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台灣臨床社會工作者建立助人關係經驗之敘說分析. / Narrative analysis of the experience of clinical social worker in building helping relationship: an exploration of Taiwan experience / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Taiwan lin chuang she hui gong zuo zhe jian li zhu ren guan xi jing yan zhi xu shuo fen xi.January 2001 (has links)
張振成. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2001. / 參考文獻 (p. 291-302) / 中英文摘要. / Available also through the Internet via Dissertations & theses @ Chinese University of Hong Kong. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Zhang Zhencheng. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2001. / Can kao wen xian (p. 291-302) / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao.
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日本帝國下日本與臺灣之治安法律比較研究: 以臺灣人的法律地位為中心 = A comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire : the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference. / Comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire: the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference / Riben di guo xia Riben yu Taiwan zhi zhi an fa lü bi jiao yan jiu: yi Taiwan ren de fa lü di wei wei zhong xin = A comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire : the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference.January 2015 (has links)
自1840年清廷與英國簽訂《南京條約》以來,長久以來東亞地區傳統國家對於人身的掌握方式以及以朝貢冊封作為手段所建立的天下秩序便日漸被削弱且重新被編入近代西方國際法秩序之中。在此過程中,當時的東亞各國,皆曾嘗試一方面遵行近代西方的國際法秩序,一方面使用西式的法律將自身塑造為符合西方意義下的近代國家以達到可以完全在其「國」內外掌控其臣民之人身並同時受到西方列強所承認的目的。而所謂的近代西方國際法秩序,特別是在其秩序下主權國家所代表的對外擁有獨立性以及對內之臣民與領土擁有排他性權力等特質,更被明治維新之後的日本政治家與知識分子視為是國體存在的憑藉與證明,是使日本得以與歐美列強建立平等外交關係的前提之一。換句話說,日本近代法秩序中具有明顯地使日本作為一個主權國家融入近代西方國際法秩序的企圖。 / 然而自1890年《大日本帝國憲法》正式實施以來,日本先後在甲午戰爭以及日俄戰爭後領有臺灣與朝鮮。日本帝國在法律上所須支配的範圍不再僅限於日本列島,同時更包含了以上在帝國轄下這些地域的人身流動。在此種情況下,本研究企圖解決兩個問題,即:第一,當時什麼是「臺灣人」?而臺灣人在帝國內被日本政府以法律的方式賦予怎樣的法律地位?而這個法律地位在治安法律的適用上與帝國內的其他人群,特別是日本內地人之間又具有怎樣的差別,而其成因又是什麼?第二,當《治安維持法》作為當時日本帝國下日本與臺灣兩地域所共同擁有的治安法律時,帝國的裁判機構是如何根據帝國下各地域在地社會的情形而處理在各地域的治安法律案件的?而這些法院的判例又對於當時「臺灣人」族群意識的形成具有怎樣的影響?以及這些法律關係對於了解整個日本帝國的發展所具有的意義上有什麼幫助? / 而經由本研究,筆者得出結論,認為帝國下的「臺灣人」的法律地位與其治安法律的適用是與日本帝國權力秩序之結構有著深刻的關係。而當時帝國權力秩序之結構事實上即是近代西方國際法秩序在東亞的滲透、天皇制國家的國體論述、兩地各自過往治安法律的實施背景,以及當時日本國內外的臨時事件的各個因素所形成的,並且影響了「臺灣人」作為一個族群意識的形成。 / Ever since the mid-19th century, the traditional East Asian Hua Yi (華夷) system has been weakening and was re-incorporated into the modern Western world order because of the rise of the Western powers. This process not only broke the old ruling order (in East Asia connected through the Tribute system), but also made the East Asia countries greatly shaped by the new concept of the International Law, for example the equal status between all sovereign states and the sovereign states had exclusive authorities over their people and territories. In this trend, Japan, China, and other East Asian countries were to some extent, tried to not only comply with the order of the International Law, but also made themselves a sovereign state recognized by the Western powers in order to avoid their diplomatic intervention using the excuse of different concept of law. / In this pursuit, the legal system, particularly the characteristics in the constitution that a country owning a constitution was independent from external interferences and superior to domestic affairs have attracted many Japanese intellectuals and politicians in the Meiji period (1868-1912). They thought that to have a constitution was