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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electrodermal activity and sympathetic arousal during collaborative learning

Pijeira Díaz, H. J. (Héctor Javier) 23 April 2019 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation investigates high school students’ individual and interpersonal physiology of electrodermal activity (EDA) during collaborative learning in naturalistic settings. EDA is an index of sympathetic arousal, which is concomitant with cognitive and affective processes. Two data collections were organized with students working collaboratively in triads. The first one took place during the performance of a science task, and the second during two runs of a six-week advanced physics course. The data collected included EDA (measured unobtrusively using Empatica® E3 and E4 wristbands), performance measures (pre- and post-tests, task solutions, and course exam), and questionnaires on cognitive, affective, and collaborative aspects of learning. The work was reported in three articles. The results indicate that, on average, students spent more than half (60%) of the class at a low arousal level, possibly signaling relaxation, disengagement, or boredom. Most of the time (≈60–95% of the lesson), triad members were at a different arousal level, which might indicate that students took turns (alternating task-doers) in executing the task or applied some division of labor rather than truly collaborating. In terms of achievement, sympathetic arousal during the exam was a predictor of the exam grades, and pairwise directional agreement of EDA was positively and highly correlated to the dual learning gain. Arousal contagion could have occurred in up to 41% of the high arousal intervals found. The possible arousal contagion cases took place mostly on a 1:1 basis (71.3%), indicating that interactions in a collaborative learning triad seem to occur mainly between two members rather than among the three. The findings provide an ecologically-valid picture of the students’ EDA responses in the classroom, both individually and collaboratively, benefiting from the connection of arousal to cognitive and affective processes to increase the saliency of otherwise elusive phenomena. Methodologically, the study contributes to the exploration and exploitation of psychophysiological approaches for collaborative learning research. On a practical level, it provides physiological indices that could be incorporated into learning analytics dashboards to support students’ awareness and reflection, and teachers’ pedagogical practices. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan elektrodermaalista aktiivisuutta (EDA) ja tästä johdettua sympaattista vireystilaa ja fysiologisia indeksejä, samanaikaisesti yksilöiden ja yksilöiden välisten kognitiivisten ja affektiivisten prosessien kanssa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteista, joissa oppilaat työskentelivät kolmen hengen ryhmissä. Ensimmäinen osa aineistosta kerättiin oppilaiden suorittaessa luonnontieteiden alan tehtävää ja toinen kahden fysiikan syventävän kurssin aikana. Aineistoon sisältyi EDA (Empatica® E3- ja E4-rannekkeista), oppimisen mittaukset (alku- ja lopputestit, tehtävien ratkaisut ja kurssikokeet) sekä kyselylomakkeet oppimisen kognitiivisista, affektiivisista ja yhteisöllisen työskentelyn näkökulmista. Tutkimus on raportoitu kolmessa artikkelissa. Tulokset osoittavat, että opiskelijoiden sympaattisen hermoston vireystila oli keskimäärin yli puolet (60 %) luokkatyöskentelystä alhainen, mikä viittaa mahdolliseen rentoutumiseen, osallistumisen puutteeseen tai tylsistymiseen. Ryhmänjäsenet olivat suurimman osan ajasta (≈60-95 %) eri vireystilan tasoilla, mikä voi tarkoittaa, että he suorittivat tehtävää vuorotellen (tehtävän suorittajaa vaihdellen) tai jonkinlaista työnjakoa käyttäen, yhteisöllisen työskentelyn sijaan. Sympaattinen vireystila kurssikokeessa ennusti kokeen arvosanoja. Lisäksi oppilasparien EDA:n samansuuntaisuus korreloi vahvasti oppimistulosten kanssa. Yksilöiden välillä tapahtuvaa sympaattisen vireystilan ”tarttumista” on voinut esiintyä jopa 41 prosentissa todetuista korkean vireystilan intervalleista. Mahdolliset ”tarttumiset” ilmenivät enimmäkseen (71,3%) 1:1 suhteessa, mikä viittaa siihen, että vuorovaikutus yhteisöllisessä oppimisessa näyttäisi tapahtuvan pääasiassa kahden yksilön välillä kaikkien kolmen sijaan. Tulokset tarjoavat ekologisesti validin kuvan opiskelijoiden EDA-reaktioista luokkahuoneessa sekä yksilöllisesti että yhteisöllisesti tarkasteltuna, selventäen samalla kuvaa sympaattisen vireystilan yhteydestä kognitiivisiin ja affektiivisiin prosesseihin. Menetelmällisesti tutkimus kartoittaa psykofysiologisen lähestymistavan mahdollisuuksia yhteisöllisen oppimisen tutkimuksessa. Se esittelee fysiologisia indeksejä, jotka voitaisiin visualisoida oppimisen analytiikan sovelluksissa opiskelijoiden tietoisuuden ja reflektion sekä opettajien pedagogisten käytäntöjen tukemiseksi.

Enhanced Sympathetic Arousal in Response to fMRI Scanning Correlates with Task Induced Activations and Deactivations

Mühlhan, Markus, Lüken, Ulrike, Siegert, Jens, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Smolka, Michael N., Kirschbaum, Clemens 22 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
It has been repeatedly shown that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) triggers distress and neuroendocrine response systems. Prior studies have revealed that sympathetic arousal increases, particularly at the beginning of the examination. Against this background it appears likely that those stress reactions during the scanning procedure may influence task performance and neural correlates. However, the question how sympathetic arousal elicited by the scanning procedure itself may act as a potential confounder of fMRI data remains unresolved today. Thirty-seven scanner naive healthy subjects performed a simple cued target detection task. Levels of salivary alpha amylase (sAA), as a biomarker for sympathetic activity, were assessed in samples obtained at several time points during the lab visit. SAA increased two times, immediately prior to scanning and at the end of the scanning procedure. Neural activation related to motor preparation and timing as well as task performance was positively correlated with the first increase. Furthermore, the first sAA increase was associated with task induced deactivation (TID) in frontal and parietal regions. However, these effects were restricted to the first part of the experiment. Consequently, this bias of scanner related sympathetic activation should be considered in future fMRI investigations. It is of particular importance for pharmacological investigations studying adrenergic agents and the comparison of groups with different stress vulnerabilities like patients and controls or adolescents and adults.

Enhanced Sympathetic Arousal in Response to fMRI Scanning Correlates with Task Induced Activations and Deactivations

Mühlhan, Markus, Lüken, Ulrike, Siegert, Jens, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Smolka, Michael N., Kirschbaum, Clemens 22 January 2014 (has links)
It has been repeatedly shown that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) triggers distress and neuroendocrine response systems. Prior studies have revealed that sympathetic arousal increases, particularly at the beginning of the examination. Against this background it appears likely that those stress reactions during the scanning procedure may influence task performance and neural correlates. However, the question how sympathetic arousal elicited by the scanning procedure itself may act as a potential confounder of fMRI data remains unresolved today. Thirty-seven scanner naive healthy subjects performed a simple cued target detection task. Levels of salivary alpha amylase (sAA), as a biomarker for sympathetic activity, were assessed in samples obtained at several time points during the lab visit. SAA increased two times, immediately prior to scanning and at the end of the scanning procedure. Neural activation related to motor preparation and timing as well as task performance was positively correlated with the first increase. Furthermore, the first sAA increase was associated with task induced deactivation (TID) in frontal and parietal regions. However, these effects were restricted to the first part of the experiment. Consequently, this bias of scanner related sympathetic activation should be considered in future fMRI investigations. It is of particular importance for pharmacological investigations studying adrenergic agents and the comparison of groups with different stress vulnerabilities like patients and controls or adolescents and adults.

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