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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Random allocations: new and extended models and techniques with applications and numerics.

Kennington, Raymond William January 2007 (has links)
This thesis provides a general methodology for classifying and describing many combinatoric problems, systematising and finding theoretical expressions for quantities of interest, and investigating their feasible numerical evaluation. Unifying notation and definitions are provided. Our knowledge of random allocations is also extended. This is achieved by investigating new processes, generalising known processes, and by providing a formal structure and innovative techniques for analysing them. The random allocation models described in this thesis can be classified as occupancy urn models, in which we have a sequence of urns and throw balls into them, and investigate static, waiting-time and dynamic processes. Various structures are placed on the relationship(s) between cells, balls, and the selection of items being distributed, including varieties, batch arrivals, taboo sets and blocking sets. Static, waiting-time and dynamic processes are investigated. Both without-replacement and with-replacement sampling types are considered. Emphasis is placed on the distributions of waiting-times for one or more events to occur measured from the time a particular event occurs; this begins as an abstraction and generalisation of a model of departures of cars parked in lanes. One of several additional determinations is the platoon size distribution. Models are analysed using combinatorial analysis and Markov Chains. Global attributes are measured, including maximum waits, maximum room required, moments and the clustering of completions. Various conversion formulae have been devised to reduce calculation times by several orders of magnitude. New and extended applications include Queueing in Lanes, Cake Displays, Coupon Collector's Problem, Sock-Sorting, Matching Dependent Sets (including Genetic Code Attribute Matching and the game SET), the Zig-Zag Problem, Testing for Randomness (including the Cake Display Test, which is a without-replacement test similar to the standard Empty Cell test), Waiting for Luggage at an Airport, Breakdowns in a Network, Learning Theory and Estimating the Number of Skeletons at an Archaeological Dig. Fundamental, reduction and covering theorems provide ways to reduce the number of calculations required. New combinatorial identities are discovered and a well-known one is proved in a combinatorial way for the first time. Some known results are derived from simple cases of the general models. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1309598 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mathematical Sciences, 2007

Controladores discretos de tensão baseados no princípio do modelo interno aplicados a inversores trifásicos PWM / Discrete-time voltage controllers based on the internal model principle used in three-phase pwm inverters

Botterón, Fernando 09 December 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis contributes to the analysis, project and implementation of discrete-time controllers based on the Internal Model Principle, aiming to improve the performance of three-leg three-phase PWM inverters with insulating output transformer usually found in the output stage of medium power double-conversion UPS. Initially, an investigation about issues concerning to the discrete-time models of three-phase inverters with space vector modulation and the LC filter have been carried out. This investigation shows the impact of different switching sequences, sampling instants and filter cut-off frequency on the harmonic spectrum of sampled variables used for feedback. This is a concern when the switching frequency is low to limit the switching losses as in medium and high power UPS. In this way, this thesis proposes sampling methods that make possible to reduce the low order harmonics on the interest variables, which is relevant when state feedback is used. These methods allow to obtain discrete-time average linear models useful for the controller design. In addition, the saturation of the insulating transformer is addressed in details. The dc component arising from the digital implementation and from the circuit measures non idealities, and then amplified by an inadequate choice of the controller, may lead the transformer to saturate. In order to solve this problem, and in accordance with the Internal Model Principle, internal models adequate to the plant under consideration as well as discrete-time voltage controllers in stationary and synchronous frames which are not prone to amplify the dc component, are proposed. Another goal of this thesis is the improvement of the UPS output voltage transient response due to linear and non linear load steps. This is obtained considering the sampling methods before mentioned, combined with internal models with reduced number of poles and low sampling rate. It is demonstrated that it is possible to improve significantly the output voltage transient responses, as well as to satisfy