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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental impact of war technology and prohibition processes

Bazyan, Saloume January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays humans struggle to supply and attain longer and more appropriate life time. Introducing new technologies, which, speeded up by modernization and industrialization, is the main subject in many branches of science to improve the human’s life; but this rate of innovation is not always pleasurable. As seen in many cases, side effects of using new technology come up as warning signs, and lead to huge environmental and humanitarian disaster with irreversible impact. Moreover, most of these technologies might be applied in different kinds of warfare where nations use high-Tech as tools to reach other’s resources and raise their economic benefits. As in most wars that happened in the world, updated technologies have been applied to overcome the combatant, which finally shows up as damages on the environment, economy, civilians and soldiers. In this study we reviewed the reasons of shaping warfare and its consequences in different aspects of environment, civilians, soldiers and economy. The questions I followed to answer were: What are those main factors that induced by technology to form different kinds of warfare? And, can technology be altered as a tool to make a war more environmentally friendly? To answer these two main questions, we need to know reasons for shaping warfare a) Economy, b) Ideological/religious, and c) Power/pride/love which raise many theories such as Economic, Behavioural, Evolutionary, Demographic, Rational, and Political science theory. In 1990 members of the committee of environmental issue discussed development of technology in the future which should follow by consideration of global environmental issue. Therefore, new technology should bring solution to environmental problems. Nowadays technology creates some kind of competition, not only in combat, but also in cold war. According to reviews of many studies, the harshness of war increases and the aftermath becomes more severe on the environment and societies, consequently irreversible rehabilitation in short and long term. Applied technologies in some warfare have been considered by their impact on natural and human environment. As a case study I considered the recent war in Libya and its consequences, not only in the country, but also its impact on other nations and neighbours as well. Strict international laws is needed to explicit and declare the rights of each individual and nation to prevent and ban any activities in the term of war crime. Also groups of authentic authorities should set up to conduct an investigation into each activity in countries and survey on introduced technologies to ensure them about their result and consequences. Finally some reviews were released about how international committees and conventions, declarations and agreement has been set to prevent and prohibit crime in wars, and some international laws has been brought to guide nations about their rights and responsibility against each other.

Ultra-širokopojasni impulsni generator u CMOS tehnologiji / Impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) pulse generator in CMOS technology

Radić Jelena 19 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Impulsni generator predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih delova bežičnog<br />primopredajnika. Pored toga što treba da generiše signal čiji<br />spektar zadovoljava odgovarajuću spektralnu masku, generator treba da<br />bude što jednostavniji, zauzima malu površinu i ima malu potrošnju.<br />Naučni doprinos ove doktorske disertacije predstavlja sedam novih<br />konfiguracija ultra-širokopojasnih impulsnih generatora<br />projektovanih u CMOS tehnologiji, od kojih su tri fabrikovane u<br />0,18 &mu;m UMC CMOS procesu. Prvi dizajn je zasnovan na principu<br />kombinovanja kratkotrajnih impulsa, sledeća tri sadrže ring<br />oscilator, naredna dva impulsna generatora koriste princip<br />filtriranja, dok poslednje novo rešenje obezbeđuje BPSK kodovanje<br />korišćenjem dva ring oscilatora.</p> / <p>Pulse generator is one of the most important parts of a wireless transceiver.<br />Besides generating a signal which spectrum has to satisfy corresponding<br />spectral mask, the pulse generator should have topology as simple as<br />possible, consume low power and occupy low die-area. Scientific contribution<br />of this dissertation are seven novel IR-UWB pulse generator architectures<br />designed in CMOS technology of which three are fabricated in 0.18 &mu;m UMC<br />CMOS process. The first design is based on combining very short pulses, the<br />next three contain a ring oscillator topology followed by two pulse generators<br />that use the filtering approach, while the last new solution enables BPSK<br />modulation by employing two ring oscillator topologies.</p>

