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Contrôle des récepteurs du glutamate de type NMDA par leur site co-agoniste / Control or NMDA receptors through their co-agonist binding-sitePapouin, Thomas 06 October 2011 (has links)
Le récepteur du glutamate de type N-méthyl-D-aspartate (NMDAR) est un transducteur clef dans la physiologie du système nerveux et dans nombre de ses pathologies, selon qu’il est localisé à la synapse ou en position extra-synaptique respectivement. Son activité est sous le contrôle étroit du ‘site-glycine’, dont l’activation est gouvernée par la disponibilité en coagoniste. Pourtant, on ignore encore largement les règles qui régissent cette étape limitante de l’activation des NMDARs in situ. Par ailleurs, l’ensemble des onnaissances actuelles suggère que les astrocytes pourraient contrôler les NMDARs dans le contexte des interactions entre cellules gliales et neurones, en particulier via la libération du gliotransmetteur D-sérine. Le principal objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de comprendre les modalités du contrôle endogène des NMDARs par leur site co-agoniste, dans la région CA1 de l’hippocampe. Nous avons porté notre attention, avant tout, sur les acteurs de ce contrôle : la glycine et la D-sérine, qui sont les ligands endogènes du site-co-agoniste. Nous nous sommes intéressés à leur contribution respective dans le contrôle des NMDARs, aux dynamiques de ce contrôle en fonction de l’activité neuronale, à ses variations en fonction de la localisation des NMDARs, ainsi qu’à ses modifications développementales. Nous montrons par des approches d’électrophysiologie que la D-sérine, et non la glycine, est le co-agoniste endogène des NMDARs à la synapse CA3-CA1 chez l’adulte. Elle est délivrée par les prolongements astrocytaires environnants, d’une manière qui est influencée par l’activité synaptique. Sa libération répond à un mécanisme vésiculaire et est dépendante de la signalisation calcique intra-astrocytaire. De cette manière, les astrocytes exercent un contrôle étroit et dynamique des NMDARs à l’état basal et au cours de phénomènes de plasticité synaptique. En contre partie, à l’inverse de leurs homologues localisés à la synapse, les NMDARs extrasynaptiques sont contrôlés par la glycine à l’âge adulte. Cette compartimentation spatiale est dictée par une disponibilité différentielle des deux co-agonistes aux différents sites. Elle est également favorisée par une composition en sous-unités des NMDARs synaptiques et extra-synaptiques différente qui leur confère une affinité distincte pour la glycine et la D-sérine. Enfin, le contrôle des NMDARs par la D-sérine astrocytaire observé à l’âge adulte n’est pas opérationnel à la naissance. En effet, il ne se met en place qu’au cours du premier mois post-natal, de façon concomitante au changement de composition en sous-unités des NMDARs. / N-methyl D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are central to many aspects of brain physiology and pathology, which they impact differently depending on their synaptic or extrasynaptic location, respectively. In addition to glutamate, they are gated by the necessary binding of a co-agonist on the so-called ‘glycine-binding site’. However, very little is known about the rules that govern the control of NMDARs through this site, in situ. Evidence now suggests that astrocytes could play a critical role in controlling NMDARs activity, in particular through the release of the gliotransmitter D-serine. In the present work, we aimed at understanding how NMDARs are endogenously controlled through their co-agonist binding site, in the CA1 region of rat hippocampus. We primarily focused on the role of two endogenous ligands of this site: glycine and D-serine. We investigated their relative contribution in the control of NMDARs at the different subcellular locations, the dynamics of such control according to synaptic activity, as well as possible changes during post-natal development. Using elecrophysiological approaches, we demonstrate that NMDARs are gated by Dserine, but not glycine, at CA3-CA1 synapses in adults. D-serine is supplied at least in part by surrounding astrocytes in an activity-dependant manner. Its release occurs in response to calcium signalling within the astrocyte and in a vesicular way. Correspondingly, we found astrocytic supply of D-serine to be essential for NMDARs-dependant functions such as synaptic plasticity. In contrast with their synaptic counterparts, extrasynaptic NMDARs are gated by endogenous glycine and not by D-serine. We provide evidence that this compartmentation relies on the differential availability of the two co-agonists at synaptic and extrasynaptic sites. Besides, due to differences in their subunit composition, synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs may have preferential affinity for D-serine and glycine respectively. Finally, we show that the control of the NMDAR co-agonist site is developmentally regulated. Early after birth, glycine is the endogenous co-agonist of synaptic NMDARs. The control exerted by D-serine only progressively appears during the first post-natal month, as the switch in NMDARs subunit composition occurs, suggesting a maturation of cellular interactions at the tripartite synapse.