the qualification for a sovereign state, and also was a demonstration that Japan had the same rights as the Western powers. In other words, the Japanese modern legal system had the motivation that to construct Japan as a sovereign state under the umbrella of the International Law. However, after Japan’s acquisition of Taiwan, Japan was enlarged. Apart from the Japanese isles, there were newly conquered regions. In this condition, an overarching concern throughout the whole pre-war period was how to transform the Japanese modern legal system from a legal system based on the concept of constructing Japan as a sovereign state into an empire legal system so that they could not only include the colony and the colonized subjects but also accord with the International Law. / This study attempts to investigate the establishment and applicability of the Security Laws in Japanese territory and Taiwan, to learn how different legal status between Taiwanese and Japanese in different times for different purposes in terms of legal issues. This study contributes to the study of the Imperial Japanese history. The methodologies are based on textual history and historical sociological theories to analyze the legal status of the Taiwanese under the Japanese Empire. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 齊崇硯. / Parallel title from English abstract. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Incluwldes bibliographical references (leaves 126-131). / Abstracts also in English. / Qi Chongyan.
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發展新聞與國家發展: 臺灣個案硏究. / Fa zhan xin wen yu guo jia fa zhan: Taiwan ge an yan jiu.January 1992 (has links)
據稿本複印 / 論文(碩士)--香港中文大學傳播學系,1992. / 附參考文獻 / 黃慕嫻. / Chapter I、 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter II、 --- 發展理論的回顧 --- p.4 / Chapter 一、 --- 發展的概念 --- p.4 / Chapter 二、 --- 發展與現代化 --- p.7 / Chapter 三、 --- 依賴理論與發展 --- p.10 / Chapter III、 --- 發展概念的再思 一一從亞洲四小龍的發展模式想起 --- p.21 / Chapter IV、 --- 「發展新聞」與國家發展 --- p.28 / Chapter V、 --- 極權主義和社會責任的報業模式 --- p.37 / Chapter 一、 --- 極權主義論 --- p.38 / Chapter 二、 --- 社會責任論 --- p.38 / Chapter VI、 --- 本硏究之假設 --- p.44 / Chapter VII、 --- 台灣的發展 --- p.46 / Chapter 一、 --- 台灣的國家發展 --- p.46 / Chapter 二、 --- 台灣的報業發展 --- p.57 / Chapter VI、 --- 硏究方法 --- p.66 / Chapter 一、 --- 發展新聞的界定 --- p.66 / Chapter 二、 --- 選樣方法 --- p.68 / Chapter 三、 --- 量度方法 --- p.71 / Chapter IX、 --- 結果分折 --- p.73 / Chapter X、 --- 總結 --- p.93 / Chapter 一、 --- 結論 --- p.93 / Chapter 二、 --- 對發展新聞與社會責任報業 模式的一點意見 --- p.95 / Chapter 三、 --- 本硏究的限制 --- p.97 / Chapter 附錄(一): --- 「發展新聞學與國家發展一一 台灣個案硏究」準測試報告 --- p.99 / Chapter 附錄(二): --- 台灣國民生產毛額曲線圖(1951-1976) --- p.110 / 台灣國民生產毛額曲線圖(1981-1990) / 台灣國民所得曲線圖(1951-1976) / 台灣國民所得曲線圖(1981-1990) / 台灣經濟指標一覽表(1955-1979) / 台灣歷次經濟計劃概要一覽表(1955-1989) / 台灣社團與成員數(1950-1982) / 台灣地區歷年選舉競爭程度表(1954-1977) / 聯合報及自立晚報發展新聞總數量的變化(1956-1989) / 聯合報及自立晚報發展新聞內容分佈百分比圖表(1956-1989) / 聯合報及自立晚報發展新聞正負面報導的百分比圖表(1956-1989) / 聯合報及自立晚報發展新聞「讃揚」及「批 評」政府新聞百分比圖表(1956-1989) / 聯合報及自立晚報發展新聞「政府」及「其 他人士」作消息來源的報導百分比圖表 (1956-1989) / 聯合報及自立晚報發展新聞「軍方消息來源 」及「多方消息來源」的報導百分比圖 表(1956-1989) / 參考書目 / Reference
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Developmental Stages of Preschool Educators: A Study of Junior College Students in TaiwanLin, Hsin-Hui 01 May 1993 (has links)
