Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soil fabric"" "subject:"oil fabric""
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Effect of compaction pressure on consolidation behaviour of unsaturated silty soilEstabragh, A.R., Javadi, Akbar A., Boot, John C. January 2004 (has links)
Yes / The effect of compaction pressure on subsequent soil behaviour during isotropic consolidation has been investigated
by conducting controlled-suction triaxial tests on samples of an unsaturated compacted silty soil. A comprehensive
set of laboratory experiments was carried out in a double-walled triaxial apparatus on samples of unsaturated
soil that were prepared using two different compaction pressures. The axis translation technique was used for creating
the desired suctions in the samples. In the experiments, the soil samples were subjected to isotropic consolidation under
constant suctions. The results show that different compaction pressures produce different fabrics in a soil and therefore
affect the behaviour of the soil. The results also show that the value of yield stress and the location of the
loading¿collapse (LC) yield curve are functions of soil fabric. Furthermore, it is shown that the slopes of normal consolidation
lines for densely and loosely compacted samples differ in unsaturated conditions but are the same in saturated
soils. A comparison is made between the behaviour of the dense and loose samples, and the difference in the
behaviour is explained.
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Retrait/gonflement des sols argileux compactés et naturels / Swelling/Shrinkage of compacted and natural clayey soilsNowamooz, Hossein 19 December 2007 (has links)
On désigne habituellement par retrait-gonflement des sols argileux les variations de volume qu’un massif d’argile peut subir sous l’effet des variations de la pression interstitielle négative (succion) de l’eau, lors d’une humidification ou d’un séchage. L’objectif de ce travail est de compléter les connaissances expérimentales sur le comportement hydromécanique des sols gonflants rencontrés dans les travaux de génie civil, de géotechnique et de géotechnique de l’environnement afin de mieux en tenir compte dans les modèles de calcul. De nombreux travaux ont montré l'intérêt de réaliser des essais œdométriques pour caractériser le potentiel et la cinétique de gonflement des sols. Ils ont révélé également l’influence de l’humidification ou du séchage sur le gonflement ou le retrait, avec des pertes ou des augmentations de rigidité des éprouvettes. En revanche, l’influence de plusieurs cycles de séchage/humidification sur le comportement mécanique n’a été que très rarement analysée. Cette thèse rapporte les résultats d’études expérimentales effectuées à l’œdomètre avec imposition de succion par la méthode osmotique sur des matériaux gonflants compactés lâches et naturels denses. Plusieurs cycles de séchage/humidification ont été appliqués sur ces matériaux sous trois faibles charges mécaniques constantes. Pendant ces cycles, les éprouvettes manifestent un retrait cumulé pour le sol lâche et un gonflement cumulé pour le sol dense. Les résultats montrent que dans les deux cas, les déformations volumiques convergent vers un état d’équilibre où le sol présente un comportement réversible. A la fin des cycles de succion, un cycle de chargement/déchargement a été effectué sous les succions constantes. Les valeurs de la pression de préconsolidation p0(s), de l’indice de compression vierge [lambda(s]] et de l’indice de compression élastique [kappa] dépendent directement des chemins de contrainte suivis. L’ensemble des résultats expérimentaux permet de déterminer les surfaces de charge : la limite de séparation de micro/macro (Lm/M) ; la surface de chargement-effondrement (LC : Loading Collapse du modèle BBM) et la surface de comportement saturé (SCS). La succion limite entre la micro- et la macrostructure (Lm/M) dépend parfaitement de la structure interne et du diamètre qui délimite les deux familles de pores. L’évolution de la pression de préconsolidation en fonction de la succion imposée est présentée par la surface LC. Les courbes de compressibilité sous différentes succions convergent vers la courbe correspondant à l’état saturé sous de fortes contraintes appliquées. La pression à partir de laquelle, le sol continue son chemin sur la courbe du comportement normalement consolidé est appelée la pression de saturation (Psat). Plus la succion imposée est élevée, plus la charge nécessaire pour atteindre cette pression de saturation est importante. La surface SCS présente la variation de la pression de saturation en fonction de la succion imposée. Nous pouvons considérer que les surfaces de charge SCS et LC sont uniques pour les sols denses cependant elles se superposent à la fin des cycles de succion pour les sols lâches. Les cycles hydriques augmentent aussi la limite (Lm/M) entre la micro- et la macrostructure pour les deux sols / We usually define the swelling-shrinkage of the swelling soils by the volume variation of a clayey layer exposed to the negative water pore pressure (suction) variations during the wetting and drying periods. In this research, we try to complete our experimental knowledge on the hydromechanical behaviour of the swelling soils used