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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A hedonic pricing analysis for Australian thoroughbred yearling market.

January 2007 (has links)
Siu, Man Tat. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 51-54). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgement --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii-iii / Table of Contents --- p.iv / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1-10 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review --- p.11-13 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Data --- p.14-20 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Model --- p.21-30 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Empirical Result --- p.31-43 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Discussion and Conclusion --- p.44-50 / References --- p.51-54 / Figures and Appendix --- p.55-66

A genetic analysis of the occurrence of pulmonary haemorrhage in racing thoroughbreds in Southern Africa

Weideman, Heinrich 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD(Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to investigate whether environmental and/or genetic factors had an effect on the incidence of epistaxis related to exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage among racehorses in Southern Africa. A further aim was to estimate the heritability of liability to epistaxis in the Southern African Thoroughbred population. For the purpose of the environmental study, the data covering the period 1986-2001 and involving a total of778 532-race runs, were analysed. This included the following race start information: date of race (day/month/year), age, sex, breeder, trainer, distance, jockey, state of going, weight carried, centre of racing and altitude. The genetic part of the data was two-fold in nature and included firstly the analysis of all horses that suffered epistaxis whilst racing in Southern Africa from 1986 to 2001 and involving 1118 individual bleeders. The second genetic analysis included the same Southern African population plus those Southern African horses exported to Mauritius and then being recorded as bleeders in that country (1252 bleeders in total). Pedigree data covering the period 1960-1986 was used as required to calculate the incidence of bleeding amongst ancestors of the post 1986 era. Only pedigrees of horses that raced were included in this study as it was not possible to predict whether non-runners would have bled had they raced. Consequently all non-runners and also those that raced overseas in countries where bleeding occurrence was not recorded were excluded. Veterinarians employed by the Jockey Club suspended officially recorded horses that showed epistaxis as demonstrated by frank bleeding from the nostrils after racing. Oncourse endoscopy is not employed as a routine on any of the Southern African racetracks. In the environmental study epistaxis was identified in 1 287 race starts (0.165%). Epistaxis related to exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage was significantly (p<0.001) associated with altitude, age, race year, month and the day of racing. More horses demonstrated epistaxis at sea level than at altitude, between the months of May - October than the rest of the year, in older horses than in horses less than three-years old, after 1995 than between the years 1986 and 1995, and on Fridays and Sundays than on any other week day. No association could be established between epistaxis and breeder, trainer, distance, jockey, state of going, sex and weight carried. The heritability of liability method as described by Falconer (1989) was used to estimate the relative importance of heredity and environment. For the period investigated, the population incidence for epistaxis in Southern African horses was 2.1%. The estimation of heritability ofliability showed that first-degree relatives had a figure of 55.4%. The heritability of second- and third degree relatives were 41.3% and 30.4% respectively. The data investigated depicts horses that bled almost exclusively on race days as only a small percentage (- 5%) was reported as having bled during exercise. Accordingly, the full extent of epistaxis amongst racing Thoroughbreds in Southern Africa is difficult to gauge. Pedigree and race run data from Thoroughbreds racing in Southern Africa, covering the period 1986-2002 (63 146) horses in pedigree data-set and 778 532 race runs, were further analysed in order to study genetic and environmental factors affecting the incidence of epistaxis as associated with EIPH (exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage). As fixed effects for the model, variables that were tested significantly in a preliminary data analyses, were included. Various combinations of such variables namely age, weight, altitude, sex, month and going were tested. Fixed effects that were included in the fmal model were gender, going and altitude. The heritability estimates from a logit transformed analysis for epistaxis fitting both the animal and sire generalized mixed models were 0.23 and 0.40 respectively, which indicated that epistaxis as associated with EIPH in the Southern African Thoroughbred sires has a strong genetic basis. Genetic trends indicating an increase in epistaxis were also found. It is concluded that the frequency of epistaxis related to pulmonary haemorrhage is associated with altitude, winter and spring months and the horse's age. It is suggested that racing at a lower altitude may increase the probability of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage. It is clear that epistaxis in the racing Thoroughbred has a strong genetic basis. It is further suggested that horses showing frank bleeding from the nostrils after racing or exercise, be suspended and not used for breeding purposes. This would result in relatively fast progress being made towards eradicating this costly scourge of the modem Thoroughbred racehorse. Affected stallions and those racing whilst being treated with furosemide, should be barred from breeding and not be considered as future sires. Estimated breeding values for epistaxis should be used as a tool for selecting against it and be considered in breeding programmes to decrease the incidence thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n GENETIESE ANALISE VAN DIE VOORKOMS VAN LONGBLOEDING IN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE RENPERD: Die doel met hierdie studie was om vas te stelof omgewings- of genetiese faktore enige invloed op die voorkoms van longbloeding in die Suid-Afrikaanse renperd het. 