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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CSP, grafy a algebry / Constraint satisfaction, graphs and algebras

Bulín, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Constraint satisfaction, graphs and algebras Jakub Bulín Abstract This thesis consists of three papers in the area of algebraic approach to the constraint satisfaction problem. In the first paper, a joint work with Deli'c, Jackson and Niven, we study the reduction of fixed template CSPs to digraphs. We construct, for every relational structure A, a digraph D(A) such that CSP(A) and CSP(D(A)) are logspace equivalent and most rele- vant properties carry over from A to D(A). As a consequence, the algebraic conjectures characterizing CSPs solvable in P, NL and L are equivalent to their restrictions to digraphs. In the second paper we prove that, given a core relational structure A of bounded width and B ⊆ A, it is decidable whether B is an absorbing subuniverse of the algebra of polymorphisms of A. As a by-product, we show that Jónsson absorption coincides with the usual absorption in this case. In the third paper we establish, using modern algebraic tools (e.g. absorption theory and pointing operations), the CSP dichotomy conjecture for so-called special oriented trees and in particular prove that all tractable core special trees have bounded width. Keywords: constraint satisfaction problem, algebra of polymorphisms, absorbing subuniverse, bounded width, oriented tree.

Prediktivní analýza - postup a tvorba prediktivních modelů / Predictive Analytics - Process and Development of Predictive Models

Praus, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master's degree thesis focuses on predictive analytics. This type of analysis uses historical data and predictive models to predict future phenomenon. The main goal of this thesis is to describe predictive analytics and its process from theoretical as well as practical point of view. Secondary goal is to implement project of predictive analytics in an important insurance company operating in the Czech market and to improve the current state of detection of fraudulent insurance claims. Thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The process of predictive analytics and selected types of predictive models are described in the theoretical part of the thesis. Practical part describes the implementation of predictive analytics in a company. First described are techniques of data organization used in datamart development. Predictive models are then implemented based on the data from the prepared datamart. Thesis includes examples and problems with their solutions. The main contribution of this thesis is the detailed description of the project implementation. The field of the predictive analytics is better understandable thanks to the level of detail. Another contribution of successfully implemented predictive analytics is the improvement of the detection of fraudulent insurance claims.

Determinanty cien automobilov / Determinants of car prices

Oravcová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis Determinants of car prices is to create econometric model for price predictions of new and used cars. The prediction is based on the data provided by website of Slovak retailer of new and used cars. The model should detect statistically significant variables and determine their impact on final price. In the first part of this study, there is theoretical description of automobile industry and factors influencing price of car. The second part is devoted on developing the predictive model, suitable transformation of explanatory variables, interpretation of results and the car price classification in form of decision tree.

Posouzení možnosti uplatnění výrobkového portfolia v dalších balkánských státech / The evaluation of the product portfolio applicability in other Balkan states

Shtjefni, Geis January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current situation in the marketability of the products of the particular company, which operates in the territory of Albania in the production of ceramic bricks. After that their possible application to current markets as well as considering the possibility of expansion to other Balkan states. The thesis further explains the reasons leading the company to consider the expansion.In the thesis there has been evaluated the current economic situation of the company, a survey of the business environment about countries being considered for expansion has been made as well as the research of the competitors in the given area. An important part of this thesis is the selection of the forms of entry into the selected foreign markets by using selected methods and tools of managerial decision making.

Intenzivní dům v Brně / Intenzive Urban Housing Brno

Jabůrková, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master thesis was to create urban structure situated in the particular resident area of Brno city centre. The solution offers mixing of different functions (living, shopping, workshops, offices, restaurant, other services and working possibilites) on a relative small built up area.This is realized with a help of two main principes/multiplicity and verticality. The efective use of the area was achieved with dividing the space to the „calm“areas and „busy“ areas. Calm areas are a park in courtyard and the roof gardens, busy area is a new diagonál street with shops, restaurant, fastfood and galery. The objects have different height, the highest one is 12 floors tall. In the first one are different functions as kindergarten, shops, administrative, gallery, insurance, coffee, in the second one there is partly administrative and infant school. Flats and studios are designed from the second floor to the 11 floor. The 12th floor offers a coffeebar with a view of Brno dominants. There is parking and technical device space in the two underground floors. The construction system is reinforced concrete monolitic skelet with girders, the horizontal constructions are reinforced monolitic plates. The buildings are founded on reinforced concrete flaps.

