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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the deformation behavior and cracking of ductile iron; effect of microstructure

Kasvayee, Keivan Amiri January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the effect of microstructural variation on the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of ductile iron. To research and determine these effects, two grades of ductile iron, (i) GJS-500-7 and (ii) high silicon GJS-500-14, were cast in a geometry containing several plates with different section thicknesses in order to produce microstructural variation. Microstructural investigations as well as tensile and hardness tests were performed on the casting plates. The results revealed higher ferrite fraction, graphite particle count, and yield strength in the high silicon GJS-500-14 grade compared to the GJS-500-7 grade. To study the relationship between the microstructural variation and tensile behavior on macroscale, tensile stress-strain response was characterized using the Ludwigson equation. The obtained tensile properties were modeled, based on the microstructural characteristics, using multiple linear regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The models showed that silicon content, graphite particle count, ferrite fraction, and fraction of porosity are the major contributing factors that influence tensile behavior. The models were entered into a casting process simulation software, and the simulated microstructure and tensile properties were validated using the experimental data. This enabled the opportunity to predict tensile properties of cast components with similar microstructural characteristics. To investigate deformation behavior on micro-scale, a method was developed to quantitatively measure strain in the microstructure, utilizing the digital image correlation (DIC) technique together with in-situ tensile testing. In this method, a pit-etching procedure was developed to generate a random speckle pattern, enabling DIC strain measurement to be conducted in the matrix and the area between the graphite particles. The method was validated by benchmarking the measured yield strength with the material’s standard yield strength. The microstructural deformation behavior under tensile loading was characterized. During elastic deformation, strain mapping revealed a heterogeneous strain distribution in the microstructure, as well as shear bands that formed between graphite particles. The crack was initiated at the stress ranges in which a kink occurred in the tensile curve, indicating the dissipation of energy during both plastic deformation and crack initiation. A large amount of strain localization was measured at the onset of the micro-cracks on the strain maps. The micro-cracks were initiated at local strain levels higher than 2%, suggesting a threshold level of strain required for micro-crack initiation. A continuum Finite Element (FE) model containing a physical length scale was developed to predict strain on the microstructure of ductile iron. The material parameters for this model were calculated by optimization, utilizing the Ramberg-Osgood equation. The predicted strain maps were compared to the strain maps measured by DIC, both qualitatively and quantitatively. To a large extent, the strain maps were in agreement, resulting in the validation of the model on micro-scale. In order to perform a micro-scale characterization of dynamic deformation behavior, local strain distribution on the microstructure was studied by performing in-situ cyclic tests using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). A novel method, based on the focused ion beam (FIB) milling, was developed to generate a speckle pattern on the microstructure of the ferritic ductile iron (GJS-500-14 grade) to enable quantitative DIC strain measurement to be performed. The results showed that the maximum strain concentration occurred in the vicinity of the micro-cracks, particularly ahead of the micro-crack tip. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på effekten av variationer i mikrostrukturen på mekaniska egenskaper och deformationsbeteende hos segjärn. För att undersöka dessa effekter, två olika sorter av segjärn, (i) GJS-500-7 och (ii) högkisellegerad GJS-500-14, gjutits till plattor av olika tjocklekar för att generera mikrostrukturvariationen. Mikrostrukturundersökning, samt drag- och hårdhetsprov gjordes på de gjutna plattorna. Resultaten visade att en högre ferritfraktion, grafitpartikelantal och sträckgräns i den högkisellegerade GJS-500-14-sorten jämfört med GJS-500-7. För att studera förhållandet mellan mikrostrukturell variation och spännings-töjningsbeteendet på makroskala, modellerades detta med hjälp av Ludwigson-ekvationen. De erhållna spännings-töjningsegenskaperna modellerades baserat på mikrostrukturell karaktäristika genom multipel linjärregression och variansanalys (ANOVA). Modellerna visade att kiselhalt, grafitpartikelantal, ferritfraktion och porfraktion var de viktigaste bidragande faktorerna. Modellerna implementerades i ett simuleringsprogram för gjutningsprocessen. Resultatet från simuleringen validerades med hjälp av experimentella data som inte ingick i underlaget för regressionsanalysen. Detta möjliggjorde att prediktera spännings-töjningsbeteendet och dess variation hos gjutna segjärns komponenter med liknande sammansättning och gjutna tjocklekar som användes i denna studie. För att kunna undersöka deformationsbeteendet på mikroskala utvecklades en metod för kvantitativ mätning av töjning i mikrostrukturen, genom DIC-tekniken (digital image correlation) tillsammans med in-situ dragprovning. I denna metod utvecklades en grop-etsningsprocess för att generera ett slumpvis prickmönster, vilket möjliggjorde DIC-töjningsmätning i matrisen och i området mellan grafitpartiklarna med tillräcklig upplösning. Metoden validerades genom benchmarking av den uppmätta sträckgränsen mot materialets makroskopiska sträckgräns mätt med konventionell dragprovning. Det mikrostrukturella deformationsbeteendet under dragbelastning karakteriserades. Under elastisk deformation avslöjade töjningsmönstret en heterogen töjningsfördelning i mikrostrukturen, och bildandet av skjuvband mellan grafitpartiklar. Sprickbildning initierades vid låg spänning och redan vid de spänningsnivåer som ligger vis ”knät” på dragprovningskurvan, vilket indikerar energidissipering genom både begynnande plastisk deformation och sprickbildning. Den lokala töjningen vis sprickinitiering skedde då den lokala töjningen översteg 2%, vilket indikerar att detta skulle kunna vara en tröskelnivå för den töjning som erfordras för initiering av mikro-sprickor. En kontinuum Finita Element (FE) modell utvecklades för att prediktera töjningen hos ett segjärn och dess fördelning i segjärns mikrostruktur. Materialparametrarna för denna modell optimerades genom att anpassa parametrarna i Ramberg-Osgood ekvationen. De predikterade töjningsfördelningarna jämfördes med de experimentell uppmätta töjningsmönstren uppmätta med DIC, både kvalitativt och kvantitativt. Töjningsmönstren överensstämde i stor utsträckning, vilket resulterade i att modellerna kunde anses vara validerade på mikronivå. För att kunna mäta töjningsmönster under dynamiska förlopp på mikronivå utvecklades en metod för att skapa prickmönster och att utföra in-situ CT provning i ett svepeletronmikroskop (SEM). Prickmönstret skapades genom avverkning med en fokuserad jonstråle (FIB), och provades på det ferritiska segjärnet (GJS-500-14 grad). Resultaten visade att maximal töjningskoncentration fanns i närheten av mikrosprickorna, framförallt framför sprickspetsen.

