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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New Physics at Colliders and in Space / Nouvelle physique aux collisionneurs et dans l'espace

Robbins, Glenn 24 September 2018 (has links)
La quête de la nouvelle physique est un défi impliquant à la fois la recherche de particules de matière noire dans les halos galactiques, et celle, aux collisonneurs, de particules dont l’existence est prédite par des théories au-delà du Modèle Standard, telles que la supersymétrie. Alors que les contraintes expérimentales sur ces particules s’intensifient, il devient capital de combiner les limites provenant de ces deux volets afin de guider la suite des recherches. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable d’évaluer et de tenir compte correctement des incertitudes astrophysiques, cosmologiques et nucléaires, pourtant souvent ignorées. La première partie de cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude de ces incertitudes et leur impact sur les contraintes obtenues en supersymétrie, ainsi que la complémentarité entre les contraintes des collisionneurs et de matière noire pour la recherche de nouvelle physique. La deuxième partie est consacrée au développement d’outils de calculs pour les détections directe et indirecte de matière noire, conçus afin de prendre correctement en compte les incertitudes astrophysiques et nucléaires, et à leur implémentation dans le code public SuperIso Relic. Enfin la troisième partie du travail concerne l’étude des implications cosmologiques d’une éventuelle découverte de nouvelles particules aux collisionneurs. Nous avons montré qu’il serait possible de tester les hypothèses du modèle cosmologique standard et d’obtenir des informations sur les propriétés de l’Univers primordial à une époque observationnellement inaccessible / The quest for new physics is a challenging task which involves, on the one hand, the search for dark matter particles from space, and on the other hand, the search at colliders for particles predicted by theories beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry. With the experimental constraints on new particles getting stronger, it becomes crucial to combine the limits from both sectors in order to guide future searches. To this end, it is essential to estimate and take into account correctly the astrophysical, nuclear and cosmological uncertainties, which are most often ignored. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the study of such uncertainties and to their impact on the constraints applied on supersymmetry. Moreover, we investigate the interplay between the constraints from colliders and dark matter searches in some detail. The second part concerns the development and the implementation in the public code SuperIso Relic of numerical tools for the calculation of direct and indirect dark matter detection constraints which were designed specifically to take correctly into account astrophysical and nuclear uncertainties. Finally, in the third part of this work, we consider the cosmological implications of a hypothetical discovery of new particles at colliders. We show that it would be possible to test the assumptions of the standard cosmological model and to obtain information on the properties of the primordial Universe at an epoch which is beyond observational reach

Geometrias bubbling na correspondência AdS/CFT / Bubbling geometries in the AdS/CFT correspondence

Mosquera, Eiser Augusto Portilla 30 September 2014 (has links)
O escopo deste mestrado é de se familiarizar com a chamada {\\it correspondência AdS/CFT}, que tem sido um dos mais importantes desenvolvimentos na física teórica nas últimas décadas. De acordo com essa correspondência, deformações das geometrias do lado da gravidade (ou lado \"AdS\") devem ser mapeadas para operadores das teorias de calibre duais (ou lado \"CFT\"). Em particular, nos temos estado interessados em explorar uma entrada particular no dicionário AdS/CFT, a relação entre os operadores 1/2 BPS em ${\\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, e as chamadas {\\it geometrias bubbling} no lado da gravidade. A fim de fazer isso, apresentamos primeiramente as noções de ${\\cal N}=4$ SYM e soluções de Supergravidade. Portanto, podemos expor mais claramente o sentido da correspondência AdS /CFT, e depois mostrar a derivação das geometrias 1/2 BPS duais a estados 1/2 BPS em ${\\cal N}=4$ SYM como um exemplo. / The scope of this Master program was to get acquainted with the so-called {\\it AdS/CFT correspondence}, which has been one of the most important developments in theoretical physics in the last decades. According to this correspondence, deformations of the geometries in the gravity side (or \"AdS\" side) must be mapped to states of the dual gauge theories (or \"CFT\" side). In particular, we have been interested in exploring a particular entry in the AdS/CFT dictionary, namely, the relation between 1/2 BPS operators in ${\\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, and the so-called {\\it bubbling geometries} on the gravity side. In order to do that, we first present the notions of N=4 SYM and Supergravity solutions. In this way, we can expose the statement of the AdS/CFT correspondence, and later show the derivation of 1/2 BPS geometries dual to 1/2 BPS states in N=4 SYM as an example of this one.

