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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tectonic Potentials of Earthen Materials: Post-Tensioned Structures

Maher, Joy Samuel Labib 22 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] A lo largo de los años, numerosos materiales de construcción han sido objeto de experimentación y mejoras tecnológicas para cumplir con sus propósitos previstos y mantenerse competitivos en la industria de la construcción. En una era marcada por crecientes preocupaciones sobre el cambio climático, la selección de materiales de construcción con bajo impacto de carbono es fundamental. Sin embargo, materiales locales como la tierra carecen de los avances técnicos y la integridad estructural necesarios para lograr una adopción generalizada entre arquitectos y la sociedad. Si bien los materiales a base de tierra ofrecen beneficios ambientales innegables, como baja energía incorporada y emisiones de carbono, persisten dudas sobre su rendimiento técnico y su fiabilidad estructural. Los arquitectos y constructores a menudo prefieren opciones convencionales percibidas como más fiables. La tesis busca explorar las posibilidades arquitectónicas de los materiales de tierra, examinando formas de integrarlos en varios elementos arquitectónicos y proponiendo enfoques de diseño innovadores, como estructuras postensadas, para mejorar su usabilidad y ampliar sus aplicaciones. El objetivo es capitalizar las cualidades únicas de los materiales terrosos y desafiar la noción predominante de ellos como formas estandarizadas y planas, abordando las preocupaciones de viabilidad. La metodología de investigación emplea un método mixto concurrente, que combina datos experimentales con observaciones del comportamiento del material para derivar resultados. A través de un proceso de experimentación de tres fases, se prueban rigurosamente variables como materiales de moldeo, mezclas de tierra y estructuras postensadas. El diseño iterativo y las pruebas meticulosas refinan las técnicas de fabricación, asegurando la solidez del diseño de investigación. En resumen, esta tesis avanza significativamente los materiales de construcción contemporáneos y la ingeniería arquitectónica. A través de la innovación y la colaboración interdisciplinaria, facilita la creación de estructuras funcionales y estéticamente agradables que se integran perfectamente con su entorno, al tiempo que empujan los límites de los paradigmas de diseño convencionales. / [CA] Al llarg dels anys, nombrosos materials de construcció han sigut objecte d'experimentació i millores tecnològiques per a complir amb els seus propòsits previstos i mantindre's competitius en la indústria de la construcció. En una era marcada per creixents preocupacions sobre el canvi climàtic, la selecció de materials de construcció amb baix impacte de carboni és fonamental. No obstant això, materials locals com la terra manquen dels avanços tècnics i la integritat estructural necessàries per a aconseguir una adopció generalitzada entre arquitectes i la societat. Encara que els materials a base de terra ofereixen beneficis ambientals innegables, com baixa energia incorporada i emissions de carboni, persisteixen dubtes sobre el seu rendiment tècnic i la seua fiabilitat estructural. Els arquitectes i constructors sovint prefereixen opcions convencionals percebudes com més fiables. La tesi busca explorar les possibilitats arquitectòniques dels materials de terra, examinant maneres d'integrar-los en diversos elements arquitectònics i proposant enfocaments de disseny innovadors, com ara estructures postensades, per a millorar la seua usabilitat i ampliar les seues aplicacions. L'objectiu és capitalitzar les qualitats úniques dels materials terris i desafiar la noció predominant d'ells com a formes estandarditzades i planes, abordant les preocupacions de viabilitat. La metodologia de recerca empra un mètode mixt concurrent, que combina dades experimentals amb observacions del comportament del material per a derivar resultats. A través d'un procés d'experimentació de tres fases, es proven rigorosament variables com ara materials de motlleig, mesclades de terra i estructures postensades. El disseny iteratiu i les proves meticuloses refinen les tècniques de fabricació, assegurant la solidesa del disseny de recerca. En resum, aquesta tesi avança significativament els materials de construcció contemporanis i l'enginyeria arquitectònica. A través de la innovació i la col·laboració interdisciplinària, facilita la creació d'estructures funcionals i estèticament agradables que s'integren perfectament amb el seu entorn, alhora que impulsen els límits dels paradigmes de disseny convencionals. / [EN] Over the years, numerous building materials have undergone experimentation and technological enhancements to meet their intended purposes and remain competitive in the construction industry. In an era marked by escalating climate change concerns, the selection of low-carbon footprint building materials is paramount. However, local materials like earth lack the necessary technical advancements and structural integrity to garner widespread adoption among architects and society. While earth-based materials offer undeniable environmental benefits, including low embodied energy and carbon emissions, doubts persist regarding their technical performance and structural reliability. Architects and builders often prefer conventional options perceived as more dependable. The thesis seeks to explore the architectural possibilities of earthen materials, examining ways to integrate them into various architectural elements and proposing innovative design approaches, such as post-tensioned structures, to enhance their usability and broaden their applications. The objective is to capitalize on the unique qualities of earth materials and challenge the prevailing notion of them as standardized, flat forms while addressing feasibility concerns. The research methodology employs a concurrent mixed method, combining experimental data with observations of material behavior to derive outcomes. Through a three-phase experimentation process, variables such as mold materials, earth mixtures, and post-tensioned structures are rigorously tested. Iterative design and meticulous testing refine fabrication techniques, ensuring the robustness of the research design. In summary, this thesis significantly advances contemporary building materials and architectural engineering. Through innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, it facilitates the creation of functional, aesthetically pleasing structures that seamlessly integrate with their environment while pushing the boundaries of conventional design paradigms. / Maher, JSL. (2024). Tectonic Potentials of Earthen Materials: Post-Tensioned Structures [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207011