the rigorous classification of the standard IEC62040-3 for UPS without degrading the steady state performance. In addition, these control structures have enough stability margins, as proved in each case, and they results in simple and attractive solutions to be implemented in 8 or 16 bits fixed-point arithmetic microcontrollers and DSP with reduced memory space. The feasibility of the proposed solutions is verified with experimental results demonstrating both transient and steady-state performances. Finally, a comparative analysis of the proposed control structures, over the light of the standard IEC62040-3, is presented. / A presente tese de doutorado contribui para a análise, projeto e implementação de controladores discretos baseados no Princípio do Modelo Interno, com o intuito de aprimorar o desempenho de inversores trifásicos PWM a três braços com transformador isolador usualmente utilizados no estágio de saída de UPS de dupla conversão de média potência. Inicialmente se realiza uma investigação sobre os aspectos relacionados à obtenção do modelo discreto de inversores trifásicos com modulação space vector e do filtro de saída. Essa investigação mostra o impacto de diferentes seqüências de comutação, instantes de amostragem e freqüência de corte do filtro no conteúdo harmônico das variáveis amostradas usadas para realimentação. Isso é uma preocupação quando a freqüência de comutação é baixa para limitar as perdas em UPS de média e alta potência. Nesse sentido essa tese propõe métodos de amostragem que possibilitam reduzir as harmônicas de baixa ordem nas variáveis de interesse o que adquire importância quando se realiza a realimentação dos estados da planta. Esses métodos permitem a obtenção de modelos médios lineares úteis para o projeto do controlador. Além disso, a saturação do transformador de isolação é analisada em detalhe. A componente contínua oriunda da implementação digital e das não idealidades dos circuitos de medição, e amplificada por uma escolha inadequada do controlador, pode levar o transformador à saturação. Com o intuito de solucionar esse problema, e de acordo com a teoria do Princípio do Modelo Interno, são propostos modelos internos adequados à planta em questão bem como controladores discretos de tensão em eixos estacionários e síncronos, que não tem tendência a amplificar a componente contínua. Outro dos objetivos dessa tese é o aprimoramento da resposta transitória das tensões de saída da UPS na presença de degraus de carga linear e não linear. Isso é obtido considerando-se os métodos de amostragem mencionados acima, combinado com modelos internos com número de pólos e taxa de amostragem reduzidos. Demonstra-se que é possível aprimorar significativamente a resposta transitória das tensões de saída bem como satisfazer a exigente classificação da norma IEC62040-3 para UPS, sem degradar o desempenho de regime permanente. Além disso, essas estruturas de controle possuem suficiente margem de estabilidade, como provado em cada caso, e estas resultam em soluções simples e atrativas para serem implementadas em microcontroladores e DSP de aritmética de ponto fixo, com palavras de 8 e 16 bits e capacidade reduzida de memória. A viabilidade prática das propostas realizadas é verificada com resultados experimentais em regime permanente e transitório. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma análise comparativa das estruturas de controle propostas, sob o enfoque da norma IEC62040-3.

Design of controllers based on active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and its integration with model predictive control (MPC)

Martínez Carvajal, Blanca Viviana 14 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] Actualmente existen numerosas y variadas contribuciones basadas en el ADRC. Por un lado, algunos trabajos abordan la metodología ADRC. Sin embargo, son pocos los que ofrecen una explicación exhaustiva de su diseño y aplicación, dirigida a aquellos investigadores que están empezando a explorar esta estrategia de control. Por otro lado, la sintonización del ADRC y el control compuesto basado en ADRC son áreas de investigación abiertas. Una de las discusiones que se mantiene activa en la literatura está relacionada con la forma de seleccionar los parámetros principales del ADRC de modo que se alcance la estabilidad de lazo cerrado con un rechazo de perturbaciones y robustez apropiadas, especialmente cuando el ADRC se emplea para controlar procesos aproximados mediante representaciones más sencillas como el modelo de primer orden más retardo (FOPDT). Asimismo, la estimación activa de la incertidumbre y las perturbaciones ha hecho atractiva la idea de integrar la topología ADRC con técnicas de control avanzado, por ejemplo, con el control predictivo basado en modelo (MPC). El mayor desafío que surge al realizar esta combinación radica en cómo formular el lazo de control para que el mecanismo de rechazo de perturbaciones del ADRC transforme el comportamiento del sistema controlado en el de una planta deseada simplificada, relajando así el requisito de un modelo detallado y considerando directamente las restricciones en las variables del lazo. Esta