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Regulation of Runx Proteins in Human Cancers: A DissertationPande, Sandhya 20 July 2011 (has links)
Runt related transcription factors (Runx) play an important role in mammalian development by regulating the expression of key genes involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and growth. The work described in this thesis details the mechanisms by which the activity of two members of this family are regulated in human cells. Chapter One provides a brief introduction of Runx transcription factors.
Chapter Two describes the regulation of Runx2 protein by the PI3 kinase/Akt pathway in human breast cancer cells. The PI3 kinase/Akt pathway is one of the major signal transduction pathways through which growth factors influence cell proliferation and survival. It is also one of the most frequently dysregulated pathways in human cancers. We identify Runx2 protein, a key regulator of breast cancer invasion as a novel substrate of Akt kinase and map residues of Runx2 that are phosphorylated by Akt in breast cancer cells. Our results show that phosphorylation by Akt increases the binding of Runx2 protein to its target gene promoters and we identify the phosphorylation events that enhance DNA binding of Runx2. Our work establishes Runx2 protein as a critical effecter downstream of Akt that regulates breast cancer invasion.
In Chapter Three we describe the subnuclear localization of the tumor suppressor protein Runx3 during interphase and mitosis. We find that similar to other Runx family members, Runx3 protein resides in nuclear matrix associated foci during interphase. We delineate a subnuclear targeting signal that directs Runx3 to these nuclear matrix associated foci. Our work establishes that this association of Runx3 protein with the nuclear matrix plays a vital role in regulating its transcriptional activity.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation results show that Runx3 occupies rRNA promoters during interphase. We also find that Runx3 remains associated with chromosomes during mitosis and localizes with nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), reflecting an interaction with epigenetic potential.
This thesis provides novel insights into various mechanisms by which cells regulate the activity of Runx proteins.
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The Role of Adaptor Protein Complex-3 Delta-Mediated HIV-1 Gag Trafficking in HIV-1 Replication: A DissertationKim, Adonia Lee 18 May 2012 (has links)
The process of HIV-1 particle production is a multi-step process directed by the viral structural protein Gag. As Gag is the only viral protein required to form virus-like particles, it presents a viable target for anti-viral therapeutics of which there are currently none. Although the functions of Gag during the particle assembly process have been well characterized, one of the least known parts of the assembly process is how Gag is targeted to the site of virus assembly.
Two main virus assembly sites have been identified in cells that support HIV-1 replication: the plasma membrane or multivesicular bodies (MVBs). However the mechanism by which Gag is targeted to either of these sites remains unknown. The δ subunit of Adaptor Protein Complex 3 has previously been identified as a cellular co-factor for HIV-1 Gag and was reported to mediate Gag trafficking to MVBs, providing a mechanism for Gag targeting to this assembly site. Additionally, AP-3δ was reported to be required for HIV-1 production, suggesting that Gag to MVB targeting is also required for HIV-1 production.
The work presented in this thesis further investigates the role of AP-3δ in Gag trafficking to MVBs and its role in HIV-1 production in previously unexplored host environments. Through the use of RNA interference-mediated depletion of AP-3δ, we determined that AP-3δ is dispensible for virus replication in infected HeLa cells, chronically infected HeLa-LAV cells and infected primary human monocyte-derived macrophages. We concomitantly disrupted AP-3 function by disrupting its association with membranes and observed no effect on virus production. Collectively, these results demonstrate that AP-3δ is not required for HIV-1 replication. However, AP-3δ was demonstrated to be required for Gag targeting to MVBs thus presenting a new model for the function of AP-3δ in the context of HIV-1 replication.
