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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Test Rey-Osterriethovy komplexní figury u desetiletých dětí / Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test in ten-year-old children

Ondřejková, Žaneta January 2014 (has links)
The thesis discusses the psychological test called Rey-Osterrieth complex figure (ROCF) and focuses on the possibilities of its use in ten-year-old children. The objective of this study was to describe how ten-year-old children process TKF in all its parts (copy, recall, delayed recall) in quantitative and qualitative terms. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. Theoretical part consists of the psychological characteristics of the developmental period of ten-year-old child giving emphasis to cognitive development, then the test TKF and its utilization in children. Utilization of ROCF in children with specific learning disabilities is also an important component of the theoretical part. In the empirical part itself is presented, which is based on the research process TKF with ten children. Due to the nature of the data obtained were selected quantitative processing. They were designed to approximate the standard for this age group, extended test administration in children and the results were compared with a group of children with specific learning disabilities and psychological test called the Trail Making Test.

Testování Fed modelu / Fed Model Testing

Hříbalová, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
Diploma Thesis focuses on Fed Model testing and its credibility on market data. The research is based on Gordon Model and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), it explains, what the basic features of the Fed Model are and describes its derivation from Gordon Model. The Thesis shows possible Fed Model limitation. It uses the US market, Great Britain and Germany 1979 -- 2011 data to demonstrate validity of the model. Eventually possible reasons of Fed Model development in period 2002 -- 2011 are presented.

Dez peças para quinteto de sopros de György Ligeti: a gradação como uma ferramenta para a construção do discurso musical / Dez peças para quinteto de sopros de György Ligeti: a gradação como uma ferramenta para a construção do discurso musical

Vitale, Claudio Horacio 15 December 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever os processos graduais utilizados por György Ligeti na composição de sua obra Dez peças para quinteto de sopros (1968). Através dessa descrição, pretende-se pôr em evidência a gradação como uma ferramenta importante na construção da linguagem utilizada na obra. A análise das Dez peças é abordada em relação a diferentes parâmetros ou aspectos do discurso musical: movimento das vozes, harmonia, timbre, densidade, estrutura rítmica. São observadas as transformações mínimas dos materiais, os movimentos das alturas por proximidade ou contigüidade, bem como os processos de adição presentes no tratamento dos diferentes elementos. Este estudo demonstra que o procedimento das transformações progressivas não é utilizado por Ligeti de maneira linear. A idéia de gradação deve ser entendida com certa flexibilidade e não de um modo literal. Os movimentos por passos literalmente graduais existem, porém, geralmente são parte de um processo que procura dissimular essa linearidade. / The main goal of this dissertation is to describe the gradual processes used by György Ligeti in its work Ten pieces for wind quintet (1968). Through this description we try to put in evidence the gradual processes as an important tool in the construction of the Ten pieces language. The analysis of the Ten pieces considers different parameters or aspects of the composition: melodic motion, harmony, timbre, density, rhythmic structure. We also observe minimal transformations of materials, movements of pitches by proximity or contiguity and treatment of different elements by addition. This study demonstrates that the procedure of progressive transformations is not used by Ligeti in a linear form. The gradual processes must be understood in a flexible way. The motion generated by literal gradual steps exist, but generally they are part of a process that attempts to dissimulate this linearity.

孫光憲詞研究. / Study of Sun Guangxian ci / Sun Guangxian ci yan jiu.