in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering and geoenvironmental engineering, to better modelize these soils in our numerical calculations. Several authors have used the oedometer tests to characterize the capacity and the process of the soil expansion. They have also studied the influence of the wetting and drying on the soil swelling or shrinkage which can decrease or increase the soil rigidity. However, the influence of several hydraulic cycles on the mechanical behaviour has been rarely studied. This thesis presents an experimental study performed on compacted loose and natural dense expansive soils using osmotic oedometers. Several successive cycles were applied under three different low constant vertical net stresses. The loose soil presents a significant shrinkage accumulation while the dense one produces the swelling accumulation during the suction cycles. The suction cycles induced an equilibrium stage which indicates an elastic behaviour of the samples. At the end of suction cycles, a loading/unloading test was performed at the constant suctions for both materials. The mechanical parameters, i.e. the virgin compression index [lambda(s)], the apparent preconsolidation stress p0(s) and the elastic compression index values [kappa] ?are completely dependent on the followed stress paths. The whole experimental results made it possible to define the yielding surfaces: suction limit between micro and macrostructure (Lm/M), loading collapse (LC) and saturation curve (SCS). The suction limit (Lm/M) depends completely to the soil fabrics and to the diameter separating the micro- and macrostructure. The preconsolidation stress variation with suction is represented by the LC surface. The compression curves at different imposed suctions converge towards the saturated state for the high applied vertical stresses. We consider the saturation pressure (Psat) as the necessary pressure to reach the saturated state for an imposed suction. The higher the suction, the higher the saturation pressure. The yielding surface representing this pressure as a function of suction is called the saturation curve (SCS). Generally we can state that the suction cycles unified the LC and SC surfaces and increased the (Lm/M) up to a higher value
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Some Impacts of Septic Effluent On Hydromorphic SoilsCampbell, James Alfred 06 1900 (has links)
<p> Measurements of soil atmosphere, soil physical parameters, coliform levels and ionic levels were made at 15 soil sites along Ancaster and Grindstone Creeks in winter, 1972-73 and July, 1973. Multivariate analysis of the data indicated large fluxes of septic effluent resulted in soil fabric alterations, anaerobosis, and elevated coliform, nitrate, chloride and sodium levels. According to ecological and health criteria, these hydromorphic soils have very serious limitations as processors and absorbers of septic effluent. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Granular Materials for Transport Infrastructures : Mechanical performance of coarse–fine mixtures for unbound layers through DEM analysisde Frias Lopez, Ricardo January 2016 (has links)
Granular materials are widely used as unbound layers within the infrastructure system playing a significant role on performance and maintenance. However, fields like pavement and railway engineering still heavily rely on empirically-based models owing to the complex behaviour of these materials, which partly stems from their discrete nature. In this sense, the discrete element method (DEM) presents a numerical alternative to study the behaviour of discrete systems with explicit consideration of the processes at particulate level governing the macroscopic response. This thesis aims at providing micromechanical insight into the effect of different particle sizes on the load-bearing structure of granular materials and its influence on the resilient modulus and permanent deformation response, both of which are greatly influenced by the stress level. In order to accomplish this, binary mixtures of elastic spheres under axisymmetric stress are studied using DEM as the simplest expression for gap-graded materials, which in turn also can be seen as a simplification of more complex mixtures. First, the effect of the fines content on the force transmission at contact level was studied. Results were used to define a soil fabric classification system where the roles of the coarse and fine fractions were defined and quantified in terms of force transmission. A behavioural correspondence between numerical mixtures and granular materials was established, where the mixtures were able to reproduce some of the most significant features regarding the resilient modulus and permanent strain dependency on stress level for granular materials. A good correlation between soil fabric and performance was also found. Generally, higher resilient modulus and lower deformation values were observed for interactive fabrics, whereas the opposite held for instable fabrics. Mixtures of elastic spheres are far from granular materials, where numerous additional factors should be considered. Nevertheless, it is the author’s belief that this work provides insight into the soil fabric structure and its effect on the macroscopic response of granular materials. / Grus