The present study applies early field experience theory and developmental stages theory as the basis of teacher training i n a junior college program in Taiwan. Two hundred sixty-six junior college students from two junior colleges were surveyed in order to ascertain what factors had an effect on the concept of teaching concerns. Comparisons were made among the following : with/ without preschool education background in senior high school, grade, school, age, fathers' educational levels, mothers' educational levels, and fathers' yearly income. The results indicate that early field experiences had a direct effect on teaching concerns. The students' year of study (freshmen vs sophomore) in junior college made a difference depending on whether they had been exposed to an early field experience. The groups that had a preschool education background had higher mean developmental-teaching-stage scores, in first (freshmen) study year, but lower mean scores in the second (sophomore) study year. The mean developmentalteaching- stage scores for both study years of junior college students with preschool education background were very close to each other. Junior college students without a preschool education background in senior high had a higher mean developmental-teaching-stage score in the second year than in the first year.
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Learning to be a family caregiver for severely debilitated stroke survivors during the first year in TaiwanWu, Chiung-man 01 December 2009 (has links)
Stroke is a major health problem in Taiwan often causing disability and dependence for elderly persons. Family caregivers shoulder major caregiving tasks while caring for their stroke survivors at home. Despite the availability of home healthcare service for family caregivers, the quality of care outcomes remain poor. According to role acquisition theory, sufficient preparation before discharge is positively related to quality of care. Caregiver education is proposed as the way to increase quality of care outcomes, yet current educational programs in Taiwan have not incorporated three fundamental learning determinants: readiness to learn, learning needs, and learning styles. The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study was to describe the experiences of Taiwanese family caregivers learning to caregiver for a stroke survivor during the first year after discharge. Participants included 16 stroke survivors cared for by 17 family caregivers and 11 foreign care attendants during at-home and in-hospital phases. Data collection included three formal interviews and one care activity observation. While still in the hospital, family caregivers took on the caregiver role. They sought out resources to learn caregiving. They learned some care skills and stated that they felt ready to go home prior to discharge. Yet, once at-home, they immediately described a sense of uncertainty -not knowing what to do in new care situations. Fifteen challenges were identified. The most common ones were diet preparation, elimination problems, transportation, breathing and sputum problems, and rehabilitation resources. Three time periods were identified as the time for readiness to learn: before discharge, the first month after discharge, and when facing new care situations. All of the family caregivers were unprepared for the new care situations before discharge because of problematic preparation and fragmented health care services. Recommendations include further studies on the three learning determinants, development of an organized and systemic discharge planning protocol, and increased in-home nursing and rehabilitation services.
