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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on Sustainable Development and Agricultural Risk Management

Zhang, Xiaojie January 2016 (has links)
Few sectors of the economy are as influential to the environment and are as susceptible to the influence of environmental changes as agriculture. This dissertation contains three chapters that examine agriculture as the primary interface at which human and nature interact. Primarily, I explore how policy support for financial risk management tools can have substantial impact on agricultural production choices via moral hazard and selection problems. While mitigating agricultural production risk, these supports also impact the environment via induced change in production choices. This dissertation contributes to U.S. agriculture policy and pollution management literature and insurance literature on moral hazard and selection problems. By examining the case of Federal Crop Insurance Program in the United States, this dissertation explores input choice changes caused by changes in government support for crop insurance. I proposed theoretical mechanism through which increasing use of financial risk management strategy can influence input decisions with risk implications, and tested these theories empirically with county-level panel data. Empirical tests showed that there were substantial decreases in irrigation investment and fertilizer application due to crop insurance offering. Policy implications on water scarcity and non-point source pollution management and on federal support to crop insurance market are discussed.

Tradeoffs, Complementarities and Synergies between Different Agricultural Technologies: Insights from Maize Farmers in Kenya

Wainaina, Priscilla 04 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of selected legumes for sustainable weed ecology/soil fertility/livestock management interactions in crop-livestock systems of the moist savannah of Nigeria

