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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitet semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza različitih grupa zrenja i genetičke osnove / Seed quality of ZP maize inbred lines of different maturity groups and genetic background

Milivojević Marija 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U radu su sprovedena ispitivanja kvaliteta semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza stvorenih u Institutu za kukuruz &bdquo;Zemun Polje&ldquo; razliĉitih grupa zrenja i genetiĉke osnove. U laboratorijskim i poljskim uslovima utvrĊena je klijavost i vigor semena iz 2011. nakon ĉetiri godine ĉuvanja u kontrolisanim uslovima (18 &deg;C i 60% RH) i semena iz 2014. nakon godinu dana ĉuvanja na 5 &deg;C i 60% RH.<br />Cilj je bio utvrditi tolerantnost odabranih linija na niske temperature prilikom klijanja i nicanja, dugoveĉnost semena u kontrolisanim uslovima ĉuvanja, genetiĉku divergentnost linija primenom proteinskih markera i proceniti uticaj genetiĉke osnove na kvalitet semena.<br />U laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena praćeni su sledeći parametri kvaliteta: vitalnost, klijavost, energija klijanja, dužina klijanaca, vigor ispitan tetrazolium testom, hladnim testom, testom ubrzanog starenja, testom pojave primarnog korena i testom provodljivosti.<br />Primenom vigor testova na semenu dva nivoa starosti omogućena je bolja klasifikacija linija u pogledu kvaliteta, nego standardnim testom klijavosti. Rezultati rada ukazuju da su hladni test i test ubrzanog starenja najpogodniji za procenu vigora semena u laboratoriji, s tim da je hladni test bolji pokazatelj nicanja u polju.<br />Ispitivane samooplodne linije pokazale su dobru sposobnost oĉuvanja kvaliteta semena kao i visok nivo toleratnosti na niske temperature u toku klijanja i ranog porasta biljaka. Kontrolisani uslovi ĉuvanja na 18 &deg;C omogućili su da se klijavost i vigor semena u ispitivanom periodu, održi na visokom nivou.<br />Dužina vegetacije samooplodnih linija nije imala znaĉajan uticaj na klijavost i vigor semena. Kvalitet semena ispitivanih samooplodnih linija je prvenstveno bio pod uticajem genetiĉke osnove. Linije poreklom od Lancaster populacije imale su slabiji vigor u odnosu na linije BSSS i Iowa Dent porekla.<br />U radu je potvrĊeno da vigor testovi imaju važnu ulogu u ispitivanju kvaliteta semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza. Dobijeni rezultati direktno se mogu iskoristiti u oplemenjivaĉkim programima u cilju pobolj&scaron;anja klijavosti i vigora semena. Ostvareni rezultati ukazuju da su informacije o genetiĉkom poreklu samooplodnih linija važan indikator vigora semena. Pored podataka o genetiĉkom poreklu linija veliki znaĉaj ima karakterizacija putem biohemijskih markera.</p> / <p>The extensive seed quality evaluations of maize inbred lines developed at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje of different maturity groups and genetic background were conducted. In laboratory and field conditions germination and vigour of seed produced in 2011 and 2014 was determined, after four years of storage at 18 &deg;C, 60% RH and one year of storage at 5 &deg;C, 60% RH, respectively.<br />The objective of this research was to determine the chilling tolerance of selected inbred lines during germination and emergence, seed longevity under controlled storage conditions, genetic divergence determined by biochemical markers and to assess the impact of the genetic background on seed quality.<br />Following seed quality parameters were tested: viability, germination, seedling length and vigour examined by cold test, accelerated ageing test, tetrazolium test, radicle emergence test and conductivity test.<br />Vigour tests provided a better classification of inbred lines of different seed age in terms of quality than standard germination test. Obtained results show that cold test and accelerated aging test are the most suitable for assessing seed vigour in the laboratory, but cold test is a better indicator of field emergence.<br />Tested maize inbred lines showed good seed storability and high level of chilling tolerance during germination and early growth of plants. Controlled storage conditions at 18 &deg;C, have enabled that germination and seed vigor remains at the high level in the examined period.<br />Seed germination and vigour of maize inbred lines were not affected by length of vegetation. Seed quality was primarily influenced by genetic background of tested inbred lines. Inbred lines originating from Lancaster populations had lower vigour compared to lines with BSSS and Iowa Dent origin.<br />This research confirmed that vigor tests play an important role in seed quality testing of maize inbred lines. Results of this work can be directly used in breeding programs to improve germination and seed vigour. Achieved results indicate that information about the genetic origin of inbred lines is an important indicator of seed vigour. Finally, data emphasized the importance of inbred line characterization by biochemical markers in addition to genetic origin information.</p>


