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Istorinio muziejaus paradigma: Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus atvejis / The paradigm of the historical museum: the case of lithuanian nacional museumPociūtė, Alina 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo „Istorinio muziejaus paradigma: Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus atvejis“ objektas – istorinio muziejaus paradigma Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus atveju. siekiama įrodyti hipotezę, kiek Lietuvos Nacionalinis Muziejus atitinka istorinio muziejaus paradigmą. Magistro darbe autorė analizuoja istorinio muziejaus paradigmą Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus atveju, apžvelgdama LNM raidos bruožus, muziejaus organizaciją ir jos priklausomumą nuo politinio konteksto, statistiškai lygindama LNM rinkinius sovietmečiu ir Nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu bei analizuoja muziejinius kontekstus, apžvelgia jų tendencijas, prioritetus bei vertybinius kriterijus sudarant ekspozicijas. Darbą sudaro įvadas, trys dalys, išvados, literatūros sąrašas iš 56 literatūros bei 6 archyvinių šaltinių ir priedai. Darbe teigiama, jog šiandien Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus yra didžiausias ir svarbiausias šalies muziejus, nacionalinė kultūros įstaiga, institucinis ICOM (Tarptautinė muziejų taryba) ir Europos istorijos muziejų Tarybos narys. Muziejus, būdamas viena pagrindinių kultūrinio turizmo sudedamųjų dalių, prisideda prie informacinės visuomenės plėtojimo, patrauklaus šalies įvaizdžio kūrimo, neturėdamas galimybių tinkamai įvertinti muziejuje dirbančius kvalifikuotus specialistus. Lietuvos kultūros paveldo sistemoje muziejus yra didžiausia kilnojamo paveldo saugykla, sukaupusi per 1 mln. eksponatų, kurioje saugomi pagrindiniai Lietuvos archeologijos, istorijos ir etninės kultūros paveldo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY In the MA paper of conducted by Alina Pociute a student of museology program of Vilnius University Communications Faculty „The Paradigm of Historical Museum: the Case of Lithuanian National Museum“ an attempt is made to prove a hypothesis of how well the Lithuanian National Museum corresponds to the paradigm of a historical museum. In the MA paper the author deals with the paradigm of historical museum in terms of the case of Lithuanian National Museum reviewing the peculiarities of the development of the LNM together with its organization and dependence on political context and statistically comparing the selections of LNM during the Soviet times and the times of Independence. The author also analyzes the museological contexts, reviews their trends, priorities and value criteria while composing the expositions. The paper consists of an introduction, three parts, conclusions, references of 56 literature and 6 archival sources and appendices. In the paper it is stated that today the Lithuanian National Museum is the largest and the most important museum in the country, the establishment of national culture, an institutional member of the ICOM (International Council of Museums) and the European Council of Historical Museums. The museum, being one of the component parts of the cultural tourism, does contribute to the development of an information society, creation of an attractive image of the country without having a possibility to properly evaluate the qualified... [to full text]
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Vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo respektavimas architektūroje / Respectation of the Locus' Cultural Identity in Architectural DesignPetrušonis, Vytautas 28 February 2005 (has links)
In order to respect cultural identity (i.e. to preserve the existing identity and to reveal its potential) the information regarding the particular identity should be considered during the preparation of a particular project. However, as the estimation of the present situation shows, in urban design, the information about the individual characteristics has not yet been formalized to a necessary degree. Architects should consider the possibilities offered by new information technologies (i.e. digital models of localities and database included into the so-called GIS – Geographical Information Systems) both for the determination of the locus’ cultural identity and for its respectation. Obviously, the orientation toward the application of the formalized information models of locus is purposeful. Although the majority of the authors claim that the environmental design should necessarily involve the estimation of the context and consideration of the local factors affecting the structural intention, they do not introduce clear instrumental tools and do not reveal sufficiently how to embody it in practice. The term identity is often employed to define the essential features of localities and architectural objects, which should be preserved and protected, in a word, respected. Locality is the concept pointing to both natural and relative territorial units of various types that are significant in relevant architectural contexts. The term identity is accompanied by the word cultural in... [to full text]
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Vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo respektavimas architektūroje / Respectation of the Locus' Cultural Identity in Architectural DesignPetrušonis, Vytautas 28 February 2005 (has links)
In order to respect cultural identity (i.e. to preserve the existing identity and to reveal its potential) the information regarding the particular identity should be considered during the preparation of a particular project. However, as the estimation of the present situation shows, in urban design, the information about the individual characteristics has not yet been formalized to a necessary degree. Architects should consider the possibilities offered by new information technologies (i.e. digital models of localities and database included into the so-called GIS – Geographical Information Systems) both for the determination of the locus’ cultural identity and for its respectation. Obviously, the orientation toward the application of the formalized information models of locus is purposeful. Although the majority of the authors claim that the environmental design should necessarily involve the estimation of the context and consideration of the local factors affecting the structural intention, they do not introduce clear instrumental tools and do not reveal sufficiently how to embody it in practice. The term identity is often employed to define the essential features of localities and architectural objects, which should be preserved and protected, in a word, respected. Locality is the concept pointing to both natural and relative territorial units of various types that are significant in relevant architectural contexts. The term identity is accompanied by the word cultural in... [to full text]
