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Participatory gesture design: an investigation of user-defined gestures for conducting an informational search using a tablet deviceRakubutu, Tsele 06 March 2014 (has links)
Multi-touch technology, used in consumer products such as the iPad, enables users to register multiple points
of contact at the same time; this enables a user to interact with a touch screen interface using several fingers
on one hand, or even both hands. This affords interface designers the opportunity to define gestural
interactions based on what is most natural for users and not on merely what can be recognised and processed
by technology. In light of this, the research question that this study aimed to address was: what is the most
intuitive user-defined gesture set for conducting an informational search on a multi-touch tablet web
In addressing this research question, the aim of this study was to create a user-defined gesture set for
conducting an informational search on a multi-touch tablet web browser, based on gestures elicited from
participants with little or no experience with touch screen devices. It was necessary to use these participants
as users who are familiar with touch screen interfaces would draw upon the gestures they have learnt or used
before, and would therefore be biased in the gestures they proposed. Inexperienced or naïve users would
simply provide gestures that came naturally to them, providing a more accurate reflection of what a typical,
unbiased user would do. A set of hypotheses, relating to the gestures that would be elicited from this
participant group, were drawn up and investigated. These investigations yielded the following key findings:
• The use of two-handed gestures should be limited.
• If two-handed gestures are developed for a specific function, an alternative one-handed gesture
should be made available.
• It is not be advisable to create completely novel gestures for tablet web browsing that do not
correspond to any of the ways in which desktop web browsing is performed.
• Should novel gestures be developed for tablet web browsing, gestures that are desktop computing
adaptations, including those that require menu access, should be made available as alternatives to
• Tasks should be designed is such a way that they may be completed with a variety of gestures.
• Complex tasks should be designed in such a way that they may be achieved through varying
combinations of gestures.
These findings may assist interface designers and developers in the gestures they design or developer for
their applications. In addition to these findings, the study presents a coherent, user-defined gesture set that
may be used in practice by designers or developers.
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'I've got a feeling' : the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instrumentsPirie, Elliot January 2017 (has links)
This thesis develops technology adoption and sensory information literatures through an evaluation of antecedents to consumers’ purchase location intention of Musical Instruments (MI). With the unique factor of instrument heterogeneity MI e-retail sales are information asymmetric propositions, where the consumer may make a sub-optimal purchase online having foregone the opportunity to experience the haptic information required to ascertain the instrument’s true quality. Despite a reticent adoption of MI e-retail from the traditional retail industry online MI sales are increasing, resulting in off-line marketplace contraction, thus investigation of consumers’ online MI purchase motivations is of value to the industry. The exploration of this topic uses a pragmatic, two-stage mixed-methods process incorporating inductive in-depth interviews with MI retail industry personnel, followed by deductive MI consumer based quantitative questionnaires. The reluctance to adopt e-retail is based on ‘expertise-led aversion’ and ‘expertise gap’ where key MI retail influencers attempt to enforce their own views on the correct way to purchase an instrument, rather than responding to consumer trends. This aversion was influenced by their own reliance on haptic information, coupled with knowledge of instrument heterogeneity and their level of musicianship. Consumer research conclusions identify that high haptic-need consumers, who tend to have greater ability and involvement, are more likely to purchase in-store whilst those with lower haptic needs are more willing to purchase MI online. Through the design and empirical testing of the Musical Instrument Need-for-Touch (MINFT) model numerous factors were identified as moderators to this basic supposition. The subsequent development of a MI consumer typology identified five distinct groups that respond to differing stimuli in relation to MI purchase location intention. These findings add to the academic discourse and enable MI retailers to enhance their offerings both in-store and online, leading to more effective targeting of their key customers.