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The development of school music education in Taiwan (1895-1995)Lee, Angela Hao-Chun, 1963- January 2002 (has links)
Abstract not available
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Leveraging knowledge-based innovation in high-tech SMEs : case studies from TaiwanChen, Te Fu, University of Western Sydney, College of Health and Science, School of Computing and Mathematics January 2006 (has links)
To date, the existing literature is very limited in its provision of links between knowledge management or intellectual capital with innovation. Existing studies have derived their innovation processes from large companies’ perspectives and have not considered the needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Different types of innovation will require different resources and, therefore, will need to be managed differently. Little research has been aimed at identifying innovation processes from a knowledge-based perspective. Although a fascinating array of innovation research has been carried out in the context of R and D issues and economic factors, the knowledge/innovation gaps and the gaps of innovation perspectives between larger/smaller firms should be filled in to map a more comprehensive picture of the proposition. This research is aimed at bridging these gaps through the leveraging sources of innovation, both the internal and external supporting processes of innovation and the construction of the innovation supply chain. The study suggests that, due to the integrated innovation models and propositions, future researchers will be able to undertake an empirical study for more high-tech SMEs in a selected high-tech industry to obtain a generalised result for specific high-tech industries. Also, the integrated innovation models and propositions can be used to undertake case studies or empirical studies for the other SMEs. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Needlestick injury in health care workers in TaiwanShiao, Judith Shu-Chu, School of Health Services Management, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
Objectives: Risk associated with needlestick injuries (NSI) in health care workers (HCWs) in Taiwan has not been characterized. We conducted this investigation to study 1) the prevalence and yearly incidence of NSI in HCWs in Taiwan, and the risk factors associated with NSIs; 2) reporting behavior when a NSI was sustained; and 3) seroprevalence of blood-borne pathogens among inpatients. Combination of the above information allowed for risk estimation for contracting hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in HCWs. Methodology: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey for life-time experience and frequency of NSI was conducted in a random sample from four strata of accredited hospitals according to the number of employees, from July 1996 to June 1997 in Taiwan. All full time employees, including physicians, nurses, technicians, and supporting personnel were recruited. Seroprevalence was examined for HBV, HCV and HIV among inpatients six years in age or older in one teaching hospital during July 1997 to June 1998. Results: A total of 10,469 health care workers were recruited from 16 out of 132 accredited hospitals and 82.6% (8,645) completed the survey, including nurses (61.0%), physicians (16.1%), medical technicians (14.9%), supporting personnel (7.9%). The prevalence of NSI were 93.1%, 86.6%, 78.3%, 61.0% in nurses, physicians, technicians, and supporting personnel respectively. The reported incidence of needlestick and other sharps injuries was 1.30 and 1.21 times per person in the past 12 months. Of the most recent episodes of NSIs, ordinary syringe needles accounted for 80.3% (95% CI, 79.4% - 81.2%) of hollow-bore needles associated incidents, and 74.1% (95% CI, 72.8% - 75.4%) of them were contaminated. The most frequently reported circumstance was the "Breakdown of Universal Precautions", recapping-related behaviors (81.6%, 95% CI 80.3% - 82.9%) of HCWs. More than a quarter (27.8%, 2,399) of HCWs were unprotected (either not vaccinated or having an unknown serological status) against HBV. Seroconversion in stuck HCWs was reported 1.8% for HBV (135), 0.2% (18) for HCV, 0.2% (15) for both HBV and HCV, 0.1% (5) for syphilis and less than 0.1% (2) for HIV. ^M A total of 81.8% of NSIs were unreported. Similarly, high incidence of NSI and low reporting rate were also found in student nurses. Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV, and HIV among inpatients were found higher than the reported rate in source patients of this survey. Seroprevalence of HBsAg was 16.7% in hospitalized patients, 1.7% positive for HBeAg, 12.7% for Anti-HCV, and 0.8% for Anti-HIV. Different seroprevalence rates of HBsAb (+), HBsAg (+), Anti-HCV (+), Anti-HIV (+) in different seasons were also found significant (p<0.001). The risk of seroconversion to HBV was thus estimated to be 0.003 ~ 0.008 time per person-year, HCV 0.003 ~ 0.007 per person-year, and HIV 0.4 ~ 1.2 /100, 000 person-year. Considering the number of HCWs in Taiwan, a total of 330 ~ 917 HCWs will seroconvert to HBV (+) in a year, 330 ~ 880 HCWs seroconvert to HCV (+), and less than one to two HCWs seroconvert to HIV (+). Conclusions: Needlestick and sharps injuries were highly prevalent among Taiwanese HCW and across job categories. Risk of seroconversion is real and significant. Preventive measures are warranted for reduction of contracting blood-borne pathogens in HCWs in Taiwan.
