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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship between share index volatility, basis and open interest in futures contracts : the South African experience

Motladiile, Bopelokgale 04 1900 (has links)
Study project (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a rational efficiently functioning market, the price of the share index and share index futures contracts should be perfectly contemporaneously correlated. According to the cost of carry model, the futures price should equal its fair value at maturity. The basis should be equal to the cost of carry throughout the duration of the futures contract. However, in practice the cost of carry model is obscured and the basis varies and is normally not equal to the cost of carry. Reasons for this variability in basis include the mark-to-market requirement of the futures contract, the differential tax treatment of spot and futures contracts, as well as the transaction cost of entering into a contract. Transaction costs are lower for futures contracts than for spot contracts. This study uses the Chen, Cuny and Haugen (1995) model to examine the relationship between the basis and volatility of the underlying index and between the open interest of the futures contract and the volatility of the underlying index. Chen et al. (1995) predicted that the basis is negatively related to the volatility of the underlying index and that the open interest is positively related to the volatility of the underlying index. The study will also test the statement by Helmer and Longstaff (1991) that the basis has a negative concave relationship with the level of interest rate. The tests were performed on data from ALSI, FINI and INDI futures contracts. The sample period was from January 1998 to December 2001. The results correspond to those obtained by Chen et al. (1995) in that the basis is negatively related to the volatility of the underlying index. This is true for all the three indices. The other main prediction of the Chen, Cuny and Haugen (CCH) model (1995), which is also supported by the study, is that open interest is significantly related to the volatility of the underlying index. The study also supports the statement by Helmer and Longstaff (1991) that the there is a highly significant negative concave relationship between the basis and interest rate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In "n mark wat rasioneel funksioneer, behoort die prys van die aandele-indeks en aandele-indekstermynkontrakte perfek gekorreleer te wees in tyd. Volgens die drakostemodel behoort die termynkontrakprys op die vervaldatum gelyk te wees aan die billike waarde daarvan. Die basis behoort vir die looptyd van die termynkontrak gelyk te wees aan die drakoste. In die praktyk word die drakostemodel egter vertroebel en wissel die basis en is dit gewoonlik nie gelyk aan die drakoste nie. Redes vir hierdie veranderlikheid van die basis sluit in die waardasie teenoor markprys van die termynkontrak, die belasting van toepassing op loko- en termynkontrakte, asook die transaksiekoste by die aangaan van "n kontrak. transaksiekoste vir termynkontrakte is laer as vir lokokontrakte. Hierdie studie gebruik die model van Chen, Cuny en Haugen (1995) om die verwantskap tussen die basis en die volatiliteit van die onderliggende indeks en tussen die oop kontrakte van die termynkontrak en die volatiliteit van die onderliggende indeks te ondersoek. Chen et al. (1995) voer aan dat daar 'n negatiewe verwantskap is tussen die basis en die volatiliteit van die onderliggende indeks en dat daar "n positiewe verwantskap is tussen die oop rente en die volatiliteit van die onderliggende indeks. Die studie toets ook Helmer en Longstaff (1991) se hipotese dat daar 'n negatiewe, konkawe verhouding tussen die basis en die rentekoersvlak bestaan. Die toetse is uitgevoer op data van ALSI-, FINI- EN INDItermynkontrakte. Die steekproef was van Januarie 1998 tot Desember 2001. Die resultate stem ooreen met dié van Chen, Cuny en Haugen (1995) se model (CCH-model) in dié opsig dat daar "n negatiewe verband is tussen die basis en die volatiliteit van die onderliggende indeks. Dit geld vir al drie die indekse. Die ander hoofresultate van Chen et al. (1995), wat ook deur die studie ondersteun word, is dat daar "n beduidende verband tussen die oop kontrakte en die volatiliteit van die onderliggende indeks bestaan. Die studie ondersteun ook Helmer en Longstaff(1991) se siening dat daar 'n beduidende, negatiewe, konkawe verhouding tussen die basis en die rentekoers bestaan.

