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Studium alkalicko křemičité reakce v hybridních systémech / Study of alkali-silica reaction in hybrid systemsBradová, Lada January 2020 (has links)
This study evaluates question of alkali–silica reaction (ASR) in hybrid system, which was designed in the bachelor's thesis, to meet the requirements of EN 197-1 and classified to the Blastfurnace CEM III/C cements. The durability of this system is a great unknown. For this reason, the same methods (ASTM C1260, ASTM C289 and ASTM C856) were used to observer the ASR effects as the ones used to observer the Portland cement based concrete. Supplementary methods include determination of compressive strengths according to EN 196-2 and scanning electron microscopy to observe the microstructure. Hybrid system results were compared to two different types of cements, CEM I and CEM III/B. From the results of the ASR evaluation assays, it was found that the hybrid system (CEM III/C-HB) and CEM III/B showed the lowest tendency to ASR. The results of the supplementary methods showed that CEM III/C-HB compressive strength increases after 14 days within NaOH by 43 % in comparison to 28 days strength. Based on those results, it is sure that the CEM III/C-HB shows little susceptibility to ASR.
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Studium efektu vybraných typů příměsí na vlastnosti cementových kompozitů / Study of the effect of selected types of aditives on the properties of cement compositesKavka, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes admixtures for concrete. It deals with the influence of admixtures on the properties of cement composites in the fresh and hardened state. The theoretical part described the individual components of concrete, where the main attention was focused to inert admixtures and their effect on mechanical properties, shrinkage, resistance of cement composites to aggressive medium. Furthermore, the effect of admixtures on concretes with recycled aggregates was described. In the first stage of the practical part, cement mortars with 25, 35 and 50% replacement of cement admixtures were created. In the second stage, concretes with admixtures and a minimum strength class of C30/37 and C50/60 were created. Finely ground granulated slag, micronized limestone and granite stone dust were used as admixtures in mortars and concretes. The change of properties in the fresh and hardened state was observed on cement composites.
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Vývoj kompozitů na bázi alkalicky aktivovaných matric odolných vůči působení extrémních teplot / The development of composites based on alkali-activated matrices resistant to extreme temperaturesŠevčík, Marek January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the development of composites from alkali activated materials (AAM) and their resistance to extreme temperatures. The theoretical part describes alkaline activation and precursors for the production of AAM. Furthermore, the problem of the effect of extreme temperatures on these materials is described. In the experimental part, the optimal silicate modulus with respect to the properties of AAM was gradually determined, and the effect of extreme temperatures on the AAM matrix was verified. In the next stage, the effect of the filler with respect to the behavior at extreme temperatures was tested and then the final formulation was optimized.
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Vysokohodnotné betony na bázi druhotných surovin / High-performance concretes based on the secondary raw materialsSáček, Josef January 2008 (has links)
This work is devoted to study of physical-mechanical properties and structure of high performance concretes (HPC) based on portland cement. The attention is focused on possibility of substitution of economic high-cost components of concrete with utilization of secondary raw materials or cheaper components. Properties of raw materials and their influence on whole quality of concrete were tracked by various methods. Mechanical properties of prepared HPC samples were tested especially (compression and flexural strength) with further microscopic study of structure. Isoperibolic calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction method were also used for concrete characterisation. These methods allowed to determine the influence of raw materials on prepared HPC and to carry out a certain optimization among price and quality of this material.
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Prvková analýza anorganických materiálů / Elemental composition analysis of inorganic materialsSzmek, Václav January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with elemental analysis of inorganic materials, that are presented by blast furnace slag and geopolymeric material containing fly-ashes. In the theoretical part there are explained principles of elemental analysis of inorganic materials. Ways of dissolution of samples, optical emission spectroscopy and electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray analysis are commented. In experimental part the ICP analysis of oxide standards is described. The standards were used for estimation of EDS-correction factors. Then follow the preparation, proving and use of standards in analysis of blast furnace slag. The work is finished by exact analysis of concentration profiles of elements in interface of phases in geopolymeric material.