An Introduction to Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

Siggia, Vincent R 01 January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the general framework of supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the path integral approach will be presented (as well as the worked out example of the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator). Then the theory will be specialized to the case of supersymmetric quantum mechanics on Riemannian manifolds, which will start from a supersymmetric Lagrangian for the general case and the special case for S2. Afterwards, there will be a discussion on the superfield formalism. Concluding this thesis will be the Hamiltonian formalism followed by the inclusion of deforma- tions by potentials.

Search for new physics in events with same sign leptons and missing energy with ATLAS at LHC

Ducu, Otilia-Anamaria 15 October 2015 (has links)
Dans les études présentées ici, seules les données collectées par le détecteur ATLAS sont analysées. La première partie du document décrit en détails le contexte théorique sous-jacent à ces études, ainsi que lecolllisioneur LHC et l'expérience ATLAS. Le LHC étant un collisionneur hadronique, l'identification et la reconstruction des leptons est cruciale pour les mesures précises de section efficaces des processus du Modèle Standard, ou la recherche de nouvelle physique. C'est pourquoi la deuxième partie du document est dédiée aux mesures de performances : mesures in situ des efficacités de reconstruction et d'identification des électrons. La recherche de nouvelle physique est présentée dans la troisième partie du document. Cette étude a été réalisée dans le canal incluant deux leptons de même charge et de l'énergie transverse manquante. Les résultats inclus ont été obtenus avec un ensemble de données collectées à $sqrt s$ = 8 TeV correspondant à une luminosité intégrée de L = 20 fb$^{-1}$, ainsi que les premières données collectées avec $sqrt s$ = 13 TeV. L'état final constitué d'une paire de leptons de même charge et de jets permet également la mesure directe du couplage de Yukawa pour le quark top, à l'aide du processus $ppto tbar tH$. Ce couplage est le plus élevé dans le Modèle Standard et associe les deux particules élémentaires les plus lourdes prédites par la théorie, le quark top et le boson de Higgs. Dans la quatrième partie de ce document, une étude complète de la sensibilité pouvant être atteinte avec une énergie de $sqrt s$ = 13TeV et une luminosité intégrée de 100 fb$^{-1}$ of data, est présentée pour le canal incluant deux leptons de même charge. / For the presented studies only the data recorded with the ATLAS detector is analyzed. The theoretical framework, the LHC collider and the ATLAS experiment are given in the first part of this thesis.At hadron colliders, the lepton identification and reconstruction are crucial for precise SM cross sections and coupling measurements or for new physics searches. Therefore, the second part of my thesis is dedicated to performance studies : in-situ measurements of electron identification and reconstruction efficiencies. The search for new physics is presented in the third part of the thesis. For these studies the channel with two same~- sign leptons and missing transverse energy is considered. The results are obtained with $L$~=~20 fb$^{-1}$ of data recorded at $sqrt s$ = 8 TeV and with the very first data at $sqrt s$ = 13 TeV. At the end of Run-1 no significant excess in data over the Standard Model prediction is observed and stringent limits on the supersymmetric particle masses are set. With the two same - sign leptons and jets final state it is also possible to measure directly the top quark Yukawa coupling using the ttbar + $H$ channel. This coupling is the largest in the Standard Model and it connects two of the heaviest particles predicted by the Standard Model, the top quark and the Higgs boson. In the fourth part of this thesis, a complete optimization is performed to reach the highest sensitivity for this signal in the two same~- sign leptons channel at $sqrt s$ = 13 TeV with 100 fb$^{-1}$ of data, corresponding to the end of Run-2.