The construction of African regional and all-Africa stock market indices

Fish, Therese 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) --Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Africa's stock markets are considered by many emerging market specialists to have great potential for investors. Developing models which track share/financial indices provide a means of disseminating information about market performance. With the active move towards regional stock markets, regional indices will provide an important tool for performance of the region. Stock market indices provide information to investors and portfolio managers about the performance of various markets or groups of stocks. Investors can use the movement of indices as a way of assessing market trends and opportunities for investment. As economic integration increases in Africa, it will become increasingly important to have markers of regional market performance. This study project collected weekly market capitalisation data from the markets in the various regions, which were utilised to construct regional all-share indices for the year 2000. Regional indices for three of the four regions within Africa were constructed. The three indices are the EASDEX (for East Africa), the NADEX (for North Africa) and the WADEX (for West Africa). The weekly market capitalisation data were further utilised to construct an All-Africa index. The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) dominates the Southern African Development Community (SADC) regional market's total market capitalisation. Similarly the SAOG region dominates the total market capitalisation for Africa. The JSE contributes 59% to the total market capitalisation of Africa (January 2000). The All-Africa index moves together with the SADIX (SAOG regional index) confirming the high weighting of South Africa in the total market capitalisation of Africa. Encouraging economic growth throughout Africa and not just in Southern Africa will assist the continent as a whole to attract market capital. In the long term this should increase market growth in the other regions of Africa and enable investors to diversify into Africa. There are certainly opportunities for investors in Africa. The low correlation between Egypt and the other two North African markets allows for diversification within the North African Region. Nigeria has been the market that had the highest returns during 2000, one that outperformed many international markets. SADIX has low or negative correlation coefficients with the rest of the African individual as well as the regional market indices. Historically emerging markets are volatile and risky. The case for diversification into emerging markets originates from the high economic growth potential of emerging markets, together with low correlation with other developed markets. The development of All-Share indices, which track market performance on the African continent, will assist both potential institutional as well as individual investors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afrika se effektemarkte word deur baie opkomende markspesialiste beskou as potensieel gunstig vir beleggers. Deur modelle wat aandele/finansiële indekse volg te ontwikkel, word 'n middel voorsien om informasie oor markprestasie te ontleed. Met die aktiewe beweging na streeksaandelemarkte, sal streeksindekse 'n belangrike maatstaf vir die prestasie van 'n area voorsien. Aandelemarkindekse voorsien informasie aan beleggers en portefeulje bestuurders oor die prestasie van verskeie markte of aandelegroepe. Beleggers kan die beweging van die indekse gebruik om marktendense te ontleed asook om geleenthede vir investering te identifiseer. Dit sal belangriker raak om maatstawwe van streeksmarkprestasie te hê soos ekonomiese integrasie in Afrika toeneem. Hierdie studieprojek het weeklikse markkapitalisasie data van die markte in die verskeie areas versamel, wat gebruik is om 'n streeksindeks van alle aandele vir die jaar 2000 saam te stel. Streeksindekse vir drie van die vier streke binne Afrika is saamgestel. Die drie indekse is die EASDEX (Oos Afrika), die NADEX (Noord Afrika) en die WADEX (Wes Afrika). Die weeklikse markkapitalisasie data is verder aangewend om 'n Alle- Afrika indeks saam te stel. Die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs (JEB) domineer die totale markkapitalisasie van die Suidelike Afrika Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) se streeksmark. Insgelyk domineer die SAOG streek die totale markkapitalisasie vir Afrika. Die JES dra 59% by tot die totale markkapitalisasie van Afrika (Januarie 2000). Die Alle-Afrika indeks beweeg saam met die SADIX (SAOG streeksindeks) wat die gewigtigheid van Suid Afrika in die totale markkapitalisasie van Afrika bevestig. Deur ekonomiese groei regdeur Afrika en nie bloot in Suider Afrika nie, aan te spoor, sal dit die vasteland as 'n geheel steun om markkapitaal aan te trek. Op die lange duur behoort dit groei te bevorder in die ander streke van Afrika en beleggers in staat te stel om binne Afrika te diversifiseer. Daar is ongetwyfeld geleenthede vir beleggers in Afrika. Die lae onderlinge afhanklikheid tussen Egipte en die ander twee Noord Afrika markte laat diversifikasie binne die Noord Afrika streek toe. Nigerië is die mark met die hoogste opbrengste tydens 2000 en het selfs baie internasionale markte oortref. SADIX het lae of negatiewe korrelasiekoeffisiënte met die res van die Afrika individuele-, sowel as die streeksmarkindekse. Histories is opkomende markte onstabiel en riskant. Partydigheid vir diversifikasie in opkomende markte ontstaan vanuit die hoë ekonomiese groeipotensiaal van hierdie markte tesame met lae onderlinge afhanklikheid met ander ontwikkelde lande. Deur indekse van alle aandele wat markprestasie op die Afrika-vasteland volg saam te stel, sal beide potensiële institusionele, sowel as individuele beleggers se besluite/ontledings ondersteun word.

