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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memory in translation: Mau Mau Detainee and its Swahili Translation

Aiello Traoré, Flavia 31 March 2015 (has links)
Enzi baada ya uhuru baadhi ya tafsiri mpya kwa Kiswahili zilianza kutokea nchini Kenya, zikiwemo tafsiri za riwaya na tawasifu za waandishi Wakenya. Makala haya yanazingatia tawasifu ya Josiah Mwangi Kariuki iitwayo Mau Mau Detainee (1963) inayosimulia kumbukumbu za mateso aliyoya-pata mwandishi mwenyewe wakati wa miaka ya hali ya hatari, na tafsiri yake kwa Kiswahili yaani Mau Mau Kizuizini (1965) iliyofasiriwa na Joel Maina. Kwanza, tawasifu ya Mau Mau Detainee itachambuliwa kwa kujikita hasa katika jinsi mwandishi mwenyewe alivyobuni lugha changamano takitumia Kiingereza kinachochanganywa na Kigĩkũyũ pamoja na Kiswahili. Halafu, tafsiri yake ii-wayo Mau Mau Kizuizini itachambuliwa kwa kina kwa ajili ya kuanza kufafanua jinsi na kwa mbinu gani mfasiri alivyokabiliana na vipengele vya pekee vya matini hiyo wakati alipokuwa anatafsiri kumbukumbu hizo za ukoloni akiwa anawalenga wasomaji wa lugha pokezi.

Mwingilianomatini katika tamthilia za Kiswahili: Mashetani na Kijiba cha Moyo

Ngesa, Ambrose K., Matundura, Enock, Kobia, John January 2015 (has links)
Tamthilia ya Kiswahili imedhihirisha, kwa njia moja au nyingine, uhusiano wa kimwingilianomatini. Makala haya yanadhamiria kuchunguza viwango na aina za mwingilianomatini baina ya tamthilia mbili za Kiswahili. Tamthilia hizi ni Mashetani (Hussein 1971) na Kijiba cha Moyo (Arege 2009). Tathmini hii inaongozwa na nadharia ya mwingilanomatini. Tumeteua na kuhakiki tamthilia hizi kwa misingi kwamba, kwa muda mrefu, Ebrahim Hussein ameaminika kuwa mmojawapo wa watunzi bora wa tamthilia ya Kiswahili katika eneo la Afrika Mashariki. Wahakiki wa fasihi wanaelekea kukubalia na kwamba Ebrahim Hussein ameathiri watunzi wengi wa baadaye wa tamthilia kimtindo, kimaudhui na usawiri wahusika. Lengo la makala haya ni kujaribu kuonesha jinsi tamthilia za Mashetani na Kijiba cha Moyo zinavyofanana kwa kuchunguza viwango vya mwingilianomatini baina ya tamthilia hizo kwa kurejelea, motifu, maudhui, matumizi ya lugha, na wahusika. Je, ni kwa kiwango gani mtunzi wa Kijiba cha Moyo ameathiriwa na mtunzi wa Mashetani? Je, amemnukuu, kudondoa au kumwiga mtangulizi wake kwa kiwango gani?

The enigmatic black bird’s poem and its performance in William Mkufya’s Ziraili na Zirani

Rodgers Johns, Adam 10 March 2017 (has links)
This paper applies a post-structuralist literary framework when looking at the philosophical implications of William’s Mkufya’s novel Ziraili na Zirani. The analysis focuses on a free-verse poem per-formed by a black bird in hell. Moreover, there is a focus on the different genre forms at play, such as free-verse poetry and the novel, and an acknowledgement that an understanding of the text relies upon a consideration of these different genre conventions. Ultimately the paper shows how a reading of the text as it is presented in the novel, as a performance, demonstrates a realisation of the different genre conventions at play, thus taking their significance onto a different plain of analysis. Furthermore, attention is drawn to the application of a post-structuralist framework and the various contributions this theoretical model can make to a reading of the poem, notably an emphasis on the resistance to fixed meaning in favour of instability. This results in an exposition of the relevance of a post-structuralist literary framework to Mkufya’s critical reflection upon epistemology as it is portrayed in the black bird’s enigmatic performance, and the novel as a whole.

Kumbukizi ya Kennedy Waliaula Walibora

Njogu, Kimani 14 September 2020 (has links)
Mwandishi mashuhuri na msomi mtajika wa fasihi ya Kiswahili Kennedy Waliaula Walibora aliyezaliwa mnamo Januari 6, 1965 aliaga dunia mnamo April 10, 2020. Kimani Njogu, msomi mweledi wa fasihi ya Kiswahili na mwanaharakati wa kijamii, anamwenzi Marehemu Ken Walibora akisisitiza kuwa alitoa mchango madhubuti wenye maki na kina kwa lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili. Kwa hilo, atakumbukwa na vizazi vijavyo. / Famous Swahili writer and renowned scholar Kennedy Waliaula Walibora who was born on January 6, 1965 passed away on April 10, 2020. Kimani Njogu, accomplished scholar of Swahili literature and social activist, honours the late Ken Walibora by emphasizing his most remarkable achievements and deep impact on Swahili language and literature. He will be remembered by generations to come.

