of Production Scheduling and Energy Management : Software DevelopmentAit-Ali, Abderrahman January 2015 (has links)
Demand-Side Management concepts have the potential to positively impact the financial as well as the environmental aspects of energy-intensive industries. More specifically, they allow reducing the energy cost for the industrial plants by dealing with energy-availability fluctuations. In this context, efficient frameworks for scheduling with energy awareness have been studied and showed potential to reduce the overall energy bill for energy-intensive industries, for instance stainless steel and paper plants. Those frameworks usually combine scheduling and energy optimization into one monolithic system. This work investigates the possibility of integrating the two systems by specific exchange of signals, while keeping the scheduling model separated from the energy-cost optimization model. Such integration means that the pre-existent schedulers and energy optimizers could be easily modified and reused without re-implementing the whole new system. Two industrial problems with different scheduling approaches are studied. The first problem is about pulp and paper production which uses the Resource Task Network (RTN) scheduling approach. The second one is about stainless steel production which is based on a bi-level heuristic implementation of an improved energy-aware scheduler. This work presents the decomposition methods that are available in literature and their application to the two industrial problems. Besides an improvement in the RTN approach for handling storages, this thesis describes a prototype implementation of the energy-aware RTN scheduler for paper and pulp production. Furthermore, this work investigates the performance of the application of different decomposition methods on different problem instances. The numerical case studies show that even though the decomposition decreases the solution quality compared to the monolithic system, it still gives good solutions within an acceptable duration with the advantage of having two separate pre-existent systems which are simply exchanging signals.
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Treatment of Spent Pickling Acid from Stainless Steel Production : A review of regeneration technologies with focus on the neutralisation process for implementation in Chinese industryDahlgren, Lena January 2010 (has links)
Pickling is a unit operation within stainless steel production, which means treating the steel with hydrofluoric acid (HF) and nitric acid (HNO3), also called mixed acid. The whole process generates waste water streams which have to be treated before released to recipient. The aim of this degree thesis was to make an evaluation of different possibilities for reduction of emissions from the pickling process with China as a possible future market. The work consisted of two different parts; the first was to describe and evaluate different treatment methods for waste pickling acid, with emphasis on denitrification technologies. The second and main part was to make a fundamental description of the neutralisation process and outline important parameters. The work was performed by gathering information from literature but also from industry in both Sweden and China. The work has been a collaboration between the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Swedish Environmental Institute (IVL) and the company Scanacon. A review of the different acid recovery methods; ionic exchange, diffusion dialysis and extraction was made. The study showed that ionic exchange is a robust method with relatively low cost and therefore it has been largely implemented both in Swedish and Chinese industry. The outflow however still requires neutralisation. Nitrate reduction can be performed as “end of pipe”, those methods investigated in this study were; biological treatment, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. Meanwhile, internal solutions such as evaporation and electro-dialysis are two interesting technologies which reduce nitrates in combination with acid recovery. It was found that slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) is the most suitable neutralisation agent for pickling waste and, besides the choice of chemicals, many important parameters influence the process, such as the optimal pH, mixing and conditions during lime slaking. Based on information from one of the visited sites in Sweden a mass balance of the neutralisation facility was made and from that the required amount of Ca(OH)2 was calculated. The calculations were verified by an experimental part performed by IVL, using pickling acids from the same site. The amount of metals in the outgoing water was calculated using software “Medusa” but also by equilibrium equations. However, the results differed somewhat; this is probably due to the fact that Medusa takes other complexes and their interaction, besides the formed metal hydroxides, into consideration. Within the mining industry research has been made on different methods for neutralisation and some have been tested in field. An example is the High Density Sludge process (HDS), were an amount of sludge is recycled back to the neutralisation tank. It was shown that this gave improved sludge properties and decreased lime consumption. This could perhaps also be implemented for waste water in the stainless steel industry, and the method was also tested during the experimental part of this project. The dry content increased after a number of cycles but further investigation is required before any conclusion can be drawn. / Betning är en enhetsprocess inom tillverkningen av rostfritt stål då godset behandlas med fluorväte syra (HF) och salpetersyra (HNO3), också kallad blandsyra. Betningen ger upphov till vatten strömmar som måste behandlas innan de släpps ut till recipienten. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att göra en utvärdering av olika tekniker för att reducera utsläpp till vatten från betningen med Kina som potentiell framtida marknad. Arbetet bestod av två delar; den första delen var att beskriva och utvärdera olika behandlingsmetoder av förbrukade betbad med betoning på denitrifikationstekniker. Den andra och största delen var att göra en grundläggande beskrivning av neutralisationsprocessen. Studien utfördes genom att inhämta information från litteratur samt från industrin i både Sverige och Kina. Arbetet har varit ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Svenska miljöinstitutet (IVL) och företaget Scanacon. Arbetet behandlar syraåtervinningsystemen; jonbytare, diffusions dialys samt extraktion. Nitrat reduktion kan ske internt eller externt där de externa åtgärder som behandlas i denna rapport är biologisk rening, omvänd osmos och nanofiltrering. De interna metoderna avdunstning och elektrodialys är intressanta eftersom de återvinner syran samtidigt som de reducerar nitraterna avsevärt. Studien visade att jonbyte, på grund av dess robusthet och relativt låga kostnad är den mest implementerade metoden för syraåtervinning i både svensk och kinesisk industri idag. Restprodukten från jonbytaren kräver dock fortsatt behandling, där det traditionella valet är neutralisation. Studien visade att släckt kalk (Ca(OH)2) är det mest passande kemikalien för neutralisation av betsyror. Förutom kemikalieval så finns det många parametrar som påverkar effektiviteten hos processen så som pH, omrörning och förhållanden under kalksläckningen. Baserat på information ifrån ett av de besökta stålverken i Sverige, gjordes en massbalans över dess neutralisationanläggning. Utifrån de flöden som denna gav kunde den teoretiska mängden kalk som krävdes för utfällning räknas ut. Beräkningarna verifierades med en experimentell del som utfördes av IVL på betsyror från samma verk. Resthalterna av metall i utgående vatten beräknades med programmet ”Medusa” men också med jämviktsekvationer. Resultaten mellan de två skiljde sig, detta beror förmodligen på att Medusa förutom hydroxidutfällning tar hänsyn till andra utfällningskomplex och dess interaktioner. Inom gruvvatten industrin har det forskats en del kring olika neutralisationsmetoder, en i litteraturen föreslagen sådan är ”High Density Sludge process (HDS)”. Här återförs en del av slammet tillbaka till neutralisationssteget, vilket visade sig ge förbättrade slamegenskaper och minskad kalkåtgång. Det var intressant att undersöka om denna metod också gick att implementera på förbrukade betbad och därför prövades metoden i den experimentella delen av detta projekt. Detta gav efter ett antal återföringscykler högre torrhalt på slammet, dock krävs fortsatta undersökningar innan någon slutsats kan dras.
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