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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated swelling soil

Siemens, Gregory Allen 12 July 2006 (has links)
The hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of swelling clay is examined in this thesis. The study includes laboratory testing and numerical modeling which considers the influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of a compacted unsaturated swelling clay soil. The laboratory testing component of this research consists of three (3) series of tests using a newly modified triaxial apparatus on which mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions are altered during liquid infiltration. Mechanical boundary conditions range from constant volume to constant mean stress and also include constant stiffness which is a spring type boundary consisting of both volume expansion and mean stress increase. Hydraulic boundary conditions include drained and undrained flow into triaxial specimens. The numerical modeling component of this research includes the creation of a new capillary tube model for swelling clay materials and incorporates dynamic changes to the cross-sectional area for flow. Laboratory results are modeled using the capillary tube model, an empirical hydraulic model, D’Arcy’s Law, and in an elastic-plastic context for unsaturated soil. Results of the laboratory and numerical modeling components show that boundary conditions dominate the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soil during liquid infiltration. In particular, a mechanism is shown to explain how hydraulic conductivity of a swelling soil can decrease with increasing water content at constant void ratio. Finally hydraulic and mechanical behaviour cannot be considered separately in swelling materials due to the intimate relationship in their response. / October 2006

Influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated swelling soil

Siemens, Gregory Allen 12 July 2006 (has links)
The hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of swelling clay is examined in this thesis. The study includes laboratory testing and numerical modeling which considers the influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of a compacted unsaturated swelling clay soil. The laboratory testing component of this research consists of three (3) series of tests using a newly modified triaxial apparatus on which mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions are altered during liquid infiltration. Mechanical boundary conditions range from constant volume to constant mean stress and also include constant stiffness which is a spring type boundary consisting of both volume expansion and mean stress increase. Hydraulic boundary conditions include drained and undrained flow into triaxial specimens. The numerical modeling component of this research includes the creation of a new capillary tube model for swelling clay materials and incorporates dynamic changes to the cross-sectional area for flow. Laboratory results are modeled using the capillary tube model, an empirical hydraulic model, D’Arcy’s Law, and in an elastic-plastic context for unsaturated soil. Results of the laboratory and numerical modeling components show that boundary conditions dominate the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soil during liquid infiltration. In particular, a mechanism is shown to explain how hydraulic conductivity of a swelling soil can decrease with increasing water content at constant void ratio. Finally hydraulic and mechanical behaviour cannot be considered separately in swelling materials due to the intimate relationship in their response.

Influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated swelling soil

Siemens, Gregory Allen 12 July 2006 (has links)
The hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of swelling clay is examined in this thesis. The study includes laboratory testing and numerical modeling which considers the influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of a compacted unsaturated swelling clay soil. The laboratory testing component of this research consists of three (3) series of tests using a newly modified triaxial apparatus on which mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions are altered during liquid infiltration. Mechanical boundary conditions range from constant volume to constant mean stress and also include constant stiffness which is a spring type boundary consisting of both volume expansion and mean stress increase. Hydraulic boundary conditions include drained and undrained flow into triaxial specimens. The numerical modeling component of this research includes the creation of a new capillary tube model for swelling clay materials and incorporates dynamic changes to the cross-sectional area for flow. Laboratory results are modeled using the capillary tube model, an empirical hydraulic model, D’Arcy’s Law, and in an elastic-plastic context for unsaturated soil. Results of the laboratory and numerical modeling components show that boundary conditions dominate the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soil during liquid infiltration. In particular, a mechanism is shown to explain how hydraulic conductivity of a swelling soil can decrease with increasing water content at constant void ratio. Finally hydraulic and mechanical behaviour cannot be considered separately in swelling materials due to the intimate relationship in their response.

Retrait/gonflement des sols argileux compactés et naturels / Swelling/Shrinkage of compacted and natural clayey soils

