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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An implementation of Wiki-based collaborative writing in teaching Chinese as a second language

Lee, Xueyan., 李雪燕. January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of Wiki-based collaborative writing in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Ten secondary students have participated in this study. The procedure was three stages as the participants given by background questionnaire and also at the end of each of the projects given by post-project questionnaire and some participants selected for interview. The questionnaires are helpful to understand how Wiki-based collaborative writing worked through participants. The study has focused on analyzing on the influence of using Wiki-based collaborative writing on interest, confidence, stimulation, likeness, collaboration, achievement and improvement of the students’ Chinese writing. It is expected to find results of the study that the participants have been motivated by using Wiki-based collaborative writing and of that what advantages and challenges the participants have encountered. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

The use of picture book teaching to enhance the reading motivation and Chinese character recognition ability of primary onestudents

Lui, Hoi-sin., 呂凱茜. January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the picture book teaching method on reading motivation and basic reading literacy (word recognition) of primary first grade students. This research is going to analyze the effect of picture book on primary first grade students according to the basic reading literacy (word recognition) under a tailor-made reading curriculum. The pre-test and post-test of reading comprehension will be given to P.1 students before and after the intervention. The researcher will compare the result of the pre-test and post-test of reading comprehension in order to assess the effective of the picture book teaching method. Questionnaires and interviews will be held before and after the picture book curriculum so as to explore the impact of the picture book teaching method on students’ interest of reading picture book. 本研究主要目的在於探究圖畫書閱讀教學對學生閱讀動機和閱讀識字能力的影響。本研究從校本設計的圖畫書閱讀課程中,分析圖畫書對低年級學生在閱讀理解第一個層次---識字能力上的成效;以純文字篇章之閱讀理解和圖畫書作讀本之閱讀理解作前後測,比較學生前後測的分數,評估圖畫書閱讀教學的成效;再輔以問卷及訪談訪問學生,進一步瞭解圖畫書教學課程對學生閱讀圖畫書的興趣之影響。 / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Effectiveness of teaching expository text structure reading strategy in developing F.6 students' reading comprehensionability

Ming, Wing-chuen., 明永泉. January 2011 (has links)
本研究旨在探討教授學生說明文結構閱讀策略,能否提升預科學生閱讀理解的能力。參與本研究共26名中六文科女學生。本研究採用前實驗設計的單組前測----後測設計,學生在前測和後測之間接受「說明文結構閱讀策略」教學,教學內容包括認識六種說明文結構模式、各種結構模式的標示語及結構圖。本研究對學生進行兩次訪談,了解學生在進行閱讀評估時所運用的策略及遇到的問題,並了解學生對運用說明文結構閱讀策略的看法。 研究結果顯示:教授學生說明文結構閱讀策略,能提升預科學生閱讀理解的能力。學生學習「說明文結構閱讀策略」,對提升「概括文意」的閱讀理解的能力成效最為顯著,對提升「根據文意理解詞義」的閱讀能力亦有顯著成效,對提升「擷取重要信息」及「綜合資料分析推斷」的閱讀能力的成效則未見顯著。就提升不同閱讀能力程度的學生的閱讀理解能力方面,教授「說明文結構閱讀策略」對中等程度和程度較低的學生的成效顯著。另從訪談得知,學生普遍覺得高考中國語文及文化科閱讀理解試卷十分困難。跨篇章設問的考核形式,亦會增加試題的難度。學生大都認為學習「說明文結構閱讀策略」,對閱讀說明文有很大幫助。 根據本研究的發現,研究者提出一些教學建議:(1)學習材料宜由淺入深,讓學生更容易掌握各種說明文結構模式;(2)每一次只宜教授一種結構模式,以免學生感到混亂;(3)指導學生學習時,可以運用不同的教學策略,如讀寫結合。 This research investigates the effectiveness of teaching expository text structure reading strategy in developing S6 students’ reading ability. The 26 participants in this research are F6 female arts group students. This research adopts the one-group pretest-posttest design of the pre-experimental design. Students received training in expository text structure reading strategy training between two tests. The teaching content includes six expository text structures, signal words and graphic organizers. This research also interviewed the students two times to investigate what strategies they had used and their problems in the reading comprehension tests, and to investigate their opinion of using expository text structure reading strategy. According to the result, teaching expository text structure reading strategyimprovesS6 students’ reading ability. There is significant difference in the comprehension ability of summary, there is significant difference in the comprehension ability of decoding meaning of words according to the text content, too. But there are no significant difference in the comprehension ability of retrieving information and synthesis of information, analyse and infer. In the developing the reading ability of students of different level of reading ability, teaching expository text structure reading strategy has significant effects to the students of mid-level and low level reading ability. According to the interviews, students complain that the CLC reading comprehension question paper is very difficult, especially the cross text questions. Students agreed that learning expository text structure reading strategy is helpful in reading expository text. Form the findings in this research, researcher suggests: 1. learning material should be arrange from easy to difficult, so the students will learn the expository text structure easily. 2. Teach expository text structures one by one, to avoid the students from misunderstanding. 3. Using different teaching strategies, for example, read and write. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Effectiveness of primary school students' reading comprehension on diverse expository prose formations

