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Batch flow behandling och kontinuerligt flöde av lakvatten i en rotzonsanläggning : En jämförande studie i pilotskala / Landfill leachate treatment in batch-fed and continuous flow constructed subsurface flow wetlands : A pilot-scale comparisonNilsson, Dan January 2010 (has links)
This report deals with the performance of a batch flow treatment of landfillleachate compared with a continuous flow system. The parameters in focus were total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), BOD5 and COD. The pilot-scale experiment used eight barrels with a volume of 150 liters. Each barrel was constructed differently concerning its flow, its bed material grain size and its presence of plants or not. Four of the barrels worked in batch mode, thus four in continuous flow mode. The continuous flow systems were provided with water trough small tubes with regulators. Samples were collected once a week and analysis was carried out yielding results of BOD5, COD, TKN, pH and conductivity of the effluents. The same parameters were analyzed for the influent every week. The result shows that a wetland is a good way of treating the landfill leachate as the BOD5, COD and TKN decreases. Moreover the color, which contravenes with legislative demands in the region, was distinctly decreased. Yet the report failed to show a significant difference between batch loaded and continuous flow wetlands. More studies have to be carried out in order to determine or contradict whether batch mode in fact provides a better treatment.
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Patterns of water table dynamics and runoff generation in a watershed with preferential flow networksAnderson, Axel Edward 05 1900 (has links)
Our understanding of subsurface flow depends on assumptions of how event characteristics and spatial scale affect the relationships between subsurface water velocity, discharge, water table dynamics, and runoff response. In this thesis, three chapters explore some of these patterns for a hillslope and small watershed in coastal British Columbia. In the first chapter, tracers were applied under natural and steady state conditions to determine the relationship between lateral tracer velocities and various hillslope and event characteristics; such as hillslope subsurface flow, rainfall intensity, water table level, hillslope length, and antecedent condition. The results showed that preferential flow made up a large percentage of the subsurface flow from the gauged hillslope. Flow velocities as measured by tracers were affected by slope length and boundary conditions. The flow velocity was most closely related to the rainfall intensity, and changes in flow velocity were large compared to the changes in the water table. In the second chapter, the preferential flow features that transmitted water during steady state were investigated by staining the soil with a food dye solution and excavating the soil. These data were used to explore the link between the topographical factors (slope and contributing area), the network of preferential features and soil properties. The contributing area appeared to be an indicator of the size of the preferential features and their connectivity. In the final manuscript chapter, water table level and stream discharge measurements were used to determine if areas within a watershed with runoff dominated by preferential flow could be grouped based on the observable physical information such as slope, contributing area, distance to stream, and vegetation. Preferential flow made the water table responses dynamic and thus, distinct zones could not be identified. Models of the water table – runoff were not able to predict the water table response for other sites with similar physical characteristics. Even though there was high variability in the results, the patterns and relationships revealed in this thesis conform to existing conceptual models of hillslope subsurface preferential flow. These patterns and relationships may be useful in developing or validating numerical models.
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Domestic Wastewater Treatment In Pilot-scale Constructed Wetlands Implemented In The Middle East Technical UniversityKorkusuz, Asuman Elif 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
To foster the practical development of constructed wetlands used for wastewater treatment in Turkey, a pilot-scale subsurface constructed wetland system (90 m2) was designed to treat the domestic wastewater produced by 60 PE living in the residential area of METU. In summer 2001, two parallel sets of hybrid wetland systems (vertical flow connected with horizontal flow) with identical design configuration, but with different fill media (blast furnace granulated iron slag and gravel) were built on the old sludge-drying bed of the abandoned wastewater treatment plant of METU, which has not been operating since the 1990s. Wetland cells were planted with common reed (Phragmites australis).
The main objective of this research was to quantify the effect of different filter media on the removal performance of subsurface flow constructed wetlands in the prevailing climate of Ankara. Thus, slag-filled and gravel-filled vertical flow wetlands were operated identically with pre-settled domestic wastewater (3 m3.d-1) at a hydraulic loading rate of 110 mm.d-1 for 12 months, intermittently.