Owoeye, Lawrence Gbadebo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This project aimed at enhancing the net benefit in production systems. It took a holistic approach to evaluate the potential interactions of herbaceous legumes in relation to weed dynamics, soil fertility and livestock management in the crop-livestock system in Nigeria. The project was carried out between 2000 and 2002 in two localities. These were the National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) at Zaria in the northern Guinea savannah and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) at Ibadan in the derived savannah. The main experiment was carried out in the northern Guinea savannah, while the secondary experiments were simultaneously conducted in the derived savannah and the northern Guinea savannah. The experimental design for the three experiments reported in this thesis is a splitsplit plot, fitted into randomised complete block design (RCBD), with four replications. Main plot treatments were herbaceous legumes, namely Vigna unguiculata, Arachis hypogaea, Glycine max, Aeschynomene bistrix, Centrosema pascuorum, Stylosanthes guianensis and natural vegetation. Sub-plot treatments were management systems (1) M1, 'residues left in the field'; (2) M2, 'residues taken out of the field' and (3) M3, 'residues fed to livestock, manure/urine/refused feeds returned'. Sub-plot treatments were administered in a sequence following rotational fallows of herbaceous legumes and natural vegetation. However, plots in the secondary experiments were not subdivided before the cropping of maize in 2002, and for logistical reasons only two sub-plot treatments, M1and M2, are featured in this experiment. Herbaceous legumes were established at the start of the rainy season, approximately in June, in 2000, 2001 and 2002. All herbaceous legumes received single super phosphate (SSP) at 20kg ha" P20S at planting, while minimum hand weeding was done to maintain pure legume stands during the establishment phase. Forage biomass was higher in the derived savannah than in the northern Guinea savannah. Similarly, higher forage yields were observed after two consecutive years of legume fallow and natural vegetation, compared to the first year plots. Grain yield for Glycine max was consistently higher than for the other two grain legumes in 2001 and 2002. Chemical analysis of herbaceous legumes and natural vegetation showed that crude protein values ranged between 11.2% to 17.3% for legumes; that was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the 8.6% value found for natural vegetation. Moreover, all herbaceous legumes and natural vegetation, except Arachis hypogaea, had dry matter digestibility values of more than 30%. Maize grain and stover yields on herbaceous legumes fallowed plots were evaluated and compared with those for natural vegetation. Results in 2001, i.e. after a one-year fallow with legumes, indicated that the dry matter of maize grain and stover yields in the Stylosanthes guianensis plots were higher among the forage legumes. Arachis hypogaea gave the highest grain and stover yields among the grain legumes in the northern Guinea savannah. Results in 2002, i.e. after a two-year fallow, also showed that the productivity of maize planted on Arachis hypogaea and Glycine max fallowed plots were consistently higher across the three management systems tested in the Centrosema pascuorum, Glycine max, Aeschynomene histrix, Vigna unguiculata and least weight gain was recorded for the natural vegetation. Objective functions in linear optimisation, or linear combinations in algebra, used to link dynamic processes in livestock production (Iiveweight gain) with the dynamic processes in soils (soil nitrogen), weeds (weed biomass), herbaceous legumes (legume biomass) and crop production (maize grain and stover yields) under varying management systems took the form: Management system 1, Y, = f (XI, Xz, x4); Yr= 0 Management system 2, Y, = f (x" x2); Yz = 0 Management system 3, Y, = f (XI, Xz, xl); Yz= f (XI, Xz, X4. x5) Where (1) (2) (3) Y1 = Crop in kg; Y2 = Livestock weight gain in kg; X1= Weed in kg; X2 = Soil N g kg-1; X3 = Livestock compost in kg; N= Herbaceous legumes in kg; X5 = Maize stover in kg, for the three management systems considered in this experiment. Deductions from these equations showed that Aeschynomene histrix performed better under M1, i.e. when legumes residues were left on the field. Natural vegetation performed better than the herbaceous legumes under M2, i.e. when legumes residues were exported out of the field. However, the presence of manure in M3 enhanced soil fertility in the system and improved the overall productivity across all the legumes and natural vegetation. Overall rankings, conducted by pooling all components in the system, indicated that Glycine max performed best among the legumes, followed by Stylosanthes guianensis and Arachis hypogaea, which ranked second and viithird respectively. In relation to the specific legume groups, Stylosanthes guianensis performed better than the other two forage legumes, while Glycine max also performed better than the other two grain legumes tested. We can see from these on-station research results that there are indications of positive opportunities for improving overall productivity and resources. This can be done through integrating and complementing crop and livestock production, to provide a sustainable intensification of agriculture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is uitgevoer om die potensiële wisselwerking van kruidagtige peulplante met onkruiddinamika, grondvrugbaarheid en veebestuur te evalueer. Die hoofeksperiment in die "Northern Guinea Savannah" is vanaf 2000 tot 2002 uitgevoer by die "National Animal Production Research Institute" (NAPRI) in Zaria, Nigerië. Die twee sekondêre eksperimente is gelyktydig in Zaria en by die "International Institute of Tropical Agriculture" (liTA) naby Ibadan in die "Derived Savannah" uitgevoer. Die eksperimentele ontwerp was 'n dubbel gesplete perseelontwerp gepas in 'n volledig ewekansige blokontwerp met vier herhalings. Die hoofkomponente was die kruidagtige peulplante naamlik: Vigna unguiculata, Arachis hypogaea, Glycine max, Aeschynomene histrix, Centrosema pascuorum, Stylosanthes guianensis en natuurlike plantegroei. Die gekose peulplante is potensieel