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Možnosti využití odpadních písků z výroby vodního skla ve stavebnictví / Possibilities of the utilization of the waste sand from the water glass production in building industryBílek, Vlastimil January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays, the waste sands from the water glass production have no utilization and due to high alkali content are considered as a dangerous waste. So the aim of this thesis is to find and study some possibilities of their utilization in the building industry. First of all, some necessary analysis of these sands were performed and then some advantages and disadvantages of their application for production of materials based on portland cement and alkali activated materials were studied. Characteristics of fresh and hardened pastes, mortars and concretes containing these waste sands were determined. The most tested properties were their workability and their compressive and flexural strength. Close attention for the risks of alkali-silica reaction and for options of its suppressing by the mineral admixtures was paid.
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Čistící účinnosti netradičních filtračních materiálů / Cleaning effect of unconventional filtration materialsFialová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Constructed wetlands and the soil filters are water treatment devices using the filter material that in most cases consists of natural river gravel, coarse sand or crushed stone. Master´s thesis deals with the research of cleaning effect of unconventional filtration materials, or more precisely with examination to load real waste water in a filtration column, to prove their ability to be used as an alternative medium that can ensure better cleaning effect. For the research work following metallurgical industry materials were used: fine slag and coarse slag 8-16 mm, materials from the natural character: zeolite, keramzit, a plastic material: PUR-foam. Also the traditional materials of fine gravel and coarse gravel were tested to compare the cleaning efficiency. Both the hydraulic and the cleaning efficiency of all above mentioned materials were tested. The examined hydraulic parameters are particularly porosity, hydraulic conductivity and suspended solids, turbidity and oxidation-reduction potential of both the inflow and outflow of the filter columns were determined. Accredited laboratory set the inflow and outflow of the filter columns BOD5, CODCr, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and dissolved oxygen. By evaluating the results of the measurements it is determined which materials are suitable to be applied in the constructed wetlands and the soil filters. This filtration column was modeled by program HYDRUS and the result was compared with real results.
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Alkalicky aktivované systémy / Alkali Activated SystemsBílek, Vlastimil January 2017 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on the possibilities of alkali-activated slag (AAS) shrinkage reduction, which would together with the use of waste sludge from waterglass production contribute to wider practical utilization of this interesting material. Besides the influence on AAS dimensional changes also effect of various factors on workability, setting time and mechanical properties was investigated. Obtained results were supported by the application of instrumental techniques like izotermal calorimetry, mercury intrusion porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show the possibilities of reduction of AAS drying shrinkage related to its cracking tendency through the combination of increased dose of waterglass and reduced water to slag ratio (w/b), partial replacement of slag by pulverized fly ash or cement by-pass dust and application of organic admixtures, where significant effect on AAS hydration was observed. On the basis of the obtained results concrete mixtures, where the whole activator was replaced by the waste sludge form waterglass production, were designed and optimized in terms of shrinkage, mechanical properties and price. Selected concretes were also tested in semi-operating conditions.
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Studium ovlivnění hydratace portlandského cementu působením zinku / The study of zinc influence on Portland cement hydration.Ptáček, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this work is the monitoring of the effect of zinc on the hydration process in Portland mixed cement (specifically with the addition of finely ground granulated blast-furnace slag, high temperature fly ash and fluidized bed combustion filter ash). How much zinc and at what time it remains in the pore solution during hydration. Activation energy of a mixture of cement with zinc in the form of soluble salts (Zn(NO3)2.6H2O and ZnCl2) and insoluble oxide (ZnO) by isothermal calorimetry was also investigated. The XRF method has shown composition during hydration. The zinc retardation effect was investigated by isothermal calorimetry and activation energy was calculated using this method. The XRF and ICP-OES methods were used to measure the zinc content of the pore solution. And the amount of portlandite was monitored by the DTA and XRF method.
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Studium vlivu složení na mechanické vlastnosti vysokohodnotného betonu / Study of the influence of compositon on the mechanical properties of high performance concreteVeleba, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This work is devoted to study the influence of the composition on mechanical properties of high performance concret based on portland cement. 29 samples of high performance concrete (HPC) warying in composition were prepared. The constituents used for HPC preparation were: cement Aalborg White, silica fume, finelly ground blast furnace slag, finelly ground silica, calcinated bauxite and polycarboxylate based superplasticizer. The mechanical parameters (flexural and compressive strength) of the samples were observed after 7 and 28 days of moist curing. Compressive strength values after 28 days were in the range of 92 to 194 MPa and the flexural strength values were in the range of 7 to 23 MPa (without using of fiber reinforcement). The graphs showing mechanical parameters depending on the mixture composition were constructed and consequently evaluated.
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