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Influence of the precipitate size on the deformation mechanisms in two nickel-base superalloysKnoche, Elisabeth Marie January 2011 (has links)
The polycrystalline nickel-base superalloys RR1000 and Udimet 720Li (U720Li) were developed for turbine disc applications. These alloys contain a higher volume fraction of the ordered γ' phase (close to 50%) when compared to previous generation alloys (~ 25%) in order to ensure that they retain high strength at operating temperatures exceeding 700°C. The increased percentage of precipitates in the material leads to higher levels of constraint between matrix and the precipitates, and this will have consequences for the deformation mechanisms of the aggregate. It is therefore important to understand how the increased volume fraction of precipitates affects the deformation behaviour of the material. This is not only crucial for the design of the optimum microstructure, but also for lifing models, which predict the lifetime of a component. It is the aim of the present work to improve the understanding of the deformation behaviour of these alloys by focussing on the influence of the γ' precipitate size. These alloys usually comprise a complex trimodal γ' size distribution, which complicates studies on the dependence of the deformation behaviour on the precipitate size. Hence, simplified model microstructures were generated here with a unimodal γ' size distribution. The model microstructures were subjected to in-situ loading experiments with neutron diffraction at temperatures of 20°C, 500°C and 750°C. Neutron diffraction measurements during loading revealed the elastic lattice strain response of both the γ and the γ' phases, which can indicate changes in their respective deformation behaviour. These measurements showed a load transfer from γ to γ' for some test conditions, which indicated that γ was able to deform with noticeably less deformation in the γ' phase. With a larger γ' precipitate size and/or higher test temperature, the tendency for load transfer increased. A post-mortem analysis of the deformed microstructures using advanced electron microscopy techniques (EBSD, ECCI, TEM) showed that shearing of the γ' precipitates dominated the deformed microstructures at 20°C and 500°C and was also observed after deformation at 750°C. Deformation was less localised in the microstructures with large γ' precipitates, which might be correlated with the increased trend for load transfer. The onset of multiple slip or the activation of Orowan looping as an additional deformation mechanism are suggested as possible explanations for these observations.
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Developing a high temperature, oxidation resistant molybdenum-silica compositeDaloz, William 07 January 2016 (has links)
A new powder processing approach to produce oxidation resistant molybdenum alloys for high temperature use has been developed. Oxidation protection is provided by fine dispersion of silica glass particles within a molybdenum matrix. As the molybdenum oxidizes, the glass is exposed and melts to form a self-healing protective oxide coating. Additionally, homogeneously dispersed Mo5SiB2 and/or Mo2B provide boria upon oxidation which reduces glass viscosity and allows flowing glass to coat the surface while remaining solid internally. This is similar to the oxidation protection used in Mo-3Si-1B (wt%) systems; however embedding the glass directly into the Mo matrix and eliminating the Mo3Si (A15) phase provides the same volume of glass at lower volume fractions of brittle phases and also without embrittling Si impurities in solution in Mo. Additionally the glass composition can be tailored for different applications and different temperatures beyond that achievable in Mo-Si-B based systems. A variety of microstructures, compositions and additional components for improved oxidation protection are also explored, and mechanisms of the oxidation protection are discussed.
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Alloys-by-design : applications to polycrystalline nickel superalloys for turbine disc applicationsCrudden, D. J. January 2014 (has links)
The nickel-based superalloys have been a key enabler to the development of modern gas turbine engines. Since their introduction the chemical complexity of these alloys has increased significantly, with current generation nickel-based superalloys usually containing over 10 different elements. It is this combination of alloying additions that is responsible for the superior high temperature properties these alloys exhibit. Traditionally, alloy design has invoked considerable use of trial-and-error based approaches involving costly and exhaustive processing backed up by empirical property testing. In this work a computational materials design approach is developed. This method links physically-faithful composition-dependent models with thermodynamic calculations to understand material behaviour. By doing this it is possible to consider large compositional design spaces and isolate alloys expected to have optimal performance for specific applications. The scope of this research has been to apply the computational model to the design of a polycrystalline nickel-based superalloy for turbine disc applications in next generation jet engines. The design trade-offs encountered when developing the new alloy are highlighted. Alloy compositions which are predicted to be optimal for turbine disc applications are isolated. These alloys have been manufactured using a scaled down version of the commercial production method. The newly manufactured alloys have been characterised using microstructural evaluation, mechanical testing and corrosion testing. The experimental results have been compared with modelling predictions in order to determine the capability of the computational approach.
