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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professionals and zenophobia : a sociological analysis of skilled African immigrants in Gauteng

Marcos, Bento Gilberto Mazula 25 August 2010 (has links)
The transition, in 1994, in South Africa from an authoritarian ethno-nationalist Apartheid state where racial categories determined inclusion and exclusion to a liberal democratic state, raised the promise of greater inclusion within society. The post-Apartheid state formally abandoned racism and discrimination, at least in its legal sense. Paradoxically, in a context which enabled greater engagement with Africa, the new ‘Rainbow Nation’ with an emphasis on nation-building and emerging nationalism, led to manifestations of discrimination and exclusion of a different kind. An escalation in incidents of xenophobia within post-Apartheid South Africa has been fully documented. However, it could be argued, not all immigrants are subject to incidents of xenophobia. In the new South Africa, targeting the black African immigrant, in particular, has resulted in a new cycle of exclusion. As Nyamnjoh puts it these black African immigrants are associated with “the Heart of Darkness north of the Limpopo”. In contrast, foreign whites seem to be more acceptable in the new South Africa. Experiences of xenophobia and the concomitant exclusion and/or discrimination have been raced. African immigrants, however, are not a monolithic grouping. The dissertation argues that whilst all black African immigrants potentially experience xenophobia, socio-economic status may mitigate the extent and immediacy of this, as well as the ability to escape or avoid such experiences to some extent. AFRIKAANS : Die oorgang vanaf 'n outoritêre etno-nasionalistiese Apartheid-staat, waar rasse-kategorieë insluiting en uitsluiting bepaal het, na ’n liberale demokratiese staat in 1994, het die belofte van groter insluiting in die samelewing gehuldig. Die “post-Apartheid” staat het rassisme en diskriminasie ten minste op wetlike-vlak, formeel afgeskaf. In 'n konteks wat groter verbintenis met Afrika moontlik gemaak het, het die nuwe "Reëboog nasie" met die klem op nasiebou, nasionalisme ontketen. Paradoksaal het dit tot manifestasies van diskriminasie en uitsluiting van 'n ander aard gelei. 'n Toename in die voorvalle van xenofobie in “post-Apartheid” Suid-Afrika is ten volle gedokumenteer. Tog kan dit aangevoer word dat, nie alle immigrante onderworpe is aan voorvalle van xenofobie nie. In die nuwe Suid-Afrika is dit gerig op die swart Afrika-immigrant, in die besonder. Dit het tot 'n nuwe siklus van uitsluiting gelei. Soos Nyamnjoh dit stel word hierdie immigrante van Afrika met die "Heart of Darkness north of the Limpopo" geassosieer. In teenstelling blyk dit dat blankes van die buiteland meer aanvaarbaar in die nuwe Suid-Afrika beskou word. Ervarings van xenofobie en die gepaardgaande uitsluiting en/of diskriminasie is ras-gebonde. Immigrante van Afrika is egter nie 'n eenvormige groepering nie. Die verhandeling voer aan dat alhoewel alle swart immigrante van Afrika potensieel xenofobie ervaar, sosio-ekonomiese status, die omvang en die onmiddelikheid hiervan versag, sowel as die vermoë om van sulke ervaringe, tot 'n mate, te kan ontsnap of dit te kan vermy. Copyright / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Sociology / unrestricted

Gender relations and women's livelihoods in the post-mine retrenchment era : a case study in Mafeteng, Lesotho