i form av krossat bergmaterial används i stor utsträckning som obundna bär- och förstärkningslager inom tranportinfrastrukturen och spelar där en viktig roll för verkningsätt, drift och underhåll. Det finns emellertid begränsad kunskap om de fundamentala mekanismerna på partikelnivå (d.v.s. enskilda gruskorn), mekanismer som styr det makromekaniska verkningssättet. Områden såsom väg- och järnvägsbyggnad bygger fortfarande väsentligen på empiriskta baserade modeller p.g.a. dessa materials komplexa uppträdande under belastning. Denna komplexitet beror delvis på den diskreta naturen hos problemet vilket innebär att traditionell matematisk modellering som vore materialen homogena och kontinuerliga, blir inadekvat. Mot denna bakgrund utgör den s.k. diskreta elementmetoden (DEM) ett numeriskt alternativ för att studera verkningssätt hos diskreta system där man explicit beaktar mekanismerna på partikelnivå. Denna avhandling, som baseras på tre vetenskapliga bidrag, syftar till att ge mikromekaniska insikter vad gäller effekten av olika partikelstorlekar på bärförmågan hos grusmateral och dess inverkan på styvhet och motstånd mot permanenta deformationer. Båda dessa parametrar påverkas kraftigt av spänningsnivån och kan studeras genom triaxialförsök. För att undersöka detta studerades med hjälp av DEM binära blandningar av elastiska kulor – den enklaste modellen av grusmaterial med språng i fördelningskurvan – som utsattes för axialsymmetrisk belastning. Denna modell kan i sin tur ses som en förenkling av mer komplexa blandningar. Inledningsvis studerades effekten av finpartikelinnehållet på partikelkontakternas kraftöverföring. Resultaten användes för att klassificera olika typer av skelettstrukturer i grusmaterialet där den finare och den grövre fraktionens roller kvantifierades med utgångspunkt från kraftöverföringen i stället för från det makromekaniska verkningssättet. Resultaten visade en korrelation vad gäller verkningssättet mellan numeriska blandningar och grusmaterial, där de numeriska blandningarna kunde reproducera några av grusmaterials viktigaste kännetecken vad gäller spänningsberoendet för styvheten vid avlastning och motståndet mot permanent deformation. Vidare visades att styvheten kunde bestämmas ur första belastningscykeln vilket underlättar att övervinna de begränsningar avseende beräkningstid som annars förknippas med DEM. God överensstämmelse mellan grusmaterialets skelettstruktur och verkningssätt kunde också observeras. Generellt observerades högre styvhet och mindre permanenta deformationer för interaktiva skelettstrukturer medan det motsatta gällde för instabila strukturer. Numeriska blandningar av elastiska kulor är långt från verkliga grusmaterial, för vilka ett stort antal ytterligare faktorer måste beaktas. Icke desto mindre är det författarens övertygelse att detta arbete ger insikter i grusmaterialets skelettstruktur och dess effekter på det makromekaniska verkningssättet hos grusmaterial. / <p>QC 20161116</p>
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Validation and application of advanced soil constitutive models in numerical modelling of soil and soil-structure interaction under seismic loadingKowalczyk, Piotr Jozef 23 September 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents validation and application of advanced soil constitutive models in cases of seismic loading conditions.
Firstly, results of three advanced soil constitutive models are compared with examples of shear stack experimental data for free field response in dry sand for shear and compression wave propagation. Higher harmonic generation in acceleration records, observed in experimental works, is shown to be possibly the result of soil nonlinearity and fast elastic unloading waves. This finding is shown to have high importance on structural response, real earthquake records and reliability of conventionally employed numerical tools. Finally, short study of free field response in saturated soil reveals similar findings on higher harmonic generation.
Secondly, two advanced soil constitutive models are used, and their performance is assessed based on examples of experimental data on piles in dry sand in order to validate the ability of the constitutive models to simulate seismic soil-structure interaction. The validation includes various experimental configurations and input motions. The discussion on the results focuses on constitutive and numerical modelling aspects. Some improvements in the formulations of the models are suggested based on the detailed investigation.
Finally, the application of one of the advanced soil constitutive models is shown in regard to temporary natural frequency wandering observed in structures subjected to earthquakes. Results show that pore pressure generated during seismic events causes changes in soil stiffness, thus affecting the natural frequency of the structure during and just after the seismic event. Parametric studies present how soil permeability, soil density, input motion or a type of structure may affect the structural natural frequency and time for its return to the initial value. In addition, a time history with an aftershock is analysed to investigate the difference in structural response during the earthquake and the aftershock.
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