Wang, Chin-Chiang., 王清江. January 2011 (has links)
隨着閱讀研究的蓬勃興盛,許多學者從認知層面探討人類閱讀的歷程,本研究主要目的欲運用認知負荷的設計原則(分心效應與冗餘效應),編排說明文體,探討學生閱讀後的篇章理解表現與編排後的說明文體是否能降低學生的認知負荷。 本研究主要採用實驗研究,進行三次實驗。受試者為香港某私立小學四年級學童,受試者依據其語文理解測驗(前測)分數,隨機分派到實驗組與控制組。研究工具主要以閱讀理解表現測驗和認知負荷量表為主,訪談為輔。每次實驗大約35 分鐘,之後,研究者隨機抽取3-5 位受試者進行訪談。本研究主要以組別為自變項,閱讀理解表現和認知負荷量表的得分為依變項,前測分數為共變項,對收集到的資料進行單因子共變數分析。 資料分析顯示:實驗一(字、字義整合)與實驗三(文字、圖片整合)兩項實驗結果呈現,兩個組別並沒有因為不同編排而在閱讀理解與減輕認知負荷上有所差異;而在實驗二(段、段意整合),兩個組別因不同編排的文本而在閱讀理解表現與認知負荷量表上呈現差異。最後,研究者亦提供教學與研究上的建議給教育學者和未來研究者。 With the prevailing research on reading around the world, many scholars have being explored the process of human’s reading in aspect of cognition. The main goal of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of primary school students’ reading comprehension on diverse expository prose formations which was designed based on the principles of cognitive load theory (the split-attention effect and the redundancy effect). This study had three experiments and the fourth grade students were selected as subjects who randomly assigned to experimental group and control group based on their pre-test scores. The research tools included reading comprehension test, cognitive load scale (a 7-point Likert scale), and interview. Each test lasted 35 minutes, and then, 3-5 subjects were chosen to be interviewees. ANCOVA was used to analyze the collected data: group was the independent variable, the score on reading comprehension test and cognitive load scale were dependent variables, and the score on pre-test was covariate variables. The findings showed that there were no significant differences between two groups in the first experiment (text, vocabulary definitions integration) and the third experiment (text, pictures/photos integration). However, there was a significant difference between two groups in the second experiment (text, text summary integration). Finally, the recommendations of teaching and research for educators and future researchers were provided as well. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

An investigation of the process writing approach as a curriculum innovation in local junior secondary classrooms: three case studies