Matsie, Rachel Matseliso 09 September 2010 (has links)
Lesotho has been a source of migrant labour for many years, with men crossing the borders to work on South African mines. Men left their homes in pursuit of mine work, leaving behind their wives to look after the household. Women would receive remittances from their husbands, which they used to survive, and for the upkeep of the home while husbands were away. As Lesotho is an agricultural society, women were involved in farming for subsistence, with some women being able to sell their produce. Men were the breadwinners and women the housekeepers, according to prevailing gender norms. With the mine retrenchments that took place in the 1980s and 1990s, many men returned to Lesotho, with no job prospects due to the employment deficit in the country. Many women are no longer receiving remittances, and are now looking after their households with their husbands being at home, unemployed. This mini- dissertation delves into the livelihoods of these women whose life circumstances have changed now that their husbands have returned. It looks at the changed gender relations within the household as well as economic strategies of survival that women employ in these trying times, given their culturally determined positions in Basotho society. AFRIKAANS : Lesotho is al ‘n bron van migrasie arbeiders vir baie jare, met mans wat die grense kruis om op die Suid-Afrikaanse myne te gaan werk. Mans het hulle wonings verlaat met die vooruitsig op mynwerk, terwyl hulle eggenote agterbly om na die huishouding om te sien. Vrouens ontvang finansiële hulp van hulle mans, wat hulle gebruik het om te oorleef, en vir die instandhouding van die huis terwyl hulle mans weg was. Aangesien Lesotho ‘n landbou gemeenskap is, was vrouens betrokke in bestaansboerdery, met sommige vroue in staat om produkte te verkoop. Volgens die oorhoofs aanvaarde norm was mans die broodwinners en vrouens die huisopsitters. Hierdie mini-verhandeling kyk dieper na die veranderde lewensomstandighede van vrouens wie se mans teruggekeer het. Dit kyk na die veranderde geslagsverhoudinge binne die huishouding, asook die ekonomiese strategiee van oorlewing wat vrouens toepas in die moeilike omstandighede, veral in die lig van hul kulturele posisies in die Basotho samelewing. Copyright / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Sociology / unrestricted

'n Kritiese evaluering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag in die Tweede Wereldoorlog (Afrikaans)

Wandrag, Nico 21 July 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Gedurende die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag op verskeie fronte aktief aan die oorlog deelgeneem. Afgesien van maritieme operasies langs die Afrikaanse kus en die vervoer van personeel en voorrade in Afrika en Europa, het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag in drie oorlogsarenas in Oos-Afrika, Noord-Afrika en die Middellandse Seegebied opgetree. Die vraag ontstaan egter: in hoe ‘n mate het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag hulle van hul taak gekwyt? Was die operasies wat hulle uitgevoer het effektief en in welke mate het hulle ‘n bydrae tot die uiteindellke onderwerping van die Spilmoondhede gelewer? Om ‘n antwoord op hierdie vrae te kry, is die optrede van die verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmageskaders onder die loep geneem. Operasionele krygsvlugte is ontleed en die bydrae van die lugmag in die oorlog is na waarde geskat. Dit is dus duidelik dat dit hier nie bloot om ‘n chronologiese beskrywing van die rol van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag gedurende die Tweede Wêreldoorlog gaan nie, maar veel eerder om ‘n evaluering van hulle werkswyse, operasionele vernuf en doelmatigheid. Nadat die bydraes van die onderskeie Suid-Afrikaanse eskaders ontleed is, het die ondersoeker tot die volgende slotsom geraak. In die eerste plek het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag gedurende die oorlog tot ‘n gedugte gevegsmag ontwikkel wat die vyand die stryd op alle terreine met moderne toerusting sou aansê. In die tweede plek het die Lugmag 'n substantiewe bydrae tot die vernietiging van die Spilmoondhede se magte gelewer. In Oos- en Noord-Afrika sowel as in die Middellandse Seegebied het die Suid-Afrikaanse eskaders uitgemunt in die ondersteuning van land- en seemagoperasies terwyl hulle ook instrumenteel in die verkryging van lugsuperioriteit was. Dit was egter nie alleen die eskaders wat aan die oorlogsfront suksesvol was nie. Eweneens het eskaders belas met maritieme verkenningsvlugte en die vervoer van voorrade ook met eer uit die stryd getree. In sy wese handel dit in die geskiedenis om die verhaal van die mens: sy stryd, sy prestasies, sy oorwinnings; ook sy teleurstellings en sy nederlae. Dit is ook waar ten opsigte van die geskiedenis van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag. Die tydperk onder bespreking gee egter meer blyke van prestasie as teleurstelling, meer blyke van oorwinning as nederlaag met betrekking tot werklike oor logsdeelname maar meer so betreffende persoonlike taakvervulling. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan individuele deursettingsvermoe, ywer, toewyding en idealisme-eienskappe wat dien tot herinnering maar ook tot besieling vir toekomstige geslagte. ENGLISH: The South African Air Force actively participated on different fronts during the Second World War. Apart from maritime operations along the African coast and the transport of personnel and material in Africa and Europe, they also operated in three theatres of war in East Africa, North Africa and the countries bordering the Central Mediterranean. However, the question now arises how effective these operations were and to which extent the South African Air Force contributed towards the ultimate destruction of the Axis Powers. To answer these questions the different operations of the Air Force Squadrons during the war were analized and evaluated. The researcher arrived at the following conclusions: In the course of the war the South African Air Force played a substantial role in the subjugation of the Axis Powers. In Eastern and Northern Africa, as well as in the Mediterranean area, the South African Squadrons excelled in assisting land and sea force operations while they were also instrumental in the attainment of air superiority. At the same time squadrons involved in maritime reconnaissance and transportation also took honours for their efforts. This magnificent record was achieved through supreme courage, fortitude and idealism on the part of the men and women involved. South Africa could therefore be justly proud of the more than 44 000 men who volunteered for service in the South African Air Force during the war. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Jurisprudence / unrestricted