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Design of Experiment for Laser cutting in Superalloy Haynes 282Rådberg, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This project aims to investigate the effect of varying different laser cutting parameters on the laser cut surface. The parameters that were varied were cutting speed, beam effect, gas pressure and focal point. The statistical method Design of Experiment was used to plan the experiments and two full factorial test plans were set up, one with argon as cooling and protective gas and one with nitrogen. Sheet metal consisting of the superalloy HAYNES ® 282 with a thickness of 2,54 mm was investigated. Samples from the material were cut with different laser cutting parameters according to the test plans. The samples were evaluated by measuring cracks, recast layer thickness, surface irregularity, burr height and distance to beam deflection point on the cut surface. The resulting data was inserted as responses into the statistical program Modde 10.1 for analysis. Modde 10.1 provided models of high significance for the responses of Recast layer, Tav; Recast layer, Tmax; Burrheight, max and Distance to deflection point for the argon series and Recast layer, Tav and Recast layer, Tmax for the nitrogen series. The results showed that both recast layer thickness and burr height decreases with increased values of cutting speed, gas pressure and focal point as well as decreased values of beam effect within the parameter window investigated. They also showed that distance to deflection point increased with increasing values of gas pressure and focal point and with decreased values of cutting speed and beam effect within the parameter window. The results also showed that for the samples cut with argon as cooling and assistant gas the parameters that affects the recast layer thickness the most are focal point and gas pressure, whereas for the nitrogen series it is gas pressure and beam effect. The parameter with greatest effect on burr height is the cutting speed and for the distance to deflection point it is focal point and gas pressure that have the greatest effect. When comparing the argon and the nitrogen series to each other it can be seen that the argon series generate less recast layer from the entry of the cut until between 60 – 80 % into the cut, after which the argon series bypasses the nitrogen series in amount of recast layer produced in the cutting process in the majority of the places measured. / Projektet syftar till att undersöka effekten på den laserskurna ytan då laserskärningsparametrar varieras. Parametrarna som varierades var skärhastighet, lasereffekt, gastryck och fokalpunkt. Den statistiska metoden Design of Experiments användes för att planera experimenten. Två stycken fullskaligt faktoriella försöksplaner skapades, en med argon som skärgas och en med kväve som skärgas. Undersökningen gjordes på plåt bestående av superlegeringen HAYNES ® 282 med en tjocklek på 2,54 mm. Provbitar från materialet skars ut utifrån försöksplanerna med olika laserinställningar under skärprocessen. Provbitarna utvärderades genom att mäta sprickor, tjockleken på det omsmälta materialet, ytojämnheten, gradhöjden och avståndet till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan. Resultaten användes för analys i det statistiska programmet Modde 10.1. Modde 10.1 bidrog med modeller av hög signifikans för responserna Recast layer, Tav; Recast layer, Tmax; Burrheight, max and Distance to deflection point för argonserien och Recast layer, Tav och Recast layer, Tmax för kväveserien. Resultaten visar att både tjockleken på omsmält material och gradhöjden avtar med ökande värden på skärhastighet, gastryck och fokalpunkt samt minskande värden på lasereffekt inom det undersökta parameterfönstret. De visade också att till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan ökade med ökande värden på gastryck och fokalpunkt och med minskande värden på skärhastighet och lasereffekt inom parameterfönstret. Resultaten visade också att de parametrar som i störst utsträckning påverkar tjockleken på det omsmälta materialet för provbitarna i argonserien är fokalpunkt och gastryck, medan det för kväveserien är gastryck och lasereffekt. Parametern som har högst inverkar på gradhöjden är skärhastigheten, medan fokalpunkt och gastryck har störst effekt på avståndet till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan. Om kväveserien och argonserien jämförs med varandra kan det observeras att argonserien generellt genererar mindre omsmält material än kväveserien från det att laserstrålen träder in i materialet till dess att den är mellan 60 och 80 % in i snittet, vartefter argonserien går förbi kväveserien i mängd omsmält material på majoriteten av mätställen.