aangepas vir uiteenlopende omgewings en word dikwels na verwys as "'n mandjie van opsies". Subperseel behandelings was (1) peulplant gevestig en gelaat op die land - M1; (2) peulplant gevestig, geoes en weggeneem uit die land M2 en (3) peulplant gevestig, geoes, vir vee gevoer, mis/urine/vermorste voer terug na die land - M3. Die dubbel gesplete perseel behandelings is toegedien in 'n sekere volgorde nadat die peulplant rusoes/braak toegepas is. In die eerste jaar is die kruidagtige peulplante geplant op die hoofperseel van 25m by Sam. In die tweede jaar is die hoofperseel verdeel in twee persele waar onderskeidelik peulplante en mielies gevestig is terwyl daar in die derde jaar 'n verdere verdeling was wat gelei het tot verskillende gewasrotasiestelsels, nl. Peulplant-peulplant-mielies, peulplant-mielies-peulplant en peulplant-mielies-mielies. Parameters wat insluit planthoogte, -wydte en persentasie grondbedekking van die kruidagtige peulplante is tweeweekliks gemeet op vier 1M2 persele wat ewekansig oor elke hoofperseel versprei is in beide gebiede waar die studie uitgevoer is. Resultate het getoon dat die kruidagtige peulplante wat getoets is potensiële kandidate is vir insluitings in gewas/weiding rotasiesteiseis. Alhoewel voerproduksie hoër was in die "derived savannah" as in die "northern Guinea savannah", het die prestasie van die peulplante in die noordelike savannah gevarieer met die gewasproduksiestelsels. Hoër opbrengste is gerealiseer na twee opeenvolgende jare van oesrus met peulplante vergeleke met die eerste jaar waar daar geen residuele effek van die peulplante was nie, en die laaste jaar wat deur 'n mielie-oes voorafgegaan is. Biomassa opbrengste na twee jaar van aanhoudende verbouiing was die hoogste vir S. guianensis en die laagste vir A. hypogea. Ruproteien inhoud van die kruidagtige peulplante het gewissel van 170 g kg-1 DM in A. hypogea tot 62.4 g kg-1 DM in A histrix. Graanproduksie deur G. max was deurlopend hoër in 2001 en 2002 vergeleke met die twee ander graanproduserende peulplante nl. V. unguiculata en A. hypogea. Die voerproduksie in 2002 was heelwat hoër as die vorige jaar. Rotasie effekte op mieliegraan en oesreste na peulplante is vergelyk oor die dubbel gesplete persele (areas met verskillende oesruslengtes) om die ximplikasies van hulle residuele effek op grondvrugbaarheid verbetering en onkruid dinamika te bepaal. Mielie-opbrengs na een jaar van rusoes toon hoër waardes op persele wat onder kruidagtige peulplante was vergeleke met natuurlike plantegroei. Net so was die opbrengs deurlopend hoër op persele waar daar graan peulplante was as waar daar voer peulplante was. Oor die algemeen was die waardes hoër vir G. max, gevolg deur A. hypogea, A. histrix, C. pascuorum, V. unguiculata, S. guianensis en die laagste vir natuurlike plantegroei. In terme van die bestuurstelsels, het persele wat kompos ontvang het (M3) beter as die ander twee bestuurstelsels presteer (2.6 Mg ha" mieliegraan). Produksie van mieliegraan en oesreste na twee opeenvolgende jare van mielieverbouing was die hoogste na G. max (7.2 Mg ha" mieliegraan), gevolg deur die A. histrix perseel en die laagste op S. guianensis persele. Algemene waarnemings oor die twee subpersele wat met mielies beplant was in 2002 het getoon dat mielies beter presteer het op persele wat twee opeenvolgende jare met peulplante beplant was. Onkruidsamestelling en verspreiding is in beide die peulplante en natuurlike plantegroei gemeet. Grond vir saadbankontledings is op diagonale transekte in 0.5m by 0.5m kwadrate gemonster. Grondmonsters is ge-analiseer vir pH, totale stikstof, organiese koolstof, fosfor, kalsium en magnesium. Hierdie parameters is gebruik in 'n meervoudige regressie ontleding om hulle effek op onkruidspesievoorkoms te bepaal. Onkruidgetalle in lande na In rusoes het In deurlopende hoër vlak van besmetting getoon op die natuurlike plantegroei persele as op die peulplant persele. Die prestasie in terme van onkruidonderdrukking was in dalende volgorde: S. guianensis, C. pascuorum, V. ungucuilata, G. max, A. hypogaea en A. histrix. Die onkruidsamestelling het verskilonder die verskillende behandelings en dit het ook met tyd verander in dieselfde behandelings. In Bykomende eksperiment met die peulplante is uitgevoer om hulle effek op inname en groei van skape, asook die effek op kompos wat gemaak is van vermorste materiaal en uitskeidings van die skape, te bepaal. Droë materiaal verteerbaarheid was hoog vir S guianensis, G. max en A. histrix terwyl die laagste syfer verkry is by A. hypogea (177.6 g kg-1 DM). Ramme wat met kruidagtige peulplante gevoer is het beter presteer as die wat met natuurlike plantegroei gevoer is. Ramme wat met A. hypogaea gevoer is, het In gemiddelde daaglikse toename (GOT) getoon van 85.7 g daq", gevolg deur S. guianensis, C. pascuorum, G. max, A. histrix, V. unguiculata en laaste natuurlike plantegroei. Bykomende ontledings was gemik daarop om objektiewe funksies af te lei om dinamiese prosesse in vee (massatoename) met dinamiese prosesse in grond (grond N), onkruid (onkruidmassa), kruidagtige peulplante (peulplantmassa) en mielies (mieliegraan en oesreste massas) onder verskillende bestuurstelsels te verbind. In In poging om objektiewe funksies xiivan die verskillende komponente van die studie te bepaal, is die volgende lineêre funksies vir die drie bestuurstelsels oorweeg nl. Bestuurstelsel1. Yl = f (Xl, xz, x.); Yz= 0 Bestuurstelsel 2, Yl = f (Xl, Xz); Yz= 0 Bestuurstelsel3, Yl = f (Xl, X2, Xl); Yz= f (Xl. Xz. x.. les) Waar (1) (2) (3) Y1 = Oesopbrengs in kg; Y2 = Daaglikse massatoename in kg; X1 = Onkruidmassa in kg; X2 = Grond N in g kg-1 ; X3 = Kompos in kg; X4 = Kruidagtige peulplante in kg; X5 = Mieliereste in kg. Onder bestuurstelsel 1, het A. histrix beter as die ander gewasse presteer, terwyl natuurlike veld beter presteer het onder bestuurstelsel 2. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat bestuurstelsel 2 nie volhoubaar is nie. Die derde bestuurstelsel verteenwoordig volle integrasie van gewas en vee produksiestelsels. Die teenwoordigheid van mis in die stelsel het grondvrugbaarheid verbeter en algemene produktiwiteit verbeter. Hierdie resultate dui aan dat daar geleenthede is om algemene produktiwiteit te verbeter deur integrasie en komplementering van gewas- en veeproduksiestelsels om volhoubare intensifikasie van landbou te bereik.