Estimating the post-mortem interval using accumulated degree-days in a South African setting

Myburgh, Jolandie 20 June 2011 (has links)
Providing a presumptive identification of badly decomposed or skeletonized remains is the responsibility of a forensic anthropologist. An important component of identification is the estimation of a post-mortem interval (PMI) for the deceased. This information can: provide a window period for death, reduce the number of potential victims, exclude possible assailants and substantiate witness testimony. Due to a large number of open and relatively desolate fields in South Africa, human remains are frequently discovered in an advanced stage of decomposition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usability of the method of Megyesi and associates (2005) in which Total Body Score (TBS) and Accumulated Degree-Days (ADD) were retrospectively applied to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI). To achieve this, a longitudinal examination of quantitative variables, TBS and ADD, was conducted over a period of 8 months. This period included both summer and winter seasons. Scatter plots between TBS and PMI, and TBS and ADD were used to illustrate patterns in decomposition. Patterns of decay differed in winter and summer, with winter exhibiting distinct inactivity. Using Loglinear Random-effects Maximum Likelihood Regression, the r2 values for ADD (0.6227) and PMI (0.5503) for combined seasons were less than r2 values for separated seasons (ADD 0.7652; PMI 0.7677). In contrast to other studies, seasonality influenced the ADD model and PMI. Linear regression formulae for ADD and PMI as well as 95% confidence interval charts for TBS for ADD were developed. These equations, along with data from a local weather station, can be used to estimate the PMI with relative accuracy. AFRIKAANS : Verskaffing van 'n vermoedelike identifikasie van erg ontbinde of skeletale oorskot is die verantwoordelikheid van ‘n forensiese antropoloog. ‘n Belangrike deel van identifikasie is die beraming van ‘n post-mortem interval (PMI) vir die oorledene. Hierdie inligting verskaf 'n venster tydperk van dood, verminder die aantal potensiële slagoffers, sluit moontlike aanvallers uit en ondersteun getuienis. As gevolg van 'n groot aantal relatief verlate en oop velde in Suid-Afrika, word menslike oorskot dikwels aangetref in ‘n gevorderde stadium van ontbinding. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die bruikbaarheid van die metode van Megyesi en medewerkers (2005) wat gebruik maak van Totale Liggaams Telling (TLT) en Opgehoopte Graad-Dae (OGD) om die postmortem interval (PMI) te skat, terugwerkend te evalueer. Hiervoor was 'n longitudinale studie van kwantitatiewe veranderlikes, TBS en ADD, oor ‘n tydperk van 8 maande gedoen. Hierdie tydperk sluit beide somer en winter in. Verspreidingsgrafieke tussen TBS en PMI, en TBS en ADD is gebruik om patrone in ontbinding te illustreer. Ontbindingspatrone het verskil tussen winter en somer met duidelike onaktiwiteit in die winter. Logliniêre Tweekansige-effek Maksimum Waarskynlikheid Regressie was gebruik om die r2 waardes van die gekombineerde en geskeide seisoene te bepaal. The r2 waardes vir die OGD (0.6227) en PMI (0.5503) vir gekombineer seisoene was minder as die r2 waardes vir seisoene apart (OGD 0.7652; PMI 0.7677). In teenstelling met ander studies, het seisoenaliteit die OGD model en PMI beinvloed. Lineêre regressie formules vir OGD en PMI sowel as 95% vertrouensinterval kaarte vir TLT vir OGD was saamgestel. Hierdie formules saam met data vanaf ‘n plaaslike weerstasie kan gebruik word om die PMI met relatiewe akkuraatheid te skat. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Anatomy / unrestricted