According to the first year results, annual average removal efficiencies for the slag and gravel wetland cells were as follows: TSS (63% & / 59%), COD (47% & / 44%), NH4+-N (88% & / 53%), TN (44% & / 39%), PO43--P (44% & / 1%) and TP (45% & / 4%). The slag-filled vertical flow system removed phosphorus and ammonium efficiently than the gravel-filled system due to the differences in physical structures and chemical compositions of the fill media, and the different aerobic and anaerobic environments within the wetland cells. These results indicated that the well-designed constructed wetlands could also be used for secondary and tertiary treatment in Turkey, successfully.
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Patterns of water table dynamics and runoff generation in a watershed with preferential flow networksAnderson, Axel Edward 05 1900 (has links)
Our understanding of subsurface flow depends on assumptions of how event characteristics and spatial scale affect the relationships between subsurface water velocity, discharge, water table dynamics, and runoff response. In this thesis, three chapters explore some of these patterns for a hillslope and small watershed in coastal British Columbia. In the first chapter, tracers were applied under natural and steady state conditions to determine the relationship between lateral tracer velocities and various hillslope and event characteristics; such as hillslope subsurface flow, rainfall intensity, water table level, hillslope length, and antecedent condition. The results showed that preferential flow made up a large percentage of the subsurface flow from the gauged hillslope. Flow velocities as measured by tracers were affected by slope length and boundary conditions. The flow velocity was most closely related to the rainfall intensity, and changes in flow velocity were large compared to the changes in the water table. In the second chapter, the preferential flow features that transmitted water during steady state were investigated by staining the soil with a food dye solution and excavating the soil. These data were used to explore the link between the topographical factors (slope and contributing area), the network of preferential features and soil properties. The contributing area appeared to be an indicator of the size of the preferential features and their connectivity. In the final manuscript chapter, water table level and stream discharge measurements were used to determine if areas within a watershed with runoff dominated by preferential flow could be grouped based on the observable physical information such as slope, contributing area, distance to stream, and vegetation. Preferential flow made the water table responses dynamic and thus, distinct zones could not be identified. Models of the water table – runoff were not able to predict the water table response for other sites with similar physical characteristics. Even though there was high variability in the results, the patterns and relationships revealed in this thesis conform to existing conceptual models of hillslope subsurface preferential flow. These patterns and relationships may be useful in developing or validating numerical models.
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Patterns of water table dynamics and runoff generation in a watershed with preferential flow networksAnderson, Axel Edward 05 1900 (has links)
Our understanding of subsurface flow depends on assumptions of how event characteristics and spatial scale affect the relationships between subsurface water velocity, discharge, water table dynamics, and runoff response. In this thesis, three chapters explore some of these patterns for a hillslope and small watershed in coastal British Columbia. In the first chapter, tracers were applied under natural and steady state conditions to determine the relationship between lateral tracer velocities and various hillslope and event characteristics; such as hillslope subsurface flow, rainfall intensity, water table level, hillslope length, and antecedent condition. The results showed that preferential flow made up a large percentage of the subsurface flow from the gauged hillslope. Flow velocities as measured by tracers were affected by slope length and boundary conditions. The flow velocity was most closely related to the rainfall intensity, and changes in flow velocity were large compared to the changes in the water table. In the second chapter, the preferential flow features that transmitted water during steady state were investigated by staining the soil with a food dye solution and excavating the soil. These data were used to explore the link between the topographical factors (slope and contributing area), the network of preferential features and soil properties. The contributing area appeared to be an indicator of the size of the preferential features and their connectivity. In the final manuscript chapter, water table level and stream discharge measurements were used to determine if areas within a watershed with runoff dominated by preferential flow could be grouped based on the observable physical information such as slope, contributing area, distance to stream, and vegetation. Preferential flow made the water table responses dynamic and thus, distinct zones could not be identified. Models of the water table – runoff were not able to predict the water table response for other sites with similar physical characteristics. Even though there was high variability in the results, the patterns and relationships revealed in this thesis conform to existing conceptual models of hillslope subsurface preferential flow. These patterns and relationships may be useful in developing or validating numerical models. / Forestry, Faculty of / Graduate
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Technologie pro zvýšení propustnosti vod v kořenových ČOV / Technology to increase hydraulic conductivity of constructed wetlandsPobořil, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Constructed wetlands are one of alternative solution wastewater treatment. Compared to conventional wastewater plants have many advantages. For example it´s technology saving construction, low operating costs, cleavability diluted wastewater and little or no need for electrical power. There are many publications dealing with Natural Ways wastewater treatment or even constructed wetlands. I decided to look for a thesis on one of the key processes – clogging bed media. The thesis is focused on ways to prevent clogging of bed media, mitigate the consequences and technology to increase hydraulic conductivity of constructed wetlands. The main test method is improving drainage parameters using pulsed filling and emptying of the bed media. This method is a very effective way to achieve quality requirements for effluent water from the treatment plant. Another test method is based on the injection of air into the media bed and sludge extraction using a specially modified industrial vacuum cleaner or pump.
