Spelling suggestions: "subject:"syntactic""
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The role of the Ruah YHWH in creative transformation : a process theology perspective applied to Judges 14Alfani, Roger Bantea 11 1900 (has links)
La Ruah YHWH joue un rôle important dans la transformation créative de l’univers et des entités actuelles; cependant, une réflexion concernant les modalités de ce rôle reste à développer. La théologie processuelle offre une plateforme à partir de laquelle sont examinées diverses facettes des rôles que peut jouer la Ruah YHWH dans un monde où le chaos semble dominer. L’objectif de ce mémoire est justement d’explorer la Ruah YHWH dans son rôle de transformation créative au service, ultimement de l’ordre, de la paix et de l’harmonie dans le monde, les communautés, la vie des entités actuelles, etc.
Le Chapitre 1 passe en revue des notions clés de la théologie processuelle. Le concept des “entités actuelles” est d’abord défini. Sont ensuite examinées les différentes phases du devenir d’une entité actuelle. Finalement, les concepts de “créativité” et de “transformation”, dans une perspective de la Ruah YHWH font l’objet d’observations attentives avant d’aborder « trois natures » de Dieu, à savoir primordiale, conséquente, et superjective. Le Chapitre 2 s’intéresse à la péricope centrale de ce mémoire : Juges 13:24-14:20. Le découpage de la structure de cette péricope est basé sur des critères de critique textuelle et d’analyse syntaxique. La première analyse s’attarde aux difficultés que le texte hébreu présente, alors que la deuxième met l’accent sur l’organisation structurelle des propositions grammaticales des versets. Les deux analyses me permettent ensuite de proposer une traduction du péricope. Le Chapitre 3 se veut une application de ce qui a été élaboré au Chapitre 1 sur la péricope analysée au Chapitre 2. Ce troisième chapitre permet de mettre en pratique une approche processuelle originale développée par Robert David dans son livre Déli_l’ ÉCRITURE. Dans la foulée des chapitres qui le précèdent, le Chapitre 4 propose quelques principes herméneutiques contemporains pouvant éclairer le rôle de la Ruah YHWH dans l’avancée créative du monde : vie, amour, et paix. / The Ruah YHWH plays a key role in the creative transformation of both the universe and actual entities; however, that role has still to be developed. Process theology, of which I shall endeavour to define some important notions in Chapter 1, offers a platform I shall attempt to build upon in order to examine such an important role in a chaotic world. The aim of this dissertation is to explore the Ruah YHWH in Her role of creative transformation, which I argue to ultimately be that of bringing order, peace, and harmony in the world, communities, the life of actual entities, etc.
Chapter 1 is an overview of some key notions of process theology: first, the concept of “actual entities” is defined. Secondly, I examine the phases of concrescence in the becoming of an actual entity. And finally, I look at the concepts of creativity and transformation in the perspective of the Ruah YHWH prior to examining the “three natures” of God, primordial, consequent, and superjective.
Chapter 2 defines the pericope of this dissertation: Judges 13:24-14:20. The structure of the pericope is based upon the methods of textual criticism and syntactical analysis. While the first examination deals with some difficulties the original Hebrew text presents, the second deals with the structural organization of the verses grammatical propositions. The two examinations allow me to propose a translation of the pericope.
Chapter 3 is an application of what was laid out in Chapter 1 on the pericope established in Chapter 2. In the course of the third chapter, I employ an innovative (original) processual approach developed by Robert David in his recent book Déli_ l’ÉCRITURE. Then, Chapter 4 proposes, out of the preceding chapters, some contemporary hermeneutical principles which enlighten the role of the Ruah YHWH in the creative transformation of the world: life, love, and peace.