A comparative study between South Africa and the United Kingdom in the tax treatment of Islamic finance products

Aboo baker Ebrahim, Shabana 18 July 2013 (has links)
Within the South African banking environment, mainstream bank clients earn interest on their investments and receive a tax exemption. However, Islamic banking clients, in keeping with the principles of Shari‘a law, do not receive interest. They are paid a profit share on their investments, and hence do not enjoy the tax exemption. The new section 24JA of the Income Tax Act has introduced tax treatment for the following Islamic financing transactions effectively removing 'interest' from the equation: <ul> <li> Mudarabah – Investment account</li> <li> Murabahah – Cost plus financing</li> <li> Diminishing Musharakah – Joint ownership</li> </ul> This study attempts to compare the tax treatment of Islamic financing products between the United Kingdom and South Africa. Moreover, this study also investigates the issues of the new section 24JA of the Income Tax Act as well as the United Kingdom‘s tax legislation, regarding Islamic financing, as to how far they ensure tax parity between Islamic financing products and conventional financing products. The case of tax regimes in Islamic finance operating in a conventional system was demonstrated in the two countries. The study is supported by a literature review related to Islamic finance tax background and Islamic finance products between the two countries. The major revelation of the study shows that the degree of parity of the Islamic income tax legislation leaves a lot to be desired in order to ensure a sense of confidence in the conventional financing environment. Its biggest challenge lies in its degree of simplicity and flexibility in order to address issues in tax that may be complex and fall between its requirements and the conventional and already popular systems. AFRIKAANS : Binne die Suid-Afrikaanse bankwese, verdien kliënte van die hoofstroom banke rente op hulle beleggings. Hierdie rente-inkomste is belasting vry. In teenstelling hiermee verdien kliënte van Islamitiese banke ʼn winsdeling in plek van rente, op hulle beleggings. Hierdie winsdeling beginsel word verplig deur die Shari‘a wetgewing. Bogenoemde winsdeling is nie belasting vry nie en word dus ten volle belas. Artikel 24JA van die Inkomstebelasting wetgewing behandel die hantering van Islamitiese Finansiering transaksies in fyner besonderhede: <ul> <li> Mudarabah – Beleggings rekening</li> <li> Murabaha – Koste plus finansieringskoste</li> <li> Diminishing Musharaka – Gesamentlike eienaarskap</li> </ul> Hierdie artikel verwyder effektiewelik die 'rente' komponent. Hierdie studie be‘oog om die belasting hantering van Islamitiese Finansierings produkte in Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde Koninkryk te vergelyk. In hierdie studie word die moontlike probleme ten opsigte van die nuwe artikel 24JA oorweeg. Spesifieke aandag word ook geskenk aan die belasting hantering tussen Islamitiese Finansierings produkte en die konvensionele finansierings produkte. Die studie word ondersteun deur literatuur wat handel oor Islamitiese belasting agtergrond en finansierings produkte tussen twee verskillende lande Die belangrikste uitkoms van hierdie studie, het bewys dat die Islamitiese Inkomstebelasting spesifiek met betrekking tot finansierings opsies steeds baie ontwikkel moet word. Bo en behalwe die uitkoms geïdentifiseer, is die grootste uitdaging daarin dat die Islamitiese belasting wet moontlik nie komplekse situasies sal kan aanspreek nie. Dit word toegeskryf aan die feit dat die wetgewing baie simplisties is. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