Nowamooz, Hossein 19 December 2007 (has links)
On désigne habituellement par retrait-gonflement des sols argileux les variations de volume qu’un massif d’argile peut subir sous l’effet des variations de la pression interstitielle négative (succion) de l’eau, lors d’une humidification ou d’un séchage. L’objectif de ce travail est de compléter les connaissances expérimentales sur le comportement hydromécanique des sols gonflants rencontrés dans les travaux de génie civil, de géotechnique et de géotechnique de l’environnement afin de mieux en tenir compte dans les modèles de calcul. De nombreux travaux ont montré l'intérêt de réaliser des essais œdométriques pour caractériser le potentiel et la cinétique de gonflement des sols. Ils ont révélé également l’influence de l’humidification ou du séchage sur le gonflement ou le retrait, avec des pertes ou des augmentations de rigidité des éprouvettes. En revanche, l’influence de plusieurs cycles de séchage/humidification sur le comportement mécanique n’a été que très rarement analysée. Cette thèse rapporte les résultats d’études expérimentales effectuées à l’œdomètre avec imposition de succion par la méthode osmotique sur des matériaux gonflants compactés lâches et naturels denses. Plusieurs cycles de séchage/humidification ont été appliqués sur ces matériaux sous trois faibles charges mécaniques constantes. Pendant ces cycles, les éprouvettes manifestent un retrait cumulé pour le sol lâche et un gonflement cumulé pour le sol dense. Les résultats montrent que dans les deux cas, les déformations volumiques convergent vers un état d’équilibre où le sol présente un comportement réversible. A la fin des cycles de succion, un cycle de chargement/déchargement a été effectué sous les succions constantes. Les valeurs de la pression de préconsolidation p0(s), de l’indice de compression vierge [lambda(s]] et de l’indice de compression élastique [kappa] dépendent directement des chemins de contrainte suivis. L’ensemble des résultats expérimentaux permet de déterminer les surfaces de charge : la limite de séparation de micro/macro (Lm/M) ; la surface de chargement-effondrement (LC : Loading Collapse du modèle BBM) et la surface de comportement saturé (SCS). La succion limite entre la micro- et la macrostructure (Lm/M) dépend parfaitement de la structure interne et du diamètre qui délimite les deux familles de pores. L’évolution de la pression de préconsolidation en fonction de la succion imposée est présentée par la surface LC. Les courbes de compressibilité sous différentes succions convergent vers la courbe correspondant à l’état saturé sous de fortes contraintes appliquées. La pression à partir de laquelle, le sol continue son chemin sur la courbe du comportement normalement consolidé est appelée la pression de saturation (Psat). Plus la succion imposée est élevée, plus la charge nécessaire pour atteindre cette pression de saturation est importante. La surface SCS présente la variation de la pression de saturation en fonction de la succion imposée. Nous pouvons considérer que les surfaces de charge SCS et LC sont uniques pour les sols denses cependant elles se superposent à la fin des cycles de succion pour les sols lâches. Les cycles hydriques augmentent aussi la limite (Lm/M) entre la micro- et la macrostructure pour les deux sols / We usually define the swelling-shrinkage of the swelling soils by the volume variation of a clayey layer exposed to the negative water pore pressure (suction) variations during the wetting and drying periods. In this research, we try to complete our experimental knowledge on the hydromechanical behaviour of the swelling soils used in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering and geoenvironmental engineering, to better modelize these soils in our numerical calculations. Several authors have used the oedometer tests to characterize the capacity and the process of the soil expansion. They have also studied the influence of the wetting and drying on the soil swelling or shrinkage which can decrease or increase the soil rigidity. However, the influence of several hydraulic cycles on the mechanical behaviour has been rarely studied. This thesis presents an experimental study performed on compacted loose and natural dense expansive soils using osmotic oedometers. Several successive cycles were applied under three different low constant vertical net stresses. The loose soil presents a significant shrinkage accumulation while the dense one produces the swelling accumulation during the suction cycles. The suction cycles induced an equilibrium stage which indicates an elastic behaviour of the samples. At the end of suction cycles, a loading/unloading test was performed at the constant suctions for both materials. The mechanical parameters, i.e. the virgin compression index [lambda(s)], the apparent preconsolidation stress p0(s) and the elastic compression index values [kappa] ?are completely dependent on the followed stress paths. The whole experimental results made it possible to define the yielding surfaces: suction limit between micro and macrostructure (Lm/M), loading collapse (LC) and saturation curve (SCS). The suction limit (Lm/M) depends completely to the soil fabrics and to the diameter separating the micro- and macrostructure. The preconsolidation stress variation with suction is represented by the LC surface. The compression curves at different imposed suctions converge towards the saturated state for the high applied vertical stresses. We consider the saturation pressure (Psat) as the necessary pressure to reach the saturated state for an imposed suction. The higher the suction, the higher the saturation pressure. The yielding surface representing this pressure as a function of suction is called the saturation curve (SCS). Generally we can state that the suction cycles unified the LC and SC surfaces and increased the (Lm/M) up to a higher value

Etude de la variabilité des propriétés physiques et hydrodynamiques d'un sol argileux sous l'effet de conduites en protection intégrée contre les adventices / Study of the variability of physique and hydrodynamique properties of a clayey soil under the effect of Integrated Weed Management in cropping systems