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Pravopisná cvičení v didaktice ČJ na 2. stupni / Ortoghraphical exercises in the didactics of Czech language in the second gradeBEČKOVÁ, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyses various kinds of the orthographical exercises in the second grade of the primary school. The dissertation focuses on the question of orthography in the theoretical part, after that it focuses on a short view of orthography in the Czech history or its division into lexical, morphological and syntactical orthography. We find here a short description of the orthography and a view of orthographical's effects in the teaching of Czech language in the primary school or meeting with orthographical guides. The goal of the practical part of this dissertation is a deeper typological description of these exercises, we will primarily focus on examples of rewriting, orthographical analysis, refilling and alternating exercises and dictations.
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Se penso, é porque existo: as construções correlativas com \'se...verbo ser + porque\' sob uma perspectiva funcionalista / If I think, it is because I exist: correlative constructions with if verb to be + because in Brazilian Portuguese according to a functionalist approach to languageRenata Margarido 29 September 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese, objetiva-se investigar o funcionamento sintático, semântico e pragmático das construções com se... verbo ser + porque sob uma perspectiva da teoria funcionalista da linguagem. Utilizam-se os postulados de Dik (1989), que propõe um modelo de interação verbal, segundo o qual, na construção dos enunciados linguísticos, o falante antecipa uma possível interpretação do ouvinte e este reconstrói a intenção comunicativa do falante. Assim, na análise dos enunciados, os fatores sintático e semântico são conjugados ao componente pragmático. Baseia-se, ainda, nas considerações de Taylor (2003) e Rosch (2004), que defendem que as fronteiras de uma categoria são flexíveis; tal ideia conduz à questão da fluidez semântica, presente na construção com se... ser porque. Em relação à metodologia, para a exemplificação da construção em estudo na parte teórica, usam-se textos jornalísticos contemporâneos de diversificados gêneros discursivos; para a análise semântica e pragmática, utilizam-se entrevistas jornalísticas (contemporâneas), pois estas trazem natureza interativa, compatível com a construção em pauta; para o exame da formação da estrutura com se... ser porque, adota-se, especialmente, o Corpus do Português, visto que esse material permite a visualização de dados em uma diacronia. No que concerne à natureza sintática das construções com se... ser porque, verifica-se que: i) elas constituem uma correlação entre duas hipotaxes; ii) elas são construções híbridas, e as orações condicional e causal não possuem oração matriz explícita. No que tange à questão semântica, aliada ao componente pragmático, observa-se que: i) a oração com se pode ser factual, demonstrando, por exemplo, concordância do locutor em relação à avaliação feita pelo interlocutor; ii) a oração com se pode ser hipotética, sentido que, na estrutura com se... ser porque, é compatível com a expressão da habitualidade, com a presença do matiz temporal; iii) há, muitas vezes, fluidez semântica em se... ser porque, com a manifestação dos valores de causa e de conclusão; iv) a leitura causal não se limita a uma relação entre causa e consequência, pois há casos em que se manifesta uma conexão entre motivação e ação; v) são expressos dois tipos de conclusão, a dedução e a abdução; e a determinação do tipo de conclusão envolve certa subjetividade, não se restringindo, assim, a uma questão lógica. Em relação à organização discursiva, constata-se que: i) a oração condicional atua como tópico, trazendo resumo, paráfrase, contraste ou exemplificação; ii) o verbo ser atua como focalizador, tomando como escopo a segunda oração da correlação e explicitando, muitas vezes, informação nova; iii) a oração com ser porque é utilizada para anular outras inferências possíveis, e o segmento focalizado indica, entre outros aspectos, informação solicitada pelo interlocutor, negação de ideia exposta anteriormente, confirmação. A partir dos resultados obtidos, é possível questionar conceitos tradicionalmente estabelecidos, como a atribuição apenas do sentido de hipótese à oração