Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inceptionvoltage converter"" "subject:"kilovoltage converter""
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Odour sensing by insect olfactory receptor neurons: measurements of odours based on action potential analysisHuotari, M. (Matti) 23 November 2004 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the odour responses of insect olfactory (or odorant) receptor neurons (ORN) of blowfly (Calliphora vicina), mosquito (Aedes communis), fruitflies (Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis) and large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). A power-law dependence (similar to Stevens' law in psychophysics) was obtained for the action potential rate of ORN responses vs. odour concentration in measurements with metal microelectrodes from blowfly ORNs and an analysis system was developed for the extracellularily recorded action potentials (or nerve pulses).
Odour exposure sequences were used to study action potential rates quantitatively as a function of odour concentration in air exposure. For an odour exposure sequence, a known initial amount of the odour compound in a filter paper inside a Pasteur pipette at the beginning of repeated exposures caused a gradual dilution of the odour concentration in the exposure sequence. The concentration at each exposure was calculated according to the discrete multiple headspace extraction and dilution (DMHED) method. The estimated odour concentration was assumed to obey in the method an exponential law with respect to the exposure number in the sequence. Despite that many uncontrollable parameters remain for measuring quantitatively the characteristics of the ORNs, the results obtained, e.g., sensitivity, specificity, adaptability, and the power-law realation are both biologically and technically very interesting.
A time-to-voltage converter (TVC) was utilized for the response analysis in determining action potential intervals originating from a single ORN. A precision analysis of TVC was also performed.
With the mosquito (Aedes communis), fruitflies (Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis) and large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) antennae were tested for inhibitory and excitatory effects to find out repellents and attractants. Human sweat was found to cause strong stimulus exposure in the responses of the mosquito ORNs and Neutroil® caused inhibitory responses in pine weevil ORNs, respectively.
The power-law exponents for blowfly ORNs were about 0.19 in the case of 1-hexanol (HX), 0.065 in the case of 1,4-diaminobutane (14DAB) and 0.32 in the case of butyric acid (BA). The corresponding Stevens' law exponent values 0.39 and 0.33 have been reported for HX and BA, respectively, by Patte et al. (1975).
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High precision time-to-digital converters for applications requiring a wide measurement rangeKeränen, P. (Pekka) 05 April 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work was to develop time-to-digital converters(TDC) with a wide measurement range of several hundred microseconds and with a measurement precision of a few picoseconds. Because of these requirements, the focus of this work was mainly on TDC architectures based on the Nutt interpolation method, which has several advantages when a long measurement range is a requirement.
Compared to conventional data converters the characteristics of a Nutt TDC differ significantly when, for example, quantization errors and linearity errors are considered. In this thesis, the operating principle of a Nutt TDC is analysed and, in particular, the effects of reference clock instabilities are studied giving new insight how the different phase noise processes can be reliably translated into time interval jitter, and how these affect the measurement precision when very long time intervals are measured. Furthermore, these analytical results are confirmed by measurements conducted with a long-range TDC designed as part of this work.
Two long-range TDCs have been designed, each based on different interpolator architectures. The first TDC utilises discrete component time-to-voltage converters(TVC) as interpolators. Other key functionality is implemented on an FPGA. The interpolators use Miller integrators to improve the linearity and the single-shot precision of the converter. The TDC has a nominal measurement range of 84ms and it achieves a single-shot precision of 2ps for time intervals shorter than 2ms, after which the precision starts to deteriorate due to the phase noise of the reference clock.
In addition to the discrete TDC, an integrated long-range CMOS TDC has been designed with 0.35μm technology. Instead of TVCs, this TDC features cyclic/algorithmic interpolators, which are based on switched-frequency ring oscillators(SRO). The frequency switching is used as a mechanism to amplify quantization error, a key functionality required by any cyclic or a pipeline converter. The interpolators are combined with a 16-bit main counter giving a total range of 327μs. The RMS single-shot precision of the TDC is 4.2ps without any nonlinearity compensation. Furthermore, a calibration functionality implemented partially on-chip ensures that the accuracy of the TDC varies only ±2.5ps in a temperature range of -30C to 70C. Although implemented with fairly old technology, the interpolators’ effective linear range and precision represent state-of-the-art performance. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää aika-digitaalimuuntia (TDC), joilla on laaja satojen mikrosekuntien mittausalue ja muutaman pikosekunnin kertamittaustarkkuus. Näistä vaatimuksista johtuen tässä työssä keskitytään pääasiassa Nuttin interpolointimenetelmään perustuviin TDC-arkkitehtuureihin.
Verrattuna tavanomaisiin datamuuntimiin, Nutt TDC:n toiminta poikkeaa merkittävästi, kun tarkastellaan kvantisointi- ja lineaarisuusvirhettä. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä Nuttin menetelmään perustavan TDC:n toiminta analysoidaan, jonka yhteydessä tutkitaan erityisesti referenssioskillaattorin epästabiilisuuksien vaikutusta mittausepävarmuuteen. Tämän pohjalta vaihekohinan eri kohinaprosessit voidaan luotettavasti muuntaa taajuustason kohinatiheysmittauksista aika-tasossa kuvattavaksi aikavälijitteriksi. Nämä teoreettiset tulokset ovat varmistettu yhdellä osana tätä työtä suunnitellulla pitkän kantaman TDC:llä.
Teoreettisen tarkastelun lisäksi kaksi pitkän kantaman TDC:tä on suunniteltu, toteutettu ja testattu. Ensimmäinen näistä perustuu erilliskomponenteilla toteutettuun aika-jännitemuunnokseen (TVC) pohjautuvaan interpolointimenetelmään. Analogisten interpolaattoreiden ohella muu olennainen toiminnallisuus toteutettiin FPGA:lle. Interpolaattorit käyttävät Miller-integraattoreita lineaarisuuden ja kertamittaustarkkuuden parantamiseksi. TDC:n nimellinen mittausalue on 84ms ja sillä saavutetaan 2ps:n kertamittaustarkkuus, kun mitattava aikaväli on lyhyempi kuin 2ms, minkä jälkeen mittaustarkkuus heikkenee referenssioskillaattorin vaihekohinan vaikutuksesta.
Toinen pitkän kantaman TDC perustuu 0.35μm:n CMOS teknologialla totetutettuun integroituun piiriin. Aika-jännitemuunnoksen sijasta tämä TDC perustuu sykliseen/algoritmiseen interpolointitekniikkaan, jossa taajuusmoduloitua rengasoskillaattoria(SRO) käytetään kvantisointivirheen vahvistamiseksi. Interpolaattorit ovat yhdistetty 16-bittiseen referenssioskillaattorin laskuriin, jolloin TDC:n mittausalue on noin 327μs. Tämän TDC:n RMS kertamittaustarkkuus on 4.2ps, joka saavutetaan ilman epälineaarisuuden kompensointia. Samalle piirille on lisäksi toteutettu kalibrointitoiminnallisuus, jolla varmistetaan TDC:n hyvä mittaustarkkuus kaikissa olosuhteissa. Mittaustarkkuus poikkeaa maksimissaan vain ±2.5ps, kun lämpötila on välillä -30C-70C. Vaikka TDC on toteutettu kohtalaisen vanhalla CMOS teknologialla, interpolaattoreiden efektiivinen lineaarinen alue ja mittaustarkkuus edustavat alansa huippua.
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