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O envolvimento da proteína adaptadora 1 (AP-1) no mecanismo de regulação negativa do receptor CD4 por Nef de HIV-1 / The involvement of Adaptor Protein 1 (AP-1) on the Mechanism of CD4 Down-regulation by Nef from HIV-1Tavares, Lucas Alves 05 August 2016 (has links)
O Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) é o agente etiológico da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS). A AIDS é uma doença de distribuição mundial, e estima-se que existam atualmente pelo menos 36,9 milhões de pessoas infectadas com o vírus. Durante o seu ciclo replicativo, o HIV promove diversas alterações na fisiologia da célula hospedeira a fim de promover sua sobrevivência e potencializar a replicação. A rápida progressão da infecção pelo HIV-1 em humanos e em modelos animais está intimamente ligada à função da proteína acessória Nef. Dentre as diversas ações de Nef está a regulação negativa de proteínas importantes na resposta imunológica, como o receptor CD4. Sabe-se que esta ação resulta da indução da degradação de CD4 em lisossomos, mas os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos ainda são totalmente elucidados. Nef forma um complexo tripartite com a cauda citosólica de CD4 e a proteína adaptadora 2 (AP-2), em vesículas revestidas por clatrina nascentes, induzindo a internalização e degradação lisossomal de CD4. Pesquisas anteriores demonstraram que o direcionamento de CD4 aos lisossomos por Nef envolve a entrada do receptor na via dos corpos multivesiculares (MVBs), por um mecanismo atípico, pois, embora não necessite da ubiquitinação de carga, depende da ação de proteínas que compõem os ESCRTs (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport) e da ação de Alix, uma proteína acessória da maquinaria ESCRT. Já foi reportado que Nef interage com subunidades dos complexos AP-1, AP-2, AP-3 e Nef não parece interagir com subunidades de AP-4 e AP-5. Entretanto, o papel da interação de Nef com AP-1 e AP-3 na regulação negativa de CD4 ainda não está totalmente elucidado. Ademais, AP-1, AP-2 e AP-3 são potencialmente heterogêneos devido à existência de isoformas múltiplas das subunidades codificadas por diferentes genes. Todavia, existem poucos estudos para demonstrar se as diferentes combinações de isoformas dos APs são formadas e se possuem propriedades funcionais distintas. O presente trabalho procurou identificar e caracterizar fatores celulares envolvidos na regulação do tráfego intracelular de proteínas no processo de regulação negativa de CD4 induzido por Nef. Mais especificamente, este estudo buscou caracterizar a participação do complexo AP-1 na modulação negativa de CD4 por Nef de HIV-1, através do estudo funcional das duas isoformas de ?-adaptina, subunidades de AP-1. Utilizando a técnica de Pull-down demonstramos que Nef é capaz de interagir com ?2. Além disso, nossos dados de Imunoblot indicaram que a proteína ?2-adaptina, e não ?1-adaptina, é necessária no processo de degradação lisossomal de CD4 por Nef e que esta participação é conservada para degradação de CD4 por Nef de diferentes cepas virais. Ademais, por citometria de fluxo, o silenciamento de ?2, e não de ?1, compromete a diminuição dos níveis de CD4 por Nef da membrana plasmática. A análise por imunofluorêsncia indireta também revelou que a diminuição dos níveis de ?2 impede a redistribuição de CD4 por Nef para regiões perinucleares, acarretando no acúmulo de CD4, retirados por Nef da membrana plasmática, em endossomos primários. A depleção de ?1A, outra subunidade de AP-1, acarretou na diminuição dos níveis celulares de ?2 e ?1, bem como, no comprometimento da eficiente degradação de CD4 por Nef. Além disso, foi possível observar que, ao perturbar a maquinaria ESCRT via super-expressão de HRS (uma subunidade do complexo ESCRT-0), ocorreu um acumulo de ?2 em endossomos dilatados contendo HRS-GFP, nos quais também detectou-se CD4 que foi internalizado por Nef. Em conjunto, os resultados indicam que ?2-adaptina é uma importante molécula para o direcionamento de CD4 por Nef para a via ESCRT/MVB, mostrando ser uma proteína relevante no sistema endo-lisossomal. Ademais, os resultados indicaram que as isoformas ?