'n Verdere doelstelling was om die oorerflikheid op die onderliggende verspreiding van longbloeding in die Suid-Afrikaanse Volbloedpopulasie te bepaal. Vir die omgewingstudie is data wat oor die periode 1986-2001 strek en wat 'n totaal van 778 532 wedren-deelnames ingesluit het, statisties ondersoek. Die data het die volgende inligting ingesluit: datum van deelname, ouderdom, geslag, teler, afrigter, afstand van wedren, jokkie, toestand van baanoppervlakte, gewig gedra, sentrum waar deelname plaasgevind het en die hoogte bo seespieël van die sentrum. Die studie van die genetiese aspekte het eerstens 'n analise van al die perde wat longbloeding tydens 'n wedren in Suider-Afrika gedurende die jare 1986-2002 ondervind het (I118 perde), en tweedens dieselfde populasie perde, plus die Suiderlike-Afrikaanse perde wat uitgevoer is na Mauritius en bloeding daar ondervind het, (1252 perde), ingesluit. Ter aanvulling is uitgebreide stamboomdata van voorouers gedurende 1960-1986 gebruik om die voorkoms van longbloeding tydens die post 1986 tydvak te bepaal. Slegs stambome van renperde wat aktief aan renne deelgeneem het, is in die data ingesluit aangesien dit nie moontlik was om te voorspel of 'n perd wat nooit aan wedrenne deelgeneem het nie, longbloeding sou ondervind indien dit wel deelgeneem het. Dus is alle renperde wat nooit aan wedrenne deelgeneem het, asook daardie perde wat in die buiteland deelgeneem en waar longbloeding nie aangeteken word nie, uitgesluit. Alle perde wat bloeding van die neus na wedrenne getoon het, is deur veeartse in diens van die Jokkie Klub van Suid-Afrika ondersoek, as 'n bloeier aangeteken en van verdere deelname aan wedrenne geskors. Endoskopie word op geen van die Suid- Afrikaanse renbane as 'n standaard praktyk na wedrenne uitgevoer nie. Longbloeding het in 1 287 perde of gedurende 0.165% van alle wedrenne plaasgevind. Longbloeding soos geassossieer met EIPH, (exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage), is betekenisvol (p<0.001) met hoogte bo seespieël, ouderdom, dag van deelname, maand, en jaar verbind. Meer perde het longbloeding by seevlak in vergelyking met hoër vlakke bo seespieël ondervind, tussen die maande Mei-Oktober as die res van die jaar, in perde ouer as drie-jaar, na 1995 as tussen die jare 1986-1995, op Vrydae en Sondae as enige ander dag van die week. en meer by reuns as by merries of hingste. Geen verwantskap kon tussen bloeding en teler, afrigter, afstand, jokkie, toestand van baan, geslag en gewig gedra, gevind word nie. Die oorerflikheid op die onderliggende verspreiding vir longbloeding soos omskryf deur Falconer (1989), is gebruik om die relatiewe belangrikheid van oorerflikheid en omgewing te bepaal. Vir die periode bestudeer, was die voorkoms van longbloeding in die Suid-Afrikaanse renperd 2.1%. Die oorerflikheid van longbloeding was 55.4% vir eerste-graadse verwantes. By tweede-graadse verwantes was die ooretlikheid 41.3% en by derde-graadse verwantes 30.4%. Die data wat ondersoek is, was bykans uitsluitlik die van perde wat tydens wedrenne gebloei het en slegs 'n baie klein persentasie (~ 5%) was aangeteken as perde wat tydens oefening gebloei het. Dus is die volle omvang van longbloeding in Suider-Afrikaanse Volbloedperde moeilik om akkuraat te bepaal. Die stamboom- en wedrendata van Suid-Afrikaanse Volbloedperde is verder ontleed in 'n poging om die genetiese en omgewingsfaktore se invloed op die voorkoms van longbloeding, soos geassosieer met EIPH te bepaal. As vaste effekte vir die model is veranderlikes wat betekenisvol gevind was, ingesluit. Verskeie kombinasies van hierdie veranderlikes soos ouderdom, gewig, hoogte bo seespieël, geslag, maand en toestand van die baan is ingesluit. Die vaste effekte wat in die finale model ingesluit is, was geslag, toestand van die baan en hoogte bo seespieël. Die beraamde oorerflikheid verkry vanaf 'n "logit" getransformeerde analise vir longbloeding wat beide die diere- en vader- gemengde model gepas het, was onderskeidelik 0.23 en 0.40, wat 'n aanduidending is dat longbloeding, soos geassosieer met ElPH, 'n sterk genetiese grondslag het. Genetiese tendense het ook gedui op 'n toename in die voorkoms van longbloeding, veraloor die laaste vyf jaar van die studie. Samevattend is die bevinding dat die frekwensie van longbloeding 'n betekenisvolle verwantskap toon met hoogte bo seespieël, winter en lente maande en die perd se ouderdom. Dit word voorgestel dat renperde wat deelneem aan wedrenne by laer vlakke van hoogte bo seespieël, meer onderhewig aan longbloeding sal wees. Uit die resultate verkry is dit duidelik dat longbloeding 'n genetiese grondslag het. Dit word voorgestel dat perde wat fisiese simptome van neusbloeding na of gedurende wedrenne toon, geskors word van verdere deelname en ook nie toegelaat word om mee te teel nie. Hierdie maatreëls behoort aanleiding te gee dat relatief vinnige vordering gemaak sal word in die strewe om hierdie ongewenste sindroom in die moderne Volbloed te verminder. Aangetaste hingste, asook die wat aan wedrenne deelgeneem het terwyl hul behandeling ontvang met furosemide, moet nie toegelaat word om te teel en nie as toekomstige teelhingste oorweeg word nie. Die waarde van voorspelde teelwaardes vir longbloeding moet nie onderskat word in seleksie daarteen nie en moet in teelprogamme om die voorkoms daarvan te verminder, oorweeg word.