Comparative performance of ductile and damage protected bridge piers subjected to bi-directional earthquake attack

Mashiko, Naoto January 2006 (has links)
Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) procedures are advanced and then applied to a quantitative risk assessment for bridge structures. This is achieved by combining IDA with site-dependent hazard-recurrence relations and damage outcomes. The IDA procedure is also developed as a way to select a critical earthquake motion record for a one-off destructive experiment. Three prototype bridge substructures are designed according to the loading and detailing requirements of New Zealand, Japan and Caltrans codes. From these designs 30 percent reduced scale specimens are constructed as part of an experimental investigation. The Pseudodynamic test is then to control on three specimens using the identified critical earthquake records. The results are presented in a probabilistic riskbased format. The differences in the seismic performance of the three different countries' design codes are examined. Each of these current seismic design codes strive for ductile behaviour of bridge substructures. Seismic response is expected to be resulting damage on structures, which may threaten post-earthquake serviceability. To overcome this major performance shortcoming, the seismic behaviour under bi-directional lateral loading is investigated for a bridge pier designed and constructed in accordance with Damage Avoidance principles. Due to the presence of steel armoured rocking interface at the base, it is demonstrated that damage can be avoided, but due to the lack of hysteresis it is necessary to add some supplemental damping. Experimental results of the armoured rocking pier under bi-directional loading are compared with a companion ductile design specimen.

Statická rekonstrukce barokního vinného sklepa / Static reconstruction of the baroque wine cellar

Kešiar, Szabolcs January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the design of structural support and construction modifications of a baroque wine cellar, which is part of a double-storeyed house. The first part deals with the statical analysis and structural support of a masonry barrel vault, which was loaded with a new building. The second part deals with the reconstruction of the double-storeyed object, which is in a state of disrepair with heavily developed cracks. The thesis contains a technical report, analysis of statics, drawing documentation and the work progress. The calculation of internal forces were executed by the software Scia Engineer 2017. The drawing documentation contains a formwork and reinforcement drawing, maping of cracks, leading of tensions in the walls and vault including of floor plans, sections and elevations, production plans of base plates and deviators, reinforcement drawing of concrete bond beam and finally the construction process of upper construction.