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Australia, Taiwan and the PRC: Evolving RelationsPapadimos, Andrew, n/a January 1994 (has links)
In December 1972 the Australian government recognised the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) at the cost of breaking off all official contacts with Taiwan. Despite the initial shock to Australia-Taiwan relations of derecognition, trade contacts between Australia and Taiwan have continued to flourish, and in recent years, political relations between the two have also been improving. This thesis examines reasons behind the recent improvements in Australia-Taiwan relations and ways in which such improvements have been implemented - given the constraints that Australia has no official contacts with Taiwan. With its main focus as trade, this thesis shows that Taiwan's importance to Australia has been slowly evolving such that Taiwan is at present a more important and reliable trading partner to Australia than is the PRC. Improvements have been occurring in Australia-Taiwan political relations, therefore, primarily as a consequence of Taiwan's growing importanée in the Australian marketplace.
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A Bird's-eye View of Order Flow Dependence: Evidences in Taiwan Stock Exchange陳思蓉, Tan, Su-Iong Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目標為:1. 描述台灣股票市場中訂單簿(order book)的若干特徵。2. 分析訂單流 (order flow) 與訂單簿間交互作用的均衡關係。 3. 探討流動性消耗者與流動性提供者如何進出市場而維持市場機能。
本研究資料來自台灣證券交易所。台灣股市的市場結構迥異於世界其他大部分的市場,採取自動化、間斷時間 (auto-electronic, periodic call) 的撮和方式:單子全部集合在交易所的電腦系統中,依照價格優先、時間優先的原則,每隔45至60秒批次執行撮和。Handa及Schwartz (1996年) 指出,這種市場結構和其他連續撮和的市場有著根本上的不同,尤其是訂單流的匯總方式與市場結清價的形成過程,但目前較少有研究提及。
在過去的文獻中,1995年Biais、Hillion及Spatt以巴黎股市中CAC 40指數的成分股為樣本,首開訂單流與訂單簿間交互作用的研究。他們直接觀察並描繪訂單在各價位的分佈情形,發現當買賣價差 (bid-ask spread) 比較大或訂單簿比較薄(亦即市場流動性較差)時,接下來會有比較多的限價單(limit orders)進場提供流動性;相反地,當spread比較小的時候,接下來會有比較多的市價單(market orders)進場消耗流動性。雖然他們有注意到買賣單、限價單、市價單對價格推升或壓低的作用,但對於引發這些變化的因素卻沒有進一步的闡釋。
1998年,Handa、Schwartz及Tiwari清楚地指出,短暫價格波動 (short-term volatility) 在促進市場達到流動性均衡方面扮演關鍵的角色。由於有基於流動性動機而進場的投資人,此時市價單與限價單成交所造成的短暫價格波動正好補償限價單交易者所面臨的資訊不對稱風險,吸引限價單進場並提供流動性;而有立即性(immediacy)需求的投資人就會下市價單而消耗流動性。1999年,Foucault把Handa等人的推論發展為賽局模型,強化下單決策與價格形成的理論,並建議以訂單流的組成成分進行實證。
本論文將市場中的單子區分為新委託單(new orders)、殘留單(stale orders)及成交單(executed orders)三大類,取得每個撮和時點前、後買賣雙方在各價位的分佈和變化情形。結果發現,大部分的新委託單並沒有立即成交(約40%沒有立即成交);成交單中殘留單與新委託單成交的比例在任何時間區間都遠高於新委託單互相成交的比例。也就是說,殘留單對市場流動性的均衡扮演關鍵的角色。
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