Impacts of the recession and horse slaughter ban on the U.S. thoroughbred industry

Garrett, Brandon January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Christine Wilson / Over the last decade, the United States horse industry has seen a decline in all segments of the industry. Both people and organizations within and outside the industry have debated the cause of this decline, with the 2007 horse slaughter ban being at the center of this debate. The purpose of the report is to analyze a specific segment of the industry to determine what has led to this decline over the last decade. To do this, we will look specifically at the total number of thoroughbreds sold over a thirty-year history, and using regression analysis, determine if a controversial bill that banned the slaughter of horses in the United States for the purpose of meat was the cause of this decline or if other key variables that played a key role. These additional variables will include hay prices, corn prices, oat price, gas prices, and a macro economic indicator variable. The regression results show that the horse slaughter ban did in fact have an impact on the decline of the total number of thoroughbreds sold within this specific segment of the industry. Also, both hay and the unemployment rate had an effect on the decline of the total number of thoroughbreds sold, while gas prices appear to have had an unexpected positive effect, which is contrary to common thought. This thesis shed a new light on the decline of the horse industry within the United States and the effect the ban has had on the thoroughbred industry.

Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries in two- and three-year-old Australian Thoroughbred racehorses

Cogger, Naomi January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / The aim of this research was to describe the epidemiology of musculoskeletal (MS) injuries in two- and three-year-old Thoroughbred racehorses. A 27 month longitudinal study commencing in May 2000 was conducted. The study convenience sampled 14 trainers with facilities at metropolitan and provincial racetracks in New South Wales, Australia. In the 2000/01 and 2001/02 racing season, 323 and 128 two-year-olds, respectively, were enrolled in the study. The 451 Thoroughbred horses contributed, 1, 272 preparations and 78, 154 training days to the study. Of the 323 horses enrolled in the 2000/01 racing season, 219 contributed three-year-old data to the study. During the study period 8%, of training days had missing training data and 3% of the 1, 986 starts in the races or barrier trials were incorrectly recorded. The rate of incorrect entries varied with both study month and trainer. Similarly, the rate of training days with missing data varied between trainers and with study month. Four hundred and twenty-eight MS injuries were recorded in association with 395 preparations in 248 two- and three-year-old Thoroughbred racehorses. The IR for all categories of MS injuries, except for tendon and ligament injuries, were higher in twoyear- olds than three-year-olds, although the differences were only significant for shin soreness. Seventy-eight percent of horses enrolled in the study started, in a barrier trial or race, within one year on entering the study. After accounting for other confounders, horses that had sustained a MS injury were 0.50 times less likely to start, in a race or trial, race than those that did not sustain an injury. Seventy percent of horses returned to training after their first MS injury, and the cumulative percentage of these horses that had recovered within six months of the initial MS injury was 55%. After adjusting for clustering at the level of the trainer, the analysis showed that horses that exercised at a gallop pace ≥ 890 m/minute (but had not started in a race) prior to the onset of MS injury, were 2.14 times more likely to recover than horses whose maximum speed, prior to the onset of the first MS injury, was less than 890 m/minute. Similarly, horses that had started in a race or barrier trial were 4.01 times more likely to recover than horses whose maximum speed was less than 890 m/minute. 