Kumbukizi ya Steven I. Y. E. Mrikaria (1963-2018)

Mutembei, Aldin 14 September 2020 (has links)
Steven I. Y. E. Mrikaria, Mhadhiri wa Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili ya Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam aliyezaliwa mnamo Disemba 9, 1963, ameaga dunia mnamo Januari 17, 2018. Aldin K. Mutembei aliye msomi mweledi na mwanaharakati mashuhuri wa lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili anamwenzi Marehemu Steven Mrikaria akielezea mchango wake katika utafiti na ufundishaji wa lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili na kumkumbuka kama msomi mwenzake na rafiki yake wa siku nyingi. / Steven I. Y. E. Mrikaria, Lecturer at the Institute of Kiswahili Studies, University of Dar es Salaam who was born on December 9, 1963, passed away on January 17, 2018. Aldin K. Mutembei, accomplished scholar and most eminent activist of Swahili language and literature honours the late Steven Mrikaria by elucidating his contribution to the research and teaching of Swahili language and literature, and remembering him as a fellow scholar and a long-time friend.

A bibliography of Swahili literature, linguistics, culture and history: update 2003-2009

Geider, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
This bibliography is an update of Thomas Geider’s comprehensive bibliography of 100 pages which he published in Swahili Forum 10 (2003). Thomas Geider had almost finished it when he fell ill in April 2010. He left the manuscript when he passed away on 15 October 2010. It has been completed and edited by the editors of Swahili Forum, and comprises mainly works published between 2003 and 2009. Also included are some works published in 2001 and 2002 which came to Thomas Geider’s attention after he had completed his 2003 bibliography.

Mayai-waziri wa maradhi: magic realism in Euphrase Kezilahabi\'s long time unpublished short story

Bertoncini-Zúbková, Elena January 2004 (has links)
This article will present a short story which appeared in the newspaper Mzalendo on the 15th January 1978, but it took twenty-six years before it was published in a book. Presumably it was written in the same period as both the play Kaputula la Marx and probably also as some of Kezilahabi’s poems from the second collection Karibu ndani (1988). It is a period of his most critical works. In Mayai – Waziri wa Maradhi the author blames, in a highly symbolic manner, the leading classes of his country who became rich at the expense of common citizens during ten years of Independence, symbolized by ten emaciated ghostly children.

Who is J.W.T. Allen?

Wilkening, Friederike 09 August 2012 (has links)
At a first glance it may seem strange that a man who probably was the European scholar of Swahili with the longest association with the Swahili Coast should have had so little impact on the field of Swahili studies, at least regarding his reception in the literature of the discipline. Obviously there must be something marginal to his position in the academic world of both his and our days, which appears to draw mainly from two factors. On the one hand, John Allen spent most of his professional life `on location`in the Swahili sphere and some other parts of the Muslim world, but hardly ever was present in Europe and its academic institutions or publications so that he was simply physically outside the central circles of scholarly discourse. On the other hand, his main interest was a subject rather marginal within European Swahili studies, dealing with the traditional literature, moreover in a philological approach. Alien`s love of literature was also an important impetus for his long involvement in language development - especially as he regarded it in the first place in terms of art and only secondly in terms of `information´ about cultural or historical matters. As a promoter of Swahili literature, especially in connection with the East Aftican Swahili Committee, he probably got more widely known than for his contributions to research. However, this practical dimension of Allen`s work can not be separated from his studies in literature, and the mutuality of the two fields of activity is to be shown in this article which can hardly more than touch upon central aspects of his work and its significance for the discipline.

Mazungumzo na Lutz Diegner juu ya riwaya ya Ziraili na Zirani

Mkufya, William E. 30 November 2012 (has links)
William E. Mkufya aliyezaliwa mwaka 1953 wilayani Lushoto, Tanga, nchini Tanzania ni mmojawapo wa waandishi wakongwa wa riwaya ya Kiswahili. Hadi hii leo amechapisha riwaya nne. Aidha, ameandika vitabu kumi na viwili vya watoto na kutafsiri baadhi ya vitabu, kama vile riwaya ya Kiu ya Mohamd Suleiman Mohamed. Riwaya za Ziraili na Zirani na Ua la Faraja zimeshinda Tuzo la Fasihi ya Kitaifa Tanzania katika kiwango cha Muswada Bora wa Riwaya mnamo 1999 na 2001. Katika mazungumzo haya yaliyofanyika tarehe 29 Januari, mwaka 2004, huko TYCS, Upanga, Dar es Salaam tulitia mkazo zaidi kwenye riwaya yake ya kiepiki Ziraili na Zirani (1999).

Gabriel Ruhumbika: Janga sugu la wazawa (2002). Uchambuzi na Uhakiki

Mbonde, John P. 30 November 2012 (has links)
Gabriel Ruhumbika aliyezaliwa mwaka 1938 kisiwani Ukerewe ni miongoni mwa wanafasihi waliokubuhu katika fani ya riwaya za Kiswahili. Sasa ametuletea riwaya hii ya aina yake Janga sugu la wazawa (2002). Kwa jumla, riwaya hii linaakisi hali halisi ya mfumo wa maisha ya Wakerewe kwa kuwalinganisha na jamii inayokizunguka kisiwa cha Ukerewe, mintarafu imani za jadi na jinsi Ukristo ulivyoathiri misingi hiyo. Hali kadhalika, riwaya hii linasisitiza umuhimu wa kuzingatia kuthamini tamaduni, mila na desturi na maadili mema katika jamii.

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