An analysis of the use of tax incentives to motivate job creation

Smale, Natasha Kelly 19 July 2013 (has links)
A quarter of the labour force in South Africa is currently unemployed. The majority of the unemployed are between the ages of 18 and 29 years. The causes of these poor employment statistics has been widely debated, however, the cost of unskilled South African labour is a common thread. One of the solutions to improve the statistics is to implement tax incentives to reduce the cost of labour, which would theoretically increase the demand of the labour. Countries such as the United States of America have implemented some form of tax incentive to promote job creation over the years. South Africa has, however, not used this alternative to deal with unemployment. The problem had escalated to such a state that the Government announced in 2011 that it would spend R5 billion on job creation and announced that the funds would be spent through the implementation of a youth wage subsidy. Current studies on policy choices to promote job creation in South Africa discuss the possible tax incentives which could be implemented. However, these studies have not evaluated the successes of these incentives in other countries and whether it would be possible to apply them to a South African context. The proposed youth wage subsidy has not been analysed in terms of the incentives implemented in other countries to determine whether or not they would be successful in South Africa. The aim of the study was to determine if there was a gap in the tax legislation with regard to motivating job creation and how this gap could best be filled. This was achieved by firstly, analysing the key causes of unemployment in South Africa, and secondly, determining whether any of the current tax legislation measures deal with those causes. Two tax incentives implemented in the United States of America were analysed for their successes and failures in order to determine what South Africa needs to do if it was to implement any similar incentives. Finally, the National Treasury’s discussion paper on its proposed youth wage subsidy was analysed against the findings identified above to determine whether the subsidy is viable in the South African labour market. AFRIKAANS : ’n Kwart van die arbeidsmag in Suid-Afrika is tans werkloos met die meeste werkloses tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 29 jaar. Daar word reeds geruime tyd geredeneer oor die oorsaak van die swak arbeidstatistieke, tog is daar ooreenstemming dat die koste van ongeskoolde arbeid in Suid-Afrika ’n bydraende faktor is. Belastingaansporings wat die koste van arbeid verminder en dus teoreties die vraag na arbeid verhoog, kan moontlik die swak arbeidstatistieke verbeter. Lande soos die Verenigde State van Amerika het met verloop van jare sekere belastingaansporings ingestel om werkskepping te bevorder. Suid-Afrika het egter nog nie dié alternatief gebruik om die probleem van werkloosheid aan te pak nie. Die probleem het sulke afmetings aangeneem dat die regering in 2011 bekend gemaak het dat hy R5 biljoen aan werkskepping sal bestee in die vorm van die implementering van ’n jeugloonsubsidie. Huidige navorsing oor beleidskeuses om werkskepping in Suid-Afrika te bevorder, handel oor die moontlike belastingaansporings wat ingestel kan word. Dié navorsing evalueer egter nie die sukses van hierdie aansporings in ander lande of die moontlikheid van die toepassing daarvan op Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede nie. Die huidige navorsing ontleed ook nie die voorgestelde jeugloonsubsidie aan die hand van die aansporings wat in ander lande ingestel is om sodoende te bepaal of dit hier sal slaag nie. Die doel van die navorsing was om te bepaal of daar ’n gaping in die wetgewing oor belasting is ten opsigte van die aanmoediging van werkskepping en hoe sodanige gaping ten beste gevul kan word. Dié navorsing het in sy doel geslaag deur eerstens die sleuteloorsake van werkloosheid in Suid-Afrika te ontleed en tweedens te bepaal of enige van die huidige belastingwetgewingsmaatreëls daardie oorsake aanspreek. Die sukses én mislukking van twee belastingaansporings wat in die Verenigde State van Amerika ingestel is, te ontleed ten einde te bepaal wat Suid-Afrika moet doen indien hy enige soortgelyke aansporings sou implementeer. Ten laaste is die besprekingsdokument oor die voorgestelde jeugloonsubsidie van die Nasionale Tesourie ontleed aan die hand van bogenoemde bevindings om te bepaal of die subsidie in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmark lewensvatbaar sou wees. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