Voxelizace 3D modelů a jejich zpracování s využitím GPU / 3D Model Voxelization Using GPU for Further Processing

Brída, Ján January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of the latest techniques for surface and solid binary voxelization of 3D models. It briefly describes current trends in this problematics and identifies a suitable method with an aim to parallelize the given solution on GPUs. It concretely explains the implementation process of the selected algorithm described in the paper Fast Parallel Surface and Solid Voxelization on GPUs , which produces a sparse voxel octree. The results are very close to those of the original authors. A new solution for extracting a smooth isosurface from this structure based on Marching Cubes is presented as well, providing up to 98 % reduction of the traversed cubes in higher resolutions. The resulting implementation is a framework usable for further voxel scene processing.

Systém pro monitorování síťových protokolů / System for Monitoring of Network Protocols

Selecký, Roman January 2018 (has links)
It is necessary to monitor networks namely for diagnostics, troubleshooting, detection of anomalies and suspicious header encapsulations. This thesis aims to design and implement a system for monitoring protocol structure on 10 Gb networks, which will be able to capture packets based on the sequence of encapsulated protocols. To achieve requested throughput some tasks like packet parsing and packet filtering were accelerated in FPGA. Flexibility is achieved by using a tool that maps P4 programs, which define packet parsing process, to VHDL language. Based on the information gained from packet parsing, flow records are created and stored via IPFIX protocol. This information is displayed through a graphical user interface in the form of protocol tree, whose nodes are associated with flow records.

Nástroj na vizualizaci plagiátů v různých programovacích jazycích / Tool for Visualization of Plagiarism in Several Programming Languages

Bančák, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The thesis describes the design and implementation of a plagiarism tool for programming languages C, Python and PHP. It describes techniques that are used to cover a plagiarism. The aim of this work is to create a tool for detection and visualization of plagiarisms covered up using these techniques. The tool performs detection by transforming input projects into an abstract syntactic tree, which is obtained by lexical and syntactic analysis. These trees will be compared by a proposed algorithm that uses node and subtree valuation using the {hash} function. The found parts of the code that could potentially lead to plagiarism are visualized in the form of a subtree of an abstract syntactic tree that represents the parts of the code found by the tool. Further, the work  describes testing of this tool on identified plagiarism techniques and specifies which of them it can eliminate. In its conclusion, the work describes the possible further development of the tool.

Bioinformatický nástroj pro klasifikaci bakterií do taxonomických kategorií na základě sekvence genu 16S rRNA / Bioinformatic Tool for Classification of Bacteria into Taxonomic Categories Based on the Sequence of 16S rRNA Gene

Valešová, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou automatizované klasifikace a rozpoznávání bakterií po získání jejich DNA procesem sekvenování. V rámci této práce je navržena a popsána nová metoda klasifikace založená na základě segmentu 16S rRNA. Představený princip je vytvořen podle stromové struktury taxonomických kategorií a používá známé algoritmy strojového učení pro klasifikaci bakterií do jedné ze tříd na nižší taxonomické úrovni. Součástí práce je dále implementace popsaného algoritmu a vyhodnocení jeho přesnosti predikce. Přesnost klasifikace různých typů klasifikátorů a jejich nastavení je prozkoumána a je určeno nastavení, které dosahuje nejlepších výsledků. Přesnost implementovaného algoritmu je také porovnána s několika existujícími metodami. Během validace dosáhla implementovaná aplikace KTC více než 45% přesnosti při predikci rodu na datových sadách BLAST 16S i BLAST V4. Na závěr je zmíněno i několik možností vylepšení a rozšíření stávající implementace algoritmu.

Analýza kompletnosti výrobního procesu rozváděčů / Analysis of production process completeness of switchgears

Stokláska, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This thesis introduces company ABB Brno and its products. It describes the manufacturing process of a switchgear and it is focused at working procedures at particular points of the assembly line. The main part analyzes the root causes of the incompleteness of switchgears in the relation to the components availability. Time footprint was worked out. As a conclusion the proposal of changes in manufacturing process to improve the level of completeness are stated.

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