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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen PEG-basierter thermo-responsiver Polymeroberflächen zur Steuerung der Zelladhäsion / Analysis of PEG-based thermo-responsive polymer surfaces to control cell adhesion

Uhlig, Katja January 2010 (has links)
Moderne Methoden für die Einzelzellanalyse werden dank der fortschreitenden Weiterentwicklung immer sensitiver. Dabei steigen jedoch auch die Anforderungen an das Probenmaterial. Viele Aufbereitungsprotokolle adhärenter Zellen beinhalten eine enzymatische Spaltung der Oberflächenproteine, um die Ablösung vom Zellkultursubstrat zu ermöglichen. Verschiedene Methoden, wie die Patch-Clamp-Technik oder eine auf der Markierung extrazellulärer Domänen von Membranproteinen basierende Durchflusszytometrie können dann nur noch eingeschränkt eingesetzt werden. Daher ist die Etablierung neuer Zellablösemethoden dringend notwendig. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden erstmals PEG-basierte thermo-responsive Oberflächen erfolgreich für die Zellkultur eingesetzt. Dabei wird das zerstörungsfreie Ablösen verschiedener Zelllinien von den Oberflächen durch Temperatursenkung realisiert. Die Funktionalität der Oberflächen wird durch Variation der Polymerstruktur, sowie der Konzentration der Beschichtungslösung, durch Beschichtung der Oberflächen mit einem zelladhäsionsfördernden Protein (Fibronektin) und durch Adsorption zelladhäsionsvermittelnder Peptide (RGD) optimiert. Um den Zellablösungsprozess detaillierter zu untersuchen, wird hier zum ersten Mal der direkte Zellkontakt mit thermo-responsiven Oberflächen mittels oberflächensensitiver Mikroskopie (TIRAF) sichtbar gemacht. Mit dieser Technik sind die exakte Quantifizierung und die Analyse der Reduktion der Zelladhäsionsfläche während des Abkühlens möglich. Hierbei werden in Abhängigkeit von der Zelllinie Unterschiede im Zellverhalten während des Ablösens festgestellt: Zellen, wie eine Brustkrebszelllinie und eine Ovarzelllinie, die bekanntermaßen stärker mit ihrer Umgebung in Kontakt treten, vergrößern im Verlauf des Beobachtungszeitraumes den Abstand zwischen Zellmembran und Oberfläche, reduzieren jedoch ihre Zell-Substratkontaktfläche kaum. Mausfibroblasten hingegen verkleinern drastisch die Zelladhäsionsfläche. Der Ablösungsprozess wird vermutlich aktiv von den Zellen gesteuert. Diese Annahme wird durch zwei Beobachtungen gestützt: Erstens verläuft die Reduktion der Zelladhäsionsfläche bei Einschränkung des Zellmetabolismus durch eine Temperatursenkung auf 4 °C verzögert. Zweitens hinterlassen die Zellen Spuren, die nach dem Ablösen der Zellen auf den Oberflächen zurückbleiben. Mittels Kombination von TIRAF- und TIRF-Mikroskopie werden die Zelladhäsionsfläche und die Aktinstruktur gleichzeitig beobachtet. Die Verknüpfung beider Methoden stellt eine neue Möglichkeit dar, intrazelluläre Prozesse mit der Zellablösung von thermo-responsiven Oberflächen zu korrelieren. / Modern methods for single-cell analysis are becoming increasingly sensitive. At the same time, requirements for the sample material are on the rise. Today, sample preparation of adherent cells usually includes steps of enzymatic treatment to digest surface proteins thus, inducing cell detachment from culture substrates. This strongly limits the application of different techniques like patch clamp or labelling of extracellular domains of membrane proteins for flow cytometry. Therefore, a new cell detachment method is urgently required. In the present work, new PEG-based thermo-responsive polymers are used for cell culture for the first time. Here, non-destructive detachment of different cell lines from polymer-coated surfaces is realised by controlled temperature reduction. The surface functionality is systematically optimised by varying the concentration of the coating solutions, by artificial surface coating of a cell adhesion-mediating protein (fibronectin) and by co-adsorption of a cell adhesion-mediating peptide (RGD). For detailed analysis of the cell detachment process, TIRF microscopy is used to directly visualise the cell contacts on the thermo-responsive surfaces. Using this technique allows both the quantification and analysis of the reduction of the cell adhesion area during sample cooling. Furthermore, for several cell lines, different behaviours in cell detachment are observed. Cells that have close contact to their substrate like MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and CHO-K1 ovary cells increase the distance between cell membrane and surface, but there is only little decrease of cell-substrate adhesion area. In contrast, L929 fibroblasts reduce the cell adhesion area drastically. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the cell detachment is an active process is shown by lowering the cell metabolism by temperature reduction to 4 °C and by the cell traces that are left behind after rinsing the surfaces. A combination of TIRAF and TIRF enables visualising the cell adhesion area and actin structures. Measuring both parameters simultaneously opens up new possibilities to correlate intracellular and cell detachment processes on thermo-responsive surfaces.

