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Effects of R&D implementation on the performance of publicly funded research in Sultan Qaboos UniversityAl Hosni, Fahad January 2010 (has links)
Models of R&D account for technical, technological and administrative factors of R&D implementation but underestimate the influence of behavioural and political factors such as power and conflict. They assume that R&D organisation is “well-insulated” from partisan, emotions, political reactions and contextual factors and that decision makers are rational and decisions are taken to best fit the content of R&D programme. The present study explores the effects of rational and irrational factors in the R&D implementation process on the performance of publicly funded research projects in universities. It uses realist and qualitative exploratory semi-structured interviews with 22 active researchers in Sultan Qaboos University provides “depth and detail” of the complexities of R&D implementation effects on its performance. The study discovers 18 measures of success of academic research and 30 effects of R&D implementation of the performance of publicly funded research.The study concludes that the iterative, non-linear and processual nature of R&D implementation is a continuous dynamic system. R&D success builds up the capacity for future success whilst failures decrease the chances of future successes. The integrated effects of implementation (IEI) influence R&D performance through technical and administrative capability of the R&D organisation as well as through behaviours of organisation members. These include leaders’ behaviours, conflict and political skills within individuals. Both success dynamism and IEI suggest contextualism implementation of R&D.
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Развој модела рачунаром подржане набавке заснованог на практичним аспектима менаџмента квалитетом / Razvoj modela računarom podržane nabavke zasnovanog na praktičnim aspektima menadžmenta kvalitetom / Development of a model for e-procurement, based onpractical aspects of quality managementLalić Goran 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ ове дисертације представља повишење ефективности и ефикасности процеса набавке применом развијеног модела рачунаром подржане набавке. Овај модел ће бити заснован на практичним аспектима менаџмента квалитетом. Очекује се да синергијски утицај ефеката успеха информационих система и менаџмента квалитетом у набавци на перформансе процеса набавке допринесе значајнијем остваривању конкурентске предности на тржишту.</p> / <p>Cilj ove disertacije predstavlja povišenje efektivnosti i efikasnosti procesa nabavke primenom razvijenog modela računarom podržane nabavke. Ovaj model će biti zasnovan na praktičnim aspektima menadžmenta kvalitetom. Očekuje se da sinergijski uticaj efekata uspeha informacionih sistema i menadžmenta kvalitetom u nabavci na performanse procesa nabavke doprinese značajnijem ostvarivanju konkurentske prednosti na tržištu.</p> / <p>The main objective of this study is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the procurement process, using the developed procurement process model supported by information technologies. This model will be based on the practical aspects of quality management. It is expected that synergy of information system success effects and quality management effects on procurement process performance, contributes to the achievement of significant competitive advantage in the market.</p>
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