January 2003 (has links)
孫賽珠. / "2003年6月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 參考文獻 (leaves 274-299). / 附中英文摘要. / "2003 nian 6 yue". / Sun Saizhu. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 274-299). / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 提要 --- p.頁i-ii / 目錄 --- p.頁iii-頁vi / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 / Chapter 第一節: --- 硏究動機與目的 --- p.頁1-頁5 / Chapter 第二節: --- 前人硏究成果的回顧與檢討 --- p.頁5-頁12 / Chapter 第三節: --- 硏究範圍及方法 --- p.頁12-頁13 / Chapter 第二章 --- 孫光憲生平著作簡介 / Chapter 第一節: --- 孫光憲之生年 --- p.頁14-頁16 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孫光憲之仕途 --- p.頁16-頁23 / Chapter 第三節: --- 孫光憲之著述 --- p.頁37-頁37 / Chapter 第四節: --- 孫光憲之思想才識、文學修養 --- p.頁24-頁39 / Chapter 第五節: --- 孫光憲之交遊 --- p.頁39-頁51 / Chapter 第六節: --- 孫光憲詞之分期 --- p.頁51 -頁58 / Chapter 第三章 --- 孫光憲詞詞牌與内容的關係 / Chapter 第一節: --- 詞牌與內容的關係 --- p.頁59-頁65 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孫光憲詞的聯章性 --- p.頁65-頁84 / Chapter 第四章 --- 孫光憲詞的閨怨情愛 / Chapter 第一節: --- 從文學源流看晚唐五代詞與六朝宮體、唐代艷詩之關係 --- p.頁85-頁105 / Chapter 第二節: --- 從詞人與歌妓的關係論孫光憲艷情詞的特色 --- p.頁105-頁138 / Chapter 第五章 --- 孫光憲詞的風土人情 / Chapter 第一節: --- 孫光憲風物詞所繼承的文學傳統 --- p.頁139-頁155 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孫光憲風物詞的特色 --- p.頁155-頁168 / Chapter 第六章 --- 孫光憲詞的懷古詠懷、邊塞送別 / Chapter 第一節: --- 即地懷古 --- p.頁169-頁180 / Chapter 第二節: --- 借物詠懷 --- p.頁180-頁186 / Chapter 第三節: --- 使事懷人 --- p.頁186-頁193 / Chapter 第四節: --- 邊塞送別 --- p.頁193-頁206 / Chapter 第七章 --- 孫光憲詞的藝術技巧 / Chapter 第一節: --- 語言風格 --- p.頁207-頁225 / Chapter 第二節: --- 意境營造 --- p.頁225-頁235 / Chapter 第三節: --- 格律句式 --- p.頁235-頁242 / Chapter 第四節: --- 結構鋪排 --- p.頁242-頁250 / Chapter 第八章 --- 結語´ؤ´ؤ孫光憲詞的評價地位 / Chapter 第一節: --- 前人對孫光憲詞之評價 --- p.頁251-頁258 / Chapter 第二節: --- 從詞話看孫光憲詞之價値 --- p.頁258-頁262 / Chapter 第三節: --- 孫光憲詞在詞史上的地位 --- p.頁262-頁273 / 參考書目 / Chapter 一、 --- 專著 --- p.頁274-頁288 / Chapter 二、 --- 論文 --- p.頁288-頁296 / Chapter 三、 --- 外文論著 --- p.頁297-頁298 / Chapter 四、 --- 網站 --- p.頁298-頁299 / 附錄 / 附錄一:〈《花間集》、《尊前集》詞人生卒及排列次序〉 --- p.頁300-頁301 / 附錄二:〈孫光憲生平傳記資料〉 --- p.頁302-頁304 / 附錄三:〈孫光憲生平事跡簡述〉 --- p.頁305-頁315 / 附錄四:〈孫光憲之官職表〉 --- p.頁316 / 附錄五:〈孫光憲之著述表) --- p.頁317-頁321 / 附錄六:〈齊己《白蓮集》和孫光憲詩〉 --- p.頁322-頁324 / 附錄七:〈《花間集》題材內容〉 --- p.頁325-頁345 / 附錄八:〈花間詞人的詞牌內容〉 --- p.頁346-頁349 / 附錄九:〈孫光憲詞的詞牌內容〉 --- p.頁350-頁352 / 附錄十:〈孫光憲詞的閨怨內容〉 --- p.頁353-頁356 / 附錄十一:〈《花間集》、《尊前集》中的反問句〉 --- p.頁357-頁358 / 附錄十二:〈孫光憲詞中的反問句〉 --- p.頁359-頁365 / 附錄十三:〈花間尊前詞人從男子角度寫閨怨〉 --- p.頁366-頁369 / 附錄十四:〈花間尊前詞人寫男子冶遊之作〉 --- p.頁370 / 附錄十五:〈《花間集》所描寫之地區〉 --- p.頁371-頁386 / 附錄十六:〈花間詞人所用的《詩經》典故〉 --- p.頁387-頁389 / 附錄十七:〈花間詞人所用的《楚辭》典故〉 --- p.頁390-頁391 / 附錄十八:〈花間詞人所用的漢賦典故〉 --- p.頁392-頁397 / 附錄十九:〈孫光憲詞融化前人詩句〉 --- p.頁398-頁401 / 附錄二十:〈花間尊前詞人的詞牌與句式〉 --- p.頁402-頁406 / 附錄二十一:〈孫光憲詞之押韻句式〉 --- p.頁407-頁411 / 附錄二十二:〈孫光憲詞會評) --- p.頁412-頁450