Organic farming : the way forward for sustainable agriculture in the Western Cape Province

Robertson, Raynita N. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) --Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The incidence of organic agriculture, seen as the sustainable agriculture of the future, was investigated in the Western Cape Province (WCP). Informationabout organic farms in the WCP was obtained through the Internet, over a period of three months. These farms occupy about 33% (771 122 hal of the area within the WCP which is presently being used for the cultivation of crops and horticulture. The information obtained with regard to the type of agriculture and the location thereof was processed and presented graphically. Further, the utilisation of land in the WCP was researched, as well as the problems experienced with the degradation thereof. The possibility of making municipal commonage available to communities and small farmers for sustainable agriculture was also investigated. Taking cognisance of the above variables (organic farms, soil quality and municipal commonage), "Go Organics at Spier" (GOAS) was investigated as a case study. Recommendation was then made on how organic agriculture in the WCP could be promoted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorkoms van organiese landbou, gesien as die volhoubare landbou van die toekoms, is ondersoek in die Wes~Kaap Provinsie (WKP). Inligting oor die organiese plase in die WKP is verkry deur middel van die Internet, oor 'n periode van drie maande. Hierdie plase beslaan ongeveer 33% (771 122 ha) van die oppervlakte binne die WKP wat tans vir die verbouing van gewasse benut word. Die inligting wat verkry is ten opsigte van die tipe landbou en die ligging daarvan is verwerk en grafies voorgestel. Verder is daar ondersoek ingestel na die benutting van grond in die WKP en die probleme wat ondervind word met die degradasie daarvan. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die moontlikheid om munisipale gemeenskapsgronde beskikbaar te stel aan gemeenskappe en klein boere vir volhoubare landbou. Met inageneming van bogenoemde veranderlikes (organiese plase, grond kwaliteit en munisipale gemeenskapsgrand), is "Go Organics at Spier" (GOAS) as 'n gevallestudie ondersoek. Voorstelle word dan gemaak oor die bevordering van organiese landbou in die WKP. / Thesis

Future-proofing food : striving towards minimal insecticidal application in Western Cape pome fruit orchards

