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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Пречишћавање отпадне воде из процеса производње биоетанола микрофилтрацијом / Prečišćavanje otpadne vode iz procesa proizvodnje bioetanola mikrofiltracijom / Purification of wastewater from bioethanol production process by microfiltration

Vasić Vesna 10 September 2013 (has links)
<p>Циљ овог истраживања је да се испита примене &bdquo;cross-flow&ldquo; микрофилтрације на oбраду џибре од скробних сировина и утицај оперативних параметара (рН,<br />трансмембрански притисак и проток) на флукс пермеата и ефикасност пречишћавања у систему са и без присуства статичког мешача. Микрофилтрација је изведена у условима потпуне рециркулације флуида. Током експеримента коришћене су једноканалне керамичке мембране, са пречницима пора 200 nm, 450 nm i 800 nm (TAMI). У току филтрације одређиван је флукс пермеата, односно његова промена током времена. Поред тога на мембрани од 200 nm испитана је могућност употребе статичког мешача (тип: Kenics) у циљу повећања флукса пермеата, односно смањења прљања површине мембране. Добијени резултати указују на то да је употребом микрофилтрације загађење отпадне воде смањено у односу на почетну вредност у џибри. Проценат смањења ХПК и БПК у пермеату, у систему без мешача, износиo je око 36% и 45%, редом, док је у систему са статичким мешачем овај проценат био нешто мањи, и износио је за ХПК 32%, а за БПК 42%. Садржај суве материја, укупног азота и фосфата такође је смањен, а суспендоване честице су у потпуности уклоњене из џибре. Међутим, садржај пепела у пермеатима повећан је у односу на вредност у џибри. На основу добијених резултата утврђено је да су нешто бољи резултати, у смислу смањења загађења, постигнути након микрофилтрације без употребе статичког мешача. Такође је утврђено да оперативни параметри немају утицаја на ефикасност<br />пречишћавања џибре. На основу резултата статистичке анализе утврђено је да се применом поступка одзивне површине на адекватан начин може описати утицај одабраних оперативних параметара (проток напојне суспензије, трансмембрански притисак и рН напојне суспензије) на флукс пермеата током<br />микрофилтрације џибре у системима без и са присуством статичког мешача. Уметањем статичког мешача долази до пораста флукса пермеата услед стварања турбулентних услова и карактеристичног начина протицања флуида кроз канал мембране, као последица специфичне конструкције примењеног мешача. Примена статичког мешача оправдана је смањењем специфичне<br />потрошње енергије у поређењу са системом без мешача.<br />Оптимални услови извођења процеса микрофилтрације испитиване џибре указују на то да је процес потребно изводити при максималним вредностима протока и трансмембранског притиска (TMP=0,9 bar, Q=160 l/h) на ниским рН вредностима.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispita primene &bdquo;cross-flow&ldquo; mikrofiltracije na obradu džibre od skrobnih sirovina i uticaj operativnih parametara (rN,<br />transmembranski pritisak i protok) na fluks permeata i efikasnost prečišćavanja u sistemu sa i bez prisustva statičkog mešača. Mikrofiltracija je izvedena u uslovima potpune recirkulacije fluida. Tokom eksperimenta korišćene su jednokanalne keramičke membrane, sa prečnicima pora 200 nm, 450 nm i 800 nm (TAMI). U toku filtracije određivan je fluks permeata, odnosno njegova promena tokom vremena. Pored toga na membrani od 200 nm ispitana je mogućnost upotrebe statičkog mešača (tip: Kenics) u cilju povećanja fluksa permeata, odnosno smanjenja prljanja površine membrane. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da je upotrebom mikrofiltracije zagađenje otpadne vode smanjeno u odnosu na početnu vrednost u džibri. Procenat smanjenja HPK i BPK u permeatu, u sistemu bez mešača, iznosio je oko 36% i 45%, redom, dok je u sistemu sa statičkim mešačem ovaj procenat bio nešto manji, i iznosio je za HPK 32%, a za BPK 42%. Sadržaj suve materija, ukupnog azota i fosfata takođe je smanjen, a suspendovane čestice su u potpunosti uklonjene iz džibre. Međutim, sadržaj pepela u permeatima povećan je u odnosu na vrednost u džibri. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su nešto bolji rezultati, u smislu smanjenja zagađenja, postignuti nakon mikrofiltracije bez upotrebe statičkog mešača. Takođe je utvrđeno da operativni parametri nemaju uticaja na efikasnost<br />prečišćavanja džibre. Na osnovu rezultata statističke analize utvrđeno je da se primenom postupka odzivne površine na adekvatan način može opisati uticaj odabranih operativnih parametara (protok napojne suspenzije, transmembranski pritisak i rN napojne suspenzije) na fluks permeata tokom<br />mikrofiltracije džibre u sistemima bez i sa prisustvom statičkog mešača. Umetanjem statičkog mešača dolazi do porasta fluksa permeata usled stvaranja turbulentnih uslova i karakterističnog načina proticanja fluida kroz kanal membrane, kao posledica specifične konstrukcije primenjenog mešača. Primena statičkog mešača opravdana je smanjenjem specifične<br />potrošnje energije u poređenju sa sistemom bez mešača.<br />Optimalni uslovi izvođenja procesa mikrofiltracije ispitivane džibre ukazuju na to da je proces potrebno izvoditi pri maksimalnim vrednostima protoka i transmembranskog pritiska (TMP=0,9 bar, Q=160 l/h) na niskim rN vrednostima.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the usage of microfiltration for starch-based stillage purification. Also, the influence of operating factors (transmembrane pressure, feed flow rate and pH) on permeate flux and removal efficiency was investigated. The microfiltration experiments were carried out in condition of complete recirculation of the fluid. The single channel ceramic membranes used for experiments had a nominal pore sizes of 200 nm,450 nm and 800 nm (TAMI).<br />Another aim was to investigate the improvement of process using Kenics static<br />mixer as turbulence promoter. The obtained results indicates that COD and BOD values in permeates were decreased compared to initial value in the stillage. Removal efficiency of COD and BOD, in the system without static mixer, was about 36% and 45%, respectively, while in the system with static mixer, this efficiency was slightly lower (about 32% for COD and 42% for BOD). Total nitrogen, phosphate and dry matter content were also decreased. Suspended solids were completely removed from the stillage. The ash content of the permeates obtained after microfiltration was higher compared to initial value in the stillage. On the basis of the presented results, it can be said that better results, in terms of removal efficiency, were achieved under the conditions without static mixer. Also, it was determined that<br />experimental factors not affected on the efficiency of stillage purification. According to the results of statistical analyses it was determined that with Response Surface<br />Methodology the influence of operating factors (transmembrane pressure, feed flow rate and pH) on permeate flux can be described in an adequateway.<br />The increase in flux that occurs by placing a static mixer in the membrane channel was caused by the establishment of turbulent flow conditions and the characteristic flow of fluid along the membrane channel, which is a consequence of the characteristic geometry of Kenics static mixer. Application of static mixer was justified by a reduction in specific energy consuption compared with the system without<br />static mixer. Optimal conditions of the investigated stillage microfiltration indicate that the process should be conducted at the maximum values of transmembrane pressure and feed flow rate (TMP=0,9 bar, Q=160 l/h) on low pH values.</p>

Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Ethanol Thin Stillage for Biogas Production in Batch and By Downflow Fixed Film Reactor

Wilkinson, Andrea 10 June 2011 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion (AD) of corn thin stillage (CTS) offers the potential to reduce corn grain ethanol production energy consumption. This thesis focuses on results collected from AD of CTS at mesophilic temperatures in batch and by down-flow fixed film reactor. Experiments conducted include a series of biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays that investigated the digestion of CTS as the sole carbon source at a variety of food-to- microorganism ratios with and without acclimated biomass, under co-digestion conditions and also with the addition of supplemental nutrients. Additional BMP assays were conducted which investigated the potential to reduce fresh water consumption by using of digested effluent for substrate dilution. Continuous studies employed two 28L down-flow stationary fixed film reactors to examine. Chemical oxygen demand and volatile solids removal efficiencies greater than 85% were achieved up to an organic loading rate of 7.4 g TCOD/L/d and hydraulic retention time of 5 days.

Protein extraction from mustard (<i>B. juncea</i>(L.) Czern) meal using thin stillage

Ratanapariyanuch, Kornsulee 14 April 2009
Oilseeds may be processed to yield a number of potentially valuable compounds and fractions including oil, protein and small molecules. However, energy costs associated with industrial processing of oilseeds can be significant. For example, processes that use water to dissolve and separate materials are burdened with the costs associated with concentrating value-added products from dilute solutions. The ethanol industry produces large amounts of an aqueous solution called thin stillage that has little value and is used in animal feed. Thin stillage contains some of the necessary salts used in protein extraction but has a low pH. Protein extraction and protein isolate production is commonly conducted at higher pH. Waste alkali from biodiesel production has a high pH and can be used to adjust the pH of thin stillage to improve its ability to extract protein from oilseed meal. By combining the properties of the waste products of both the ethanol and the biodiesel industries, a complementary process is possible that may have greater economic potential than current practices in industry.<p> In this study, processes for protein extraction from mustard (<i>Brassica juncea</i> (L.) Czern.) meal using thin stillage from ethanol production and glycerol from biodiesel production were studied. The osmotic potential of thin stillage used in this research was lower than that of water, whereas both the density and the viscosity were higher. The pH was typically 3.7-3.8, and the total Kjeldahl nitrogen was approximately 0.080.10 %, w/w. Organic compounds identified in thin stillage were isopropanol, ethanol, lactic acid, 1,3-propanediol, acetic acid, succinic acid, glycerophosphorylcholine, betaine, glycerol and phenethyl alcohol. In addition, yeasts, bacteria and fungi were also found. Moreover, the salt types and their concentrations in thin stillage were predictable. The salt types present in thin stillage were CaCl2, NaCl, K2SO4, NaNO3, Mg(OH)2, Na2SO4 and KOH. A model thin stillage synthesized for the purposes of this research had components and chemical and physical properties comparable to those of thin stillage from ethanol production. Protein was extracted from ground, defatted meal using thin stillage at different pHs and salt concentrations. The results showed that pH and salt content affected protein extraction efficiency. However, no differences were found in the efficiency of extraction, SDS-PAGE profile, digestibility, lysine availability or amino acid composition of protein extracted with thin stillage, model thin stillage or sodium chloride solution. Moreover, extracted protein did not display significant hydrolysis. The results from peptide sequencing showed that napin and cruciferin were the most prevalent proteins in the extracted fractions. When increasing the scale of the extraction, the efficiency of protein extraction and the percentage of protein in the extracted protein were decreased. Protein recovery achieved with the complementary protocol was higher than that reported for a published protocol. Allyl isothiocyanate was found in protein extracts.

Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Ethanol Thin Stillage for Biogas Production in Batch and By Downflow Fixed Film Reactor

Wilkinson, Andrea 10 June 2011 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion (AD) of corn thin stillage (CTS) offers the potential to reduce corn grain ethanol production energy consumption. This thesis focuses on results collected from AD of CTS at mesophilic temperatures in batch and by down-flow fixed film reactor. Experiments conducted include a series of biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays that investigated the digestion of CTS as the sole carbon source at a variety of food-to- microorganism ratios with and without acclimated biomass, under co-digestion conditions and also with the addition of supplemental nutrients. Additional BMP assays were conducted which investigated the potential to reduce fresh water consumption by using of digested effluent for substrate dilution. Continuous studies employed two 28L down-flow stationary fixed film reactors to examine. Chemical oxygen demand and volatile solids removal efficiencies greater than 85% were achieved up to an organic loading rate of 7.4 g TCOD/L/d and hydraulic retention time of 5 days.