tesis presenta tres contribuciones al conocimiento del ADRC para abordar los desafíos expuestos anteriormente. La primera de ellas es una guía para el diseño y aplicación de controladores lineales mediante el control convencional por rechazo activo de perturbaciones. Esta guía ofrece, a modo de tutorial, una revisión de la fundamentación teórica del ADRC y condensa en un algoritmo los pasos para el diseño de estos controladores con el propósito de facilitar su implementación de acuerdo con la formulación del problema en el marco de la estimación y rechazo de perturbaciones y la selección empírica de sus ganancias. La segunda contribución de esta disertación es un conjunto de reglas de sintonía para el cálculo de los tres parámetros distintivos del ADRC con los que se diseñan las ganancias del observador de estados y de la ley de control. Estas reglas permiten sintonizar el ADRC para el control de un proceso aproximado mediante un modelo FOPDT y ofrecen al diseñador diferentes conjuntos de parámetros de acuerdo con un nivel de robustez deseado. Esta contribución se basa en el desarrollo de procedimientos de diseño de optimización multiobjetivo enfocados al control de un grupo de plantas FOPDT nominales. Los resultados de dichos procedimientos se ajustaron a las fórmulas de sintonía proporcionadas. La tercera contribución es una nueva arquitectura de control que combina el mecanismo de rechazo de perturbaciones del ADRC y la estrategia de horizonte deslizante del MPC. En este lazo, una ley de control predictivo gobierna una planta de primer orden más integrador que se induce sobre proceso real sujeto a restricciones. Lo anterior es posible compensando el desajuste entre las plantas real y deseada e incorporando el término de compensación del ADRC en la formulación de las restricciones del controlador predictivo. El bucle pretende proporcionar una solución para controlar sistemas con restricciones para los que no se ha identificado un modelo nominal. Esta disertación está dirigida tanto a los investigadores interesados en explorar el control por rechazo activo de perturbaciones como a aquellos que consideran a esta tecnología como una de sus líneas de investigación principales. Las contribuciones sirven a quienes se inician en el estudio del ADRC, a los diseñadores de controladores que buscan implementar el ADRC lineal considerando el rechazo de perturbaciones de procesos FOPDT y a los investigadores abiertos a la discusión de los beneficios potenciales de de combinar el ADRC con el MPC. / [CAT] Actualment existeixen nombroses i variades contribucions basades en l'ADRC. D'una banda, alguns treballs aborden la metodologia ADRC. No obstant això, són pocs els que ofereixen una explicació exhaustiva del seu disseny i aplicació, dirigida a aquells investigadors que estan començant a explorar aquesta estratègia de control. D'altra banda, la sintonització de l'ADRC i el control compost basat en ADRC són àrees d'investigació obertes. Una de les discussions que es manté activa en la literatura està relacionada amb la manera de seleccionar els paràmetres principals de l'ADRC de manera que s'aconseguisca l'estabilitat de llaç tancat amb un rebuig de pertorbacions i robustesa apropiades, especialment quan l'ADRC s'empra per a controlar processos aproximats mitjançant representacions més senzilles com el model de primer ordre més retard (FOPDT). Així mateix, l'estimació activa de la incertesa i les pertorbacions ha fet atractiva la idea d'integrar la topologia ADRC amb tècniques de control avançat, per exemple, amb el control predictiu basat en model (MPC). El major desafiament que sorgeix en realitzar aquesta combinació radica en com formular el llaç de control perquè el mecanisme de rebuig de pertorbacions de l'ADRC transforme el comportament del sistema controlat en el d'una planta desitjada simplificada, relaxant així el requisit d'un model detallat i considerant directament les restriccions en les variables del llaç. Aquesta tesi presenta tres contribucions al coneixement de l'ADRC per a abordar els desafiaments exposats anteriorment. La primera d'elles és una guia per al disseny i aplicació de controladors lineals mitjançant el control convencional per rebuig actiu de pertorbacions. Aquesta guia ofereix, a manera de tutorial, una revisió de la fonamentació teòrica de l'ADRC i condensa en un algorisme els passos per al disseny d'aquests controladors amb el propòsit de facilitar la seua implementació d'acord amb la formulació del problema en el marc de l'estimació i rebuig de pertorbacions i la selecció empírica dels seus guanys. La segona contribució d'aquesta dissertació és un conjunt de regles de sintonia per al càlcul dels tres paràmetres distintius de l'ADRC amb els quals es dissenyen els guanys de l'observador d'estats i de la llei de control. Aquestes regles permeten sintonitzar l'ADRC per al control d'un procés aproximat mitjançant un model FOPDT i ofereixen al dissenyador diferents conjunts de paràmetres d'acord amb un nivell de robustesa desitjat. Aquesta contribució es basa en el desenvolupament de procediments de disseny d'optimització multiobjectiu enfocats al control d'un grup de plantes