Hongkong stock index future and portfolio management

Chan, Kwei-sang., 陳貴生. January 1989 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

The impact of mergers and acquisitions announcements on the share price performance of acquiring companies: South African listed companies

Ndlovu, Mthabisi January 2017 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Finance & Investment in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management Wits Business School at the University of the Witwatersrand 2017 / This thesis empirically examines the stock market reaction to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) announcements in South Africa, and also analyses the effects of the method payment. Data was collected from 34 acquisitions, consisting of acquirer and target companies in the same industry listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, (JSE). The transactions were of mergers and acquisitions for the period 2003 – 2013. The event study methodology was used to calculate cumulative average abnormal returns for the acquiring companies over the total event window. Parametric t-tests were then applied to test the significance of the cumulative average abnormal returns, and a comparison of the pre and post-announcement returns was done over the event window. A comparison is also done for cash and share acquisitions over the entire event window (-10, +10). From the findings, it is clear that there were no significant abnormal returns or significant differences between the pre and post announcement returns. Comparing the two payment methods (cash and share payments), the results also show that there were no significant differences between these methods. The study therefore concluded that merger and acquisition announcements did not create any value for shareholders of acquiring companies during and around the announcement period. / MT2017

On the profitability of momentum strategies and relative strength indexes in the international equity markets.

January 2003 (has links)
Leung Lok-yee. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-71). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter 1. --- Introduction and Literature Review --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- Methodology --- p.4 / Chapter A. --- Momentum Strategies / Chapter B. --- Relative Strength Indexes / Chapter 3. --- Data --- p.13 / Chapter 4. --- Emirical Findings --- p.15 / Chapter A. --- Momentum Strategies / Chapter B. --- Relative Strength Indexes / Chapter 5. --- Conclusion --- p.37 / Chapter 6. --- Tables --- p.39 / Chapter 7. --- Bibliograhy --- p.70

Economic and financial indexes

White, Alan G. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the theoretical underpinnings and practical construction of select economic and financial indexes. Such indexes are used for a variety of purposes, including the measurement of inflation, portfolio return performance, and firm productivity. Chapter 1 motivates interest in economic and financial indexes and introduces the principal ideas in the thesis. Chapter 2 focuses on one potential source of bias in the Canadian consumer price index (CPI) that arises from the emergence of large discount/warehouse stores—the so-called outlet substitution bias. Such outlets have gained market share in Canada in recent years, but current CPI procedures fail to capture the declines in average prices that consumers enjoy when they switch to such outlets. Unrepresentative sampling, and the fact that discount stores often deliver lower rates of price increase can further bias the CPI. Bias estimates for some elementary indexes are computed using data from Statistics Canada's CPI production files for the province of Ontario. It is shown that the effect on the Canadian CPI of inappropriately accounting for such discount outlets can be substantial. Another area in which indexes are frequently used is the stock market. Several stock market indexes exist, including those produced by Dow Jones and Company, Standard and Poor's Corporation, Frank Russell and Company, among others. These indexes differ in two fundamental respects: their composition and their method of computation—with important implications for their usage and interpretation. Chapter 3 introduces the concept of a stock index by asking what, in fact a stock market index is—this is tantamount to considering the purpose for which the index is intended, since stock indexes should be constructed according to their usage. Because stock indexes are most commonly used as measures of returns on portfolios, the main considerations in constructing such return indexes are examined. Chapter 4 uses the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) as a case study to examine its properties as a return index. It is shown that the DJIA is not the return on a market portfolio consisting of its thirty component stocks: in fact the DJIA measures the return performance on a very particular (and unusual) investment strategy, a fact that is not well understood by institutional investors. An examination of some other popular stock indexes shows that they all differ in their computational formula and that each is consistent with a particular investment strategy. Numerical calculations reveal that the return performance of the DJIA can vary considerably with the choice of basic index number formula, particularly over shorter time horizons. Given the numerous ways of constructing stock market return indexes, the user is left to determine which is 'best' in some sense. The choice of an appropriate (or 'best') formula for a stock market index is formally addressed in chapter 5. The test or axiomatic approach to standard bilateral index number theory as in Eichhorn & Voeller (1983), Diewert (1993a), and Balk (1995) is adapted here. A number of a priori desirable properties (or axioms) are proposed for a stock index whose purpose is to measure the gross return on a portfolio of stocks. It is shown that satisfaction of a certain subset of axioms implies a definite functional form for a stock market return index. Chapter 6 evaluates the various stock indexes is use today in terms of their usefulness as measures of gross returns on portfolios. To this end the axioms developed in chapter 5 are used to provide a common evaluative framework, in the sense that some of the indexes satisfy certain axioms while others do not. It is shown that the shortcomings of the DJIA as a measure of return arise from its failure to satisfy a number of the basic axioms proposed. Notwithstanding this, each index corresponds to a different investment strategy. Thus, when choosing an index for benchmarking purposes an investor should select one which closely matches his/her investment strategy—a choice that cannot be made by appealing to axioms alone.

