Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trace""
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Jak hodnotí žáci a jejich rodiče zpětně přechod na víceleté gymnázium? / How Pupils and Their Parents Evaluate its Transfer to Multi-year Gymnasium?Slanařová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The multi-year gymnasium is a part of the Czech educational system for the long time. Those gymnasiums are one of the most discussed institutions in terms of usefulness. Various studies are made in dependence on that trying to find reasons for choosing multi-year gymnasiums (as thesis "Why Do Primary School Children Choose Multi-year Gymnasiums?", which preceded this work). The aim of this diploma thesis is already the next step: figuring out, if gymnasium met pupils' expectations, and also to receive feedback and evaluation of their parents. It focuses on pupils' academic self-concept, on problems associated with transfer to multi-year gymnasium and on positives, which the pupils would not probably meet at elementary school with. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Modélisation de la topologie des dépôts d’énergie créés par un rayonnement ionisant à l’échelle nanométrique dans les noyaux cellulaires et relation avec les événements précoces radio-induits / Modeling of the topology of energy deposits created by ionizing radiation on a nanometric scale in cell nuclei in relation to radiation-induced early eventsDos Santos, Morgane 02 October 2013 (has links)
Les rayonnements ionisants sont connus pour induire des dommages critiques au sein de la matière biologique et spécialement au sein de l’ADN. Parmi ces dommages, les cassures doubles brins de l’ADN (DSB) sont considérées comme les principales responsables des effets létaux des rayonnements. Comprendre et prédire comment ces cassures sont créées et réparées dans les noyaux cellulaires demeure un défi dans la recherche en radiobiologie. Ce travail s’inscrit dans ce contexte, dans la modélisation des cassures double brin de l’ADN (DSB) à partir des dépôts d’énergie créés par l’irradiation au niveau intracellulaire. Le détail topologique au niveau nanométrique des dépôts d’énergie nécessaire à ce travail est obtenu par modélisation Monte Carlo à l’aide du code Geant4 et, en particulier son extension Geant4-DNA pour des processus à très faible énergie. Les dommages étudiés étant ceux localisés dans l’ADN, le premier objectif de ce travail a été de réaliser une géométrie détaillée de celui-ci afin de l’implémenter dans les calculs Monte Carlo. Deux types de noyaux cellulaires, représentant un fibroblaste et un endothélium, ont été décrits afin d’évaluer l’influence de la densité d’ADN dans les résultats sur la topologie des dépôts pouvant donner lieux à des cassures de la molécule. Cette géométrie nous permet d’effectuer une première sélection des dépôts d’énergie pouvant contribuer aux cassures car situées sur la chaîne sucre-phosphate. Ces dépôts sont ensuite analysés à l’aide d’un algorithme de clustérisation de manière à les regrouper sous forme d’agrégats afin d’étudier leur localisation et complexité. Néanmoins, dans cette étude, seule les interactions physiques entre les rayonnements ionisants et la cible sont modélisées, il n’est donc pas possible d’obtenir un nombre absolu de cassures de brins car cette modélisation n’inclue pas l’étape de création et de transport des radicaux libres pouvant donner lieu à des dommages indirects. Ainsi, le but de ce travail était d’évaluer la dépendance relative des dommages radio-induits directs avec la densité d’ADN, la qualité du rayonnement, la morphologie du noyau ou encore la condensation de la chromatine. Les différentes modélisations réalisées ont permis de quantifier l’influence de ces différents paramètres dans le nombre et la complexité des dommages directs induits dans l’ADN, pouvant ensuite contribuer aux effets tardifs sur le devenir cellulaire. / Ionizing radiations are known to induce critical damages on biological matter and especially on DNA. Among these damages, DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are considered as key precursor of lethal effects of ionizing radiations. Understand and predict how DNA double and simple strand breaks are created by ionising radiation and repaired in cell nucleus is nowadays a major challenge in radiobiology research. This work presents the results on the simulation of the DNA double strand breaks produced from the energy deposited by the