Wong, Bow-yue, Lucia., 黃寶瑜. January 2011 (has links)
An investigation of the impact of the implementation of the curriculum innovation, the process writing approach (PWA), in the teaching and learning of writing may have on the beliefs of teachers and students in the area of writing was conducted. Using a collective case approach of three junior form English teachers, their beliefs about the effective teaching of writing, the usefulness and implementation of the PWA and its effects on their beliefs and practices post-implementation were investigated. Students of low, average and high linguistic ability and their beliefs about the effective teaching of writing were explored and the impact, if any, on students’ approach to writing post-implementation were investigated. A multi-dimensional methodology, which drew on both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques, was employed. Findings showed that those teachers’ beliefs about the effective teaching of writing included aspects of genre and process approaches. These in turn affected their perceptions towards the top-down implementation and its usefulness in the classroom, raising issues such as teacher understanding, increased marking workload and feasibility prior to this year’s implementation. Other factors that affected the successfulness of the innovation reported post-implementation by teachers included the PWA’s time-consuming nature and students’ abilities, raising awareness of the importance of providing teacher autonomy in adapting the PWA to meet students’ needs across ability levels. In addition, though students held their own beliefs about the effective teaching of writing that included aspects of the genre approach as well as the importance of receiving teacher feedback, findings reported that the implementation of the new writing approach was positively well received by them regardless of their linguistic ability, as it not only increased their self-confidence in their writing skills but also their interest in learning from and sharing of writing. However, such were achieved at the expense of the reported increased pressure at the pre-writing stage as well as the difficulties faced in the peer editing and feedback stages. Causes of these findings were explored with a discussion on related pedagogical and research implications for similar contexts like this, with particular reference to the context of Hong Kong. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

An exploratory research of using blogs in the Chinese as a second language teaching

Xu, Jie, 许洁 January 2011 (has links)
本論文是針對博客應用於對外漢語教學進行的一次探索。以香港一間國際學校15位就讀于國際文憑課程中文語言B的12年級學生為研究對象,透過問卷調查、觀察以及面談的研究方法,瞭解博客輔助對外漢語教學的可行性以及在教學過程中對教師存在的挑戰,從而為未來對外漢語教師運用博客支援教學提供參考。 研究結果表明,利用博客輔助對外漢語教學,學生們對博客的參與情況普遍較好,博客可以作為其中文習作發佈的平臺,便於師生和同儕之間的互動交流、協作學習,學生們的中文寫作興趣和寫作動機也都因此有所提高,因而更加樂於學習中文。同時,在學生們進行博客寫作的過程中,教師博客對於學生們來說也具有一定的作用和意義,為學生們的網誌創作提供寫作素材。不過,在使用博客輔助對外漢語教學的過程中,教師同時也會面臨很多挑戰,教師要處理好博客可能會出現的技術問題以及合理設計在博客教學過程中所採用的中文課程,以加強學生的對外漢語學習動機。 由此,未來對外漢語教師在運用博客支援教學的時候,應謹慎選擇博客建立的網路平臺,對學生使用博客寫作進行適當的培訓和指導,同時亦可考慮將博客教學和正規對外漢語教學有機地結合起來。 This paper is an exploration of using a blog in classes of teaching Chinese as a second language. Fifteen Year 12 students who study in the Chinese Language B course of the International Baccalaureate curriculum from one Hong Kong International School are examined. Through questionnaires, observations and interviews, the study reveals the feasibility of using the blog in classes of teaching Chinese as a second language as well as the challenges that the teacher may face accordingly. Furthermore, the paper has also provided some teaching support for future teachers who want to apply blogs in teaching Chinese as a second language. The results show that students generally have a good participation in the blog. The blog, therefore, can serve as a platform to enable students to publish their Chinese work, and to interact and collaborate with teachers and peers. Students’ interests and motivations in Chinese writing are both increased. Meanwhile, when the students carry out the process of blog writing, the teacher’s blog has also played a role as providing writing materials to inspire students. Nevertheless, when using the blog to assist the Chinese as a second language teaching, teachers accordingly will face many challenges. As teachers, we should handle the blog’s technical problems properly and design appropriate Chinese language courses which can be perfectly combined with the normal Chinese teaching. Referring to the above results, the future teachers, who want to use the blog in classes of teaching Chinese as a second language, should carefully select the network platform to establish the blog. Also, some training and guidance related to blog writing should be given to students beforehand. Finally, teachers need to consider the way of combining blogs and the regular Chinese teaching together. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