Elektronski sistem za obradu signala sa senzora promenljive izlazne impedanse / Electronic system for signal processing of sensors with variable impedance

Brkić Miodrag 07 July 2016 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji su prikazani elektronski sistemi razvijeni za<br />obradu signala sa senzora promenjive izlazne impedanse, koji se mogu<br />koristiti za različite vrste senzora. Razvijen je prototip mernog sistema<br />pomoću diskretnih komponenti. Merenja izvedena na ovom prototipu dokazala<br />su da se sa izabranom mernom metodom mogu dobiti zadovoljavajući rezultati<br />merenja. Projektovanjem analognog dela elektronskog sistema u CMOS<br />tehnologiji smanjene su dimenzije i potrošnja elektronskog sistema za obradu<br />signala, a poboljšane su merne karakteristike u odnosu na izvedu u<br />diskretnoj tehnologiji.</p> / <p>In this thesis, an electronic system for signal processing of sensors with variable<br />impedance has been developed. It can be used with different types of sensors. A<br />prototype of electronic system has been developed using discrete components.<br />Measurements made with this prototype have proved that applied measurement<br />method can be used to obtain satisfying measurement results. By designing analog<br />parts of electronic system in CMOS technology, dimensions and power consumption<br />of the electronic system for signal processing and measurement characteristics have<br />been improved, comparing to the prototype developed using discrete components.</p>

En studie om lakvattenhantering vid Gräfsåsensavfallsanläggning : En studie i syfte att föreslå lämpliga system avreningstekniker

Karlström, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
För att främja en hållbar utveckling har FN satt upp 17 vägledande globala miljömål som nationell lagstiftning bör utformas efter, vilket Sverige har gjort. För att se till att miljölagstiftningen följs av verksamheter utövas tillsyn mot vissa typer av verksamheter, bland annat deponier. Deponier är bland annat miljöfarliga för att de kan släppa ut lakvatten till omgivande miljö. Tillsynsmyndigheter för Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning har anmärkt på att vissa av deras utsläppsvillkor för lakvatten ej uppnås. Studien ska, med utgångspunkt från relevanta faktorer för val av reningsteknik (emissionskrav, lakvattnets karaktärisering &amp; lakvattenproduktion), gällande villkor från utsedda tillsynsmyndigheter och styrdokumentet BREF utreda två lämpliga system avreningstekniker för lakvatten samt eventuella återupprepande reningssteg, vid Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning. Hänsyn kommer även tas till tidigare genomförda pilotstudier för lakvattenhantering vid Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning, och vilka övergripande slutsatsersom kan dras från dem. Karaktäriseringen utgick från att inhämta historiska data från provtagningar, som jämfördes med BREF:s riktvärden för relevanta parametrar samt nuvarandeutsläppsvillkor. Resultaten visade att reningsteknikerna skulle inriktas mot avskiljning av organiskt material (TOC &amp; BOD7), långkedjiga PFAS, totalt oorganiskt kväve samt totalkväve. Försedimenteringsdamm valdes för att jämna ut lakvattenflödet samt minska mängdenorganiskt material och metaller som kan försämra biologisk rening. Luftad damm och översilningsyta valdes för att de kan minska mängden kväve, organiskt material ochmetaller. Skumfraktionering och adsorptionsfilter valdes för att effektivt avskilja långkedjiga PFAS. Studien har visat att Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning behöver installera en försedimenteringsdamm samt utöka sin biologiska rening. Tidigare använda reningstekniker som luftad damm, adsorptionsfilter samt våtmark har ej optimeratstillräckligt. / To promote sustainable developement, the UN has set up 17 global environmental goals that national legislation should incorporate. To ensure that environmental legislation is followed by certain practioners, supervision is performed. Landfills are seen as an environmentally hazardous activity that need supervision, mainly due to the fact that environmentally hazardous substances like leachate water could be spread to the environment. Supervisory authorities for Gräfsåsen avfallsanläggning have noted that some of their emission requirements for leachate water are not fulfilled. The study shall, based on relevant factors for the selection of treatment technology (emission requirements, characterization of leachate &amp; production of leachate), current conditions from appointed supervisory authorities, the steering document BREF, investigate two suitable systems of treatment techniques for leachate, at Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning. Consideration will also be given to previously completed pilot studiesfor leachate management at Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning, and general conclusions that can be drawn from them. The characterization was based on gathering historical measurement data, and then compare the data to BREF guideline values for relevant parameters as well as current emission requirements.The results showed that treatment techniques should be aimed at removing organic matter, long- chained PFAS, total inorganic nitrogen &amp; total nitrogen. Pre- sedimentation ponds were chosen to even out the leachate flow and reduce the amount of organic matter and metals that could impair biological treatment. Aerated pond and overflow area were chosen because they can reduce the amount of nitrogen, organic matter and metals. Foamfractionation and adsorption filter was chosen to efficiently separate long-chained PFAS. The study has shown that Gräfsåsens avfallsanläggning needs to install a presedimentation pond and expand its biological treatment. Previously used treatment techniques such as aerated pond, adsorption filter and wetlands have not been sufficiently optimized / <p>2023-06-02</p>