Objekt občanského vybavení / The object of civic amenities

Antl, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to draw up a proposal for the project documentation for the realization of the construction of the civic amenities building and that of the sports center. The building is located in Prostějov, cadastral area Prostějov. It is a three-storey building with one underground and two above-ground floors. Across the floors there are spaces for various sports uses, technical background of the building, staff backgrounds and a café. The object is based on the base passages, the vertical structures are formed by blocks of lost formwork and ceramic cavity blocks, the ceiling structures are solved by pre-stressed ceiling panels. The roof is designed as a single-layer, flat with extensive vegetation treatment, the roofing of the roof is finished by means of atics. The project is designed with an emphasis on the layout and constructional design of the building with respect to the parties and the land plan. During the processing I tried to use modern building materials and procedures and to process the building as a functioning unit.

Statické řešení zastřešení nádrže / Static anylsis of tank roof

Sicha, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on static analysis, design and check of tank roof. There is design and check of main load-bearing elements of tank roof in this thesis according to ČSN EN 1992.

Rekonstrukce mostu v Ledči nad Sázavou / Reconstruction of the bridge in the town Ledeč nad Sázavou

Lidmila, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with reconstruction of old beam bridge in town Ledeč nad Sázavou. Three variants of reconsttruction were done. Detailed structural design report was done to one of them, streithening with post-tensioning. Calculation of load effect was solved with finite elemet method via software on grillage model. Construction was checked on ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state. Necessary drawings were elaborated to chosen method.

Most na silnici I/38 / Bridge on I/38 road.

Novotný, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on design of valley bridging on I/38 road at the Havlickuv Brod bypass. The thesis contains study of the bridging area. For detailed assessment was chosen, from three variants, a two-beam cross-section girder of 4 spans. Load-bearing structure is designed as cast-in-place, post-tensioned, concreted at fixed falsework without phased construction. The serviceability limit state and the ultimate limit state were assessed. The thesis contains, apart from structural design, drawings and visualizations of the bridge.

Rekreační centrum / Holiday centre

Mlkvíková, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
The subject of master´s thesis named „Holiday centre“ is elaboration of project documentation of building part. The building is consists of accommodation units, relaxation centre and restaurant joint with kitchen. Holiday centre contains 15 accommodation units for 45 persons, one accommodation unit for two persons is designed as barrier free. Capacity of restaurant is also 45 persons. Building has 4 floors. Base construction system is bricked, amended to tensioned ceiling panels. Object is positioned to foundation strips. Building roof is partially composed from gabled and partially from flat roof.

Analýza konzolového vyložení administrativní budovy / Analysis of cantilever of commercial building

Gric, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about analysis of post-tensioned cantilever beam, which is part of cantilever of commercial building. The main part of thesis is evaluation of behavior of building structure in time and determination of the most suitable staging. Next part of thesis is design and evaluation of reinforced slab and beam.


RICARDO RODRIGUES DE ARAUJO 29 August 2005 (has links)
[pt] Colunas protendidas de aço representam uma excelente solução estrutural em escoramentos de grandes estruturas e em colunas de estruturas espaciais de apoio a lonas tensionadas de coberturas de grandes vãos. Após um estudo extensivo do comportamento teórico através do uso do programa ANSYS onde avaliou-se a geometria estrutural mais eficiente, níveis de protensão e características dos cabos de aço, foram então definidos os diversos ensaios experimentais a serem executados em colunas com doze metros de comprimento e com tubos de 89,3 mm de diâmetro. A característica inédita deste estudo é a execução de ensaios tri-dimensionais em escala real deste tipo de coluna. Foram executadas comparações de resultados teóricos com os obtidos experimentalmente e foram feitas recomendações de análise e projeto destas estruturas. / [en] Pre-stressed steel columns represent an efficient structural solution for a great variety of temporary/permanent supports systems including large span spatial structures using pre-tensioned fabrics. The first step of the present investigation comprised a painstaking investigation of the structural behaviour of these members with the aid of finite element simulations performed with the ANSYS program. Its results indicated trends for the determination of the most efficient structural geometries, steel ties pre-stressing levels and characteristics. With these results in hand, the investigation proceeded with full-scale experimental tests executed in twelve meters pre-stressed stayed steel columns with an approximately diameter of ninety millimetres. The main contribution of the present investigation was the conception, development and execution of new tri-dimensional full-scale tests for this load bearing systems. The test results enable theoretical and numerical results to be validated against experimental evidence later to be introduced in structural design codes.

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