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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Příprava cvičení pro dolování znalostí z báze dat - klasifikace a predikce / Design of exercises for data mining - Classification and prediction

Martiník, Jan January 2009 (has links)
My master's thesis on the topic of "Design of exercises for data mining - Classification and prediction" deals with the most frequently used methods classification and prediction. There are association rules, Bayesian classification, genetic algorithms, the nearest method neighbor, neural network and decision trees on the classification. There are linear and non-linear prediction on the prediction. This work also contains a summary of detail the issue of decision trees and a detailed algorithm for creating the decision tree, including development of individual diagrams. The proposed algorithm for creating the decision tree is tested through two tests of data dowloaded from Internet. The results are mutually compared and described differences between the two implementations. The work is written in a way that would provide the reader with a notion of the individual methods and techniques for data mining, their advantages, disadvantages and some of the issues that directly relate to this topic.

Návrh rozhodovacích stromů na základě evolučních algoritmů / Decision Tree Design Based on Evolutionary Algorithms

Benda, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o dvou algoritmech pro dolování z proudu dat - Very Fast Decision Tree (VFDT) a Concept-adapting Very Fast Decision Tree (CVFDT). Je vysvětlen princip klasifikace rozhodovacím stromem. Je popsána základní myšlenka konstrukce stromu Hoeffding Tree, který je základem pro algoritmy VFDT a CVFDT. Tyto algoritmy jsou poté rozebrány detailněji. Dále se tato práce zabývá návrhem algoritmu Genetického Programování (GP), který je použit pro vytváření klasifikátoru obrazových dat. Vytvořený klasifikátor je použit jako alternativní způsob klasifikace objektů v obraze ve frameworku Viola-Jones. V práci je rozebrána implementace algoritmů, které jsou implementovány v jazyce Java. Algoritmus GP je integrován do knihovny “Image Processing Extension” programu RapidMiner. Algoritmy VFDT a CVFDT jsou testovány na syntetických a reálných textových datech. Algoritmus GP je testován na klasifikaci obrazových dat a následně vytvořený klasifikátor je otestován na detekci obličejů v obraze.

Statistické vyhodnocení fylogeneze biologických sekvencí / Statistic evaluation of phylogeny of biological sequences

Zembol, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is the statistical evaluation of biological sequences with the help of phylogenic trees. In the theoretical part we will create a literary recherche of estimation methodology concerning the course of phylogeny on the basis of the similarity of biological sequences (DNA and proteins) and we will focus on the inaccuracies of the estimation, their causes and the possibilities of their elimination. Afterwards, we will compare the methods for the statistical evaluation of the correctness of the course of phylogeny. In the practical part of the thesis we will suggest algorithms that will be used for testing the correctness of the phylogenic trees on the basis of bootstrapping, jackknifing, OTU jackknifing and PTP test which are able to the capture phylogenic tree with the method neighbor joining from the biological sequences in FASTA code. It is also possible to change the distance model and the substitution matrix. To be able to use these algorithms for the statistical support of phylogenic trees we have to verify their right function. This verification will be evaluated on the theoretical sequences of the amino acids. For the verification of the correct function of the algorithms, we will carry out single statistical tests on real 10 sequences of mammalian ubiquitin. These results will be analysed and appropriately discussed.

Aplikace pro zpracování dat z oblasti evoluční biologie / Application for the Data Processing in the Area of Evolutionary Biology

Vogel, Ivan January 2011 (has links)
Phylogenetic tree inference is a very common method for visualising evolutionary relationships among species. This work focuses on explanation of mathematical theory behind molecular phylogenetics as well as design of a modified algorithm for phylogenetic tree inference based on intra-group analysis of nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Furthermore, it describes the object design and implementation of the proposed methods in Python language, as well as its integration into powerful bioinformatic portal. The proposed modified algorithmic solutions give better results comparing to standard methods, especially on the field of clustering of predefined groups. Finally, future work as well as an application of proposed methods to other fields of information technology are discussed.

Technické vylepšení obráběcího stroje NAKAMURA – TOME / Technical improvements of the machine tool NAKAMURA – TOME

Novák, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this engineer´s thesis is a design proposal for technical upgrade of chosen CNC turning center design groups. The choice of design groups is based on user´s and author´s practical knowledge gained from machine´s workings. For each of these groups, there is a function description, actual state of design solution and problematic behaviour description. The follow up consists of given problems solving with more possible variations taken into consideration, including economic evaluation of chosen solution.

Entwicklung und Bewertung von zukünftigen dezentralen Energieversorgungsszenarien