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Yes, You May Touch the Art: New Media Interfaces and Rhetorical Experience in the Digitally Interactive MuseumSlentz, Jessica E. 05 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Intégration d'outils innovants (interfaces tactiles) chez une population de patients ayant une schizophrénie dans le cadre d'un processus de rééducation et de réadaptation de la mémoire de travail / Integration of innovative tools (touch interfaces) in a population of patients with schizophrenia in the process of re-education and rehabilitation of working memoryAbi-Tannous, Sarkis 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les déficits de la mémoire de travail en schizophrénie constituent des cibles préférentielles de par leur fréquence, leur lien avec le pronostic fonctionnel et leur implication dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. Ces déficits sont présents dès l'entrée dans la maladie et ils sont peu améliorés par les psychotropes et les psychothérapies. La remédiation cognitive est amenée à occuper une place de plus en plus formelle dans le traitement de la schizophrénie, du fait d'une efficacité démontrée et de l'absence d'autres moyens thérapeutiques susceptibles d'améliorer les déficits visés. Les nouvelles technologies ont un impact de plus en plus important sur le développement de méthodes de prévention et de rééducation. L'utilisation des interfaces tactiles dans les domaines médicaux et paramédicaux se développe pour des raisons à la fois d'utilisabilité, d'efficacité et d'habitude liées à l'appartenance à une nouvelle génération. Face aux données nouvelles des neurosciences et aux développements des technologies innovantes, il nous a semblé important de poser la problématique suivante : l'usage de la technologie tactile pourrait-il contribuer au processus de remédiation de la mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale en schizophrénie ? Une étude longitudinale d'une durée de 4 mois a été réalisée auprès de 20 personnes ayant une schizophrénie (DSM-IV-TR), hospitalisées en long séjour à l'Hôpital Psychiatrique de la Croix (Beyrouth-Liban). L'échantillon de l'étude a été divisé en deux groupes équivalents (10 sujets par groupe) et homogènes (âge, performance, niveau d'éducation). Le premier groupe (groupe Contrôle) a été pris en charge par un programme utilisant l'activité classique comme moyen de remédiation. Le deuxième groupe (groupe Expérimental) a suivi le programme utilisant une tablette tactile de type iPad comme outil de remédiation. Les épreuves expérimentales de cette étude longitudinale ont été réalisées, en présence du thérapeute, en 16 séances de prise en charge : 12 séances hebdomadaires de remédiation et 4 séances mensuelles d'évaluation. La technique utilisée dans le programme de remédiation cognitive a pour objectif de rééduquer la mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale par une pratique et un entrainement intensifs via des activités thérapeutiques spécifiques. Par conséquent, deux activités ont été utilisées dans chaque séance : Memory Cartes et Rappel d'images, qui ont été présentées sous forme tactile (iPad) et non tactile (matériel en bois et carton) selon le programme de remédiation de chaque groupe. Enfin, un questionnaire d'appréciation a été présenté à la fin de chaque séance afin de recueillir des données globales quant à l'intérêt, à la motivation des patients et l'acceptabilité des outils de remédiation. Les évaluations cognitives mensuelles ont consisté en une batterie de tests neuropsychologiques (MEM-III, WAIS-IV, Memtrax) recouvrant les composantes de la mémoire de travail et l'attention visuelle sélective. Une évaluation « à distance » a également été réalisée 5 mois après le programme de la remédiation afin d'apprécier le maintien des capacités mnésiques à long terme. Les résultats statistiques obtenus par le biais d'ANOVAs et d'une Analyse en Composantes Principales sont prometteurs en termes d'amélioration des fonctions cognitives : la remédiation cognitive par l'interface tactile permet d'améliorer la mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale chez les personnes ayant une schizophrénie. Ces résultats amènent à considérer la nécessité d'intégrer les nouvelles technologies tactiles dans les programmes de remédiation cognitive en schizophrénie. / The working memory deficits in schizophrenia form the preferred target regardless of their frequency, their relation with the functional prognosis and their involvement in all the aspects of everyday life. The cognitive remediation aims at occupying an important place in the treatment of schizophrenia, due to its proven efficiency as well as to the lack of other therapeutic means suspected of improving the targeted deficits. New technologies have a gradually important impact on the development of the methods of prevention and reeducation. Touch technology is remarkably evolving nowadays creating a new usage context, especially in the medical and paramedical domains. The use of innovative technologies in the medical and paramedical fields turns out to grow for reasons of usability, efficiency and habit related to the fact of belonging to a new generation. In this perspective, our research aims toward using new interactive technologies especially the touch interfaces in the cognitive remediation. Reflecting on the subject and following the ergonomic process will concern the modalities of integrating the touch interfaces in the process of the remediation of the visuo-spatial working memory within the schizophrenia. It is now to evaluate the usage of the new touch technologies and precisely the touch pads accused of improving the functioning of the visuo-spatial working memory through memory exercises, which is supposed to lead to a major contribution to the cognitive remediation techniques. The longitudinal study has been conducted with 20 individuals suffering from schizophrenia (DSM-IV-TR), hospitalized for a long time at the Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross (Beirut - Lebanon). This study specimen was divided into two equivalent (10 male subjects per group) and homogeneous (age, performance, level of education) groups. The first group (Classic Group) followed a program using classical activity as a remediation mean. Whereas the second (Touch Group), followed a program having touch pad as a remediation tool. Experimental tests along this longitudinal study of 4 months were conducted in 16 sessions of regaining control. Each patient participated in 4 evaluation sessions. The technique used in cognitive remediation program aims to reeducate the visuo-spatial working memory through intensive practice and training via specific therapeutic activities. In consequence, two activities were used in each session: Memory Cards and images Recall. They were presented through touch and non-touch forms according to the re-educational program of each group. Then, evaluation sessions were offered every month to measure patients' progress during the treatment. Finally, a Remote evaluation was realized after 5 months of the end of the remediation to assess the maintenance of the long-term mnesic abilities. Some promising results were obtained concerning the improvements of cognitive functions. The cognitive remediation through a touch pad allows better performance of visuo-spatial working memory of schizophrenic people. These results lead us to consider the necessity of integrating new touch technology in remediation programs to treat cognitive disorders associated with schizophrenia.