Richard, Eric 03 December 2009 (has links)
Poor athletic performance of racehorses is a major and significant problem in the racing industry. Determining the definitive reason for poor-performance is however a real diagnostic challenge since many of the causative conditions are multifactorial and may only be manifested during exercise. A retrospective study, including various breeds of horses, confirmed musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and upper respiratory tract clinical problems to be the most frequently implicated in reducing athletic performance. Evaluation of the lower respiratory tract was though not performed in this study. The aim of the first part of this work were thus to determine the prevalence of different sub-clinical diseases in a population of poorly-performing Standardbred trotters, and to evaluate the sportive repercussions by comparing their physiological response to exercise with control horses. Fifty horses underwent thorough clinical and ancillary examinations, including haematological et biochemical evaluation, Doppler echocardiography, standardised exercise tests on treadmill et racetrack, treadmill video-endoscopy et collection of respiratory fluids. Most of the poorly-performing horses exhibited many concomitant diseases. The most frequently diagnosed sub-clinical problems involved the lower and upper respiratory tract. Poor-performers also exhibited higher values of blood lactate and heart rate, as well as lower values of haematological parameters and anti-oxidants, compared to control horses. Inflammatory airway disease being mostly present in poorly-performing horses, the second part of this work will mainly focus on this syndrome. The negative impact of inflammatory airway disease, as diagnosed by cytological evaluation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, has previously been described on respiratory function using either forced expiration or forced oscillations techniques. Sedation or bronchoprovocation were however usually required. On the other hand, the clinical significance of tracheal inflammation remains currently controversial. The aim was therefore to exhibit and define the respiratory dysfunctions present in horses subclinically suffering from inflammatory airway disease. Respiratory function was evaluated at rest by IOS in 34 Standardbred trotters, whereas tracheal mucus score, and both tracheal and bronchoalveolar lavages were performed 60 min post-exercise. According to the cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, the inflammatory group included 19 horses and 15 horses were used as control. A significant correlation was found between both cytological evaluations concerning neutrophil counts, whereas no association was found between tracheal mucus and any cytology. A significant increase of respiratory resistance at the lower frequencies (1 10 Hz) as well as a significant decrease of respiratory reactance beyond 5 Hz was observed in inflammatory compared to control horses. Both parameters were also significantly different between inspiration and expiration in the inflammatory group only. Both eosinophil and mast cell counts of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were significantly correlated with respectively respiratory resistance and reactance. The present work involved intensive clinical and functional evaluation of control and asymptomatic poorly-performing horses. The different studies allowed establishing the prevalence of medical subclinical diseases in these latter and evaluating its sportive impact considering the associated physiological responses to exercise. The presence of respiratory dysfunctions in horses with lower airway inflammation, the major trouble associated with disappointing performance, were also exhibited by impulse oscillometry./ La contre-performance est un problème majeur dans lindustrie des courses. En déterminer la cause exacte reste néanmoins un défi diagnostic puisque la plupart des affections présentes sont souvent subcliniques, multifactorielles et peuvent ne se manifester que pendant lexercice. Une étude rétrospective, incluant des chevaux de différentes races et disciplines, a ainsi confirmé les affections cliniques des voies respiratoires supérieures, musculo-squelettiques et cardiovasculaires comme étant les plus fréquemment impliquées dans la réduction des performances athlétiques. Cependant, lévaluation des voies respiratoires profondes navait pas été effectuée chez ces différents chevaux. Lobjectif de la première partie de ce travail était donc de déterminer la prévalence des différentes affections sub-cliniques induisant une contre-performance chez des Trotteurs Français, et den évaluer les répercussions sportives par la comparaison des réponses physiologiques à lexercice avec celle de chevaux contrôles. Cinquante chevaux ont respectivement été soumis à un examen clinique complet, une prise de sang pour analyse hémato-biochimique au repos et 60 minutes après chaque test deffort, une échocardiographie Doppler, des tests deffort standardisés sur piste et tapis roulant, une endoscopie à leffort, une évaluation locomotrice à grande vitesse, ainsi quun lavage trachéal et broncho-alvéolaire réalisés 60 minutes post-effort. La plupart des chevaux contre-performants ou intolérants à leffort présentaient plusieurs affections concomitantes. Les troubles sub-cliniques les plus fréquemment diagnostiqués concernaient respectivement les voies respiratoires profondes et supérieures. Ces chevaux présentaient par ailleurs des paramètres hématologiques (taux dhémoglobine et volume globulaire moyen) et anti-oxydants significativement inférieurs, et des paramètres pro-oxydants significativement supérieurs aux chevaux contrôles. De plus, les valeurs de fréquence cardiaque et lactatémie étaient, lors des différents tests deffort, significativement supérieures à celles des chevaux contrôles, Linflammation des voies respiratoires profondes étant majoritairement présente chez ces chevaux présentant des performances décevantes, la deuxième partie de ce travail se concentre plus spécifiquement sur ce syndrome. Limpact négatif sur la fonction respiratoire de cette affection, telle que diagnostiquée par lévaluation cytologique du liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire, a précédemment été décrite à laide de techniques dexpiration forcée ou doscillations forcées. Une sédation ou une bronchoprovocation étaient cependant généralement requises pour la réalisation de ces tests. Parallèlement, la signification clinique de linflammation trachéale reste actuellement controversée. Lobjectif était ainsi de mettre en évidence et définir les dysfonctions respiratoires présentes chez des chevaux souffrant sub-cliniquement de maladie inflammatoire des voies respiratoires. La fonction respiratoire a été évaluée au repos par oscillométrie à impulsions chez 34 Trotteurs Français asymptomatiques, alors que le score de mucus trachéal et les différents lavages ont été évalués 60 minutes post-effort. Sur base de la cytologie broncho-alvéolaire, le groupe inflammatoire comprenait 19 chevaux et 15 ont été utilisés comme contrôles. Une corrélation significative était observée entre les cytologies concernant le taux de neutrophiles, alors quaucune association nétait présente entre score de mucus trachéal et cytologies des différents lavages. Une augmentation significative de la résistance respiratoire aux faibles fréquences (1 à 10 Hz) et une diminution de la réactance respiratoire au-delà de 5Hz a été observée chez les chevaux inflammatoires comparativement aux contrôles. Ces deux paramètres étaient également significativement différents entre inspiration et expiration dans le groupe inflammatoire uniquement. La résistance et la réactance respiratoire étaient par ailleurs respectivement corrélées aux taux déosinophiles et de mastocytes du lavage broncho-alvéolaire. Ce travail comprenait une évaluation clinique et fonctionnelle intensive chez des chevaux contrôles et des chevaux contre-performants. Les études menées ont permis détablir la prévalence des affections médicales sub-cliniques chez ces derniers et den évaluer limpact sportif par lintermédiaire des réponses physiologiques à lexercice. La présence de dysfonctions respiratoires chez les chevaux avec inflammation des voies respiratoires profondes, premier trouble associé à des performances décevantes, a également pu être mise en évidence à laide de loscillométrie à impulsion.