IBMYP Chinese language A literature teaching process

Xu, Li, 徐莉 January 2011 (has links)
在國際文憑課程教學領域內,有關漢語A文學教學的研究剛剛起步。本研究探討中學項目九年級學生在文學教學過程中,初學文學評論的表現以及相關策略的運用。本研究以一所國際文憑組織成員學校中學項目九年級的學生為對象,通過問卷調查和小說單元的欣賞教學實驗及研究分析,發現: 1. 學生普遍具有閱讀文學作品的興趣,具備評價文學作品的意識。2. 文學教學促使一些學生突破以往閱讀思維的局限,視野更為開闊,更多關注作品所傳遞的更為豐富的文化信息以及作者駕馭作品的方式與技巧。3. 中文水準較弱和普通的一些學生,在文學評論的組織與表達方面尚有明顯不足。中文水準優秀的學生已經熟練掌握文學評論的寫作方法和技巧,能自如地聯係課外閱讀經驗,對不同作家作品進行比較、分析。據此結果,現時中學項目的漢語文學教學應該拓展閱讀面,增加知識積累,加強文學評論的寫作指引和訓練,為大學預科項目的文學學習做好銜接準備。 Little scholarship has been done regarding the teaching of “Language A Chinese" from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The present study focuses on the topic of Chinese Language A teaching to Grade 9 students, in particular, who are in the fourth year of MYP Language A. The study looks at student progress as they undertake this course as well as appropriate teaching strategies to maximize success. Drawing on Grade 9 students survey data from an IBO World School as well as the reseacher’s practical classroom experience, the major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Students are interested in reading literary works and enjoy evaluating literature. 2. The teaching of literature has prompted some students to pay more attention to cultural aspects of readings and has opened their mind to new ideas. 3. Lower- achieving Chinese Language students continue to have difficulties understanding the organization and expression of the literature commentary. In contrast, higher- achieving students have shown the ability to not only comprehend deeper organization and meaning in the literature, but they are also able to identify writing methods, and compare and analyze the work of different writers. Given the study findings, it is recommended that more MYP Chinese literature teaching should be focused on reading and writing in order to increase student knowledge and awareness, but also to strengthen their ability to succeed in the next stages of their schooling. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Problems and strategies on "holistic learning" in IB language A teaching

Zeng, Yuhong., 曾玉宏. January 2011 (has links)
“整體化學習”( Holistic Learning)是國際文憑教育中學項目(MYP)的一大主要概念。它的目的是實現個人全面發展,要求教師在教學中打破單一的課程知識體系,實現學科之間的交叉和滲透。這種教學理念和實踐要求對教師提出了極大的挑戰。通過調查顯示:目前教師在實施整體化學習的教學中,最大的困惑是如何尋找學科之間的連接點以及如何保證各個學科的協調發展。本次研究就是針對這一困難去尋找相應的策略方法。 本人借助中文和中國文化與藝術這兩門課程來實施整體化學習的教學。在教學中結合學生實際,設定了明確的教學目標和具體的教學過程;在尋找學科的連結點以及整合學科的步驟環節等方面作出了一些特別的安排,並且結合海外遊學為教學創設了一系列生活化的教學情境和任務。 本階段的教學不僅較好地完成了各科的教學目標,而且綜合提升了學生的各種能力,為學生的全面發展提供了可能。 通過本階段教學的實踐和總結,本人認為在實施整體化學習的教學中,以下幾個方面是極為重要的: 1、把握學科特點,確定不同學科之間的連接點。 2、尋找學科與生活的聯繫,促進學生的全面發展。 3、教學活動要情境化、生活化,具有挑戰性、可操作性和系統性。 4、教師指導與評估指向相結合,促進學生有效地學習。 本次研究非常有限,有關整體化教學還有很多值得探討的問題,比如教師合作問題、針對學生的個性特點進行差異化教學的問題等等都還有待深入研究。 "Holistic Learning" is one of the major ideas in MYP. It aims to realize comprehensive development of individuals by chanllenging the teachers to break the mono subject system and fulfill the intersection and infiltration among different subjects, thus setting higher tasks for teachers. According to the survey, the biggest puzzle of the teachers in Holistic Learning teaching is how to find out the connecting point among subjects and keep the coordinative development of different subjects. And the research intends to find out strategies to the problem. I teach both Chinese subject and Chinese Culture and Arts subject with Holistic Learning. I set clear teaching task and specific teaching process according to the students' situations in teaching. I have special arrangement and create a series of teaching situations and tasks based on overseas study in finding out the connecting point and integrate the steps of subjects. This stage of teaching not only fulfills teaching tasks of different subjects, but also improves students' different abilities, providing all possibilities for students' comprehensive development. According to teaching practice and conclusions of this stage, I think the following aspects are very important in Holistic Learning teaching . (1) Grasp chracteristics of subiects and decide connecting points among different subjects. (2) Find out relations between subjects and life, promoting students' comprehensive development. (3) Design teaching activities according to situations and life ,making them chanllenging ,operative and systematic. (4) Combine teacher's guide with evaluation, promoting student's effective study. Finally, I have to say there is much to be studied in Holistic Learning teaching, like cooperation among teachers, differences in students' personalities and so on. All these need further research and survey. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Environmental education in the secondary schools of Hong Kong