Twilight of Laissez-Faire: the Campaign for Ten Hours, 1831-1853

Barvin, Linn H. 08 1900 (has links)
In early Victorian England, the new philosophy of social democracy challenged the bourgeois creed of laissezfaire. An important aspect of this struggle, which historians have neglected, is the campaign (1831-1853) for a shorter and regulated factory workday. This study concludes that during the Parliamentary debates on factory legislation, Britain's leaders, regardless of party affiliation, decided that the Government, indeed, had an obligation to assist the victims of social and economic injustice, a decision which meant the end of laissez-faire.

Transevropské sítě (TEN) a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) / Trans-European Network (TEN) and Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Vašová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the Trans-European Transport Network and especially on the possibilities of financing the TEN-T with private-sector participation. The thesis is devided in three chapters. In the first part of the thesis, the author discusses the importance of transport in the economy of the European Union and summarises the development, principles and objectives of the Common Transport Policy. The concept of the Trans-European Network is also introduced in this chapter. The key documents related to the TEN-T are briefly summarized and the gains and lasting setbacks of the TEN-T are discussed in this part of the thesis. The second chapter provides an overview of the costs of the TEN-T and the existing possibilities of their financing. The last chapter introduces the Public Private Partnerhip as a possible efficient means of the TEN-T financing.

Dez peças para quinteto de sopros de György Ligeti: a gradação como uma ferramenta para a construção do discurso musical / Dez peças para quinteto de sopros de György Ligeti: a gradação como uma ferramenta para a construção do discurso musical

Claudio Horacio Vitale 15 December 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever os processos graduais utilizados por György Ligeti na composição de sua obra Dez peças para quinteto de sopros (1968). Através dessa descrição, pretende-se pôr em evidência a gradação como uma ferramenta importante na construção da linguagem utilizada na obra. A análise das Dez peças é abordada em relação a diferentes parâmetros ou aspectos do discurso musical: movimento das vozes, harmonia, timbre, densidade, estrutura rítmica. São observadas as transformações mínimas dos materiais, os movimentos das alturas por proximidade ou contigüidade, bem como os processos de adição presentes no tratamento dos diferentes elementos. Este estudo demonstra que o procedimento das transformações progressivas não é utilizado por Ligeti de maneira linear. A idéia de gradação deve ser entendida com certa flexibilidade e não de um modo literal. Os movimentos por passos literalmente graduais existem, porém, geralmente são parte de um processo que procura dissimular essa linearidade. / The main goal of this dissertation is to describe the gradual processes used by György Ligeti in its work Ten pieces for wind quintet (1968). Through this description we try to put in evidence the gradual processes as an important tool in the construction of the Ten pieces language. The analysis of the Ten pieces considers different parameters or aspects of the composition: melodic motion, harmony, timbre, density, rhythmic structure. We also observe minimal transformations of materials, movements of pitches by proximity or contiguity and treatment of different elements by addition. This study demonstrates that the procedure of progressive transformations is not used by Ligeti in a linear form. The gradual processes must be understood in a flexible way. The motion generated by literal gradual steps exist, but generally they are part of a process that attempts to dissimulate this linearity.