High stakes testing, socio-economic class, and test anxiety opportunities for impact /

von der Embse, Nathaniel Paul. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Educational Psychology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 22-23).

Změny biochemických ukazatelů u ryb v souvislosti se zvýšenými koncentracemi dusitanů ve vodě / Changes of biochemical parameters in fish after nitrite exposure

PODLESNÝ, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to assess the effects of long-term nitrite exposure on mortality, growth rate and blood biochemistry in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Furthermore, acute toxicity tests with nitrite were performed on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and sheatfish (Silurus glanis). The theoretical part focuses on aquatic toxicology including toxicity evaluation of substances and preparations for water organisms. Detailed information on nitrite are summarized there, namely information on nitrite occurrence and sources in aquatic environment and the mechanism of their uptake and toxic influence on fish including factors influencing their toxicity. The practical part consists of methodology and results of acute toxicity tests on rainbow trout and sheatfish and sub-chronic test on rainbow trout. According to the acute toxicity tests results, 96hLC50 values were estimated at 11.2 mg.l-1 NO2- for rainbow trout and 15.3 mg.l-1 NO2- for sheatfish. Sub-chronic exposure of rainbow trout to nitrite concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 3.0 mg.l-1 lasting 28 days caused an increase of glucose concentration and a decrease of potassium concentration in the blood plasma among all experimental fish compared to control. Elevated nitrite levels were found in the plasma of the fish exposed to concentrations of 0.6 mg.l-1 NO2- and greater. The plasma nitrite levels did not reach those applied in any experimental group in the present study. At highest nitrite concentration (3.0 mg.l-1 NO2-), 42 % growth inhibition and 65 % mortality among fish was noticed. On the basis of growth rate inhibition data, the values of NOEC and LOEC were estimated at 0.01 mg.l-1 and 0.2 mg.l-1 NO2-, respectively.