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Investigations on groundwater dewatering by using vertical circulation wells: Numerical simulation method development and field validationSchaffer-Jin, Yulan 27 October 2014 (has links)
Die künstliche Grundwasserabsenkung stellt eine wichtige Maßnahme für die Entwässerung von Baugruben und bergbaulich genutzten Flächen dar. Eine erfolgreiche und zielgerichtete Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels setzt ein zweckmäßiges Design und die richtige Auswahl der genutzten Absenkungstechniken voraus. Dabei sind insbesondere die Dimension des abzusenkenden Bereichs, die Untergrundbeschaffenheit sowie zu erfüllende umweltschutzrechtliche Regelungen zu berücksichtigen. Zur Grundwasserabsenkung kommen üblicherweise verschiedene Ausführungen und Anordnungen von Pumpbrunnen zum Einsatz. Konventionelle Pumpbrunnen, welche für Absenkungsmaßnahmen eingesetzt werden, entnehmen Grundwasser aus dem Aquifer. Durch das fortwährende Abpumpen von in der Regel erheblichen Wassermengen können jedoch Umweltprobleme entstehen, und es ist mit zusätzlichen Entsorgungskosten für die Ableitung des geförderten Wassers zu rechnen. Im Gegensatz hierzu stellen vertikale Zirkulationsbrunnen (VCW) einen innovativen Ansatz dar, der eine lokale Grundwasserabsenkung ohne Nettowasserentnahme aus dem Aquifer erlaubt. Ein VCW kann als ein Einbohrlochsystem aufgefasst werden, bei dem im oberen Bereich eines Brunnens Wasser entnommen und dieses in einem separaten, weiter unten installierten Brunnenbereich wieder injiziert wird.
Die erfolgreiche Anwendung dieser neuen Grundwasserabsenkungstechnik erfordert die genaue Kenntnis der Faktoren, welche für die Grundwasserströmungsverhältnisse relevant sind und somit die Absenkung bestimmen. Traditionelle Berechnungsansätze vernachlässigen oft vertikale Grundwasserbewegungen und sind deshalb für die Beschreibung der komplexen Strömungsverhältnisse in unmittelbarer Nähe eines VCW nicht geeignet. Aus diesem Grund steht die systematische Untersuchung der Grundwasserströmung unter Berücksichtigung vertikaler Strömungskomponenten im Hauptfokus dieser Arbeit. Die Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich in erster Linie mit der Entwicklung einer geeigneten Simulationsmethode, mit der Evaluierung des Einflusses relevanter hydrogeologischer Parameter sowie mit der Durchführung und Auswertung von Pumpversuchen an einem Feldstandort.