-adaptinas não só possuem funções distintas, mas também parecem compor complexos AP-1 com diferentes funções celulares, já que apenas a variante AP-1 contendo ?2, mas não ?1, participa da regulação negativa de CD4 por Nef. Estes estudos contribuem para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na atividade de Nef, que poderão também ajudar na melhor compreensão da patogênese do HIV e da síndrome relacionada. Em adição, este trabalho contribui para o entendimento de processos fundamentais da regulação do tráfego de proteínas transmembrana no sistema endo-lisossomal. / The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a disease which has a global distribution, and it is estimated that there are currently at least 36.9 million people infected with the virus. During the replication cycle, HIV promotes several changes in the physiology of the host cell to promote their survival and enhance replication. The fast progression of HIV-1 in humans and animal models is closely linked to the function of an accessory protein Nef. Among several actions of Nef, one is the most important is the down-regulation of proteins from the immune response, such as the CD4 receptor. It is known that this action causes CD4 degradation in lysosome, but the molecular mechanisms are still incompletely understood. Nef forms a tripartite complex with the cytosolic tail of the CD4 and adapter protein 2 (AP-2) in clathrin-coated vesicles, inducing CD4 internalization and lysosome degradation. Previous research has demonstrated that CD4 target to lysosomes by Nef involves targeting of this receptor to multivesicular bodies (MVBs) pathway by an atypical mechanism because, although not need charging ubiquitination, depends on the proteins from ESCRTs (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport) machinery and the action of Alix, an accessory protein ESCRT machinery. It has been reported that Nef interacts with subunits of AP- 1, AP-2, AP-3 complexes and Nef does not appear to interact with AP-4 and AP-5 subunits. However, the role of Nef interaction with AP-1 or AP-3 in CD4 down-regulation is poorly understood. Furthermore, AP-1, AP-2 and AP-3 are potentially heterogeneous due to the existence of multiple subunits isoforms encoded by different genes. However, there are few studies to demonstrate if the different combinations of APs isoforms are form and if they have distinct functional properties. This study aim to identify and characterize cellular factors involved on CD4 down-modulation induced by Nef from HIV-1. More specifically, this study aimed to characterize the involvement of AP-1 complex in the down-regulation of CD4 by Nef HIV-1 through the functional study of the two isoforms of ?-adaptins, AP-1 subunits. By pull-down technique, we showed that Nef is able to interact with ?2. In addition, our data from immunoblots indicated that ?2- adaptin, not ?1-adaptin, is required in Nef-mediated targeting of CD4 to lysosomes and the ?2 participation in this process is conserved by Nef from different viral strains. Furthermore, by flow cytometry assay, ?2 depletion, but not ?1 depletion, compromises the reduction of surface CD4 levels induced by Nef. Immunofluorescence microscopy analysis also revealed that ?2 depletion impairs the redistribution of CD4 by Nef to juxtanuclear region, resulting in CD4 accumulation in primary endosomes. Knockdown of ?1A, another subunit of AP-1, resulted in decreased cellular levels of ?1 and ?2 and, compromising the efficient CD4 degradation by Nef. Moreover, upon artificially stabilizing ESCRT-I in early endosomes, via overexpression of HRS, internalized CD4 accumulates in enlarged HRS-GFP positive endosomes, where co-localize with ?2. Together, the results indicate that ?2-adaptin is a molecule that is essential for CD4 targeting by Nef to ESCRT/MVB pathway, being an important protein in the endo-lysosomal system. Furthermore, the results indicate that ?-adaptins isoforms not only have different functions, but also seem to compose AP-1 complex with distinct cell functions, and only the AP-1 variant comprising ?2, but not ?1, acts in the CD4 down-regulation induced by Nef. These studies contribute to a better understanding on the molecular mechanisms involved in Nef activities, which may also help to improve the understanding of the HIV pathogenesis and the related syndrome. In addition, this work contributes with the understanding of primordial process regulation on intracellular trafficking of transmembrane proteins.