condicional e somente do valor semântico de causa à oração causal. Além disso, esta tese tem como objeto de estudo uma construção ainda pouco investigada em pesquisas linguísticas, podendo, assim, oferecer subsídios para novas reflexões sobre a estrutura com se... ser porque. / This research investigates the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic operation of constructions with \"if... verb to be + because\" under the perspective of the functionalist theory of language. The Dik\'s (1989) postulates are used. They propose a verbal interaction model, according to which, in the construction of linguistic utterances, the speaker anticipates a possible interpretation of the listener, who reconstructs the communicative intention of the speaker. Thus, in the analysis of the utterances, the syntactic and semantic factors are conjugated to the pragmatic component. It is also based on considerations of Taylor (2003) and Rosch (2004), who advocate that the boundaries of a category are flexible; such idea leads to the question of semantic fluidity, present in the construction with if... be because. Regarding the methodology for exemplification of the construction under study in theoretical part, contemporary journalistic texts of diverse genres are used; for semantic and pragmatic analysis, contemporary journalistic interviews are used, as these bring interactive nature, compatible with the construction in question; for examination of the formation of the structure if... be because, the \"Corpus of Portuguese \" is embraced, specially, as this material allows the visualization of data in a diachrony. Regarding the syntactic nature of constructions with if... be because, it can be noticed that: i) they constitute a correlation between two hypotaxis constructions; ii) they are hybrid constructions, and conditional and causal clauses have no matrix clause. Regarding the semantic issue, allied to pragmatic component, it is observed that: i) clauses with if may be factual, showing, for example, agreement of the speaker in relation to the assessment made by the interlocutor; ii) clauses with if may be hypothetical, a meaning that in the structure if... be because is compatible with the habitual expression, with presence of temporal nuance; iii) quite often, there is semantic fluidity in if... be because, due to manifestation of cause and conclusion values; iv) causal reading is not limited to a relation between cause and consequence, as there are cases in which a connection between motivation and action is manifested; v) two types of conclusion are expressed, deduction and abduction; and determining the type of conclusion involves some subjectivity, thus, it is not restricted to a logical issue. Regarding the discursive organization, it is confirmed that: i) conditional clauses act as a topic, bringing summary, paraphrase, contrast or exemplification; ii) the verb to be acts as a focusing event, taking the second correlation sentence as a scope and, quite often, clarifying new information; iii) clauses with be because are used to nullify other possible inferences, and the focused segment indicates, among other aspects, information requested by the interlocutor, denial of previously exposed idea, and confirmation. From the results obtained, it is possible to enquire traditionally established concepts, as the assignment of only hypothesis sense to conditional clauses and of only the cause semantic value to causal clauses. Moreover, this thesis has as object of study a construction still poorly investigated in linguistic research, thus, it can offer subsidies to new reflection about the structure if... be because.
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The role of the Ruah YHWH in creative transformation : a process theology perspective applied to Judges 14Alfani Bantea, Roger 11 1900 (has links)
La Ruah YHWH joue un rôle important dans la transformation créative de l’univers et des entités actuelles; cependant, une réflexion concernant les modalités de ce rôle reste à développer. La théologie processuelle offre une plateforme à partir de laquelle sont examinées diverses facettes des rôles que peut jouer la Ruah YHWH dans un monde où le chaos semble dominer. L’objectif de ce mémoire est justement d’explorer la Ruah YHWH dans son rôle de transformation créative au service, ultimement de l’ordre, de la paix et de l’harmonie dans le monde, les communautés, la vie des entités actuelles, etc.