Фотоакустички одзив трансмисионе фотоакустичке конфигурације и анализа резонантних феномена за двослојне узорке са топлотном меморијом / Fotoakustički odziv transmisione fotoakustičke konfiguracije i analiza rezonantnih fenomena za dvoslojne uzorke sa toplotnom memorijom / Photoacoustic response of an transmission photoacoustic configuration and analysis of resonant phenomena for two-layersamples with thermal memory

Popović Marica 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији изведени су модели за фотоакустички одзив рефлексионе и трансмисионе конфигурације за оптички провидне двослојне узорке са топлотном меморијом, који представља генерализацију до сада коришћених модела и то у три правца: урачунат је утицај коначне брзине простирања топлоте кроз оба слоја, генерализован је модел тако да узме у обзир постојање запреминске апсорпције кроз оба слоја и урачунат је утицај ћелије минималне запремине која се понаша као Хелмхолцов резонатор. Применом овог модела на експериментална мерења показано је да се може проширити фреквентни опсег користан за карактеризацију и осликавање (имиџинг) различитих узорака чиме се повећава тачност одређивања термоеластичних и оптичких особина материјала, а посебно структура са ниским степеном уређења.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji izvedeni su modeli za fotoakustički odziv refleksione i transmisione konfiguracije za optički providne dvoslojne uzorke sa toplotnom memorijom, koji predstavlja generalizaciju do sada korišćenih modela i to u tri pravca: uračunat je uticaj konačne brzine prostiranja toplote kroz oba sloja, generalizovan je model tako da uzme u obzir postojanje zapreminske apsorpcije kroz oba sloja i uračunat je uticaj ćelije minimalne zapremine koja se ponaša kao Helmholcov rezonator. Primenom ovog modela na eksperimentalna merenja pokazano je da se može proširiti frekventni opseg koristan za karakterizaciju i oslikavanje (imidžing) različitih uzoraka čime se povećava tačnost određivanja termoelastičnih i optičkih osobina materijala, a posebno struktura sa niskim stepenom uređenja.</p> / <p>In this dissertation, the models of photoacoustic (PA) response are derived for both reflection and transmission PA setup configurations of two-layered optically transparent samples with thermal memory. These models are considered a generalization of the models used so far, in three directions: first, the impact of finite heat propagation velocity through both layers is included, second, the existence of volume absorptionin both layers is taken into account, and third, the effect of the minimum volume cell acting as a Helmholtz resonator is examined. The application this model on the experimental measurements has shown the possibility of the extending the frequency range useful for characterization and imaging of different samples, thus increasing the accuracy of thedetermination of thermoelastic and optical properties of various</p>

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