FOPDT nominals. Els resultats d'aquests procediments es van ajustar a les fórmules de sintonia proporcionades. La tercera contribució és una nova arquitectura de control que combina el mecanisme de rebuig de pertorbacions de l'ADRC i l'estratègia d'horitzó lliscant del MPC. En aquest llaç, una llei de control predictiu governa una planta de primer ordre més integrador que s'indueix sobre procés real subjecte a restriccions. L'anterior és possible compensant el desajustament entre les plantes real i desitjada i incorporant el terme de compensació de l'ADRC en la formulació de les restriccions del controlador predictiu. El bucle pretén proporcionar una solució per a controlar sistemes amb restriccions per als quals no s'ha identificat un model nominal. Aquesta dissertació està dirigida tant als investigadors interessats a explorar el control per rebuig actiu de pertorbacions com a aquells que consideren a aquesta tecnologia com una de les seues línies d'investigació principals. Les contribucions serveixen als qui s'inicien en l'estudi de l'ADRC, als dissenyadors de controladors que cerquen implementar l'ADRC lineal considerant el rebuig de pertorbacions de processos FOPDT i als investigadors oberts a la discussió dels beneficis potencials de de combinar l'ADRC amb el MPC. / [EN] Numerous and varied contributions based on the ADRC are currently available. On the one hand, some works address the ADRC methodology. Still, only some offer a comprehensive explanation of its design and application aimed at those researchers who are starting to explore this control strategy. On the other hand, the ADRC tuning and the ADRC-based composite control are open research areas. One of the discussions that remain active in the literature is related to how to select the LADRC main parameters so that closed-loop stability is achieved with appropriate disturbance rejection and robustness, mainly when the ADRC is used to control processes approximated by more straightforward representations such as the first-order plus delay (FOPDT) model. Likewise, the active estimation of uncertainty and disturbances has made integrating the ADRC topology with advanced control techniques, like Model-Based Predictive Control (MPC), attractive. The major challenge in realising this combination lies in how to formulate the control loop so that the ADRC disturbance rejection mechanism transforms the behaviour of the controlled system into that of a simplified desired plant, thus relaxing the requirement for a detailed model while directly considering the constraints on the loop variables. This thesis presents three contributions to ADRC knowledge to address the challenges mentioned above. The first is a guide for designing and applying linear controllers using conventional active disturbance rejection control. This guide offers a review of the theoretical foundation of the ADRC. It condenses in an algorithm the steps for designing these control loops to facilitate their implementation according to the problem formulation in the disturbance estimation and rejection framework and the empirical selection of their gains. The second contribution of this dissertation is a set of tuning rules for computing the three distinctive parameters of the ADRC with which the state observer and control law gains are designed. These rules allow tuning the ADRC to control an approximate process using a first-order plus delay model and offer different sets of parameters according to a desired level of robustness. This contribution is based on developing multi-objective optimisation design procedures focused on controlling a group of nominal FOPDT plants. The results of these procedures were fitted to the tuning formulae provided. The third contribution is a new control architecture that combines the disturbance rejection mechanism of the ADRC and the receding horizon strategy of the MPC. In this loop, a predictive control law governs a first-order plus integrator plant enforced on the real process subject to constraints. The above is possible by compensating for the mismatch between the real and desired plants and incorporating the ADRC compensation term in the constraints formulation of the predictive controller. The loop is intended to provide a solution to control constrained systems for which no nominal model has been identified. This dissertation addresses researchers interested in exploring active disturbance rejection control and those considering this technology as one of their main lines of research. The contributions of this dissertation serve those new to the study of ADRC, controller designers seeking to implement linear ADRC by considering the disturbance rejection response of processes approximated using first-order plus delay models, and researchers open to discussing the potential benefits of combining ADRC with advanced techniques such as MPC. / Martínez Carvajal, BV. (2023). Design of controllers based on active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and its integration with model predictive control (MPC) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196581

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