Die hier vorgestellte neue Simulationsmethode koppelt den sogenannten Arbitrary‐Lagrangian‐Eulerian‐(ALE)‐Algorithmus mit der Grundwasserströmungsgleichung. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit mehreren analytischen Lösungen verglichen und verifiziert. Das entwickelte numerische Modell berücksichtigt auch Vertikalströmungen und eignet sich somit zur Simulation der Grundwasserströmung in der Nähe von VCW. Folglich kann nun die Lage des Grundwasserspiegels, vor allem für ungespannte Grundwasserleiter, präzise berechnet werden.
Nach erfolgter Kalibrierung des numerischen Modells anhand von Felddaten wurde eine Sensitivitätsanalyse relevanter Parameter im Hinblick auf die erzielte Absenkung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Grundwasserströmungssituation durchgeführt. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Grundwasserabsenkung proportional zur Pumprate, indirekt proportional zur hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit und fast unabhängig von der Anisotropie des Grundwasserleiters um den VCW ist. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass die Lage des oberen Entnahmepunktes einen größeren Einfluss auf die Absenkung als die Lage des darunter liegenden Injektionspunktes hat. Die Größe des von der Grundwasserzirkulation beeinflussten Bereiches hängt dagegen neben dem Abstand dieser beiden Punkte hauptsächlich auch von der Anisotropie des Aquifermaterials ab.
Um den Einfluss der Hydrostratigraphie auf die Grundwasserströmung zu untersuchen, wurden die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Schichten genau charakterisiert. Hierfür wurden Direct‐Push‐, Pump‐, Injektions‐ sowie Zirkulationsversuche an einem Feldstandort durchgeführt. Zudem wurden Bohrkerne entnommen und mithilfe von Siebanalysen vertikale Korngrößenverteilungsprofile im Labor bestimmt. Die eingesetzten experimentellen Methoden stellen in Kombination mit numerischen Simulationsrechnungen eine gute Basis dar, um die Rolle der Schichtstruktur im Aquifer besser beurteilen zu können. Die Untersuchungen leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag für das zukünftige Design und den Betrieb von VCW für Grundwasserabsenkungszwecke in ungespannten Grundwasserleitern. Zudem zeigt die hier vorliegende Arbeit das große Potential dieser neuen Grundwasserabsenkungstechnik als vielversprechende Alternative zu konventionellen Absenkungsverfahren auf.
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Connectivité hydrologique et signature géochimique à l'échelle événementielle dans un bassin versant forestierL'Heureux, Caroline 09 1900 (has links)
Dans un bassin versant, la connectivité hydrologique constitue un état hydrologique qui lie le versant à la zone riveraine. Ses impacts sur la production du débit et le transfert des éléments dissous vers le cours d’eau sont présumés substantiels. L’étude vise à 1) détecter les hydrotopes et les connexions hydrologiques à l’aide d’un réseau de puits qui permet la mesure des fluctuations de la nappe phréatique (NP); 2) identifier la variabilité spatio-temporelle et la signature géochimique des sources potentielles en eau à l’aide des éléments majeurs et traces et 3) examiner la contribution spatio-temporelle respective des sources en eau du bassin lors d’un événement de précipitation. L’étude s’effectue dans un bassin versant forestier du Bouclier canadien (l’Hermine). Nous démontrons l’existence de quatre hydrotopes représentant un gradient de convergence de l’eau, soulignant la diversité de comportement de NP. Les connexions hydrologiques se caractérisent par des coefficients de Spearman élevés des relations entre la profondeur de la NP et le débit, dans leur partie en aval, et s’enclenchent par le fill and spill. Le comportement de NP est influencé par la distance aux limites du bassin, l’horizonation du sol et la topographie souterraine. En somme, trois sources en eau se connectent à partir du versant vers la zone riveraine durant l’événement pluvial de manière chronologique: 1) les horizons B et la NP de l’ensemble du bassin (Sr); 2) les horizons LFH des zones de convergence (Ba et Zn) et 3) une dépression de sol humide sur le versant nord (Co et Mn). / In watersheds, hydrologic connectivity consists of a hydrologic state that links the upper part of a hillslope to the riparian zone. Its impacts on streamflow generation and transfer of dissolved elements towards the stream are considered substantial. This study aims to 1) detect hydrotops and hydrologic connections with a network of wells that allow measurements of water table (WT) fluctuations; 2) identify spatial and temporal variability and the geochemical signature of potential sources of water with major and trace elements and 3) examine the spatial and temporal contribution of sources of water within the watershed during a storm event. The study takes place in a small forested watershed of the Canadian Shield (the Hermine). We demonstrate the existence of four hydrotops representing a water convergence gradient, highlighting diversity of behavior of the WT. Hydrological connections are characterized by high Spearman coefficients of the relationship between WT depth and streamflow in their downstream portion. Some hydrological connections are engaged by the fill and spill mechanism. WT behavior is influenced by the distance limits of the basin, soil horizonation and subsurface topography. In sum, three water sources connect the hillslope to the riparian zone during the storm event in chronological order: 1) WT and B horizons of the entire basin (Sr), 2) LFH horizons of convergence zones (Ba and Zn) and 3) a depression of wet soil on north hillslope (Co and Mn).