Recherche du partenaire supersymetrique du quark Top et contribution a l'amelioration de la calorimetrie de l'experience DO pour la Phase II du Tevatron

Olivier, Bob 09 April 2001 (has links) (PDF)
La Supersymetrie est la theorie qui semble etre l'extension la plus naturelle du Modele Standard. Dans cette these nous presentons la recherche du sTop, hypothethique partenaire scalaire du quark Top, que nous avons effectuee dans le cadre du Modele Standard Supersymetrique Minimal (MSSM) en utilisant les donnees de l'experience DO prises lors de la Phase I du Tevatron, qui correspondent a une luminosite integree de $108$ pb$^{-1}$. Nous avons selectionne les evenements avec un electron, un muon et de l'energie transverse manquante dans l'etat final, qui peuvent etre le produit de desintegration d'une paire de sTops en 3 corps ($\tilde{t} \rightarrow b l \tilde{\nu}$), ou en 4 corps ($\tilde{t} \rightarrow b \oa l {\nu_l}$). En l'absence d'evenements candidats a ce signal, les resultats sont interpretes en terme de limites de section efficace de production du sTop et de regions d'exclusion dans l'espace des parametres ($m_{\tilde{t}},\moa$) ou ($m_{\tilde{t}},\msnu$). L'utilisation inedite au Tevatron de cet etat final pour la recherche du sTop nous a permis d'etablir des contraintes plus fortes que celles obtenues precedemment au LEP ou au Tevatron dans le canal $\tilde{t} \rightarrow b l \tilde{\nu}$, et les premieres limites jamais etablies dans le canal de desintegration a quatre corps. Pour le canal a 3 corps, en supposant que le sneutrino soit la particule supersymetrique la plus legere (LSP), la region exclue a $95\%$ de degre de confiance s'etend jusqu'a une masse de sTop de $142$ ($130$) GeV si la masse du sneutrino ($\msnu$) est de $43$ ($86$) GeV. Si le canal a 4 corps domine, et en supposant que le neutralino soit la LSP, les limites dependent de la masse du sneutrino. Si celle-ci est suffisamment legere (${m_{\tilde{\nu}}} \ \lapprox \ 100$ GeV) cette limite atteint une masse de sTop de $132$ GeV pour un neutralino de $60$ GeV. Pour ces recherches, la calorimetrie joue un role central d'un point de vue experimental. L'augmentation de la luminosite attendue dans la Phase II du Tevatron qui a demarre le $1^{er}$ Mars $2001$, et l'amelioration du detecteur qui a ete realisee ces trois dernieres annees permettront d'etendre ces domaines d'exclusion ou de decouvrir le sTop. Nous decrivons donc egalement dans cette these notre contribution a l'amelioration de la calorimetrie, tant sur la calibration electronique du calorimetre a Argon liquide du detecteur DO, que sur les logiciels de reconstruction de l'energie calorimetrique.

Strings, boundary fermions and coincident D-branes

Wulff, Linus January 2007 (has links)
<p>The appearance in string theory of higher-dimensional objects known as D-branes has been a source of much of the interesting developements in the subject during the past ten years. A very interesting phenomenon occurs when several of these D-branes are made to coincide: The abelian gauge theory living on each brane is enhanced to a non-abelian gauge theory living on the stack of coincident branes. This gives rise to interesting effects like the natural appearance of non-commutative geometry. The theory governing the dynamics of these coincident branes is still poorly understood however and only hints of the underlying structure have been seen.</p><p>This thesis focuses on an attempt to better this understanding by writing down actions for coincident branes using so-called boundary fermions, originating in considerations of open strings, instead of matrices to describe the non-abelian fields. It is shown that by gauge-fixing and by suitably quantizing these boundary fermions the non-abelian action that is known, the Myers action, can be reproduced. Furthermore it is shown that under natural assumptions, unlike the Myers action, the action formulated using boundary fermions also posseses kappa-symmetry, the criterion for being the correct supersymmetric action for coincident D-branes.</p><p>Another aspect of string theory discussed in this thesis is that of tensionless strings. These are of great interest for example because of their possible relation to higher spin gauge theories via the AdS/CFT-correspondence. The tensionless superstring in a plane wave background, arising as a particular limit of the near-horizon geometry of a stack of D3-branes, is considered and compared to the tensile case.</p>