Är tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § Inkomstskattelagen förenlig med EG-rätten? : Vad blir konsekvenserna av den nya lydelsen? / Is the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law in compliance with EC-Law? : What are the consequences of the new wording?

Buhre, Anna, Mörck, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda huruvida tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § IL strider mot EG-rätten. Vidare undersöks konsekvenserna utav den utvidgade regeln i förhållande till den internationella skatteavtalsrätten. Avsaknad av total harmonisering inom skatteområdet i EU resulterar i att praxis från EGD är vägledande och av stor vikt för medlemsstaterna. Skatteregler i intern rätt får inte utformas på ett sätt att de strider mot någon av de grundläggande rörelsefriheterna i EG-fördraget. Tioårsregeln innebär i grova drag att kapitalvinster som uppstår vid avyttring av tillgångar, skall beskattas i Sverige under de tio nästföljande åren efter utflyttning från Sverige. Tioårsregeln i dess tidigare lydelse har inte fungerat ändamålsenligt. Numera omfattar tioårsregeln utländska andelar och delägarrätter om dessa förvärvades under tiden den skattskyldige var obegränsat skattskyldig i Sverige. Tioårsregelns syfte är att hindra skattskyldiga att undandraga den svenska staten skatteintäkter vid utflyttning. Exitbeskattning är en synonym till utflyttningsbeskattning. Exitskatt avseende kapital innebär att beskattning sker på en orealiserad latent vinst på grund av att den skattskyldige flyttar ut från staten. Tioårsregeln kan sägas vara en typ av exitskatteregel eftersom den grundas på en utsträckt hemvistprincip. Bestämmelser om exitskatter avseende kapitalvinster är generellt sett svåra att rättfärdiga eftersom en mängd krav ställs för att sådana regler skall betraktas förenliga med EG-rätten. EGD har genom praxis stadgat vissa krav avseende utformning av exitskatteregler. Exitskatter i sig har inte ansetts strida mot EG-rätten, vilket kan utläsas från Lasteyrie-domen. I det senare avgjorda N-målet konstaterades att regler om exitskatt i form av uppskovsbeskattning måste anses godkända av EGD, i alla fall då de inte är förenade med alltför hårda krav för den skattskyldige. För att inte strida mot EG-rätten bör värdenedgångar efter utflyttning beaktas samtidigt som krav på säkerhet och dylikt inte får ställas på den skattskyldige. Artikel 13 i OECD:s modellavtal gällande kapitalvinster reglerar inte problematiken kring olika staters bestämmelser om kapitalskatt skall tas ut eller på vilket sätt kapitalvinst skall beskattas. Artikeln reglerar i stället hur skatteanspråket avseende kapitalvinst skall fördelas mellan staterna. Det är inte alltför ovanligt att de svenska skatteavtalen skiljer sig från OECD:s modellavtal i vissa avseenden.  Begränsningarna i Sveriges beskattningsrätt innebär ofta en inskränkning i de antal år som Sverige har rätt att beskatta kapitalvinster och/eller att svenska delägarrätter samt andelar endast omfattas av den svenska beskattningsrätten. Utvidgningen av tioårsregeln är verkningslös eftersom de svenska skatteavtalen är formulerade på ett sätt som leder till att Sverige förhindras att utöva sin beskattningsrätt enligt tioårsregeln, som avtalen föreskriver. Tioårsregeln har inte effektiviserats med hjälp av utvidgningen till att även omfatta utländska andelar på grund av skatteavtalens neutraliserande effekt. Skatteavtalen leder till att tioårsregeln är verkningslös och för att syftet med den utvidgade tioårsregeln skall uppnås måste Sverige omförhandla sina skatteavtal. Om en skattskyldig person vid utflyttning behandlas negativt av tioårsregeln i jämförelse med en skattskyldig person som fortsätter vara bosatt i Sverige, kan regeln fungera hindrande. Eftersom beskattning av kapitalvinst enligt tioårsregeln sker på samma sätt för den utflyttade personen som för den i Sverige kvarvarande personen föreligger ingen negativ särbehandling, vilket innebär att regeln är förenlig med EG-rätten. Tioårsregeln bör ersättas av ett system bestående av exitbeskattning med möjlighet till uppskov, vilket vi betraktar som en mer ändamålsenlig lösning. Vår utredning påvisar att förslaget uppnår samma syfte som tioårsregeln strävar efter samtidigt som det framstår förenligt med EG-rätten. Problematiken avseende skatteflykt och skatteundandragande som tioårsregeln kan medföra är dock inte löst i sin helhet i och med det framställda förslaget. Problematiken med skatteflykt och skatteundandragande vid utflyttningssituationer kvarstår så länge Sveriges skatteavtal inte omförhandlas. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law is contrary to EC-law. The consequences of the extended rule in connection with international contract law regarding taxation agreement are furthermore investigated. The lack of complete harmonization within tax law in the EU brings case law from the European Court of Justice into a position of great importance since it serves as guidance for the member states. Tax rules in national law may not be constructed in a way that is contrary to the right of free movement in the EC-treaty. A general explanation of the ten-year-rule is that capital gains which arise from disposal of assets shall be subject to Swedish tax during a ten-year period following emigration from Sweden. The former wording of the ten-year-rule has not been working appropriately. The present outline of the ten-year-rule also comprises foreign shares if they were acquired during a period when the taxpayer was liable to unlimited taxation in Sweden. The aim of the ten-year-rule is to hinder taxpayers avoiding paying governmental taxes after emigration. Exit tax is a synonym for emigration tax. Exit tax regarding capital leads to taxation of gains that has not yet been subject to realization due to the taxpayer’s emigration. The ten-year-rule can be regarded as an exit tax since it is based on an extended domicile principle. Rules regarding exit tax of capital gains are generally difficult to justify because of the various requirements to be fulfilled in order to comply with EC-law. ECJ has through case law enacted certain requirements regarding construction of exit tax rules in national law. From the judgment of the Lasteyrie-case it can be understood that exit taxes per se is not contrary to EC-law. The later ruled N-case established that exit tax rules supplemented with a possibility of tax deferral has to be considered approved by ECJ, at least when not combined with far too strict requirements for the taxpayer. In order for exit tax rules in national law not to be contrary to EC-law shall rate decrease be considered after emigration and security requirements cannot be demanded. Article 13 of the OECD's Model Tax Convention regarding capital gains does not regulate if capital gains shall be taxed or in what way capital gains shall be taxed. Instead the article regulates how the tax claim regarding capital gains shall be divided between the contractual parties. It is not uncommon that the Swedish taxation agreements are in some aspects different from the Model Tax Convention. Limitations of the Swedish tax claim often leads to restriction in the time period in which Sweden has the right to confer taxation of capital gains and/or that Swedish shares only are included in the Swedish tax claim. The extension of the ten-year-rule is ineffective since the Swedish taxation agreements are constructed in a way that leads to Sweden being prevented from practicing the tax claim according to the ten-year-rule which the agreement prescribes. The extension to also include foreign shares in the ten-year-rule has not made the rule more efficient due to the neutralizing effect of the taxation agreements. The Swedish taxation agreements affect the ten-year-rule to become inoperative and in order for the extended rule to be effective, Sweden has to renegotiate the agreements.    If an emigrating taxpayer is treated in a less favorable manner in comparison with a taxpayer keeping its residence in Sweden due to the ten-year-rule, the rule can be considered as a hindrance. Since taxation of capital gains in accordance with the ten-year-rule is conducted in the same manner for the emigrating person as for the person remaining in Sweden, no derogatory treatment exists which means that the rule is compatible with EC-law. The ten-year-rule should be replaced by a system consistent of exit tax rules combined with an opportunity for tax deferral, which we consider to be an appropriate solution. Our investigation demonstrates that this solution achieves the same purpose as the ten-year-rule is striving for at the same time as it seems to be in compliance with EC-law. The difficulty regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion that the ten-year-rule might contribute to is however not completely solved by this presented solution. The problem regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion remains as long as Swedish taxation agreements are not renegotiated.