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Connectivité hydrologique et signature géochimique à l'échelle événementielle dans un bassin versant forestierL'Heureux, Caroline 09 1900 (has links)
Dans un bassin versant, la connectivité hydrologique constitue un état hydrologique qui lie le versant à la zone riveraine. Ses impacts sur la production du débit et le transfert des éléments dissous vers le cours d’eau sont présumés substantiels. L’étude vise à 1) détecter les hydrotopes et les connexions hydrologiques à l’aide d’un réseau de puits qui permet la mesure des fluctuations de la nappe phréatique (NP); 2) identifier la variabilité spatio-temporelle et la signature géochimique des sources potentielles en eau à l’aide des éléments majeurs et traces et 3) examiner la contribution spatio-temporelle respective des sources en eau du bassin lors d’un événement de précipitation. L’étude s’effectue dans un bassin versant forestier du Bouclier canadien (l’Hermine). Nous démontrons l’existence de quatre hydrotopes représentant un gradient de convergence de l’eau, soulignant la diversité de comportement de NP. Les connexions hydrologiques se caractérisent par des coefficients de Spearman élevés des relations entre la profondeur de la NP et le débit, dans leur partie en aval, et s’enclenchent par le fill and spill. Le comportement de NP est influencé par la distance aux limites du bassin, l’horizonation du sol et la topographie souterraine. En somme, trois sources en eau se connectent à partir du versant vers la zone riveraine durant l’événement pluvial de manière chronologique: 1) les horizons B et la NP de l’ensemble du bassin (Sr); 2) les horizons LFH des zones de convergence (Ba et Zn) et 3) une dépression de sol humide sur le versant nord (Co et Mn). / In watersheds, hydrologic connectivity consists of a hydrologic state that links the upper part of a hillslope to the riparian zone. Its impacts on streamflow generation and transfer of dissolved elements towards the stream are considered substantial. This study aims to 1) detect hydrotops and hydrologic connections with a network of wells that allow measurements of water table (WT) fluctuations; 2) identify spatial and temporal variability and the geochemical signature of potential sources of water with major and trace elements and 3) examine the spatial and temporal contribution of sources of water within the watershed during a storm event. The study takes place in a small forested watershed of the Canadian Shield (the Hermine). We demonstrate the existence of four hydrotops representing a water convergence gradient, highlighting diversity of behavior of the WT. Hydrological connections are characterized by high Spearman coefficients of the relationship between WT depth and streamflow in their downstream portion. Some hydrological connections are engaged by the fill and spill mechanism. WT behavior is influenced by the distance limits of the basin, soil horizonation and subsurface topography. In sum, three water sources connect the hillslope to the riparian zone during the storm event in chronological order: 1) WT and B horizons of the entire basin (Sr), 2) LFH horizons of convergence zones (Ba and Zn) and 3) a depression of wet soil on north hillslope (Co and Mn).
