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Efeitos da aplicação da pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas no pós-operatório de ressecção pulmonar por neoplasia / Effects of the application of continuos positive airway pressure in postoperative of lung cancer resectionRoceto, Lígia dos Santos, 1982- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Ivan Felizardo Contrera Toro, Ivete Alonso Bredda Saad / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T12:35:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Introdução: A aplicação de ventilação mecânica não invasiva (VMNI) no período pós-operatório (POS) pode restaurar a capacidade residual funcional, melhorar a oxigenação e poupar os músculos inspiratórios. Objetivos: Verificar e comparar a evolução de variáveis espirométricas, da gasometria arterial, do pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE), da dispneia e do relato de dor, além do tempo de permanência e borbulhamento dos drenos torácicos em dois grupos no POS de ressecção pulmonar: fisioterapia respiratória convencional (FRC) e a associação desta à pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP). Método: Estudo prospectivo, intervencionista e não randomizado. A avaliação pré-operatória (PRE) constituiu-se da execução da Prova de Função Pulmonar (PFP), da gasometria arterial, do PFE e relato de dispneia, além da realização de espirometria de incentivo, e orientações quanto ao procedimento cirúrgico. Os atendimentos nos grupos FRC e CPAP foram realizados no POS imediato (POSi), primeiro e segundo POS (POS 1, POS2), e a reavaliação na alta hospitalar ou quinto POS . A VMNI foi aplicada durante duas horas e o ajuste pressórico estabelecido entre 7 e 8,5 cmH2O, sendo aumentado conforme tolerância do paciente. Foram analisados o Índice de Oxigenação (IO), relato de dor, presença e borbulhamento dos drenos, e as mesmas variáveis do PRE. Resultados: Houve diferença, entre os grupos, no borbulhamento do dreno anterior no POSi e POS1 (p=0,001 e p=0,012), e para o dreno posterior no POSi (p=0,036). Na análise intra grupo (FRC) verificou-se redução do IO entre PRE e POS1 (p=0,042), e, inter grupo houve aumento no grupo CPAP no POSi (p=0,035). Não houve diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos com relação à escala analógica de dor. Ao se verificar a dispneia no POSi e POS1 observaram-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos (p<0,001). Na análise entre os períodos observaram-se reduções significativas do VEF1 e CVF em ambos os grupos, com p<0,001. O PFE não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos (p=0,064). Conclusão: A aplicação preventiva da CPAP no POS de ressecção pulmonar proporcionou melhora da oxigenação sem aumento da perda aérea pelos drenos de tórax / Abstract: Introduction: The application of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) during the postoperative period (POS) can restore functional residual capacity, improve oxygenation and spare inspiratory muscles. Objectives: To determine and compare the evolution of spirometric variables, blood gases, peak expiratory flow (PEF), dyspnea and report of pain, and length of stay and bubbling of chest tubes in two postoperative groups of lung resection: chest physiotherapy (CP) and its association with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Method: Prospective, and not randomized controlled trial. The preoperative evaluation (PRE) consisted of collection of Pulmonary Function Test, arterial blood gas analysis, the report of dyspnea, PEF, and performing such incentive spirometry, and information about the surgical procedure. Primary care groups CP and CPAP were performed in the immediately POS (POSi), first and second POS (POS1, POS2), and reassessment on discharge or fifth POS. NIV was applied for two hours and the pressure adjustment set between 7 and 8.5 cmH2O, and it was increased as the patient's tolerance. Were analyzed the oxygenation index (OI), reporting pain, presence and bubbling of drains, and the same variables from PRE. Results: There were differences between groups in the bubbling of the anterior drain in POSi and POS1, (p = 0.001 and p = 0.012), and for the posterior drain just in POSi (p = 0.036). In intra-group analysis (CP) showed a reduction of OI between PRE and POS1 (p = 0.042), and inter group increased in the CPAP group in the POSi (p = 0.035). There were no significant differences between the two groups to analog pain scale. For the dyspnea in POSi and POS1 were observed significant differences between groups (p <0.001). In the analysis between the periods observed significant reductions in FEV1 and FVC in both groups, p <0.001. The PEF was not significantly different between groups (p = 0.064). Conclusion: The application of CPAP in preventive postoperative pulmonary resection resulted in improved oxygenation without increasing air leaks through the thoracic drains / Mestrado / Fisiopatologia Cirúrgica / Mestre em Ciências
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Civilian Spontaneous Pneumothorax. Treatment Options and Long-Term ResultsO'Rourke, J P., Yee, E S. 01 December 1989 (has links)
The treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax in the civilian population can be influenced by the age of the patient and the presence of associated pulmonary disease. The medical records of 130 patients who presented with 168 occurrences of SP were reviewed during an 11-year period (1973 to 1984). Follow-up was from a minimum of 30 months to 13 years (mean 6.3 years). The therapeutic options included observation alone (40 occurrences), thoracentesis (6 occurrences), chest tube thoracostomy (102 occurrences), and thoracotomy (20 occurrences). Treatment of SP should be prompt with the objective of complete re-expansion of the lung and prevention of recurrent pneumothorax. This should be accomplished by the use of chest tube thoracostomy with early addition of thoracotomy as necessary. Selected use of thoracentesis can be effective. The use of observation alone can be dangerous and is associated with a higher recurrence rate.