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Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de uma liga de Co-Cr. Uma avaliação de seu desempenho mecânico em um produto de engenharia / Microstructural and mechanical characterization of a Co-Cr alloy. An evaluation of its mechanical performance in a product of engineeringSouza Neto, Diogenes Cordeiro de 24 November 2014 (has links)
Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN mais especificamente, no Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais CCTM com apoio da empresa Innovatech. Foram estudados tubos de Co-Cr (L605) usados para fabricação de stents coronarianos, aplicação esta que pede um comportamento mecânico específico e biocompatibilidade. Os tubos de CoCr (L605) podem ser adquiridos em duas condições de história térmica: Trabalhado a frio ou com encruamento ou recozido. O tubo recozido se não estiver em condições para a aplicação, dificilmente será possível atingi-las com um novo tratamento térmico. O tubo encruado abre possibilidades para acertar as condições de tratamento térmico e obter a condição ideal de comportamento mecânico, sem comprometer outros aspectos importantes para a aplicação como biocompatibilidade. Foi selecionado um tubo de CoCr (L605) encruado e com uma quantidade grande de precipitados para os testes, foram selecionadas três faixas de temperatura para o tratamento térmico de recozimento uma abaixo do ponto de solubilização (1000°C), uma dentro da temperatura (1175°C) e uma terceira, mais próxima do ponto de fusão alcançável pelo forno (1250°C). Em cada temperatura foram usados quatro períodos de exposição ao forno( 4, 7, 10 e 15 minutos) totalizando uma matriz com 12 condições de tratamento térmico. Em cada tratamento térmico foram incluídas amostras para ensaio de tração e metalografia. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar os efeitos dos tratamentos térmicos no comportamento mecânico e na microestrutura do material afim de levantar critérios para determinar os melhores parâmetros de tratamento térmico para a aplicação. / This study was developed at IPEN Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research more specifically in CCTM Materials Cience and Tecnology Center, with support of Innovatech Medical. It was studied Co-Cr (L605) tubes used for manufacture of coronary stents, this application require a specific mechanical behavior and biocompatibility. The tubes CoCr (L605) can be acquired in two conditions of thermal history: Cold worked or annealed. If the annealed tube doesn´t have the conditions for the application it is hardly possible to reach them with a new heat treatment. Hardened tube opens up more possibilities to adjust the conditions of thermal treatment and obtain the optimum condition of mechanical behavior without compromising other aspects important for application as biocompatibility. A tube CoCr (L605) Hardened and a relatively large amount of precipitates were selected for the tests, three temperature tracks have been selected for the thermal annealing treatment: below the temperature of solution aneealing(1000 ° C), at solution aneealing(1175 ° C) and a third temperature closest achievable by furnace (1250 ° C). For each temperature four periods of exposure where selected (4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes) totaling a matrix of 12 heat treatment conditions. In each heat treatment, samples for tensile testing and metallography were included. The objective of this work is to study the effects of heat treatment on mechanical behavior and microstructure of the material in order to raise criteria to determine the best heat treatment for the application.
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Constitutive modelling of the nickel base superalloy IN718; a preparatory studyGustafsson, David January 2008 (has links)
One of the limiting factors in gas turbine design is the allowable metal temperatures and loads in critical components. Specially designed superalloys are used when the conditions are most severe. One of these superalloys is Inconel 718. To be able to design components for higher temperature and higher loads, an accurate understanding and computational model of the material is needed. In this thesis the deformation mechanisms of Inconel 718 have been investigated and a theoretical basis for modelling in a large deformation context has been established. Finally a viscoplastic nonlinear kinematic hardening material model with an Armstrong-Frederick backstress evolution law has been implemented as a first step in describing the constitutive behaviour of the material Inconel 718.