Reakce sýkor koňader (Parus major) na obraz v zrcadle / Reactions of great tits (Parus major) to a mirror image

Forštová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Self-recognition is commonlly taken as a higher ability and it was previously considered to be exclusive to spieces who are cognitively more capable, as humans or apes. However during years other animal species with no expectancy of this ability were tested, such as elephants and cetaceans, and even there the signs of self-recognition were found. The most common test for self-recognition is the mark test. The animal is marked with none-olfactoric and none-tactile mark somewhere on the part of its body which can not be seen without mirror. If the subject recognizes itself in the mirror, it will try to wipe out the mark of its body with help of the mirror image. In our experiment we used great tit (Parus major) as a testing species and three types of mirror tests were carried our. Except the fact that great tits are able to succesfully learn to use the mirror image to search hidden food, we found no evidence of self-recognition in mark test. Therefore we believe that this passerine species is not capable of this type of self-recognition.

Experimentelle Untersuchung vibrationsbasierter Ausrichtkonzepte für Rohblechtafeln

Müller, Elisabeth, Risch, Thomas, Golder, Markus 25 March 2022 (has links)
Effizienz, Prozesssicherheit und Teilequalität in der Blechtafelbearbeitung erfordern die exakte Positionierung der Rohblechtafel zur Bearbeitungsmaschine. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die experimentelle Erprobung vibrationsbasierter Ausrichtkonzepte an einer eigens entwickelten Versuchsanlage. Die Versuchsergebnisse führen zur Identifikation einer Vorzugslösung sowie möglicher Stellgrößen des Ausrichtprozesses. / Efficiency, process reliability and part quality in sheet metal processing require the precise positioning of the raw sheet metal to the processing machine. This paper presents the experimental investigation of vibration-based alignment concepts in a dedicated test facility. The test results enable identification of a preferential solution as well as possible control parameters of the alignment process.

Zátěžové testování webových aplikací / Load testing of web applications

Jáchym, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a load testing of web applications. The text is introduced with a definition of the load testing, reasons for its execution and a description of its types. Recommended procedures are provided for preparation, execution and evaluation of the testing. Several commercial and open-source load testing tools are described. Cloud testing -- the contemporary phenomenon -- is also included. The entire process of load testing depicted in this text is demonstrated on a selected application. A following chapter briefly deals with a profiling of web applications. It, again, covers its definition and its purpose, accompanied with a practical example. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the reader to the world of load testing, which is primarily accomplished by describing an example, which provides an in-depth explanation for every step necessary in order to perform the web application testing successfully.

Návrh testovacího zařízení pro test opotřebení axiálních kloubů řízení / Design of a test rig for a wear test of inner ball joints

Blecha, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of several variants of test rig for tests of axial ball joints of passenger cars. The individual design variants are evaluated based on the evaluation matrix and then the best option is selected. Selected proposal includes a complete design including 3D models and strength analyses that focus on the most stressed construction nodes. These design nodes are solved using the finite element method. Hydraulics and hydraulic elements are equipped by the existing equipment from a test lab. At the end of this thesis is solved risk analysis of the new construction and its economic evaluation.

Paralelizace faktorizace celých čísel z pohledu lámání RSA / Parallelization of Integer Factorization from the View of RSA Breaking

Breitenbacher, Dominik January 2015 (has links)
This paper follows up the factorization of integers. Factorization is the most popular and used method for RSA cryptoanalysis. The SIQS was chosen as a factorization method that will be used in this paper. Although SIQS is the fastest method (up to 100 digits), it can't be effectively computed at polynomial time, so it's needed to look up for options, how to speed up the method as much as possible. One of the possible ways is paralelization. In this case OpenMP was used. Other possible way is optimalization. The goal of this paper is also to show, how easily is possible to use paralelizion and thanks to detailed analyzation the source codes one can reach relatively large speed up. Used method of iterative optimalization showed itself as a very effective tool. Using this method the implementation of SIQS achieved almost 100 multiplied speed up and at some parts of the code even more.

Zobrazování "nízké" vegetace v 3D prostoru / Rendering "Small" Plants in 3D Space

Řehánek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with a real-time low vegetation rendering in 3D space. The low vegetation means grass and shrub. At first it looks on a implementation of vegetation in a 3D games that already exist and there investigate characteristics notable while playing and after that it comes to a evaluation of visual qualities. As next will follow design of solution of this problems and description of implementation. In final part will be summary of achieved product.

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