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Využití mobilních dotykových technologií ve výuce německého jazyka / The Use of the Touchscreen Technologies in German Language TeachingBERKOVCOVÁ, Martina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of mobile touch technologies in German language teaching. The theoretical part of the work collects basic facts and knowledge about mobile touch devices, which are important as a didactic tool. Furthermore, the work on the theoretical level deals with information on teaching applications and teaching methods in which these touch technologies can be used. The Practical part of the work is devoted to the results of the research survey, namely the questionnaire research survey and the results from a sample lesson. The questionnaire survey revealed that mobile touch technologies are not widely distributed in schools and are not widely used during lessons. This thesis seeks to give readers a comprehensive description of the possibilities of didactic and methodical use of mobile touch devices in the teaching of German language.
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Μελέτη και αξιολόγηση τεχνολογιών πολλαπλής αφής / Study and evaluation of multi-touch technologiesΠανόπουλος, Βασίλειος 07 June 2013 (has links)
Οι τεχνολογίες πολλαπλής αφής παρουσιάζουν μεγάλο ερευνητικό και τεχνολογικό ενδιαφέρον στον τομέα της αλληλεπίδρασης ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή από τις προηγούμενες κιόλας δεκαετίες. Το κόστος όμως τέτοιων συστημάτων καθιστούσε απαγορευτική τη χρήση τους εκτός έξω από το χώρο ερευνητικών εργαστηρίων. Οι εξελίξεις στον τομέα αυτό είναι ραγδαίες με αποτέλεσμα πλέον τα συστήματα αυτά να καθίστανται προσιτά και ιδιαίτερα ελκυστικά, προσφέροντας έτσι τη δυνατότητα ευρύτερης αποδοχής τους. Η διπλωματική αυτή εργασία, που εκπονήθηκε στο Εργαστήριο της Ερευνητικής Ομάδας Αλληλεπίδρασης Ανθρώπου Υπολογιστή του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, υπό την επίβλεψη του Καθ. Νικόλαου Αβούρη, περιγράφει σε πρώτο στάδιο τη μελέτη και αξιολόγηση των τεχνολογιών αφής και ιδιαίτερα των οπτικών καθώς αυτές επιτρέπουν την κατασκευή συστημάτων μεγάλων διαστάσεων. Έπειτα από επιλογή της καταλληλότερης τεχνολογίας με βάση τις προαπαιτούμενες προδιαγραφές παρουσιάζεται η κατασκευή ενός λειτουργικού συστήματος πολλαπλής αφής με χρήση της τεχνικής ‘Diffused Illumination’. Η αναγνώριση των σημείων αφής επετεύχθη με χρήση του προγράμματος ανοιχτού λογισμικού CommunityCoreVision (CCV). Στόχος της κατασκευής είναι η αξιολόγηση του ίδιου του συστήματος καθώς και η έρευνα και η αξιολόγηση νέων τρόπων αλληλεπίδρασης με το σύστημα αυτό. Η αξιολόγηση πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω πειραματικής διαδικασίας που κατέδειξε την αποτελεσματικότητα του συστήματος στη διαχείριση αντικειμένων σε σχέση με έναν επιτραπέζιο υπολογιστή. Η εφαρμογή του πειράματος αναπτύχθηκε με τη γλώσσα Python και το Kivy. Η διαδικασία αυτή οδήγησε στην απόκτηση πρακτικών και θεωρητικών γνώσεων σε μεγάλο μέρος του γνωστικού φάσματος του τομέα της κατασκευής ολοκληρωμένων συστημάτων. / When interacting with a regular desktop computer, indirect devices such as a mouse or keyboard are used to control the computer. Results of the interaction are displayed on a monitor. Current operating systems are restricted to one pointing device. With the introduction of multi-touch, a new form of human computer interaction is introduced. Multi-touch combines display technology with sensors which are capable of tracking multiple points of input. The idea is that this would allow users to interact with the computer in a natural way. Furthermore, unlike interaction on a desktop computer, multi-touch allows multiple users to interact with the same devices at the same time.
Due to recent innovations multi-touch technology has become affordable. For this project an optical based multi-touch device has been designed and constructed at the Human Computer Interaction group of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Patras. To perform multi-touch point tracking we used CommunityCoreVision (CCV), a free open source multi-touch framework. To demonstrate the possibilities of multi-touch input technology the system was tested with existing applications, which are controlled by gestures. Multi-touch systems are often stand-alone systems that do not have external input devices attached, however, such devices can be used to support difficult task such as writing. In order to simplify common tasks, a gesture recognition engine has been evaluated along with a multi-touch mouse driver compatible with Windows 7 that supports TUIO messages. Through an experiment designed with the Python based Kivy framework, we evaluate how multi-touch input performs on a specific object manipulation task compared to conventional mouse input.
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專利訴訟發動與應訴策略之研究—以義隆電子控告禾瑞亞為例 / A Study on Patent Litigation Launching and Responding Strategies – A Case Study on the ELAN vs. EETI林曉玟, Lin, Hsiao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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