Physical and Biological Properties of Synthetic Polycations in Alginate Capsules

Kleinberger, Rachelle 04 1900 (has links)
The use of cell transplantation to treat enzyme deficiency disorders is limited by the immune response targeted against foreign tissue or the use of life-long immunosuppressants. Hiding cells from the immune system in an encapsulation device is promising. Cells encapsulated within an anionic calcium alginate hydrogel bead are protected through a semi-permeable membrane formed by polycation, poly-L-lysine (PLL). A final layer of alginate is added to hide the cationic PLL surface but this has proved to be difficult creating capsules which are prone to fibrotic overgrowth, blocking exchange of nutrients, waste and therapeutic enzymes through the capsule. For long term applications these capsules need to be both biocompatible and mechanically robust. This thesis aims to address the biocompatibility issue of high cationic surface charge by synthesizing polycations of reduced charge using N-(3- aminopropyl)methacrylamide hydrochloride (APM) and N-(2- hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPM) and study the associated mechanical properties of the capsules using micropipette aspiration. Micropipette aspiration was applied and validated for alginate based capsules (gel and liquid core) to quantify stiffness. Varying ratios of APM were used to control the overall charge of the polycations formed while HPM was incorporated as a neutral, hydrophilic, nonfouling comonomer. The molecular weight (MW) was controlled by using reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. The biocompatibility of these polymers was tested by cell adhesion and proliferation of 3T3 fibroblasts onto APM/HPM copolymer functionalized surfaces and by solution toxicity against C2C12 myoblasts. The ability for the APM/HPM copolymers to bind to alginate and form capsules was also assessed, along with the integrity and stiffness of the capsule membrane with or without additional covalent cross-linking by reactive polyanion, poly(methacrylic acid-co-2-vinyl-4,4- dimethylazlactone) (PMV60). Thermo-responsive block copolymers of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and 2- hydroxyethylacrylamide (HEA) were also synthesized as potential drug delivery nanoparticles, showing control over micelle morphology with varying NIPAM to HEA ratios. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD) / The treatment of enzyme deficiency disorders by cell transplantation is limited by the immune attack of foreign tissue in absence of immunosuppressants. Cells protected in an encapsulation device has shown promise. Poly-L-lysine, a widely used membrane material in these protective capsules, binds to the anionic gel entrapping living cells because it is highly cationic. The high cationic charge is difficult to hide causing the immune system to build tissue around the capsule, preventing the encapsulated cells from exchanging nutrients and therapeutic enzymes. This thesis aims to replace poly-L-lysine by synthesizing a series of more biocompatible materials of decreasing cationic charge. These materials were studied for the ability to support tissue growth and form stable capsules. The membrane strength was measured using an aspiration method validated for these types of capsules. Reducing the cationic charge of the materials increased the biocompatibility of the capsule membrane but also made for weaker membranes.