Exchange rate shocks and the stock market index : evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Muzindutsi, Paul-Francois. January 2011 (has links)
The foreign exchange market plays an important role in global finance, as it is considered to be among the largest financial markets in the world because of the significant amount of money involved in the foreign exchange market's transactions. Economic theories show that the exchange rate market may interact with the stock market index, but empirical studies on the interaction between the exchange rate market and the stock market index produced mixed results. Thus there is no empirical agreement regarding the interactions between the stock prices and exchange rate. This study examined the interaction between the real exchange rate and the stock market index in South Africa, with the aim of identifying the effect of exchange rate shocks on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). It establishes the direction of causality between the stock market index and the real exchange rate; identifies the long-run and short-run relationships between the South African stock market and the exchange rate and determines the response of the South African stock market to different exchange rate regimes from 1978 to 2008. This study used different econometrics models, including descriptive statistics analysis, Engle-Granger cointegration approach, Error Correction Model and a Granger-Causality test. Variables used in this study include the real values of the JSE all share index and the real exchange rate series (the Rand/U.S. dollar exchange rate) from January 1978 to December 2008. The stock market index responded to changes in exchange rate regimes. Although the response tended to be slightly stronger during the period of the free floating exchange rate, correlation coefficients were insignificant in both fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes. A negative long-run relationship between the real exchange rate and the stock market index was found. The short-run results established that changes in the real exchange rate have no impact on the real stock market index. Granger-Causality tests indicated that there is a bidirectional causal relationship between the South African stock market index and the Rand/U.S. dollar exchange rate. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

Adopting price-earnings and enterprise multiples to beat the Johannesburg Stock Exchange All Share Index.

Allison, Dylan Mayne. January 2009 (has links)
The theory behind the efficient market hypothesis exerts that it is not possible to consistently outperform the overall stock market by using stock picking and market timing strategies. The argument holds that, in an efficient market, all stock prices are appropriately priced and there is no over- or undervalued stocks to be found. Nevertheless, deviations from true stock prices can occur according to the hypothesis, although these deviations are mostly random occurrences. Thus, the only way an investor can outperform the overall stock market is by luck alone. However, the efficient market hypothesis is a controversial topic where it is often discussed within modern financial circles where academic theory has strong arguments both for and against the theory. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is feasible to outperform the overall stock market through investing in stocks that appear undervalued according to enterprise multiple (EV/EBITDA) and the price-earnings ratio. / Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2009.

Time series analysis of financial index /

Yiu, Fu-keung. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 67-68).

Three essays in neural networks and financial prediction /

Gottschling, Andreas Peter, January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 1997. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

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