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Thoracoscore bodovni sistem u proceni operativnog rizika nakon anatomske i neanatomske resekcije pluća / Thoracoscore scoring system in evaluation of surgical risk following anatomic and non-anatomic lung resectionMališanović Gorica 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Prema literaturnim podacima poslednjih godina velika pažnja je usmerena ka operativnom riziku i mortalitetu koji su postali najvažniji kriterijumi u ocenama rezultata rada hirurških ustanova, ali i svakog hirurga posebno. Zahvaljujući kompleksnom profilu pacijenata koji se podvrgavaju hirurškim intervencijama, precizna procena operativnog rizika postaje sve teža. Predikcija ishoda intervencije u najvećoj meri zavisi od preoperativnih faktora rizika. Ipak, neminovno je da i faktori koji su vezani za samu operaciju u određenom stepenu utiču na ishod hirurške intervencije. Shodno tome, dobar model za procenu rizika treba da obuhvati faktore koji će imati najbolju prediktivnu vrednost. Thoracoscore je prvi bodovni sistem razvijen od strane Francuskog udruženja grudnih i vaskularinih hiruga. Zbog nedovoljne primene tokom poslednje decenije i nekonzistentnih rezultata nije došlo do širokog međunarodnog prihvatanja ovog modela i njegove rutinske upotrebe. Ova činjenica ukazuje na nedostake samog modela i potrebu za rekalibracijom u cilju postizanja bolje saglasnosti između predikcije operativnog rizika i kliničkog stanja bolesnika. Cilj rada je bio da se ustanovi realna vrednost Thoracoscore bodovnog sistema u proceni operativnog rizika i mortaliteta nakon anatomskih i neanatomskih resekcija pluća u našim uslovima, i da se utvrdi prediktivna vrednost faktora rizika koji nisu obuhvaćeni Thoracoscore bodovnim sistemom na ishod grudno-hirurških operacija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno po tipu prospektivne kliničke studije i obuhvatilo je 957 bolesnika operisanih na Klinici za grudnu hirurgiju Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine. Izvršene hirurške procedure bile su anatomske resekcije (lobektomija, bilobektomija, pneumonektomija, Sleeve resekcija, segmentektomija) i neanatomske resekcije pluća (Wedge resekcija i druge atipične resekcije). Thoracoscore je izračunat za svakog bolesnika na osnovu devet parametara: godine starosti, pol, ASA skor, dispnea skor, procena opšteg stanja bolesnika, dijagnostička grupa, hitnost operacije, vrsta operacije i broj komorbiditeta. S obzirom da prediktivna vrednost Thoracoscore bodovnog sistema u proceni operativnog rizika nije bila adekvatna realnom stanju, regresionom analizom je evaluiran značaj tri nova faktora: forsirani ekspiratorni volumen u prvoj sekundi (FEV1), reoperacija i hirurški pristup (torakotomija, video-asistirana torakoskopija – VATS). Nakon što je univarijantnom analizom potvrđeno da su ovi faktori nezavisni prediktori operativnog ishoda, originalni Thoracoscore model je rekalibrisan. Multivarijantnom analizom putem logističke regresije izračunati su novi beta koeficijenti za originalnih devet faktora, kao i za tri nova, te je kreiran lokalni model za procenu operativnog rizika koji je prilagođen našoj populaciji. Prosečna starosti bolesnika bila je 62 ± 7,52 godina. Većinu uzorka (60,7%) činili su pripadnici muškog pola. Najveći broj resekcija činile su lobektomije (61,4%). Malignitet je bio najučestalija indikacija za operaciju (90,3%). Najveći broj bolesnika imao je 1-2 komorbiditeta (64,3%). Prosečna stopa operativnog rizika na osnovu Thoracoscore-a (4,7% ) bila je veća je od stvarnog (2,9%) intrahospitalnog mortalita (p<0,01). Ovaj model je pokazao zadovoljavajuće rezultate jedino u grupi niskog rizika. Predikcija mortaliteta lokalnim modelom za procenu operativnog rizika u grudnoj hirurgiji se, u statističkom smislu, ne razlikuje od stvarnog mortaliteta (p = NS). Thoracoscore ima dobru diskriminativnu moć, ali nezadovoljavajuću kalibrisanost. Shodno tome, Thoracoscore model se može koristiti za stratifikaciju rizika, ali ne i za predikciju mortaliteta. Za razliku, lokalni model je pokazao dobru diskriminaciju i kalibrisanost u našim uslovima. Interni model za procenu rizika bi bio od velike koristi u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu, budući da bi oslikavao realno stanje populacije u kojoj je razvijen i vršio preciznu predikciju operativnog rizika.