Le Chapitre 1 passe en revue des notions clés de la théologie processuelle. Le concept des “entités actuelles” est d’abord défini. Sont ensuite examinées les différentes phases du devenir d’une entité actuelle. Finalement, les concepts de “créativité” et de “transformation”, dans une perspective de la Ruah YHWH font l’objet d’observations attentives avant d’aborder « trois natures » de Dieu, à savoir primordiale, conséquente, et superjective. Le Chapitre 2 s’intéresse à la péricope centrale de ce mémoire : Juges 13:24-14:20. Le découpage de la structure de cette péricope est basé sur des critères de critique textuelle et d’analyse syntaxique. La première analyse s’attarde aux difficultés que le texte hébreu présente, alors que la deuxième met l’accent sur l’organisation structurelle des propositions grammaticales des versets. Les deux analyses me permettent ensuite de proposer une traduction du péricope. Le Chapitre 3 se veut une application de ce qui a été élaboré au Chapitre 1 sur la péricope analysée au Chapitre 2. Ce troisième chapitre permet de mettre en pratique une approche processuelle originale développée par Robert David dans son livre Déli_l’ ÉCRITURE. Dans la foulée des chapitres qui le précèdent, le Chapitre 4 propose quelques principes herméneutiques contemporains pouvant éclairer le rôle de la Ruah YHWH dans l’avancée créative du monde : vie, amour, et paix. / The Ruah YHWH plays a key role in the creative transformation of both the universe and actual entities; however, that role has still to be developed. Process theology, of which I shall endeavour to define some important notions in Chapter 1, offers a platform I shall attempt to build upon in order to examine such an important role in a chaotic world. The aim of this dissertation is to explore the Ruah YHWH in Her role of creative transformation, which I argue to ultimately be that of bringing order, peace, and harmony in the world, communities, the life of actual entities, etc.
Chapter 1 is an overview of some key notions of process theology: first, the concept of “actual entities” is defined. Secondly, I examine the phases of concrescence in the becoming of an actual entity. And finally, I look at the concepts of creativity and transformation in the perspective of the Ruah YHWH prior to examining the “three natures” of God, primordial, consequent, and superjective.
Chapter 2 defines the pericope of this dissertation: Judges 13:24-14:20. The structure of the pericope is based upon the methods of textual criticism and syntactical analysis. While the first examination deals with some difficulties the original Hebrew text presents, the second deals with the structural organization of the verses grammatical propositions. The two examinations allow me to propose a translation of the pericope.
Chapter 3 is an application of what was laid out in Chapter 1 on the pericope established in Chapter 2. In the course of the third chapter, I employ an innovative (original) processual approach developed by Robert David in his recent book Déli_ l’ÉCRITURE. Then, Chapter 4 proposes, out of the preceding chapters, some contemporary hermeneutical principles which enlighten the role of the Ruah YHWH in the creative transformation of the world: life, love, and peace.
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Prostředky třetí syntaktické roviny v češtině a v angličtině: české výrazy s postfixem "-pak" a jejich anglické překladové protějšky / Components of the third syntactical plan in Czech and in English: Czech expressions with the postfix "-pak" and their English translation counterpartsŠebestová, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The present diploma thesis examines the English translation equivalents of Czech expressions containing the postfix -pak. This postfix occurs in pronouns, pronominal adverbs, particles and interjections. It is employed as an element of the 'third syntactical plan' (Poldauf, 1963), i.e. the repertory of linguistic means which relate an utterance to the individual, expressing his concern with the content of an utterance, his stance towards its content or form. The thesis identifies and describes the English means equivalent to the postfix and uses them as markers of individual discourse functions fulfilled by the -pak expressions, thereby specifying the description of these Czech expressions. Attention is also given to the conversion of -pak expressions as well as their occurrence in idiomatic constructions. The major functions include expressing epistemic modality, voicing appeal, establishing/maintaining contact, and emotional expressivity.