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Regimųjų vaizdų pasukimo mintyse tyrimas, pateikiant juos vienu metu ir nuosekliai / Investigation of mental rotation of simultaneously and successively presented visual imagesŠerkšnas, Juozas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – atskleisti figūrų, pateikiamų vienu metu ir nuosekliai, sukimo mintyse ypatumus naudojant tapatumo įvertinimo užduotį. Tiriamieji (32 studentai) atliko tapatumo vertinimo užduotį, kur jiems vienu metu bei nuosekliai (arba atvirkštine tvarka) buvo pateikiamos vienodų arba skirtingų netaisyklingų daugiakampių poros. Stimulai buvo rodomi 100ms vienalaikio pateikimo atveju, esant nuosekliam pateikimui 50ms ir 50ms. Tiriamieji turėjo atsakyti, ar figūros vienodos (nepaisant pasukimo kampo), ar skirtingos. Buvo matuojamas reakcijos laikas bei teisingų atsakymų skaičius. Nustatyta, kad nepasuktos viena kitos atžvilgiu vienodos figūros atpažįstamos tiksliau bei greičiau nei pasuktos bet kokiu kampu. Tiek vienalaikio, tiek nuoseklaus figūrų pateikimo atveju tiesinė reakcijos laiko priklausomybė nuo figūrų tarpusavio pasukimo kampo nenustatyta. Tiek vienodos, tiek skirtingos figūros nuoseklaus pateikimo atveju atpažįstamos tiksliau nei vienalaikio, o reakcijos laikas, vertinant tiek vienodas, tiek skirtingas figūras, trumpesnis vienalaikio pateikimo atveju nei nuoseklaus. Vyrų ir moterų vienodų figūrų atpažinimo tikslumas nesiskiria, bet vyrų reakcijos laikas trumpesnis nei moterų. / The purpose of this study was to examine mental rotation of simultaneously and successively presented figures. 32 students performed same – different task in which the pairs of the same or different irregular polygons were presented simultaneously and successively or vice versa. Stimuli were presented briefly – for 100 ms when presented simultaneously and 50 ms and 50 ms when presented successively. The subjects had to answer whether the two figures were the same or different. Response time and performance accuracy were recorded. The results of the experiment showed that not rotated figures were identified faster and more accurately than those rotated at any angle. The increase in reaction time as a linear function of the angle of rotation was not found (either under simultaneous presentation or under successive one).The same figures as well as the different ones were identified more accurately when presented successively than simultaneously and the response time was shorter under simultaneous presentation than under successive one. The accuracy of men and women did not differ, but men outperformed women by response time.
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Gimtoji kalba kaip tautinio tapatumo išsaugojimo prioritetas (trijų kartų įžvalgos) / Native language as a priority for preserving national identity (insights of three generations)Tamulynienė, Romena 02 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo tema − Gimtoji kalba kaip tautinio tapatumo išsaugojimo prioritetas (trijų kartų įžvalgos).
Temos aktualumas ir problema. Gimtoji kalba yra viena iš svarbiausių tautinio tapatumo tęstinumo gijų. Tai ne vien skambūs žodžiai, tai gyvenimo patirtis, tautos dvasios šaltinis, savitumas, kalbos bendrumo jausmas, kuris tampantis įsitikinimu darosi ir tautinio, dorovinio bei kultūrinio identiteto esminga dalimi. Kalbos vaidmuo yra išskirtinis. Sunku atrasti ką nors kitą nei kalba, kas būtų vienodai svarbus ir suvienytų visus tautinės ir politinės bendruomenės narius.
Darbo tikslas − ištirti trijų kartų tautinius prioritetus: pasitelkus lyginamąją analizę atskleisti gimtosios (lietuvių) kalbos vaidmenį siekiant išsaugoti ir sustiprinti lietuvių tautinį tapatumą. Šiame magistro darbe bus analizuojamas tautinis tapatumas ir jo santykis su gimtąja kalba.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išnagrinėti lietuvių tautinį tapatumą (lietuvybę) atspindinčius elementus, jų raišką ir kaitą mūsų visuomenėje.
2. Atskleisti lietuvių tautinio tapatumo išlaikymo galimybes integruojantis į pasaulinę erdvę.
3. Ištirti gimtosios kalbos ir tautinio tapatumo santykį, apibrėžti lietuvių kalbą kaip lietuvybės požymį.
4. Išnagrinėti kalbines nuostatas ir savęs identifikavimo problemas globalizacijos akivaizdoje.
5. Išanalizuoti lietuvių tautiškumo, lietuvybės, lietuvių kalbos kaip dorovinių vertybių sistemos svarbą asmenybės vertybinių principų formavimuisi.
6. Atlikti kokybinį tyrimą ir sužinoti trijų kartų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of the thesis − Native Language as a Priority for Preserving National Identity (Insights of Three Generations).
Relevance and problem of the topic. Native language is one of the most important links of continuity of national identity. It is not only high-sounding words but also life experience, source of national spirit, peculiarity and sense of belonging to the same linguistic community, which, while gradually turning into personal conviction, becomes an essential part of national, moral and cultural identity. The role of language is exceptional. It is hard to find any other element as important as the language itself, bringing all members of the national and political community into a single whole.
The goal of the thesis − to examine national priorities of three generations; by means of comparative analysis, reveal the role of the native (Lithuanian) language in pursuit of preserving and strengthening Lithuanian national identity. Therefore, the Master’s thesis will address national identity and its relationship with the native language.
Objectives of the thesis:
1. To analyse the elements reflecting Lithuanian national identity (Lithuanianhood), their expression and change in our society.
2. To reveal the possibilities for preserving Lithuanian national identity in the process of global integration.
3. To examine the relationship between native language and national identity; to define the Lithuanian language as an inherent feature of Lithuanianhood.
4. To... [to full text]
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