Développement de tensioactifs à base d’acides biliaires pegylés pour des applications pharmaceutiques

Le Dévédec, Frantz 03 1900 (has links)
Les acides biliaires sont reconnus comme des tensioactifs d’origine biologique potentiellement applicables dans le domaine pharmaceutique. Leurs structures en font une plateforme idéale pour l’obtention de nouvelles architectures polymères. Des composés synthétisés par polymérisation anionique de dérivés d’oxirane comme l’oxyde d’éthylène, offre des dérivés amphiphiles pegylés démontrant des propriétés d’agrégation intéressantes en vue d’une amélioration de la biocompatibilité et de la capacité d’encapsulation médicamenteuse. Une large gamme d’acides biliaires pegylés (BA(EGn)x) a été préparée avec comme objectif premier leurs applications dans la formulation de principes actifs problématiques. Pour cela, une caractérisation rigoureuse du comportement de ces dérivés (modulation de la longueur (2 < n < 19) et du nombre de bras (2 < x < 4) de PEG) en solution a été réalisée. Dans le but d’améliorer la biodisponibilité de principes actifs lipophiles (cas de l’itraconazole), des nanoémulsions spontanées, composées de BA(EGn)x et d’acide oléique, ont été développées. L’évaluation in vitro, de la toxicité (cellulaire), et de la capacité de solubilisation des systèmes BA(EGn)x, ainsi que les paramètres pharmacocinétiques in vivo (chez le rat), suggèrent une livraison contrôlée par nos systèmes auto-assemblés lors de l’administration orale et intraveineuse. Aussi, la synthèse de copolymères en blocs en étoile à base d’acide cholique pegylés a été effectuée par polymérisation anionique par addition d’un second bloc au caractère hydrophobe de poly(éther d’allyle et de glycidyle) (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4). Selon le ratio de blocs hydrophiles-hydrophobes CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4, des réponses thermiques en solution (LCST) ont été observées par un point de trouble (Cp) entre 8 oC et 37 oC. Un mécanisme de formation d’agrégats en plusieurs étapes est suggéré. La thiolation des allyles des PAGE permet une fonctionnalisation terminale à haute densité, comparable aux dendrimères. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques des CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 et CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 indiquent la formation de structures auto-assemblées en solution, sensibles à la température ou au pH. Cette fonctionnalisation élargie le domaine d’application des dérivés d’acides biliaires pegylés en étoile vers la transfection d’ADN, la livraison de siRNA thérapeutiques ou encore à une sélectivité de livraison médicamenteux (ex. sensibilité au pH, greffage ligands). / Bile acids are natural compounds and may have potential for pharmaceutical applications. Their structures provide an interesting platform for polymerization to obtain well-defined architectures. The anionic polymerization of oxirane derivatives, mainly PEG derivatives, endowed new aggregation properties and improvement of biocompatibility of the new amphiphilic polymers based on bile acids. A library of pegylated bile acids (BA(EGn)x) was prepared for the formulation of lipophilic drugs. The aqueous physicochemical behaviors of these derivatives (modulation of the length (2 < n < 19) and the number (2 < x < 4) of PEG arm) were investigated. In order to improve the bioavailability of insoluble active compounds (itraconazole, an antifungal drug), a binary system based on the association of BA(EGn)x and oleic acid, formed self-emulsifying drug delivery systems. The in vitro evaluation of cell toxicity and solubilization capacities of the BA(EGn)x systems followed by the in vivo evaluation in rats of the pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated the advantages of our self-assembled system for controlled drug delivery for both oral and intravenous administration. Star-shaped block copolymers of pegylated cholic acid (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4) were prepared by the introduction of a second hydrophobic block of PAGE poly(allyl glycidyl ether). They demonstrated thermosensitivity (8 oC < LCST < 37 oC) in aqueous solution, suggesting a mechanism based on the formation of aggregates in two steps. The PAGE block with pendant groups may facilitate futher functionalization. The thiolation of allyl yields a new class of charged PEGylated star polymers (with multiple amines or carboxylic groups). CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 and CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 derivatives showed self-assembled structures in solution with temperature and pH responsiveness, respectively. This functionalization may lead to broader application of pegylated star derivatives in DNA transfection systems, siRNA delivery systems or as selective delivery system (pH-dependent).