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O envolvimento da proteína adaptadora 1 (AP-1) no mecanismo de regulação negativa do receptor CD4 por Nef de HIV-1 / The involvement of Adaptor Protein 1 (AP-1) on the Mechanism of CD4 Down-regulation by Nef from HIV-1Lucas Alves Tavares 05 August 2016 (has links)
O Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) é o agente etiológico da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS). A AIDS é uma doença de distribuição mundial, e estima-se que existam atualmente pelo menos 36,9 milhões de pessoas infectadas com o vírus. Durante o seu ciclo replicativo, o HIV promove diversas alterações na fisiologia da célula hospedeira a fim de promover sua sobrevivência e potencializar a replicação. A rápida progressão da infecção pelo HIV-1 em humanos e em modelos animais está intimamente ligada à função da proteína acessória Nef. Dentre as diversas ações de Nef está a regulação negativa de proteínas importantes na resposta imunológica, como o receptor CD4. Sabe-se que esta ação resulta da indução da degradação de CD4 em lisossomos, mas os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos ainda são totalmente elucidados. Nef forma um complexo tripartite com a cauda citosólica de CD4 e a proteína adaptadora 2 (AP-2), em vesículas revestidas por clatrina nascentes, induzindo a internalização e degradação lisossomal de CD4. Pesquisas anteriores demonstraram que o direcionamento de CD4 aos lisossomos por Nef envolve a entrada do receptor na via dos corpos multivesiculares (MVBs), por um mecanismo atípico, pois, embora não necessite da ubiquitinação de carga, depende da ação de proteínas que compõem os ESCRTs (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport) e da ação de Alix, uma proteína acessória da maquinaria ESCRT. Já foi reportado que Nef interage com subunidades dos complexos AP-1, AP-2, AP-3 e Nef não parece interagir com subunidades de AP-4 e AP-5. Entretanto, o papel da interação de Nef com AP-1 e AP-3 na regulação negativa de CD4 ainda não está totalmente elucidado. Ademais, AP-1, AP-2 e AP-3 são potencialmente heterogêneos devido à existência de isoformas múltiplas das subunidades codificadas por diferentes genes. Todavia, existem poucos estudos para demonstrar se as diferentes combinações de isoformas dos APs são formadas e se possuem propriedades funcionais distintas. O presente trabalho procurou identificar e caracterizar fatores celulares envolvidos na regulação do tráfego intracelular de proteínas no processo de regulação negativa de CD4 induzido por Nef. Mais especificamente, este estudo buscou caracterizar a participação do complexo AP-1 na modulação negativa de CD4 por Nef de HIV-1, através do estudo funcional das duas isoformas de ?-adaptina, subunidades de AP-1. Utilizando a técnica de Pull-down demonstramos que Nef é capaz de interagir com ?2. Além disso, nossos dados de Imunoblot indicaram que a proteína ?2-adaptina, e não ?1-adaptina, é necessária no processo de degradação lisossomal de CD4 por Nef e que esta participação é conservada para degradação de CD4 por Nef de diferentes cepas virais. Ademais, por citometria de fluxo, o silenciamento de ?2, e não de ?1, compromete a diminuição dos níveis de CD4 por Nef da membrana plasmática. A análise por imunofluorêsncia indireta também revelou que a diminuição dos níveis de ?2 impede a redistribuição de CD4 por Nef para regiões perinucleares, acarretando no acúmulo de CD4, retirados por Nef da membrana plasmática, em endossomos primários. A depleção de ?1A, outra subunidade de AP-1, acarretou na diminuição dos níveis celulares de ?2 e ?1, bem como, no comprometimento da eficiente degradação de CD4 por Nef. Além disso, foi possível observar que, ao perturbar a maquinaria ESCRT via super-expressão de HRS (uma subunidade do complexo ESCRT-0), ocorreu um acumulo de ?2 em endossomos dilatados contendo HRS-GFP, nos quais também detectou-se CD4 que foi internalizado por Nef. Em conjunto, os resultados indicam que ?2-adaptina é uma importante molécula para o direcionamento de CD4 por Nef para a via ESCRT/MVB, mostrando ser uma proteína relevante no sistema endo-lisossomal. Ademais, os resultados indicaram que as isoformas ?