8 Training days were grouped into units referred to as preparations. A preparation began on the day that the horse was enrolled in the study, or when a horse returned to training after an absence of more than seven days from the stable. The preparation continued until the horse was lost to follow-up or left the stable for a period of more than seven consecutive days. Univariable and multivariable analytical methods were used to examine the association between a range of independent variables and four preparationlevel measures of performance: (i) the duration of preparations, (ii) length of time from the beginning of the preparation until the first start in a race or barrier trial, (iii) length of time from the first start until the end of the preparation and (iv) rate of starts in races or barrier trials. After adjusting for confounders, younger horses tended to have shorter preparations, took longer to start in a race or barrier trial, had a shorter interval from the first start to the end of the preparation and fewer starts per 100 training days. MS injury was not conditionally associated with any of the outcomes considered in this chapter. Multivariate statistical models were used to explore risk factors for MS injuries. The results suggest that MS injuries involving structures in the lower forelimb (carpus to fetlock inclusive) could be reduced by limiting exposure to high-speed exercise. This supports the proposition that training injuries are caused by the accumulation of micro damage. The results suggest there are a number of other factors that vary at the trainer level that may be risk factors for injuries, in particular joint injuries. These include unmeasured variables such as the rate of increase in distance galloped at high-speed, conformation of the horse, skill of the riders and farrier and veterinary involvement.

Mapping Athletic Performance Related Genes in the Equine Genome and a Genome Scan for Superior Athletic Performance in the Thoroughbred

Durkin, Keith W. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The primary goal of the Thoroughbred industry is to breed and train superior equine athletes capable of excelling on the racetrack. To date, research into the genetic underpinnings of athletic ability has been limited in the horse. Advances in equine genomics and the genetics of athletic performance in humans have opened up the possibility of investigating this important trait in the Thoroughbred. Initially, 46 candidate genes associated with human athletic performance were mapped in the equine genome by radiation hybrid (RH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping. RH data and later the draft equine genomic sequence allowed us to identify microsatellites adjacent to these and other candidate genes (95 in total). Additional microsatellites were added to increase genome coverage, producing a final panel of 186 markers. All the potential markers were initially screened on a pool of DNA for 16 Thoroughbreds to ensure they were polymorphic. The panel was genotyped on 162 Thoroughbreds in total; Centimorgans (cM) between microsatellites were determined with CRI-MAP. The animal?s athletic ability was estimated using career winnings loge transformed to create a linear trait; unraced animals were treated as missing data. Linkage analysis was carried out using the MERLIN program, and association analysis was carried out using the QTDT program. Appropriate thresholds for statistical significance were determined by carrying out 1000 simulated genome scans based on the structure of the original data. LOD scores above 1.54 met the criteria of statistical significance (with a 5% chance of type I error). In the actual genome scan, the marker L12.2 had the highest observed LOD score of 1.16 and p-value of 0.01 and consequently was not significant; the association analysis also did not detect significant association with performance on the track. Given the complexity of the phenotype under investigation and the modest sample size, the lack of linkage/association was not unexpected. Nevertheless, this study has contributed to the RH and FISH maps of the equine genome. Additionally, the development of the genome scanning panel for this study has provided useful information on the most informative microsatellites for linkage or association studies in the Thoroughbred.

Economics of the thoroughbred racehorse industry in Arizona

Hanekamp, William J., 1945- January 1974 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic risk of fracture and tendinopathy in the thoroughbred racehorse

Hillyer, Lynn Louise January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries in two- and three-year-old Australian Thoroughbred racehorses