Développement de tensioactifs à base d’acides biliaires pegylés pour des applications pharmaceutiques

Le Dévédec, Frantz 03 1900 (has links)
Les acides biliaires sont reconnus comme des tensioactifs d’origine biologique potentiellement applicables dans le domaine pharmaceutique. Leurs structures en font une plateforme idéale pour l’obtention de nouvelles architectures polymères. Des composés synthétisés par polymérisation anionique de dérivés d’oxirane comme l’oxyde d’éthylène, offre des dérivés amphiphiles pegylés démontrant des propriétés d’agrégation intéressantes en vue d’une amélioration de la biocompatibilité et de la capacité d’encapsulation médicamenteuse. Une large gamme d’acides biliaires pegylés (BA(EGn)x) a été préparée avec comme objectif premier leurs applications dans la formulation de principes actifs problématiques. Pour cela, une caractérisation rigoureuse du comportement de ces dérivés (modulation de la longueur (2 < n < 19) et du nombre de bras (2 < x < 4) de PEG) en solution a été réalisée. Dans le but d’améliorer la biodisponibilité de principes actifs lipophiles (cas de l’itraconazole), des nanoémulsions spontanées, composées de BA(EGn)x et d’acide oléique, ont été développées. L’évaluation in vitro, de la toxicité (cellulaire), et de la capacité de solubilisation des systèmes BA(EGn)x, ainsi que les paramètres pharmacocinétiques in vivo (chez le rat), suggèrent une livraison contrôlée par nos systèmes auto-assemblés lors de l’administration orale et intraveineuse. Aussi, la synthèse de copolymères en blocs en étoile à base d’acide cholique pegylés a été effectuée par polymérisation anionique par addition d’un second bloc au caractère hydrophobe de poly(éther d’allyle et de glycidyle) (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4). Selon le ratio de blocs hydrophiles-hydrophobes CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4, des réponses thermiques en solution (LCST) ont été observées par un point de trouble (Cp) entre 8 oC et 37 oC. Un mécanisme de formation d’agrégats en plusieurs étapes est suggéré. La thiolation des allyles des PAGE permet une fonctionnalisation terminale à haute densité, comparable aux dendrimères. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques des CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 et CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 indiquent la formation de structures auto-assemblées en solution, sensibles à la température ou au pH. Cette fonctionnalisation élargie le domaine d’application des dérivés d’acides biliaires pegylés en étoile vers la transfection d’ADN, la livraison de siRNA thérapeutiques ou encore à une sélectivité de livraison médicamenteux (ex. sensibilité au pH, greffage ligands). / Bile acids are natural compounds and may have potential for pharmaceutical applications. Their structures provide an interesting platform for polymerization to obtain well-defined architectures. The anionic polymerization of oxirane derivatives, mainly PEG derivatives, endowed new aggregation properties and improvement of biocompatibility of the new amphiphilic polymers based on bile acids. A library of pegylated bile acids (BA(EGn)x) was prepared for the formulation of lipophilic drugs. The aqueous physicochemical behaviors of these derivatives (modulation of the length (2 < n < 19) and the number (2 < x < 4) of PEG arm) were investigated. In order to improve the bioavailability of insoluble active compounds (itraconazole, an antifungal drug), a binary system based on the association of BA(EGn)x and oleic acid, formed self-emulsifying drug delivery systems. The in vitro evaluation of cell toxicity and solubilization capacities of the BA(EGn)x systems followed by the in vivo evaluation in rats of the pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated the advantages of our self-assembled system for controlled drug delivery for both oral and intravenous administration. Star-shaped block copolymers of pegylated cholic acid (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4) were prepared by the introduction of a second hydrophobic block of PAGE poly(allyl glycidyl ether). They demonstrated thermosensitivity (8 oC < LCST < 37 oC) in aqueous solution, suggesting a mechanism based on the formation of aggregates in two steps. The PAGE block with pendant groups may facilitate futher functionalization. The thiolation of allyl yields a new class of charged PEGylated star polymers (with multiple amines or carboxylic groups). CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 and CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 derivatives showed self-assembled structures in solution with temperature and pH responsiveness, respectively. This functionalization may lead to broader application of pegylated star derivatives in DNA transfection systems, siRNA delivery systems or as selective delivery system (pH-dependent).

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