Performance characterisation of duplex stainless steel in nuclear waste storage environment

Ornek, Cem January 2016 (has links)
The majority of UK’s intermediate level radioactive waste is currently stored in 316L and 304L austenitic stainless steel containers in interim storage facilities for permanent disposal until a geological disposal facility has become available. The structural integrity of stainless steel canisters is required to persevere against environmental degradation for up to 500 years to assure a safe storage and disposal scheme. Hitherto existing severe localised corrosion observances on real waste storage containers after 10 years of exposure to an ambient atmosphere in an in-land warehouse in Culham at Oxfordshire, however, questioned the likelihood occurrence of stress corrosion cracking that may harm the canister’s functionality during long-term storage. The more corrosion resistant duplex stainless steel grade 2205, therefore, has been started to be manufactured as a replacement for the austenitic grades. Over decades, the threshold stress corrosion cracking temperature of austenitic stainless steels has been believed to be 50-60°C, but lab- and field-based research has shown that 304L and 316L may suffer from atmospheric stress corrosion cracking at ambient temperatures. Such an issue has not been reported to occur for the 2205 duplex steel, and its atmospheric stress corrosion cracking behaviour at low temperatures (40-50°C) has been sparsely studied which requires detailed investigations in this respect. Low temperature atmospheric stress corrosion cracking investigations on 2205 duplex stainless steel formed the framework of this PhD thesis with respect to the waste storage context. Long-term surface magnesium chloride deposition exposures at 50°C and 30% relative humidity for up to 15 months exhibited the occurrence of stress corrosion cracks, showing stress corrosion susceptibility of 2205 duplex stainless steel at 50°C.The amount of cold work increased the cracking susceptibility, with bending deformation being the most critical type of deformation mode among tensile and rolling type of cold work. The orientation of the microstructure deformation direction, i.e. whether the deformation occurred in transverse or rolling direction, played vital role in corrosion and cracking behaviour, as such that bending in transverse direction showed almost 3-times larger corrosion and stress corrosion cracking propensity. Welding simulation treatments by ageing processes at 750°C and 475°C exhibited substantial influences on the corrosion properties. It was shown that sensitisation ageing at 750°C can render the material enhanced susceptible to stress corrosion cracking at even low chloride deposition densities of ≤145 µm/cm². However, it could be shown that short-term heat treatments at 475°C can decrease corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility which may be used to improve the materials performance. Mechanistic understanding of stress corrosion cracking phenomena in light of a comprehensive microstructure characterisation was the main focus of this thesis.

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