Är tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § Inkomstskattelagen förenlig med EG-rätten? : Vad blir konsekvenserna av den nya lydelsen? / Is the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law in compliance with EC-Law? : What are the consequences of the new wording?

Buhre, Anna, Mörck, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda huruvida tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § IL strider mot EG-rätten. Vidare undersöks konsekvenserna utav den utvidgade regeln i förhållande till den internationella skatteavtalsrätten.</p><p>Avsaknad av total harmonisering inom skatteområdet i EU resulterar i att praxis från EGD är vägledande och av stor vikt för medlemsstaterna. Skatteregler i intern rätt får inte utformas på ett sätt att de strider mot någon av de grundläggande rörelsefriheterna i EG-fördraget.</p><p>Tioårsregeln innebär i grova drag att kapitalvinster som uppstår vid avyttring av tillgångar, skall beskattas i Sverige under de tio nästföljande åren efter utflyttning från Sverige. Tioårsregeln i dess tidigare lydelse har inte fungerat ändamålsenligt. Numera omfattar tioårsregeln utländska andelar och delägarrätter om dessa förvärvades under tiden den skattskyldige var obegränsat skattskyldig i Sverige. Tioårsregelns syfte är att hindra skattskyldiga att undandraga den svenska staten skatteintäkter vid utflyttning.</p><p><em>Exitbeskattning</em> är en synonym till <em>utflyttningsbeskattning</em>. Exitskatt avseende kapital innebär att beskattning sker på en orealiserad latent vinst på grund av att den skattskyldige flyttar ut från staten. Tioårsregeln kan sägas vara en typ av exitskatteregel eftersom den grundas på en utsträckt hemvistprincip.</p><p>Bestämmelser om exitskatter avseende kapitalvinster är generellt sett svåra att rättfärdiga eftersom en mängd krav ställs för att sådana regler skall betraktas förenliga med EG-rätten. EGD har genom praxis stadgat vissa krav avseende utformning av exitskatteregler. Exitskatter i sig har inte ansetts strida mot EG-rätten, vilket kan utläsas från <em>Lasteyrie</em>-domen. I det senare avgjorda <em>N</em>-målet konstaterades att regler om exitskatt i form av uppskovsbeskattning måste anses godkända av EGD, i alla fall då de inte är förenade med alltför hårda krav för den skattskyldige. För att inte strida mot EG-rätten bör värdenedgångar efter utflyttning beaktas samtidigt som krav på säkerhet och dylikt inte får ställas på den skattskyldige.</p><p>Artikel 13 i OECD:s modellavtal gällande kapitalvinster reglerar inte problematiken kring olika staters bestämmelser <em>om </em>kapitalskatt skall tas ut eller på vilket <em>sätt</em> kapitalvinst skall beskattas. Artikeln reglerar i stället <em>hur</em> skatteanspråket avseende kapitalvinst skall fördelas mellan staterna. Det är inte alltför ovanligt att de svenska skatteavtalen skiljer sig från OECD:s modellavtal i vissa avseenden.  Begränsningarna i Sveriges beskattningsrätt innebär ofta en inskränkning i de antal år som Sverige har rätt att beskatta kapitalvinster och/eller att svenska delägarrätter samt andelar endast omfattas av den svenska beskattningsrätten.</p><p>Utvidgningen av tioårsregeln är verkningslös eftersom de svenska skatteavtalen är formulerade på ett sätt som leder till att Sverige förhindras att utöva sin beskattningsrätt enligt tioårsregeln, som avtalen föreskriver. Tioårsregeln har inte effektiviserats med hjälp av utvidgningen till att även omfatta utländska andelar på grund av skatteavtalens neutraliserande effekt. Skatteavtalen leder till att tioårsregeln är verkningslös och för att syftet med den utvidgade tioårsregeln skall uppnås måste Sverige omförhandla sina skatteavtal.</p><p>Om en skattskyldig person vid utflyttning behandlas negativt av tioårsregeln i jämförelse med en skattskyldig person som fortsätter vara bosatt i Sverige, kan regeln fungera hindrande. Eftersom beskattning av kapitalvinst enligt tioårsregeln sker på samma sätt för den utflyttade personen som för den i Sverige kvarvarande personen föreligger ingen negativ särbehandling, vilket innebär att regeln är förenlig med EG-rätten.</p><p>Tioårsregeln bör ersättas av ett system bestående av exitbeskattning med möjlighet till uppskov, vilket vi betraktar som en mer ändamålsenlig lösning. Vår utredning påvisar att förslaget uppnår samma syfte som tioårsregeln strävar efter samtidigt som det framstår förenligt med EG-rätten. Problematiken avseende skatteflykt och skatteundandragande som tioårsregeln kan medföra är dock inte löst i sin helhet i och med det framställda förslaget. Problematiken med skatteflykt och skatteundandragande vid utflyttningssituationer kvarstår så länge Sveriges skatteavtal inte omförhandlas.