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Testovací stolice na zkoušení sněhových řetězů / Tester Stand for Testing Tire ChainsBednář, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The output of this diploma work (dissertation) will be design of a construction for a tester enabling simulation of riding a vehicle with mounted snow chain in winter season on road without snow. The result of testing will be abrasion of single link of the chain caused interaction with surface of road and strength test of weld link e.g. when is pass gravelly surface.
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Návrh testovacího pracoviště pro automatizované testování elektronické řídicí jednotky / Design of test environment for automatic testing of eletronic control unitDalecký, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and implementation of part of test environment for automatic testing of electronic control unit in the production. The electronic control unit is manufactured by UNIS, a.s. and is used as a control and power electronics for the hydraulic unit. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the development and automatic testing of electronics in the field of aerospace engineering. The practical part describes the proposed automatic test environment and implementation of testing software using hardware and software products by National Instruments. The main platforms used for software development are LabVIEW and TestStand. Created test environment is finally verified by testing several control units.
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Měření propustnosti TCP/IP stacku v OS Linux / Measuring Throughput of TCP/IP stack in RedHat LinuxOkuliar, Adam January 2011 (has links)
Software testing is a process in which we try to check functionality and quality of tested software product. In this thesis we will discuss testing of Linux kernel in order to check up its functionality and performance of its network related part. We use our own metrics developed on standards, which describes testing of network active devices.
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Hardwarově akcelerovaná funkční verifikace / Hardware Accelerated Functional VerificationZachariášová, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
Funkční verifikace je jednou z nejrozšířenějších technik ověřování korektnosti hardwarových systémů podle jejich specifikace. S nárůstem složitosti současných systémů se zvyšují i časové požadavky kladené na funkční verifikaci, a proto je důležité hledat nové techniky urychlení tohoto procesu. Teoretická část této práce popisuje základní principy různých verifikačních technik, jako jsou simulace a testování, funkční verifikace, jakož i formální analýzy a verifikace. Následuje popis tvorby verifikačních prostředí nad hardwarovými komponentami v jazyce SystemVerilog. Část věnující se analýze popisuje požadavky kladené na systém pro akceleraci funkční verifikace, z nichž nejdůležitější jsou možnost jednoduchého spuštění akcelerované verze verifikace a časová ekvivalence akcelerovaného a neakcelerovaného běhu verifikace. Práce dále představuje návrh verifikačního rámce používajícího pro akceleraci běhů verifikace technologii programovatelných hradlových polí se zachováním možnosti spuštění běhu verifikace v uživatelsky přívětivém ladicím prostředí simulátoru. Dle experimentů provedených na prototypové implementaci je dosažené zrychlení úměrné počtu ověřovaných transakcí a komplexnosti verifikovaného systému, přičemž nejvyšší zrychlení dosažené v sadě experimentů je více než 130násobné.
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Testování aplikací s využitím Linuxových kontejnerů / Testing Applications Using Linux ContainersMarhefka, Matúš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses software containers (Docker containers in particular) as a variant of server virtualization. Instead of virtualizing hardware, software containers rest on top of a single operating system instance and are much more efficient than hypervisors in system resource terms. Docker containers make it easy to package and ship applications, and guarantee that applications will always run the same, regardless of the environment they are running in. There is a whole range of use cases of containers, this work examines their usage in the field of software testing. The thesis proposes three main use case categories for running software systems in Docker containers. It introduces aspects for applications running in containers, which should give a better overview about an application setting within containers infrastructure. Subsequently, possible issues with testing software systems running inside Docker containers are discussed and the testing methods which address the presented issues are proposed. One proposed testing method was also used in the implementation of the framework for testing software running in Docker containers which was developed within this work.
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Webová aplikace pro podporu testování softwareJurníček, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the process of testing in a selected company. To find out what activities are vital and use those to further define the requirements for a suitable test tool, that would increase work efficiency. In the next part of the thesis, a research and evaluation of already existing software is conducted. This is followed by design and creation of a custom solution in the form of a web application. The resulting solution is implemented in the Nette PHP framework and consequently is tested.
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Otevřená modulární řídicí jednotka pro spalovací motorAndrejčík, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Goal of this thesis is creation of Cheap, open and modular engine control unit for internal combustion engine driven by gaseous fuels. For this purpouse was implemented fuel mixing based on fuzzy logic, and proposed platform is optimized for low cost usage.
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Generování testovacích vzorů / Test pattern generationHašek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on application development for simulation lenses’ optical distortions and also for creation own patterns. In the first part are discussed common problems of optical distortion and concept of software analysis. Further is described realization and implementation of particular modules in the application. In the end is show up graphical user interface and its functionality.
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Návrh testovacího zařízení pro test opotřebení axiálních kloubů řízení / Design of a test rig for a wear test of inner ball jointsBlecha, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of several variants of test rig for tests of axial ball joints of passenger cars. The individual design variants are evaluated based on the evaluation matrix and then the best option is selected. Selected proposal includes a complete design including 3D models and strength analyses that focus on the most stressed construction nodes. These design nodes are solved using the finite element method. Hydraulics and hydraulic elements are equipped by the existing equipment from a test lab. At the end of this thesis is solved risk analysis of the new construction and its economic evaluation.
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Toolbox pro vícekriteriální optimalizační problémy / Toolbox for multi-objective optimizationMarek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This paper deals with multi-objective optimization problems (MOOP). It is explained, what solutions in multi-objetive search space are optimal and how are optimal (non-dominated) solutions found in the set of feasible solutions. Afterwards, principles of NSGA-II, MOPSO and GDE3 algorithms are described. In the following chapters, benchmark metrics and problems are introduced. In the last part of this paper, all the three algorithms are compared based on several benchmark metrics.
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