A conceptual framework for disaster risk participatory communication for at-risk communities in South African municipalities / Tigere Chagutah

Chagutah, Tigere January 2014 (has links)
South Africa, like many other developing countries, faces a growing problem of informal settlements which are mushrooming in and around the major urban centres. Living conditions within these settlements are typically poor with residents facing a range of basic livelihoods challenges, exacerbated by poverty, inequality and social exclusion. Unplanned and rapid urbanisation, from which informal settlements originate, and existing conditions in these areas, heighten risk to disaster and provide the conditions that turn natural and man-made events into major livelihoods disruptions. The most devastating of these disruptions are disasters brought on by uncontrolled fires, extreme wet weather and associated flooding. To forestall disaster, minimise livelihoods disruptions and debilitating loss of assets, and safeguard developmental progress, local governments have increasingly adopted risk reduction approaches to their development planning and implementation. Among some of the critical risk reduction measures adopted is the deployment of communication interventions meant to cultivate a culture of risk avoidance among at-risk communities. While it is largely accepted that developmental losses can be considerably reduced if people are properly educated and well-prepared for a disaster, it is also widely recognised that current tools and guidelines for communication of disaster risk in developing communities have largely proved inadequate. Among leading criticisms is that the communication interventions implemented neither fully cater for the contemporary proactive and pre-emptive (risk minimising) approach to disaster risk management nor the developmental imperatives of the disaster risk reduction paradigm. This study, therefore, sought to propose a conceptual framework for the reorientation of thinking and improvement of the on-the-ground practice of disaster risk communication in South African municipalities, and to ensure, among other things, that the practice of disaster risk communication in South Africa places participation of at-risk communities at the centre of communication interventions for disaster risk reduction. A literature study was conducted to explore what principles of the participatory approach to development communication could be applicable to a framework for disaster risk communication interventions. Following the literature study, an empirical study into the contemporary disaster risk communication practice in the three study sites of Cape Town, George and uThungulu District was carried out. The field study comprised semi-structured interviews with disaster risk communication managers and other key informants, and focus group discussions with members of informally settled communities in the study areas. Using a hybrid thematic analytic approach, the data gathered empirically were analysed against the salient themes derived from the literature study and those emerging as the empirical study progressed, and from that process a conceptual framework for disaster risk participatory communication for at-risk communities in South African municipalities was developed and proposed. In conclusion, guidance was also given for translation of the conceptual framework into actual practice by disaster risk managers and other disaster risk reduction role-players in South Africa. / PhD (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The regulation of gas exploration, production and management : a life cycle analysis / Carmen Henning

Henning, Carmen January 2014 (has links)
Gas exploration and production at sea and on land is a recent phenomenon in South Africa. The reason for the sudden interest in gas exploration and production on land is that it may prove to be a solution to the need for cleaner forms of energy and provides the possibility for South Africa to move away from coal-based energy. In order to achieve this transition while keeping economic development intact, South Africa is in need of a “greener” option. Gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel and therefore provides South Africa with this much needed “greener” option. The uncertainty about the nature and extent of the environmental impacts regarding gas exploration and production suggests that an efficient and effective energy and environmental law and policy framework is still needed to regulate onshore and offshore gas exploration and production during all phases of its life cycle. It furthermore requires of the authorities that they establish and enhance environmental protection and sustainability during all gas exploration and production operations in order to ensure that the environmental impacts that may occur during such operations are addressed in a holistic and integrated manner. This study focuses on conventional gas. South Africa’s energy and environmental law and policy framework that regulates gas exploration does not cover the entire life cycle of onshore and offshore gas activities. It is of paramount importance that the current fragmentation in the country’s existing energy and environmental regulatory framework be addressed and that a sufficient environmental governance regime, as envisaged in this study, is established. This will enable the administering agents to actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people, the ecosystems, the essential ecological processes and the biodiversity of South Africa, while promoting the utilisation of living natural resources on a sustainable basis to the benefit of all South Africans, present and future, as pledged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die pastorale bediening van hoop aan Afrikaanssprekende gelowiges wat in 'n mate van ontnugtering verkeer weens 'n veranderende Suid-Afrika / Christiaan George Wilhelm