Thorpe, Peter Tulloh 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Increasing pressure on food production and the concern over maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services is creating an urgent need to future-proof food production, while maintaining the natural environment for future generations. Within the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) biodiversity hotspot in the Western Cape of South Africa, deciduous fruit is widely grown, contributing significantly to the local economy. To ensure access is maintained to important export markets, this study reviews the current available pest control options with focus on techniques able to preserve the biodiversity of the CFR, while simultaneously providing effective control over arthropod pests in pome fruit. A scenario planning technique is then used to depict potential future scenarios and the options we have in dealing with them. Emphasis here is placed on economically important arthropod species, particularly Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.). Biological control (biocontrol) is discussed in detail, covering predators, parasitoids and pathogens. Biocontrol is an important, sustainable pest control measure. However, certain risks associated with releasing living organisms into the environment must not be ignored. Monitoring of release programmes is essential. The sterile insect technique (SIT) offers a species-specific approach to controlling pests. However, the technique is research and management intensive. Globally SIT has shown great success, but lack of financial support has limited SIT uptake locally. SIT has shown increased effectiveness as an integrated technique, particularly with parasitoid release and pheromone-based mating disruption. The management of orchards as agroecosystems shows that preservation of natural vegetation and beneficial plant species increases crop resilience, encourages conservation biological control and maintains crop health. The importance of area-wide control is discussed under each section, as a favourable strategy which deals with entire pest populations rather than isolated farm-by-farm approaches. Other techniques covered include pheromone-based mating disruption, attract-and-kill and physical barriers such as sticky tree-bands, which all show integration potential with biologically-based techniques while minimising insecticide application. The usefulness of insecticides as a curative approach is recognised, and ways of preserving insecticide life-spans by limiting insecticide resistance are discussed. Social, economic, political, environmental and technological driving forces are used to develop four realistic future scenarios for pome fruit production in the CFR. The scenarios are based on the extremes of two key uncertainties: development of resistance to chemical insecticides, and changes in legislation regulating insecticide usage. The options we face in dealing with each potential scenario, with the suite of arthropod pest control techniques currently developed, is discussed. It is hypothesised that a best-case scenario, in which environmentally-friendly techniques which support healthy, productive agroecosystems, can be reached. We should carefully assess our options, and begin to shift pest control from a predominantly chemical basis to one in which habitat management and biocontrol form the basis of control, with techniques such as SIT, mating disruption and physical barriers assisting in creating holistic arthropod pest control systems. In light of the uncertainty that the future holds, a scenario planning exercise such as this, can assist in decision making today that will best prepare us to deal with future threats such as climate change and new pest invasions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toenemende druk op voedselproduksie en kommer oor die handhawing van biodiversiteit en ekosisteemdienste lei tot „n dringende behoefte om voedselproduksie toekoms-bestand te maak, asook om tegelykertyd die natuurlike omgewing vir toekomstige generasies te bewaar. Binne die Kaap Floristiese Streek (KFS) „biodiversiteitskern‟ in die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika word sagte vrugte algemeen verbou en lewer „n aansienlike bydrae tot die plaaslike ekonomie. Om toegang tot belangrike uitvoermarkte te verseker ondersoek hierdie studie die plaagbeheer opsies tans beskikbaar, met die fokus op tegnieke wat die biodiversiteit van die KFS kan bewaar en tegelykertyd effektiewe beheer oor geleedpotige plae van kernvrugte kan verskaf. „n Scenario-beplannings-tegniek word dan gebruik om moontlike toekomstige scenario‟s en die opsies tot ons beskikking om hulle te hanteer, uit te beeld. Klem word hier geplaas op geleedpotige spesies van ekonomiese belang, veral die Mediterreense vrugtevlieg, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) en die kodlingmot Cydia pomonella (L.). Biologiese-beheer (biobeheer) word in diepte bespreek, en dek predatore, parasiete en patogene. Biobeheer is „n belangrike, volhoubare plaagbeheer-middel; alhoewel sekere risiko‟s verbonde met die vrystelling van lewende organismes in die omgewing nie verontagsaam moet word nie. Dit is noodsaaklik dat vrystellingsprogramme gemoniteer word. Die steriele-insek-tegniek (SIT) bied „n spesies-spesifieke benadering tot die beheer van plae, alhoewel dit navorsings- en bestuursintensief is. SIT het wêreldwyd al groot suksesbehaal, maar „n tekort aan finansiële ondersteuning het die plaaslike toepassing van SIT beperk. SIT het verhoogde effektiwiteit as „n geïntegreerde tegniek vertoon, veral met die verlies van parasiete en feromoon gebaseerde parings-ontwrigting. Die bestuur van boorde as agro-ekosisteme wys dat die bewaring van natuurlike plantegroei en voordelige plant spesies oes-herstelvermoë verhoog, bewaring-biologiese-beheer aanmoedig en oes-welstand handhaaf. Die belang van streekswye beheer word bespreek onder elke afdeling as „n gunstige strategie wat te doen het met algehele plaagbevolkings, eerder as afsonderlike plaas-tot-plaas benaderings. Ander tegnieke wat gedek word sluit in feromoon gebaseerde parings-ontwrigting, lok-en-doodmaak en fisiese versperrings soos taai boom-bande, wat alles integrasie-potensiaal wys met biologies gebaseerde tegnieke en tegelykertyd insekdoder aanwending verminder. Die nuttigheid van insekdoders as „n herstel benadering word erken en maniere om die leffektiwiteit van insekdoders te behou deur insekdoder-weerstand te beperk, word bespreek. Sosiaal-, ekonomies-, polities-, omgewings- en tegnologies-gedrewe kragte word gebruik om vier realistiese toekomstige scenario‟s vir kernvrug-produksie in die KFS te ontwikkel. Die scenario‟s is baseer op die ekstreme van twee belangrike onsekerhede: ontwikkeling van weerstand teen chemiese insekdoders, en veranderinge in wetgewing wat die gebruik van insekdoders reguleer. Die opsies wat ons in die gesig staar om elke potensiële scenario te hanteer met die verskeidenheid van geleedpotige plaagbeheer-tegnieke tans ontwikkel is, word bespreek. Dit word veronderstel dat „n beste scenario, waar omgewings-vriendelike tegnieke wat gesonde, produktiewe agro-ekosisteme onderhou, bereik kan word. Ons moet ons opsies versigtig assesseer, en begin om plaagbeheer vanaf „n oorwegend chemiese basis te skuif na een waar habitat-bestuur en biobeheer die basis van beheer vorm, en waar tegnieke soos SIT, parings-ontwrigting en fisiese versperrings help om holistiese geleedpotige-plaagbeheer sisteme te vorm. In die lig van die onsekerheid wat die toekoms inhou, kan „n scenario-beplannings oefening soos hierdie besluitneming vandag aanhelp wat ons die beste sal voorberei vir die hantering van toekomstige bedreigings soos klimaats-verandering en nuwe en vreemde plaag-indringing.