Cogger, Naomi January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / The aim of this research was to describe the epidemiology of musculoskeletal (MS) injuries in two- and three-year-old Thoroughbred racehorses. A 27 month longitudinal study commencing in May 2000 was conducted. The study convenience sampled 14 trainers with facilities at metropolitan and provincial racetracks in New South Wales, Australia. In the 2000/01 and 2001/02 racing season, 323 and 128 two-year-olds, respectively, were enrolled in the study. The 451 Thoroughbred horses contributed, 1, 272 preparations and 78, 154 training days to the study. Of the 323 horses enrolled in the 2000/01 racing season, 219 contributed three-year-old data to the study. During the study period 8%, of training days had missing training data and 3% of the 1, 986 starts in the races or barrier trials were incorrectly recorded. The rate of incorrect entries varied with both study month and trainer. Similarly, the rate of training days with missing data varied between trainers and with study month. Four hundred and twenty-eight MS injuries were recorded in association with 395 preparations in 248 two- and three-year-old Thoroughbred racehorses. The IR for all categories of MS injuries, except for tendon and ligament injuries, were higher in twoyear- olds than three-year-olds, although the differences were only significant for shin soreness. Seventy-eight percent of horses enrolled in the study started, in a barrier trial or race, within one year on entering the study. After accounting for other confounders, horses that had sustained a MS injury were 0.50 times less likely to start, in a race or trial, race than those that did not sustain an injury. Seventy percent of horses returned to training after their first MS injury, and the cumulative percentage of these horses that had recovered within six months of the initial MS injury was 55%. After adjusting for clustering at the level of the trainer, the analysis showed that horses that exercised at a gallop pace ≥ 890 m/minute (but had not started in a race) prior to the onset of MS injury, were 2.14 times more likely to recover than horses whose maximum speed, prior to the onset of the first MS injury, was less than 890 m/minute. Similarly, horses that had started in a race or barrier trial were 4.01 times more likely to recover than horses whose maximum speed was less than 890 m/minute. 8 Training days were grouped into units referred to as preparations. A preparation began on the day that the horse was enrolled in the study, or when a horse returned to training after an absence of more than seven days from the stable. The preparation continued until the horse was lost to follow-up or left the stable for a period of more than seven consecutive days. Univariable and multivariable analytical methods were used to examine the association between a range of independent variables and four preparationlevel measures of performance: (i) the duration of preparations, (ii) length of time from the beginning of the preparation until the first start in a race or barrier trial, (iii) length of time from the first start until the end of the preparation and (iv) rate of starts in races or barrier trials. After adjusting for confounders, younger horses tended to have shorter preparations, took longer to start in a race or barrier trial, had a shorter interval from the first start to the end of the preparation and fewer starts per 100 training days. MS injury was not conditionally associated with any of the outcomes considered in this chapter. Multivariate statistical models were used to explore risk factors for MS injuries. The results suggest that MS injuries involving structures in the lower forelimb (carpus to fetlock inclusive) could be reduced by limiting exposure to high-speed exercise. This supports the proposition that training injuries are caused by the accumulation of micro damage. The results suggest there are a number of other factors that vary at the trainer level that may be risk factors for injuries, in particular joint injuries. These include unmeasured variables such as the rate of increase in distance galloped at high-speed, conformation of the horse, skill of the riders and farrier and veterinary involvement.

The air in there--should we care? : an investigation into the relationship between indoor air quality and tracheal mucus in thoroughbred racehorses

Millerick-May, Melissa. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Michigan State University. Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology, 2008. / Title from PDF t.p. (Mar. 27, 2009). Includes bibliographical references. Also issued in print.

Efeito da aquacupuntura sobre a performance de cavalos puro-sangue inglês, treinados em pista e avaliados por meio do teste de velocidade escalonada a campo /

Angeli, Ana Laura. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar o efeito positivo da acupuntura nos parâmetros de performance atlética e verificar o uso do teste de velocidade escalonada a campo em cavalos da raça puro-sangue-inglês. Foram utilizados 24 indivíduos, machos e fêmeas, atletas em campanha e hígidos. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos, sendo o GI o controle, o GII, os animais tratados com acupuntura falsa e o GIII, os animais tratados com acupuntura verdadeira. A performance foi avaliada a campo em dois testes de esforço crescente, submáximos, num intervalo de três semanas entre eles e compostos pelas seguintes avaliações: lactato basal, VLa4, lactato de recuperação, V200, cortisol, enzimas musculares, temperatura retal, eritrograma e leucograma. As vitórias obtidas por cada animal num período máximo de dois meses antes e depois dos tratamentos foram computadas para análise posterior... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of acupuncture on performance variables and the efficacy of the field velocity test on thoroughbred racehorses. Twenty four individuals, males and females, on actual race activity, all sound were used. All animals were divided into three groups: GI was the control one, GII the sham acupuncture group and GIII the real acupuncture treated animals. The performance was evaluated on field conditions, by two submaximal incremental tests, separated by a three week period each. The tests included the following measurements: rest lactate values, VLa4, active recovery lactate values, V200, cortisol, muscle enzymes, rectal temperature and red and white blood cell analysis. During two months before and after treatments, the victories of each animal were observed to late examination... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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