</p> / <p>According to the literature data, over the past several years, great attention has been focused on operative risk and mortality which have become the most important criteria in evaluating the results from surgical departments and individual surgeons, as well. Because of complex profiles of patients undergoing surgical interventions, it is becoming more difficult to assess the risk precisely. Prediction of surgical outcomes mostly depends on the preoperative risk factors. However, factors related to the procedure itself effect the surgical outcome to a certain degree. Therefore, a good risk assessment model must contain factors which will have the best predictive value. Thoracoscore is the first scoring system developed by the French Association of Thoracic and Vascular Surgeons. Due to insufficient utilization over the past decade and inconsistent results, this model has not been widely accepted for routine use. This fact indicates that the model lacks certain aspects and needs to be recalibrated in order to achieve better concordance between the predicted operative risk and the clinical state of the patient. The aim of this study was to determine real value of Thoracoscore scoring system for estimation of operative risk and mortality following anatomic and non-anatomic lung resections in our settings, and to determine predictive value of factors not included in Thoracoscore on the outcome of thoracic surgeries. This prospective study included 957 patients who underwent lung resections at the Thoracic surgery clinic of Institute for Lung Diseases of Vojvodina. Performed surgical procedures were anatomic lung resections (lobectomy, bilobectomy, pneumonectomy, Sleeve resection, segmentectomy) and non-anatomic lung resections (Wedge resection and other atypical resections). Thoracoscore was calculated for each patient based on the following nine parameters: age, gender, ASA score, dyspnea score, performance status classification, diagnostic group, urgency of surgery, surgical procedure and number of comorbidities. Because predictive value of Thoracoscore did not correspond to the actual results, regression analysis was used to evaluate the significance of three new risk factors: forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), reoperation, and surgical approach (thoracotomy, video-assisted thoracoscopy – VATS). After univariate analysis confirmed that these three factors are independent predictors of operative risk, the original Thoracoscore model was recalibrated. With the use of multivariate analysis by logistic regression, new beta coefficients were calculated for the original nine parameters, as well as for the new three, and consequently a local model for surgical risk assessment that is adapted to our population was created. Average age of patients was 62 ± 7.52 years. Most of the patients were males (60.7%). Lobectomies constituted the largest number (61.4%) of performed surgeries. The most common indications for surgery were malignant causes (90.3%). Most frequently, patients had 1-2 comorbidities (64.3%). Mean operative risk based on Thoracoscore (4.7%) was greater than the actual intrahospital mortality (2.9%) (p<0.01). This model had adequate results only in the low risk group of patients. Predicted mortality by the local model was not statistically different from the actual mortality (p = NS). Thoracoscore had good discriminative ability, but inadequate calibration. Because of this, Thoracoscore model can be used for risk stratification, but not for mortality prediction. On the other hand, local model showed good discrimination and calibration in our population. Therefore, an internal model for risk assessment would be of great use in everyday clinical practice because it would reflect the real state of the population in which it was developed, predicting the risk more precisely.</p>
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