Variation in cattle numbers, rainfall amount and land availability in Tlokweng sub district, Botswana

Mpotokwane, Masego Ayo January 1999 (has links)
This study describes and analyses cattle management in Tlokweng Sub District. Two methods were used. The two are households' interviews and a system dynamics STELLA model called the Rain Land Cattle model, which was adapted from the 1990 Braat and Opschoor model. Ninety households, 61% of the 1991 households in the study area, were interviewed. All the households had arable fields and fifty nine percent had cattle. The Rain Land Cattle model uses 52 parameters to predict several cattle management factors, which include rainfall, stocking rate, total grazing area and livestock water availability. The model explored the use of parameters to relate water availability to grazing area and show the seasonality of the water source. Sixty two percent of the household had access to an ideal livestock water source. Cattle graze from the 5000 hectares of arable area for four months after harvesting. This seasonal grazing, optimises the uses of the grazing resource in the small sub - district. The model simulated a S and 20 percent permanent grazing land loss. Such a grazing land loss, increased the stocking rate, decreased the carrying capacity and cast doubt on sustainable cattle production. The model shows that the stocking rate is chronically greater than the carrying capacity. Most households acknowledged that there was land pressure due to the loss of grazing land. A drier climate scenario will lead to a loss of seasonal grazing, reduced livestock water, which will increase cattle emigration and cause cattle management problems. The model is exploratory; it needs to be validated. It is easily understood, adaptable to other communal areas, and identifies the most influential factors in cattle management. The livestock water parameters functioned reliably in the model. Based on the understanding of the cattle management derived from this study, more fenced grazing land is unlikely to improve the cattle management in the area.