Linne, Eva Marie 30 September 2004 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen ungeregelt und mit konstanter Leistung ins Mittelspannungsnetz einspeisender dezentraler Erzeugungseinheiten, beispielsweise mit Erdgas betriebener Motor-BHKW oder Brennstoffzellen untersucht. Insbesondere werden Lastfluss und Netzverluste in Abhängigkeit von Ort und Höhe der dezentral eingespeisten Leistung ermittelt. Nach Vorstellung anerkannter Bewertungsmethoden und bestehender Versorgungskonzepte werden anhand eines Beispielnetzes verschiedene Szenarien entwickelt und mittels vergleichender Ökobilanz ganzheitlich bewertet. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Ermittlung eines Szenarios mit minimalen Stromwärmeverlusten unter ausschließlichem Einsatz dezentral mit konstanter Leistung einspeisender Erzeugungseinheiten. Dies ist erfüllt, wenn an jedem Knoten im Mittelspannungsnetz exakt die mittlere Jahresleistung eingespeist wird. Die Stromwärmeverluste sind dann um 85 % niedriger als im Ausgangsszenario ohne dezentrale Einspeisung. Nachteilig an diesem Konzept sind die zeitweilige Lastflussumkehr und die verglichen mit konventionellen Großkraftwerken hohen Erzeugungskosten. / This diploma thesis deals with un-controlled mini cogeneration plants in medium voltage grids. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate and to explain the correlation between small decentralized power generation, transportation losses and load-flow inversion. Several scenarios are developed and evaluated via life cycle assessment. In the optimum scenario, transportation losses are 85 % lower compared to the original scenario without decentralized generation. Disadvantages of the optimised scenario are load-flow inversion and relatively high costs.

Scénářové struktury ve vícestupňových stochastických úlohách / Scenario structures in multistage stochastic programs

Harcek, Milan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with multi-stage stochastic programming in the context of random process representation. Basic structure for random process is a scenario tree. The thesis introduces general and stage-independent scenario tree and their properties. Scenario trees can be also combined with Markov chains which describe the state of the system and determine which scenario tree should be used. Another structure which enables reduce the complexity of the problem is a scenario lattice. Scenario generation is performed using moment method. Scenario trees are used for representation of random returns as the input to the investment problem.

Scénářové struktury ve vícestupňových stochastických úlohách / Scenario structures in multistage stochastic programs

Harcek, Milan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with multi-stage stochastic programming in the context of random process representation. Basic structure for random process is a scenario tree. The thesis introduces general and stage-independent scenario tree and their properties. Scenario trees combined with Markov chains are also introduced. Markov chains states determine if there is a crisis period or not. Information about historical number of crises helps us to construct a scenario lattice. Scenario generation is performed using moment method. Scenario trees are used as an input to the investment problem.

Evaluace učitele / Teacher Evaluation

Trunda, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Teacher Evaluation AUTHOR: Mgr., Bc. Jiří Trunda DEPARTMENT: Primary Education SUPERVISOR: prof. PhDr. Vladimíra Spilková, CSc. Abstract: This dissertation thesis deals with the evaluation of teachers in the context of the Czech educational system. The theoretical part first mapped theories related to the concepts of evaluation and teacher. The conclusions of these two chapters are then relate in the chapter Evaluation of Teachers. The second part of the thesis presents quantitative research of the situation of teacher's evaluation in the context of Czech primary schools. The description is then compared with the theoretical model of evaluation of teachers, which is the output of theoretical part. Dissertation should contribute to the implementation of systematic teacher evaluation as a tool for improving the quality of education and simultaneously to the professionalisation of teaching. Keywords: Evaluation akontabilita tree evaluation theory, teacher, teacher, reflective practice, professionalization

Grain refinement in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy driven by electric currents

Zhang, Yunhu 26 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis investigates the grain refinement in solidifying Al-7wt%Si hypoeutectic alloy driven by electric currents. The grain size reduction in alloys generated by electric currents during the solidification has been intensively investigated. However, since various effects of electric currents have the potential to generate the finer equiaxed grains, it is still argued which effect plays the key role in the grain refinement process. In addition, the knowledge about the grain refinement mechanism under the application of electric currents remains fragmentary and inconsistent. Hence, the research objectives of the present thesis focus on the role of electric current effects and the grain refinement mechanism under the application of electric currents. Chapter 1 presents an introduction with respect to the subject of grain refinement in alloys driven by electric current during the solidification process in particular, including the research objectives; the research motivation; a brief review about the research history; a short introduction on the electric currents effects and a review relevant to the research status of grain refinement mechanism. Chapter 2 gives a description of research methods. This chapter shows the employed experiment materials, experimental setup, experimental procedure, the analysis methods of solidified samples, and numerical method, respectively. Chapter 3 focuses on the role of electric current effects in the grain refinement process. A series of solidification experiments are performed under various values of effective electric currents for both, electric current pulse and direct current. The corresponding temperature measurements and flow measurements are carried out with the increase of effective electric current intensity. Meanwhile, numerical simulations are conducted to present the details of the flow structure and the distribution of electric current density and electromagnetic force. Finally, the role of electric current effects is discussed to find the key effect in the grain refinement driven by electric currents. Chapter 4 investigates the grain refinement mechanism driven by electric currents. This chapter mainly focuses on the origin of finer equiaxed grain for grain refinement under the application of electric current on account of the importance of the origin for understanding the grain refinement mechanism. A series of solidification experiments are carried out in Al-7wt%Si alloy and in high purity aluminum. The main origin of equiaxed grain for grain refinement is concluded based on the experiment results. Chapter 5 presents three further investigations based on the achieved knowledge in chapter 3 and 4 about the role of electric current effects and the grain refinement mechanism. According to the insight into the key electric current effect for the grain refinement shown in chapter 3, this chapter presents a potential approach to promote the grain refinement. In addition, the solute distribution under the influence of electric current is examined based on the knowledge about the electric current effects. Moreover, the grain refinement mechanism under application of travelling magnetic field is investigated by performing a series of solidification experiments to compare with the experiments about the grain refinement mechanism driven by electric currents shown in chapter 4. Chapter 6 summarizes the main conclusions from the presented work.

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