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In accordance with the theoretical assumptions of the Semantics of the Event (Guimarães, 2005), this study aims to analyze the enunciative operation in the organizational plan of utterances produced by exchange students of Portuguese courses for Foreigners offered by Entrelínguas, searching for the effects of meaning produced by syntactic arrangements from the written production of these learners.Specifically, we aimed to analyze the effects of some less frequent constructions, from the point of view of Brazilian Portuguese speaker, for the inclusion of the subject in collectivity, in the constitution of the senses of langue - Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese -, releasing a look at the semantic-syntactical function of enunciative cuttings. To do so, first, we selected ten (10) productions of ten (10) students, cutting the utterances that reveal the inclusion of the subject in the collectivity. Subsequently, we divided the utterances into two groups that represent two distinct syntactic organizations.And finally, we have built a comparative table in relation to syntactic aspects of both languages - Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese referring: to the apparent discrepancy between the third person plural and the first person plural and the use of first person plural in the place of first person singular, in order to proceed the analysis: descriptive (the plan of saying) and enunciative (the plan of said).In the descriptive analysis, we performed acceptance tests (Guimarães, 2002a) - considering the standard of Brazilian Portuguese. In the enunciative analysis, we conducted our study from two enunciative scenes that reveal different ways of including the subject in collectivity, mobilizing the categories of locutor and enunciator diffused by Guimarães (2005). The results showed that, in terms of forms of langue, such formulations may be considered "mistakes" by the learner, given that the descriptive analysis shows that the syntactic arrangements are at least less frequent in Brazilian Portuguese.In the enunciative plan one can see the subject being signified by that division between langue. This division is the place of resistance in the langue. This place of resistance is what will mark the political position of this subject in the langage as it is marked in the langue by the form (we) and the way it organizes its enunciation (syntax). With it we could demonstrate that the internal organization of utterances is constituted as a mark in the langue that, in turn, will reveal the subjectivity and produce senses. / De acordo com os pressupostos teóricos da Semântica do Acontecimento (GUIMARÃES, 2005), o presente estudo objetiva analisar o funcionamento enunciativo no plano da organização dos enunciados produzidos por alunos intercambistas dos cursos de Português para Estrangeiros oferecidos pelo Entrelínguas, buscando analisar os efeitos de sentido produzidos pelos arranjos sintáticos provenientes das produções escritas desses aprendizes. Em específico, objetivamos analisar os efeitos de construções pouco recorrentes, do ponto de vista do falante de Português Brasileiro (PB), relativas à inclusão do sujeito na coletividade, na constituição dos sentidos das línguas Espanhol e Português Brasileiro -, lançando um olhar voltado ao funcionamento semântico-sintático dos recortes enunciativos. Para tanto, primeiramente, selecionamos dez (10) produções de dez (10) alunos, recortando os enunciados que revelam a inclusão do sujeito na coletividade. Posteriormente, dividimos os enunciados em dois grupos que representam duas organizações sintáticas distintas. E, por último, construímos um quadro comparativo em relação aos aspectos sintáticos das duas línguas Espanhol e Português Brasileiro , referentes: à aparente discordância entre a 3ª pessoa do plural e a 1ª pessoa do plural e ao uso da 1ª pessoa do plural em lugar da 1ª pessoa do singular, para, então, proceder às análises: descritiva (plano do dizer) e enunciativa (plano do dito). Na análise descritiva, realizamos testes de aceitabilidade (GUIMARÃES, 2002a), considerando a norma do PB. Já, na análise enunciativa, realizamos nosso estudo a partir de duas cenas enunciativas que revelam modos distintos de inclusão do sujeito na coletividade, mobilizando, assim, as categorias de locutor e enunciador, difundidas por Guimarães (2005). Os resultados mostraram que, no plano das formas das línguas, tais formulações podem ser consideradas erros por parte do sujeito aprendiz, tendo em vista que a análise descritiva mostra que os arranjos sintáticos são, no mínimo, pouco recorrentes no Português Brasileiro. Já, no plano enunciativo, percebe-se o sujeito sendo significado por essa divisão entre as línguas. Esta divisão constitui o lugar de resistência na língua. E este lugar de resistência é o que vai marcar o posicionamento político desse sujeito na linguagem, pois ele se marca na língua pela forma (nós) e pela maneira como organiza sua enunciação (sintaxe). Com isso, pudemos evidenciar que a organização interna dos enunciados se constitui como uma marca na língua que, por sua vez, vai revelar a subjetividade e produzir sentidos.
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