Sustainable agriculture : A field study from the Babati District in Tanzania

Carlsson, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim with this paper is to study the concept of sustainable agriculture. One angle of approach has also been to investigate the role of NGOs, where the organisation FARM-Africa is mostly studied. A field study in the Babati District is the base of the paper.</p><p>Sustainable agriculture is a concept with various definitions and is expressed in different ways. Ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just and humane are some of the keywords within the concept of sustainable agriculture. Over the years, various technologies within the concept have been developed and have proven to be both environmentally friendly and productive, but few of these have been adopted by farmers. Scientists’ experience of agriculture often differs from that of farmers. To get the best result a collaboration between all parts in the society are needed. Participation has a long history within agriculture development. Recent studies have shown that participation is one way to success. People’s participation has therefore become one of the most common concepts within NGOs and also within government departments. Agriculture is an important issue for Tanzania and this is one reason why I have chosen to write about sustainable agriculture.</p><p>My study will show the general oppinion of sustainable agriculture among the interviewees and the general opinion of NGOs like FARM-Africa.</p>

Measuring, Comparing, and Contrasting the Agricultural Paradigmatic Preferences Held by Florida Extension Agents: The Redevelopment of an Instrument to Determine Individual and Collective Preferences

Sanagorski, Laura Anne 1980- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Significant support for sustainable agriculture practices exists within the land-grant university system nationwide. Despite this fact, many colleges, including the University of Florida, have not evaluated the individual paradigms held by their faculty. An existing Alternative-Conventional Agriculture Paradigm Scale was modified, improved and converted into an electronic instrument that was administered to a random sample of University of Florida Extension Faculty. It is suggested that data collected through this study serves the following purposes: assist the University of Florida’s decision-makers in better understanding the positions held by their Extension agents; allow improvement of educational programming for Extension agents, agricultural professionals, and communities throughout the state; and provide input for improvement of University-wide policy-making and goal-setting. The study consisted of three phases: a) redevelopment and pilot-test of a new ACAP instrument; b) description of University of Florida Extension faculty’s paradigmatic preferences; and c) determination of any existing relationships between personal characteristics and an individual’s paradigm. A pilot study of the new instrument was conducted with participants belonging to known paradigmatic groups who were not part of the final sample. The survey was found to be reliable with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.94 in a pilot test of 26 individuals. The survey was found to discriminate effectively between the two known paradigmatic groups (t=4.091, p= .001), making it a useful tool in quantitatively assessing agricultural preferences. Following the pilot study, survey research was conducted with a random sample of 188 Extension agents. The majority of faculty aligned with agricultural paradigmatic groups labeled Moderates and Sustainables. Very few of this population aligned with a Conventional paradigm. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a preliminary seven-factor solution. Two individual component factors were found to vary based on Extension discipline and gender, which included Size and Scale of Production and Use of Natural Resources, respectively.

Aquaponics Everywhere? An Exploration of a Growing Industry's Revolutionary Potential

Harder, Alexandra 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the summer of 2016 I worked at The Moore Street Market Farm run by Oko Farms LLC., New York City’s first and largest outdoor urban aquaponics company. Aquaponics is a method of farming that combines the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants in a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship. While the industry is in its infancy, aquaponics is acknowledged to have great potential to change the future of farming for sustainability, as it uses less water than traditional agriculture and can be implemented almost anywhere. This thesis examines current challenges to the industry and the potential future applications of aquaponics in urban environments, through discussion of current developments in aquaponics in Europe; Growing Power’s use of aquaponics for community benefit in the Milwaukee; as well as in the case-studies of Oko Farms and Agtech aquaponics companies in New York City. While eventually concluding that implementations of aquaponics for profit might not be viable in the long run, this thesis ends with a short discussion on hypothetical successful applications the industry could thrive in.

Smallholder New Entrants: Italy’s Organic Sector and the Changing face of Agriculture

Rideout, Melanie January 2016 (has links)
The paper studies 7 new entrant smallholders on the Italian agricultural sector to begin to understand how such a grassroots movement may challenge the status-quo vis-à-vis the Italian Food-system. Additionally, the study conducts a public questionnaire survey in an attempt to gauge attitudes toward a changing food-system in Italy. Using Critical Theory to highlight the trend of critical-consumer to critical-producer, and transition movement theory to assess the real regime-change ability of such movements, this paper finds that new entrant smallholders in Italy are playing a potentially significant role in moving the sector into more sustainable territory. Current certified organic agriculture is increasingly dominated by larger farms, and excludes new entrant smallholders, this is to the detriment of sustainable agriculture goals, by identifying the barriers to such stakeholders, in addition to recognising their strengthens - namely the commitment to triple bottom line sustainability - new entrant smallholders have a significant role to play in making organic agriculture truly a mechanism by which true sustainable agriculture can be achieved.

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