Wilhelm, Christiaan George January 2014 (has links)
Afrikaans speaking believers have been experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to changes in the South African political landscape. This has caused spiritual instability that again caused people to want to escape to beter opportunities elsewhere, reduced church attendance and social isolation. This disillusionment is due to the fact that Afrikaans speaking believers hold to a cultural, social and self empowering type of hope that looks to the advantages of positive circumstances. A great void exists in research dealing with the hope and spirituality of Afrikaans speaking believers who experience such a disillusionment, and that resulted in this study. An empirical study revealed that the Afrikaans community struggles to deal completely with the new South African community. They feel the pressure of limited or no work opportunities due to affirmative action, uncertainty regarding their role in the new South Africa and the breaking down of Afrikaans as a historically respected language and culture. Materialism, a false trust in political and world leaders, negative media reporting, as well as people immigrating for beter opportunities, were singled out as contributors to the breaking down of hope, a hope that takes on the form of cultural entitlement and social self empowerment. A literary study showed that true Christian hope must be distinguished from wishful thinking, the outcome of social, political or economical self empowerment or emotional optimism, but rather that it is grounded in the faith knowledge of Jesus Christ as Redeemer. The church as the family of God provides hope in a space where the past and the future comes together in an active walk of faith that follows the life of Jesus Christ in serving and caring for others. Preaching must be the carrier of hope and the reminder that the promises of God will be realized up and until the coming of Jesus Christ in glory. Perspectives from Scripture confirmed that hope is not just a human thought of wishful thinking, an emotional state of mind or optimism. True Christian hope is an inner faith conviction and trust in the promises of God for salvation, provision and grace, even in the midst of poor or bad circumstances, caused by sin. This Christian hope is initiated and developed through a knowledge of the Word of God, that finds fulfillment in Jesus Christ. True Christian hope is an inner spiritual conviction through faith in Jesus Christ, a practical lifestyle of love in accordance with God’s will and a living expectation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Practical-theoretical guidelines and study work were developed where Afrikaans speaking believers, experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to a changing South Africa, can be pastorally guided to a true Christian hope. / MA (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Energy efficiency : the regulatory framework for SADC and South Africa / Rachel Lekunze Kungwe

Angwe, Rachel Lekunze January 2014 (has links)
Energy is the main driving force behind all human activities. Energy use is blamed for its contribution to greenhouse gas, environmental degradation among others. Energy efficiency has been identified as an important tool to address these issues. Recognising the important role of energy efficiency, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) introduced policy measures to address energy efficiency at both regional and national levels. South Africa (a member state of SADC) followed by introducing policies, legislation, tax incentives and voluntary measures such as SANS standards and ISO 50001 to address energy use via energy efficiency. The aim of this study is to assess South Africa’s framework pertaining to energy efficiency and determine whether they correspond to the SADC energy frameworks. In this study, it is indicated that energy efficiency does not have a universally acceptable definition. SADC’s frameworks pertaining to energy efficiency are quite vague compared to South Africa’s policy framework. South Africa’s policies, legal frameworks and voluntary instruments correspond with the SADC frameworks and even go beyond these frameworks. It is recommended that SADC’s frameworks should specify measures of attaining energy efficiency within its mandated tools, urge member states to develop legislation as well as voluntary measures as means of attaining energy efficiency. The South African Minister of Energy on the other hand, should fulfil the mandate of the Electricity Regulation Act and the National Energy Act by enacting regulations pertaining to energy efficiency. Incentives for the introduction of voluntary energy efficiency measures should also be developed. / LLM (Environmental law and governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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