-adaptinas não só possuem funções distintas, mas também parecem compor complexos AP-1 com diferentes funções celulares, já que apenas a variante AP-1 contendo ?2, mas não ?1, participa da regulação negativa de CD4 por Nef. Estes estudos contribuem para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na atividade de Nef, que poderão também ajudar na melhor compreensão da patogênese do HIV e da síndrome relacionada. Em adição, este trabalho contribui para o entendimento de processos fundamentais da regulação do tráfego de proteínas transmembrana no sistema endo-lisossomal. / The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a disease which has a global distribution, and it is estimated that there are currently at least 36.9 million people infected with the virus. During the replication cycle, HIV promotes several changes in the physiology of the host cell to promote their survival and enhance replication. The fast progression of HIV-1 in humans and animal models is closely linked to the function of an accessory protein Nef. Among several actions of Nef, one is the most important is the down-regulation of proteins from the immune response, such as the CD4 receptor. It is known that this action causes CD4 degradation in lysosome, but the molecular mechanisms are still incompletely understood. Nef forms a tripartite complex with the cytosolic tail of the CD4 and adapter protein 2 (AP-2) in clathrin-coated vesicles, inducing CD4 internalization and lysosome degradation. Previous research has demonstrated that CD4 target to lysosomes by Nef involves targeting of this receptor to multivesicular bodies (MVBs) pathway by an atypical mechanism because, although not need charging ubiquitination, depends on the proteins from ESCRTs (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport) machinery and the action of Alix, an accessory protein ESCRT machinery. It has been reported that Nef interacts with subunits of AP- 1, AP-2, AP-3 complexes and Nef does not appear to interact with AP-4 and AP-5 subunits. However, the role of Nef interaction with AP-1 or AP-3 in CD4 down-regulation is poorly understood. Furthermore, AP-1, AP-2 and AP-3 are potentially heterogeneous due to the existence of multiple subunits isoforms encoded by different genes. However, there are few studies to demonstrate if the different combinations of APs isoforms are form and if they have distinct functional properties. This study aim to identify and characterize cellular factors involved on CD4 down-modulation induced by Nef from HIV-1. More specifically, this study aimed to characterize the involvement of AP-1 complex in the down-regulation of CD4 by Nef HIV-1 through the functional study of the two isoforms of ?-adaptins, AP-1 subunits. By pull-down technique, we showed that Nef is able to interact with ?2. In addition, our data from immunoblots indicated that ?2- adaptin, not ?1-adaptin, is required in Nef-mediated targeting of CD4 to lysosomes and the ?2 participation in this process is conserved by Nef from different viral strains. Furthermore, by flow cytometry assay, ?2 depletion, but not ?1 depletion, compromises the reduction of surface CD4 levels induced by Nef. Immunofluorescence microscopy analysis also revealed that ?2 depletion impairs the redistribution of CD4 by Nef to juxtanuclear region, resulting in CD4 accumulation in primary endosomes. Knockdown of ?1A, another subunit of AP-1, resulted in decreased cellular levels of ?1 and ?2 and, compromising the efficient CD4 degradation by Nef. Moreover, upon artificially stabilizing ESCRT-I in early endosomes, via overexpression of HRS, internalized CD4 accumulates in enlarged HRS-GFP positive endosomes, where co-localize with ?2. Together, the results indicate that ?2-adaptin is a molecule that is essential for CD4 targeting by Nef to ESCRT/MVB pathway, being an important protein in the endo-lysosomal system. Furthermore, the results indicate that ?-adaptins isoforms not only have different functions, but also seem to compose AP-1 complex with distinct cell functions, and only the AP-1 variant comprising ?2, but not ?1, acts in the CD4 down-regulation induced by Nef. These studies contribute to a better understanding on the molecular mechanisms involved in Nef activities, which may also help to improve the understanding of the HIV pathogenesis and the related syndrome. In addition, this work contributes with the understanding of primordial process regulation on intracellular trafficking of transmembrane proteins.
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