Ugarte Nano, Claudia Carolina 03 March 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes de culture en Protection Intégrée de Cultures contre les adventices (systèmes PIC-adventices) sont d’un grand intérêt pour réduire significativement l’utilisation des herbicides en les substituant par une combinaison complexe de différentes techniques culturales. L’objectif principal de notre travail a été de contribuer au volet environnemental de l’évaluation multicritère des systèmes PIC-adventices mis en place depuis 2000 sur le domaine expérimental de l’INRA à Bretenière (21). La variabilité des propriétés physiques et hydrodynamiques qui interviennent dans le transfert de l’eau dans le sol a été étudiée dans les 5 systèmes de culture présents sur le site (1 système de référence et 4 systèmes PIC-adventices). Le premier volet du travail a consisté à étudier la rétention de l’eau dans la couche du sol travaillée dans les 5 systèmes de culture. La rétention de l’eau a été comparée dans des échantillons de sol dont la structure a été soit « conservée », soit « remaniée » afin d’identifier la part de la variabilité liée aux caractéristiques physiques intrinsèques du sol de celle induite par les pratiques culturales. Les résultats ont montré que le sol du système de culture avec suppression totale des herbicides, associant une teneur élevée en argile, une teneur moyenne en C organique et un travail superficiel intensif, présentait les valeurs les plus élevées de rétention de l’eau dans la couche de sol travaillée. Le second volet a porté sur l’étude de la variabilité de la conductivité hydraulique proche de la saturation, K(h), aux échelles de l’année culturale et du profil du sol. Pour cette étude, 3 systèmes PIC-adventices (système de culture en semis direct et systèmes de culture avec travail du sol modéré à intensif) ont été caractérisés pendant 2 ou 3 années culturales consécutives, en considérant 3 profondeurs de sol incluant la couche du sol travaillée et l’horizon sous-jacent. Les résultats n’ont montré aucune variabilité de K(h) à l’échelle verticale. Par contre, ils ont mis en évidence les effets à long terme des systèmes PIC-adventices sur les valeurs de K(h). Enfin, le dernier volet a étudié la dynamique de l’eau dans le sol de 2 systèmes PIC-adventices contrastés (système avec conduite du sol en semis direct et système sans herbicide avec travail du sol intensif) en suivant une approche d’hydraulique agricole et par le biais de la caractérisation in situ du potentiel matriciel de l’eau dans le sol et de la mesure des quantités d’eau collectée au moyen de lysimètres à mèche. L’approche utilisée a permis la description de la dynamique de l’eau du sol pendant la période de drainage, la validation du fonctionnement des lysimètres à mèche et le calcul de la surface de sol équivalente qui contribuait au transfert de l’eau dans ces dispositifs. Ces premiers résultats prometteurs nécessiteront néanmoins d’être validés au cours de prochaines campagnes de mesure. L’ensemble des résultats recueillis constituent une première évaluation du fonctionnement physique et hydrodynamique du sol des systèmes PIC-adventices présents sur le dispositif expérimental. La base de données constituée permettra ultérieurement la poursuite du travail engagé en modélisant le transfert de l’eau, de solutés, de pesticides ou d’autres polluants dans le sol de ces systèmes PIC-adventices. / Integrated weed management (IWM)-based cropping systems are of great interest due to their significant reduction of herbicide inputs by using a complex combination of agricultural techniques. The main objective of our work was to contribute to the environmental dimension of the multi-criteria evaluation of IWM-based cropping systems which were set up since 2000 on the experimental domain of the National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) to Bretenière (France). The variability of physical and hydrodynamic soil properties involved in the transfer of water through the vadose zone was studied for the 5 cropping systems present on the experimental site (1 reference cropping system and 4 IWM-based cropping systems). The first section of our study consisted in studying the water retention of the tilled soil layers for the 5 cropping systems. Water retention values were compared between undisturbed and repacked soil samples in order to distinguish the part of the variability due to the intrinsic soil properties from the one induced by the agricultural practices. Our results show that the soil from cropping system without any herbicides, associating high clay content, average organic C content and intensive superficial tillage, may increase soil water retention in the tilled soil layer. The second section carried on the study of the annual and vertical variability of the near-saturated hydraulic conductivity, K(h). For this study, 3 IWM-based cropping systems (no-tilled cropping system and moderate to intensive tilled cropping systems) were characterized during 2 or 3 consecutive years and considering 3 depths including the soil tilled layer and the underlying no-tilled layer. The results showed no vertical variability of K(h). However, they highlighted the long-term effect of IWM-based cropping systems on K(h). Finally, the third section studied the soil water dynamics of 2 contrasted IWM-based cropping systems (no-tilled and zero herbicide cropping systems with intensive tillage) by using ,a hydraulic agricultural approach and by the means of the in situ characterization of soil matric potential and the measure of the amounts of water collected with wick lysimeters. This approach allowed the description of the water dynamics during the drainage season, the validation of the wick lysimeters functioning and the calculation of the surface contributing to water flows collected by the wick lysimeters. These promising results will need to be validated during forthcoming campaigns of measurement. All data collected provided constitute a first evaluation of the soil physical and hydraulic functioning of IWM-based cropping systems present on the experimental site. The established database will allow later the pursuit of work by modeling the water transfer and the transport of solutes, pesticides or other pollutants through the vadose zone of these IWM-based cropping systems.

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