Protein extraction from mustard (<i>B. juncea</i>(L.) Czern) meal using thin stillage

Ratanapariyanuch, Kornsulee 14 April 2009 (has links)
Oilseeds may be processed to yield a number of potentially valuable compounds and fractions including oil, protein and small molecules. However, energy costs associated with industrial processing of oilseeds can be significant. For example, processes that use water to dissolve and separate materials are burdened with the costs associated with concentrating value-added products from dilute solutions. The ethanol industry produces large amounts of an aqueous solution called thin stillage that has little value and is used in animal feed. Thin stillage contains some of the necessary salts used in protein extraction but has a low pH. Protein extraction and protein isolate production is commonly conducted at higher pH. Waste alkali from biodiesel production has a high pH and can be used to adjust the pH of thin stillage to improve its ability to extract protein from oilseed meal. By combining the properties of the waste products of both the ethanol and the biodiesel industries, a complementary process is possible that may have greater economic potential than current practices in industry.<p> In this study, processes for protein extraction from mustard (<i>Brassica juncea</i> (L.) Czern.) meal using thin stillage from ethanol production and glycerol from biodiesel production were studied. The osmotic potential of thin stillage used in this research was lower than that of water, whereas both the density and the viscosity were higher. The pH was typically 3.7-3.8, and the total Kjeldahl nitrogen was approximately 0.080.10 %, w/w. Organic compounds identified in thin stillage were isopropanol, ethanol, lactic acid, 1,3-propanediol, acetic acid, succinic acid, glycerophosphorylcholine, betaine, glycerol and phenethyl alcohol. In addition, yeasts, bacteria and fungi were also found. Moreover, the salt types and their concentrations in thin stillage were predictable. The salt types present in thin stillage were CaCl2, NaCl, K2SO4, NaNO3, Mg(OH)2, Na2SO4 and KOH. A model thin stillage synthesized for the purposes of this research had components and chemical and physical properties comparable to those of thin stillage from ethanol production. Protein was extracted from ground, defatted meal using thin stillage at different pHs and salt concentrations. The results showed that pH and salt content affected protein extraction efficiency. However, no differences were found in the efficiency of extraction, SDS-PAGE profile, digestibility, lysine availability or amino acid composition of protein extracted with thin stillage, model thin stillage or sodium chloride solution. Moreover, extracted protein did not display significant hydrolysis. The results from peptide sequencing showed that napin and cruciferin were the most prevalent proteins in the extracted fractions. When increasing the scale of the extraction, the efficiency of protein extraction and the percentage of protein in the extracted protein were decreased. Protein recovery achieved with the complementary protocol was higher than that reported for a published protocol. Allyl isothiocyanate was found in protein extracts.

Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Ethanol Thin Stillage for Biogas Production in Batch and By Downflow Fixed Film Reactor

Wilkinson, Andrea 10 June 2011 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion (AD) of corn thin stillage (CTS) offers the potential to reduce corn grain ethanol production energy consumption. This thesis focuses on results collected from AD of CTS at mesophilic temperatures in batch and by down-flow fixed film reactor. Experiments conducted include a series of biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays that investigated the digestion of CTS as the sole carbon source at a variety of food-to- microorganism ratios with and without acclimated biomass, under co-digestion conditions and also with the addition of supplemental nutrients. Additional BMP assays were conducted which investigated the potential to reduce fresh water consumption by using of digested effluent for substrate dilution. Continuous studies employed two 28L down-flow stationary fixed film reactors to examine. Chemical oxygen demand and volatile solids removal efficiencies greater than 85% were achieved up to an organic loading rate of 7.4 g TCOD/L/d and hydraulic retention time of 5 days.

Variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos e biológicos do solo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar / Spacial variability of soil chemical and biological attributes under sugarcane cultivation

BARROS, Patrícia Ângelo de 17 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2016-10-11T12:48:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Angelo de Barros.pdf: 1222695 bytes, checksum: 032686df5999e999aa78791ca4b47980 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T12:48:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Angelo de Barros.pdf: 1222695 bytes, checksum: 032686df5999e999aa78791ca4b47980 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Sugarcane cropping plays an important economic and social role in Northeastern Brazil, being productivity associated to many agricultural and environment factors. The sugarcane harvest operations and stillage application affect diversity and soil biota distribution. On the other hand, high populations of plant parasitic nematodes present additional indication of poor ecosystem health. Considering there is little information on biodynamic under agroecosystem management, this study aimed to i)characterize the structure and spatial dependence of nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. + Pratylenchus zeae) in North Mata of Pernambuco, for three periods: 30 days before the sugarcane cut, 10 days after cutting (30 days before stillage application) and 50 days after cutting (10 days after stillage application) and ii) characterize the structure and magnitude of spatial dependence these nematodes and soil chemical properties under sugarcane cultivation 30 days before crop cutting. To meet the first objective it was used a regular sampling design in 60×50 m-grid, with points 10-m spaced, collecting samples at 0-0.5 m-depth. The spatial distribution of nematodes was evaluated using semivariograms and ordinary kriging for mapping nematode density in the sampling periods. For the second objective it was used the same sampling design collecting samples at 0,20 – 0,30 m depth. Spatial distribution of the variables Ca, CTC, MO, pH, SB, V% and nematodes was evaluated using semivariograms and adjustments by ordinary Kriging interpolation for mapping. All variables evaluated presented spatial dependency. The MO, V% and nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. + P. zeae) adjusted to spherical model, CTC and SB to exponential model, and Ca and pH to gaussian model. Data indicated that classical statistic can be used to analyze Meloidogyne spp. + P. zeae samples collected far than 17 m. Stillage application decreased the number of aggregates and the nematode population density. In contrast to OM, increases on Ca, CTC, SB, V% and pH favored increments on nematode population density. The maps allowed visualizing the nematode variability pattern constituting an useful tool for defining management strategies and recovery of infested areas. / A cana-de-açúcar desempenha importante papel sócio-econômico para região nordeste, estando sua produtividade associada a diversos fatores agrícolas e ambientais. As operações de colheita da cana-de-açúcar e a fertirrigação com vinhaça afetam a diversidade e distribuição da biota do solo. Por outro lado, em sistemas agrícolas a presença de altas populações de fitonematóides é indicação de ecossistema frágil. Considerando que existem poucos trabalhos sobre a biodinâmica decorrente do manejo de agroecossistemas, o presente estudo teve como objetivos: i) caracterizar a estrutura e a dependência espacial de nematóides (Meloidogyne spp. + Pratylenchus zeae) na Mata Norte de Pernambuco em três períodos: 30 dias antes do corte da cana-de-açúcar; 10 dias após o corte (30 dias antes da aplicação da vinhaça) e 50 dias após o corte da cana (10 dias após aplicação da vinhaça) e ii) caracterizar a estrutura e a magnitude da dependência espacial desses nematóides e dos atributos químicos do solo e suas correlações, na Mata Norte de Pernambuco, 30 dias antes do corte da cana-de-açúcar. Para alcançar o primeiro objetivo utilizou-se sistema de amostragem em malha regular de 60×50 m, com espaçamento de 10 m, coletando amostras na profundidade de 0-0,5 m. A distribuição espacial dos nematóides foi avaliada por meio de ajustes de semivariogramas e realizada interpolação por krigagem ordinária para mapeamento das populações encontradas nos períodos amostrados. Para o segundo objetivo, utilizou-se o mesmo sistema de amostragem, coletando-se amostras na profundidade de 0,20 - 0,30 m. A distribuição espacial das variáveis Ca, CTC, MO, pH, SB, V% e nematóides foi avaliada por meio de ajustes de semivariogramas e realizada interpolação por krigagem ordinária para mapeamento. Todas as variáveis estudadas apresentaram dependência espacial. A distribuição da MO, V% e nematóides (Meloidogyne spp. + P. zeae) obedeceu a modelo esférico, CTC e SB a modelo exponencial e Ca e pH a modelo gaussiano. Os dados indicaram que a estatística clássica poderá ser aplicada para coleta de amostras de Meloidogyne spp. + P. zeae em distâncias superiores a 17 m. A aplicação de vinhaça reduziu o número de agregados e a densidade populacional do nematóide. Ao contrário da MO, aumento nas concentrações de Ca, CTC, SB, V% e pH favoreceram incrementos nas densidades populacionais dos nematóides. Os mapas permitiram visualizar o padrão de variabilidade dos nematóides, constituindo-se em útil ferramenta para a definição de estratégias de manejo e recuperação de áreas infestadas.

Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Ethanol Thin Stillage for Biogas Production in Batch and By Downflow Fixed Film Reactor

Wilkinson, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion (AD) of corn thin stillage (CTS) offers the potential to reduce corn grain ethanol production energy consumption. This thesis focuses on results collected from AD of CTS at mesophilic temperatures in batch and by down-flow fixed film reactor. Experiments conducted include a series of biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays that investigated the digestion of CTS as the sole carbon source at a variety of food-to- microorganism ratios with and without acclimated biomass, under co-digestion conditions and also with the addition of supplemental nutrients. Additional BMP assays were conducted which investigated the potential to reduce fresh water consumption by using of digested effluent for substrate dilution. Continuous studies employed two 28L down-flow stationary fixed film reactors to examine. Chemical oxygen demand and volatile solids removal efficiencies greater than 85% were achieved up to an organic loading rate of 7.4 g TCOD/L/d and hydraulic retention time of 5 days.

Increased Oil Recovery from Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles and Whole Stillage

Huda, Md. Sanaul January 2020 (has links)
Finding a viable method to recover oil from the corn ethanol industry's co-products has considerable economic prospects for ethanol bio-refineries. This study examined the effects of enzymes and ethanol on oil recovery from dried distillers' grains with solubles (DDGS) and oil distribution in the whole stillage (WS). Protease and cellulase enzymes were tested either individually or in combination with the heavier fractions of DDGS and resulted in 18-20% more oil than the original DDGS. More than 90% of the oil was recovered from the heavier fraction of DDGS using ethanol at 30ºC with 30% solid loadings. Ethanol addition also improved oil partition in WS's liquid fraction by 17–20%. Overall, enzymes and ethanol treatments showed a positive effect on oil recovery from DDGS and WS. Ethanol bio-refineries may use these findings to recover oil as no significant changes are required in the ethanol plant's design.


2016 February 1900 (has links)
Wheat-based thin stillage (W-TS) is liquid by-product of wheat ethanol production and contains valuable chemical intermediates such as 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD), acetic acid, and glycerophosphorylcholine. Unfortunately, these compounds cannot be recovered/extracted easily due to the presence of high boiling point and hygroscopic solutes and unfermented particles from ethanol fermentation. Fermentation improvement study using endemic bacteria augmented with Lactobacillus panis PM1B discovered that glucose, incubation temperature, micronutrients, and pH adjustment affected two-stage fermentation (TSF). Importantly, fermentation could be scaled to a 210 L fermenter where 2% (w/v) 1,3-PD was produced. Unfermented particles should be removed prior to compound recovery. TSF was effective in producing solutions that were virtually free of colloids. Bacteria present in TSF system produced anoxic gas and exopolysaccharides and the combined action produced substantially clear solution. On the other hand, recovered particles, rich in lactobacilli, had a high protein content (50%, w/w, dry basis), which might be useful as an animal feed ingredient. Washing processes could lower moisture content and recover a high protein slurry (60% w/w, dry basis). Practical processes that incorporated fermentation using Lactobacilli could add substantial value to thin stillage and increase the value of products from ethanol production. These processes are scalable and readily implemented.

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