</p> / <p>The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law is contrary to EC-law. The consequences of the extended rule in connection with international contract law regarding taxation agreement are furthermore investigated.</p><p>The lack of complete harmonization within tax law in the EU brings case law from the European Court of Justice into a position of great importance since it serves as guidance for the member states. Tax rules in national law may not be constructed in a way that is contrary to the right of free movement in the EC-treaty.</p><p>A general explanation of the ten-year-rule is that capital gains which arise from disposal of assets shall be subject to Swedish tax during a ten-year period following emigration from Sweden. The former wording of the ten-year-rule has not been working appropriately. The present outline of the ten-year-rule also comprises foreign shares if they were acquired during a period when the taxpayer was liable to unlimited taxation in Sweden. The aim of the ten-year-rule is to hinder taxpayers avoiding paying governmental taxes after emigration.</p><p>Exit tax is a synonym for emigration tax. Exit tax regarding capital leads to taxation of gains that has not yet been subject to realization due to the taxpayer’s emigration. The ten-year-rule can be regarded as an exit tax since it is based on an extended domicile principle.</p><p>Rules regarding exit tax of capital gains are generally difficult to justify because of the various requirements to be fulfilled in order to comply with EC-law. ECJ has through case law enacted certain requirements regarding construction of exit tax rules in national law. From the judgment of the <em>Lasteyrie</em>-case it can be understood that exit taxes per se is not contrary to EC-law. The later ruled <em>N</em>-case established that exit tax rules supplemented with a possibility of tax deferral has to be considered approved by ECJ, at least when not combined with far too strict requirements for the taxpayer. In order for exit tax rules in national law not to be contrary to EC-law shall rate decrease be considered after emigration and security requirements cannot be demanded.</p><p>Article 13 of the OECD's Model Tax Convention regarding capital gains does not regulate <em>if</em> capital gains shall be taxed or in <em>what way</em> capital gains shall be taxed. Instead the article regulates <em>how</em> the tax claim regarding capital gains shall be divided between the contractual parties. It is not uncommon that the Swedish taxation agreements are in some aspects different from the Model Tax Convention. Limitations of the Swedish tax claim often leads to restriction in the time period in which Sweden has the right to confer taxation of capital gains and/or that Swedish shares only are included in the Swedish tax claim.</p><p>The extension of the ten-year-rule is ineffective since the Swedish taxation agreements are constructed in a way that leads to Sweden being prevented from practicing the tax claim according to the ten-year-rule which the agreement prescribes. The extension to also include foreign shares in the ten-year-rule has not made the rule more efficient due to the neutralizing effect of the taxation agreements. The Swedish taxation agreements affect the ten-year-rule to become inoperative and in order for the extended rule to be effective, Sweden has to renegotiate the agreements.   </p><p>If an emigrating taxpayer is treated in a less favorable manner in comparison with a taxpayer keeping its residence in Sweden due to the ten-year-rule, the rule can be considered as a hindrance. Since taxation of capital gains in accordance with the ten-year-rule is conducted in the same manner for the emigrating person as for the person remaining in Sweden, no derogatory treatment exists which means that the rule is compatible with EC-law.</p><p>The ten-year-rule should be replaced by a system consistent of exit tax rules combined with an opportunity for tax deferral, which we consider to be an appropriate solution. Our investigation demonstrates that this solution achieves the same purpose as the ten-year-rule is striving for at the same time as it seems to be in compliance with EC-law. The difficulty regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion that the ten-year-rule might contribute to is however not completely solved by this presented solution. The problem regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion remains as long as Swedish taxation agreements are not renegotiated.</p>