A Search for Solar Neutralino Dark Matter with the AMANDA-II Neutrino Telescope

Burgess, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
<p>A relic density of <i>Weakly Interacting Massive Particles</i> (WIMPs) remaining from the Big Bang constitutes a promising solution to the <i>Dark Matter</i> problem. It is possible for such WIMPs to be trapped by and accumulate in gravitational potentials of massive dense objects such as the Sun. A perfect WIMP candidate appears in certain <i>supersymmetric</i> extensions to the <i>Standard Model</i> of particle physics, where the lightest supersymmetric particle is a <i>neutralino</i> which can be stable, massive and weakly interacting. The neutralinos may annihilate pair-wise and in these interactions neutrinos with energies ranging up to the neutralino mass can be indirectly produced. Hence, a possible population of dark matter neutralinos trapped in the Sun can give rise to an observable neutrino flux.</p><p>The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array, AMANDA, is a neutrino telescope that detects Cherenkov light emitted by charged particles created in neutrino interactions in the South Pole glacial ice sheet using an array of light detectors frozen into the deep ice. In this work data taken with the AMANDA-II detector during 2003 are analyzed to measure or put upper bounds on the flux of such neutrinos from the Sun. In the analysis detailed signal and background simulations are compared to measurements. Background rejection filters optimized for various neutralino models have been constructed. No excess above the background expected from neutrinos and muons created in cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere was found. Instead 90% confidence upper limits have been set on the neutralino annihilation rate in the Sun and the muon flux induced by neutralino signal neutrinos. </p>

Charged Higgs Boson Studies in the Channel pp→a<sub>1</sub>h<sup>±</sup>→4b+l+MET in the Next-to MSSM (NMSSM) with the ATLAS Experiment

Zimmer, Stephan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Next-to-minimal super-symmetric extensions of the Standard Model (SM) predict the existence of several non-SM like Higgs bosons. The process pp→a<sub>1</sub>h<sup>±</sup>→4b+W involves the production and the decay of a spin-0 charged Higgs boson and a CP-odd Higgs boson a<sub>1</sub> which can have a sizable cross section in the NMSSM. The invariant masses of these intermediate bosons can be reconstructed from the four momenta of the final state particles using mass minimization algorithms. This thesis presents a cut-based analysis of two mass scenarios and specialized algorithms that are capable of recovering the signal in a large background arising from Standard Model processes such as ttbar. The analysis is tested with a realistic ATLAS detector simulation investigating trigger efficiencies and probing several jet reconstruction algorithms.</p>

Charged Higgs Boson Studies in ttbar -Dilepton Events at the LHC

Zimmer, Stephan January 2009 (has links)
<p>A generator-level study of dilepton ttbar events to search for light charged Higgs bosons at the LHC is presented with the aim of finding a new variable to discriminate between charged Higgs signals and Standard Model signatures. The spin effects in leptonic decays of H<sup>±</sup> and W bosons are studied and a new angular distribution is identified as a discriminating variable. Studies are performed for different charged Higgs masses at two different center ofmass energies. Monte Carlo samples of Z+jets production are also used to test the analysis.</p>

Aspects of inflationary models and unification

Senoguz, Vedat Nefer. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Delaware, 2007. / Principal faculty advisor: Qaisar Shafi, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy. Includes bibliographical references.

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