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Constitutive modelling of the nickel base superalloy IN718, a preparatory studyGustafsson, David January 2008 (has links)
One of the limiting factors in gas turbine design is the allowable metal temperatures and loads in critical components. Specially designed superalloys are used when the conditions are most severe. One of these superalloys is Inconel 718. To be able to design components for higher temperature and higher loads, an accurate understanding and computational model of the material is needed. In this thesis the deformation mechanisms of Inconel 718 have been investigated and a theoretical basis for modelling in a large deformation context has been established. Finally a viscoplastic nonlinear kinematic hardening material model with an Armstrong-Frederick backstress evolution law has been implemented as a first step in describing the constitutive behaviour of the material Inconel 718.
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Constitutive modelling of the nickel base superalloy IN718, a preparatory studyGustafsson, David January 2008 (has links)
<p>One of the limiting factors in gas turbine design is the allowable metal temperatures and loads in critical components. Specially designed superalloys are used when the conditions are most severe. One of these superalloys is Inconel 718. To be able to design components for higher temperature and higher loads, an accurate understanding and computational model of the material is needed. In this thesis the deformation mechanisms of Inconel 718 have been investigated and a theoretical basis for modelling in a large deformation context has been established. Finally a viscoplastic nonlinear kinematic hardening material model with an Armstrong-Frederick backstress evolution law has been implemented as a first step in describing the constitutive behaviour of the material Inconel 718.</p>
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Comparative oxidation study of un-coated and coated CMSX- 4 and CMSX-486 single crystal superalloysSmith, Mathew 21 February 2013 (has links)
Microstructural comparison of the isothermal oxidation performance of an
experimental Ni-5Cr-15Al overlay coating applied to CMSX-4 and CMSX-486 was
performed at 1100 ℃. High temperature oxidation was carried out in a box furnace for a
maximum duration of 192 hrs. Samples were periodically removed and the oxide, coating
and substrates microstructurally analyzed using SEM, EDS and XRD equipment. Uncoated
CMSX-4 and CMSX-486 were also oxidized using the same conditions in an
attempt to understand how the coating affected oxidation performance based on
microstructural changes. Results show that both CMSX-4 and CMSX-486 have
unacceptable oxidation characteristics in the un-coated condition, where CMSX-486 had
significantly better performance than CMSX-4. However, in the coated condition, both
CMSX-4 and CMSX-486 had no significant difference in oxidation performance. It was
found, in the un-coated and coated conditions, that the role of Hf in CMSX-486 played a
significant role in determining oxidation performance of the material.
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Effects of specimen geometry and coating on the thermo-mechanical fatigue of PWA 1484 superalloyO'Rourke, Matthew Daniel 27 August 2014 (has links)
The single crystal superalloy PWA 1484 is used in hot section turbine blade applications due to its performance at high temperatures. In practice, the turbine blades are often coated in order to protect them from environmental degradation. However, under repeated cyclic loading, the coating may serve as a site for crack initiation in the blades. Fundamental out-of-phase (OP) thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) studies, primarily using uncoated solid cylindrical test samples, have previously examined both crack initiation and propagation in PWA 1484. In this work, mechanical strain-controlled OP TMF tests were performed on coated and uncoated specimens of a hollow cylindrical geometry in order to study the effects of both geometry and coating on the TMF crack initiation behavior. To accomplish this, it was necessary to create and analyze a modified gripping mechanism due to the unique geometry of the test samples, and as predicted by hand calculations and finite element analysis, these modifications proved to be successful. The TMF test results for the uncoated material were compared to those from previous studies under the same testing conditions, and it was found that the differences in geometry had a minimal impact on fatigue life. Comparisons of the results for the coated and uncoated material suggested that the coating may have offered a slight improvement in life, although insufficient results were available to determine whether these differences were statistically significant. Damage mechanisms resulting from different test conditions were also observed through microscopy on failed specimens.
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