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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Roles of American Teacher Organizations in Dealing with Controversial Events Related to Teachers

Li, Wun-chi 13 September 2006 (has links)
The main purposes of this study are (1) to clarify the function of NEA and AFT and original source of law, concrete action, and case study relating to teachers¡¦ rights. (2) to explore the roles of American teacher organizations in dealing with controversial events related to teachers. (3) to discuss the strategies American teacher organizations adopt in striving for the rights of teachers. (4) to make recommendations to the development of teacher organizations in Taiwan. The scope of this study includes three important controversial events related to teachers: charter school, strike and takeover. Moreover, the subjects of the study are as following: (1)charter school: Minnesota, Michigan, Washington;(2)strike: Philadelphia School District, Detroit School District, Chicago School District;(3)takeover: Cleveland School District, Philadelphia School District, Newark School District. In order to achieve the above purposes, this study had adopted content analysis and Bereday¡¦s comparative studies. Firstly, to describe and interpret the subjects of the study. Secondly, four tentative conclusions were achieved: 1. Because local teacher organizations are affiliated with different teacher organizations (NEA or AFT), they pay attention to different educational issues. 2. When teacher organizations deal with controversial events related to teachers, they adopt systematic strategies and steps. 3. The criteria whether teacher organizations support or oppose the controversial events is based on self-interest and the quality of public education. 4. The trend of the merge of NEA and AFT affects the cooperation of two teacher organizations and their local organizations in dealing with controversial events related to teachers. To support the four hypotheses above, four findings were concluded: 1. The operation of teacher organizations is accordance with systemic strategic. 2. The controversial events which teacher organizations oppose usually violate teachers¡¦ rights and public education. 3. The cooperation among teacher organizations is the trend of changing time. 4. The role of teacher organizations deeply affects the educational reform of nation. Finally, suggestions based on the research findings were proposed to the educational authorities, teacher organizations, and future research.