Ränteavdragsbegränsningarna i svensk rätt : Varför infördes reglerna, hur ska de tillämpas och hur ser framtiden ut på området?

Jönsson, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
Den 1 januari 2009 trädde en ny lagstiftning i kraft gällande ränteavdragsbegränsningar i syfte att förhindra skatteupplägg med ränteavdrag inom en intressegemenskap. Förändringarna innebar att en huvudregel infördes vilken stipulerar att bolag inom en intressegemenskap inte får dra av ränteutgifter avseende en intern skuld som hänför sig till förvärv av delägarrätter inom koncernen. Till huvudregeln infördes två undantag som stadgar att avdrag ändock får göras om särskilda krav är uppfyllda. Undantagen kom att benämnas tioprocentsregeln och ventilen. När det gäller tillämpningen av tioprocentsregeln ligger svårigheten i att utföra det så kallade hypotetiska testet där man ska beräkna till vilken skattesats det räntemottagande bolaget ska beskattas till om det endast hade haft ränteinkomsten som sin enda inkomst. Tillämpningsproblemet gällande ventilen är att det är en lagregel vilken vilar på domstolens subjektiva värderingar av affärsmässigheten i de uppkomna skuldförhållandena. Trots införandet av de nya reglerna uppmärksammade Skatteverket att skatteplaneringsförfaranden fortfarande föreligger varför ett nytt lagförslag nu har publicerats av Finansdepartementet. Förslaget innebär i kort tre stora förändringar av de nuvarande reglerna. Samtliga interna lån ska numera omfattas, en omvänd ventil införs vilken ger Skatteverket rätt att neka avdrag oavsett till vilken skattesats ränteinkomsten beskattas till samt att avdrag enligt ventilen endast ska kunna medges gällande ränteutgifter som betalas till bolag belägna i ett land inom EES eller till ett land vilket Sverige har ett skatteavtal med. Huruvida lagförslaget kommer att antas eller inte är i nuläget oklart. Flera remissinstanser har varit kritiska till förslaget, framförallt gällande den omvända ventilen då man anser att den leder till stor rättsosäkerhet. / On January 1st 2009, a new legislation was set in force with regards to deduction limitations on interests in order to prevent tax schemes with the use of interest deductions within a corporate group. The changes that were made imposed a general rule which stipulates that companies within a corporate group are not allowed to deduct interests regarding internal debts if that debt relates to an acquisition of shares in a company within the corporate group. To the general rule two exceptions were introduced which stipulates that deductions can be made if certain requirements are fulfilled. The exceptions were called the ten percent-rule and “ventilen”. Regarding the application of the ten percent-rule the difficulty lies in the performing of the so called hypothetical test in which you have to calculate to what tax rate the interest-receiving company will be taxed at if it only had the interest as it´s only income. The application problem regarding “ventilen” is based on the fact that it is a rule which rests on the Court’s subjective evaluation of the commercial reasonableness of the transaction. Despite the introduction of the new rules the Swedish Tax Authorities noticed that tax schemes still exists why a new proposal now has been published by the Ministry of Finance. The proposal contains in short of three major changes to the current rules. All internal loans are now covered, a reverse ”ventil” is introduced which gives the Tax Authorities a right to deny deductions regardless of what tax rate the income is taxed to and finally that deductions according to “ventilen” only will be allowed regarding interest payments to a country within the EEA or to a country which Sweden has a tax agreement with. Whether the proposal will be adopted or not is currently unclear and several respondents have been critical to the proposal.

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