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Optimisation des marais filtrants pour l’abattement du pesticide chlorantraniliprole du ruissellement agricoleAbas, Khalil 02 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, une grande variété de pesticides émergents, tels que le chlorantraniliprole (CAP), ont été introduits malgré le manque de connaissance approfondie de leur risque écotoxicologique. Les marais filtrants (TW) sont des technologies écologiques et durables qui ont montré un grand potentiel d’atténuation des polluants agricoles communs, tels que les pesticides dans le ruissellement. L’objectif de cette étude était d’optimiser l’utilisation du marais filtrant sous-surfacique à écoulement horizontal (HSSF) en déterminant: a) l'effet d’un amendement de biochar au substrat et b) la performance de trois espèces de macrophytes (Phragmites australis subsp. americanus, Scirpus cyperinus et Sporobolus michauxianus) dans l'abattement du CAP du ruissellement agricole. L'efficacité d'abattement a été calculée en utilisant la méthode du bilan de masse dans des mésocosmes HSSF matures alimentés avec un ruissellement agricole synthétique contenant du CAP pendant une période d'un mois. Les mésocosmes avec l’ajout de biochar se sont avérés très efficaces dans l’abattement du CAP (90 à 99%) et ils le sont restés tout au long de la période expérimentale. Cette efficacité est probablement due à la grande capacité d’adsorption du biochar, bien que ce mécanisme n’ait pas été directement mesuré. En revanche, l'abattement du CAP dans les mésocosmes plantés sans biochar était faible et limité et il n’y avait pas de différence entre les espèces, bien qu’elles aient eu des différences dans leur biomasse aérienne et leur taux d'évapotranspiration (ET). Cependant, les traitements plantés ont agi comme zone tampon, en atténuant la masse du CAP de l'influent et en la libérant lentement dans l'effluent. Le taux d'ET de Scirpus et Phragmites était plus élevé que celui de Sporobolus, ce qui s’est traduit par un meilleur effet tampon. Cette étude suggère que l'ajout de biochar au substrat HSSF TW est prometteur pour l'atténuation du CAP dans le ruissellement agricole, mais leur efficacité à long terme reste à être étudiée. Malgré tout, les TW devraient être utilisés comme un outil complémentaire, dans le cadre d'actions plus larges visant à réduire la pression des polluants sur les écosystèmes aquatiques. / Over the past decades, a wide variety of emergent pesticides, such as chlorantraniliprole (CAP),
have been introduced despite the lack of in-depth knowledge of their ecotoxicological risk.
Treatment wetlands (TWs) are environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies that have
shown great potential to mitigate common agricultural pollutants, such as pesticides in runoff.
The objective of this study was to optimize the use of the horizontal subsurface flow treatment
wetlands (HSSF TWs) by determining a) the effect of biochar amendment to the substrate and b)
the performance of three species of macrophytes (Phragmites australis subsp. americanus,
Scirpus cyperinus and Sporobolus michauxianus) in CAP removal from agricultural runoff. The
removal efficiency was calculated using the mass balance method in mature HSSF mesocosms fed
with synthetic agricultural runoff containing CAP for a period of one month. Mesocosms with the
addition of biochar were very effective in removing CAP (90-99%) and remained so throughout
the experimental period. This efficiency is likely due to the high adsorption capacity of biochar,
although this mechanism has not been directly measured. In contrast, CAP removal in mesocosms
planted without biochar was low and limited and there was no difference between species,
although there were differences in their above-ground biomass and their evapotranspiration (ET)
rate. However, the planted mesocosms acted as buffer zones, reducing the CAP mass of the
influent and slowly releasing it into the discharge. The ET rate of S. cyperinus and P. australis was
higher than that of S. michauxianus, resulting in a better buffering effect. This study suggests that
adding biochar to the HSSF TW substrate is promising for CAP attenuation in agricultural runoff,
but their long-term effectiveness remains to be investigated. Nevertheless, TWs should be used
as a complementary tool, as part of wider actions aimed at reducing the pressure of pollutants
on aquatic ecosystems.
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