我國教師組織定位之研究 / A Study on the Orientation of Teacher Organizations in Taiwan

饒邦安, Rau, Bang An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文件分析法、調查研究法和訪談法等研究方法,預測我國教師組織的功能定位及發展趨勢,並據以提出政策制定及法令修訂上的相關建議。 本研究以自編的「教師組織定位調查問卷」為研究工具,調查對象為臺灣地區教育行政人員,中小學校長、主任及教師,家長團體代表等,問卷有效樣本為1,247人,其中包括445位中小學學校行人員(54位校長、391位主任、組長)、661位中小學教師(320位國小教師、205位國中教師、136位高中職教師)、101位中央及地方教育行政人員(36位教育部人員、65位地方教育局人員)、40位家長團體代表。訪談對象則立意選取各層級教師組織意見領袖、專家學者、教育部及教育局管理幹部、立法委員、教師代表及家長代表等共計13人。 本研究經實證研究所得之結論為: 一、教師組織的理想定位應朝高專業與高工會的統合型發展。 二、教師組織定位的發展其理想與實際之間仍有相當差距。 三、不同背景受試者對教師組織定位的認知有相當差異。 (一)就現職而言:教育行政人員與家長對教師組織定位較持專業傾向看法,而教師本身則持工會傾向看法,學校行政人員之看法則介於中間。 (二)就性別而言:男性的受試者比女性更認為教師組織定位應該朝專業取向發展。 (三)就服務年資而言:服務年資較短的受試者,較有教師組織工會取向的看法;而服務年資越長者,則較為傾向專業取向。 (四)就是否為教師會會員而言:教師會會員較非會員更為傾向教師組織工會取向。 (五)就學校類別而言:國民中小學教師較高中職教師更為傾向教師組織工會取向。 (六)就學校性質而言:公私立學校教師對教師組織定位整體看法並無顯著差異;私校教師認為教師角色應為專業取向,但實際上卻扮演工會取向角色。 四、可另訂特別法回應教師勞動三權的訴求,但應引導其循教師法爭取權益。 五、教師會幹部可適度給予會務假,但經費問題仍未形成共識。 六、教師組織之強制入會訴求並未獲得大多數人的認同。 七、教師之罷教權並未獲得大多數人的支持。 依據上述研究結論,提出對教師組織之建議為: 一、發展方向應兼顧教師專業成長及維護教師權益。 二、訴求目標應以「合理的勞動三權」取代「完整的勞動三權」。 三、未來運作應凝聚發展共識,積極開發人力和物力資源。 對教育行政機關之建議為: 一、應以法令及制度引導教師組織朝統合型發展。 二、應協助教師組織縮短理想與實際間的發展差距。 三、應賦予教師合理的勞動三權。 對法令修訂之建議為: 一、應先行推動教師會法。 二、應結合法制及行政支援,同步修訂教師法。 三、應研議修正相關教育法規,以因應「工會法」第四條之修正。 / The research is to forecast the functional orientation and developmental trends for teacher organizations in Taiwan. The methods of the study are based on the interview of related experts, document analysis, and survey studies. The aim of the study is to propose some suggestions for decision makers for reference when they are making policies and revising ordinances in the future. In the study, educational administrative staff, principals, chiefs and staff of elementary and secondary schools, and representatives of parents communities in Taiwan are requested to respond to the Questionnaires of Organizational Orientation for Teachers, and 1,247 effective samples received. These include 445 elementary and secondary school administrators (54 school principals and 391 chiefs and directors), 661 elementary and secondary school teachers (320 elementary school teachers, 205 secondary school teachers and 136 general and vocational high school teachers), 101 central and local educational administrative staff (36 MOE staff and 65 local Education Bureau staff) and 40 representatives of parents communities. The target group of interviewing, a total of 13, are intended to meet all levels of the leaders, educationists and experts in teachers organizations, managers in MOE and Education Bureau, legislators, representatives of teachers and parents. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The ideal orientation of teacher organizations is to develop toward a direction of the integration of high professional and unionization. 2. The gap of the development of organizational orientation for teachers is rather wide between ideal and reality. 3. The perceptions of the organizational orientation for teachers are quite different for the surveyed objects due to the different status and conditions. (1) Regarding current post: About the orientation of teachers’ organizations, the educational administrative staff and parents tend to support the idea of teachers’ being highly professionals while school teachers tend to support unionization of it while the school administrators are about in-between. (2) Regarding sex: Males support professionals than females do. (3) Regarding seniority: Teachers with less experience tend to support unionization while those with rich experiences tend to support professionals. (4) Regarding membership in a teachers’ organization: members tend to support unionization than non-members. (5) Regarding classification of schools: Elementary and secondary school teachers tend to support unionization than general and vocational high school teachers do. (6) Regarding the nature of schools: No distinct diversity for the opinions of public and private school teachers. Only private school teachers consider this post should be more professional, but on the other hand, they admit the unionized associations had taken the place of it. 4. In response to teachers’ demand for the three basic labor rights, we suggest formulating specific ordinances and encourage them to act on the basis of Teachers Law. 5. The approbation of official leave of absence is suggested by most of the people. However, the problem of the budget has come to a halt. 6. The pursuit of the mandatory of participation into the teachers’ organizations does not reach the agreement of the majority. 7. The rights for revoking teachers do not obtain sufficient support of the majority. In accordance with the above conclusions, the suggestions proposed are as follows: 1. The future direction of development should focus on both the growth of teachers’ professionals and preservation of their deserved rights. 2. The goal will be rational labor rights in place of the three basic labor rights. 3. The goal is to be consensuses of development of the organization, and to input manpower as well as material resources with more endeavor. Suggestions for the education administration authority: 1. To lead teachers’ organizations to the formula of unionization under ordinances and decrees. 2. To assist teachers’ organizations to narrow down the gap of the development between ideal and reality. 3. To reward teachers with rational labor rights. Suggestions for revising ordinances and decrees: 1. To formulate Teachers Organization Act is the top priority. 2. To revise Teachers Law with legal and administrative supports. 3. To amend and thrash out related education regulations, in response to the 4th term in the Union Law.

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