Lam, Wai-nam., 林蔚南. January 2011 (has links)
In Hong Kong, environmental education is not regarded as a compulsory learning subject in secondary schools and it is also not assessed as an independent subject in any public examination. As there is no specific and formal role for environmental education in secondary schools, educators tend to make use of various subjects such as Geography, Social Studies, Physics, Chemistry and Liberal Studies etc. to deliver contents, themes and issues related to environmental education. Also, in some secondary schools, the organization of some extra-curricular activities through Geography Society and Environmental Education Clubs etc. supplement the work of subject departments in delivering environmental education. Beside these efforts other schools may have other inputs for environmental education, however, from a macro perspective, is such context of environmental education delivery represents a holistic and high-quality environmental education delivery in secondary schools of Hong Kong? Because of the lack of formal position of environmental education in the education system, schools have great autonomy to decide on the ways in delivering environmental education. It is therefore worthwhile to understand in reality, how secondary schools in Hong Kong carry out environmental education in their own ways? Schools may have different practices of environmental education in their own context, but are there any similarities of their practices? The attempt to generalize several patterns of the selected school in practicing environmental education would be helpful to provide an angle for understanding environmental education in a more structural and holistic way. More importantly, it is significant to understand to what extent are the current practices of the examined schools effective in delivering environmental education. After the evaluation of school’s effectiveness in environmental education, it is certainly a good news if any examined school is performing well and they should continue to strive for improvement, otherwise, for schools that are weaker in environmental education, educators should reflect upon and rethink more how can they do better in environmental education for cultivating more environmentally-literate citizens of Hong Kong in future. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Development of the curriculum resources on earth sciences in HongKong

Li, Mei-har, Chris., 李美霞. January 2012 (has links)
In Hong Kong, Earth Sciences are not a regular subject of the secondary school education. The aim of this project is to build up the students’ curiosity, prompting them to explore, investigate and learning more about Earth Science, ultimately attaining a more detailed understanding of where they live: the Earth. .To this end, a set of curriculum supporting materials, including fieldtrip planning, supplementary materials pack and learning outcomes, has been designed in consult with science curriculum co-ordinators, to facilitate both student learning and teaching of Earth Science-related Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) science subjects. Hong Kong Geopark represents a fantastic resource as a “natural science laboratory”, it is an ideal place for students to observe the real processes which are related to the current curriculums in their studies in secondary schools. Ma Shi Chau, one of the geo-sites in the Geopark, was selected as a destination of the fieldwork route in this project,as it provides an easily accessible opportunity to directly observe part of the Geopark’s superb geological landforms, and discover how their formation relates to fundamental principles of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, learned in the Science curriculum of the HKDSE. The set of the curriculum supporting materials was targeted especially for senior secondary students who are studying for the HKDSE in any Hong Kong traditional schools. / published_or_final_version / Applied Geosciences / Master / Master of Science

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