irradiation at the intracellular level. At the nanometric scale, the only method to accurately simulate the topological details of energy deposited on the biological matter is the use of Monte Carlo codes. In this work, we used the Geant4 Monte Carlo code and, in particular, the low energy electromagnetic package extensions, referred as Geant4-DNA processes.In order to evaluate DNA radio-induced damages, the first objective of this work consisted in implementing a detailed geometry of the DNA on the Monte Carlo simulations. Two types of cell nuclei, representing a fibroblast and an endothelium, were described in order to evaluate the influence of the DNA density on the topology of the energy deposits contributing to strand breaks. Indeed, the implemented geometry allows the selection of energy transfer points that can lead to strand breaks because they are located on the backbone. Then, these energy transfer points were analysed with a clustering algorithm in order to reveal groups of aggregates and to study their location and complexity.In this work, only the physical interactions of ionizing radiations are simulated. Thus, it is not possible to achieve an absolute number of strand breaks as the creation and transportation of radical species which could lead to indirect DNA damages is not included. Nevertheless, the aim of this work was to evaluate the relative dependence of direct DNA damages with the DNA density, radiation quality, cell nuclei morphology or also chromatin condensation. The results presented in this work have allowed the quantification of the influence of these different parameters in the number and complexity of directs DNA damages which can then contribute to the late effects on cell fate.
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Rôle du déferlement des ondes de Rossby dans la variabilité climatique aux latitudes tempérées / The role of Rossby wave breakings in the climate variability at midlatitudesMichel, Clio 26 October 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse a été d'analyser la dynamique de l'interaction entre les ondes baroclines (ou rail des dépressions) et la variabilité basse fréquence de l'atmosphère aux moyennes latitudes. Deux approches distinctes ont été suivies pour étudier le rôle des déferlements d'ondes baroclines sur les courants-jets, l'une reposant sur les données réanalysées et l'autre sur des simulations numériques. La première partie de la thèse a plus précisément consisté à étudier le lien entre les déferlements d'ondes de Rossby et les quatre régimes de temps sur l'Atlantique Nord en hiver en utilisant les réanalyses ERA40. Le calcul des fréquences d'occurrence des déferlements d'ondes a montré que ceux-ci tendent généralement à renforcer les régimes sauf le blocage scandinave qui est détruit par du déferlement cyclonique au sud du Groenland. Ensuite, les précurseurs des transitions entre régimes de temps ont été identifiés. Le premier précurseur est relié à la propagation linéaire d'anomalies basse fréquence (période supérieure à 10 jours). Ce précurseur n'est pas systématique mais il survient durant la transition du régime zonal vers le blocage environ une semaine avant ce dernier où il prend la forme d'un train d'ondes quasi-stationnaire excité par des anomalies convectives dans l'Atlantique subtropical. Le second précurseur plus systématique intervient au niveau des interactions non-linéaires entre les tourbillons transitoires haute et basse fréquences et a pu être relié aux déferlements d'ondes. La formation et la destruction du blocage scandinave ont ensuite été plus particulièrement étudiées en analysant respectivement les transitions préférentielles du régime zonal au blocage et du blocage vers l'anticyclone groenlandais en lien avec les dépressions de surface et les déferlements d'ondes. Les dépressions de surface atteignent les mêmes intensités pendant la formation et la destruction du blocage mais ne suivent pas les mêmes trajectoires. Pendant la formation du blocage, les dépressions de surface ont des trajectoires rectilignes se dirigeant vers le nord de la Scandinavie et sont liées à un déferlement anticyclonique. Pendant la destruction du blocage, les trajectoires des dépressions de surface sont courbées sur l'Atlantique Nord en direction du Groenland et sont reliées à du déferlement cyclonique qui favorise ainsi l'apparition de l'anticyclone groenlandais. Notre analyse suggère que cette différence de comportement provient de la forme de l'écoulement basse fréquence qui n'est pas le même pendant la formation et la destruction du blocage et qui favorise un certain type de déferlement plutôt qu'un autre. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous avons analysé le lien entre les températures de surface de la mer (SSTs) et le comportement du rail des dépressions avec le modèle de circulation générale de l'atmosphère Arpège-Climat en mode aquaplanète pour mieux comprendre les téléconnexions telles que l'Oscillation Arctique et/ou l'Oscillation Nord-Atlantique d'un point de vue idéalisé. / This thesis aims at analyzing the dynamics of the interaction between baroclinic waves (stormtrack) and the atmospheric low-frequency variability at midlatitudes. Two different approaches have been followed to study the impact of baroclinic wave breakings on jet-streams, one using reanalysis data and the other numerical simulations of a climate model. The first part of the PhD dealt with the link between Rossby wave breakings and the four weather regimes over the North Atlantic in winter using ERA40 reanalysis. The calculation of wave breaking frequencies showed that wave breakings tend to reinforce weather regimes except the Scandinavian blocking which is destroyed by cyclonic wave breaking south of Greenland. Then, precursors of weather regime transitions have been identified. The first precursor is linked to the linear propagation of low-frequency anomalies (period greater than ten days). This is not a systematic precursor but it occurs during the zonal to blocking transition about one week before this latter and is related to a quasi-stationary wave train excited by convective anomalies in the North Atlantic subtropics. The systematic second precursor is related to non-linear transient eddy interactions and has been linked to Rossby wave breakings. The link between the surface cyclones, Rossby wave breakings and the formation and decay of the Scandinavian blocking has been more precisely studied through the preferential transitions from the zonal weather regime to the blocking and from the blocking to the Greenland anticyclone. During the formation and decay of the blocking, surface cyclones reach the same intensities but do not follow the same trajectories. During the blocking formation, surface cyclones follow straight trajectories toward the north of Scandinavia and are linked to an anticyclonic wave breaking. Whereas during the blocking decay, surface cyclones trajectories are curved over the North Atlantic toward Greenland and are linked to a cyclonic wave breaking favouring the Greenland anticyclone formation. Our study suggests that this difference of behavior comes from the shape of the low-frequency flow which is not the same during the formation and the decay of the blocking and which can favour a particular type of wave breaking rather than another. The second part dealt with the link between sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the storm-track in the atmospheric general circulation model Arpège-Climat in aquaplanet mode to better understand teleconnections such as the Arctic Oscillation and/or the North Atlantic Oscillation from an idealized point of view. We performed a sensitivity analysis of the eddy-driven jet variability to various stationary SST profiles.
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Sportování na městských a příměstských cyklostezkách v Praze / Performing sports on urban and suburban cycling lanes in PragueKrejča, Filip January 2011 (has links)
Abstrakt/abstract Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá městskými a příměstskými cyklostezkami v Praze. Ve své části teoretické shrnuje terminologii daného okruhu, vymezuje pojem cyklostezka, cyklotrasa, cyklopruh aj. Dále specifikuje pojmy s daným tématem související (volný čas, zájmová činnost, pohybová rekreace aj.) V samostatných kapitolách se věnuje historii a současnému stavu cyklostezek, následně pak legislativním normám. Práce vymezuje také druhy pohybových aktivit, které je možné na cyklostezkách provozovat (cyklistika, chůze, in-line bruslení aj.) V praktické části seznamuje s metodami výzkumu a výsledky pozorování a dotazníkového šetření. Ve svých závěrech se snaží charakterizovat uživatele cyklostezek, zkoumá jejich motivaci, četnost návštěv cyklostezek, druhy provozovaných aktivit. Zajímá se o nároky na kvalitu a vybavení cyklostezek, shrnuje pozitiva i negativa cyklostezek v Praze. V závěru nabízí přehled městských a příměstských cyklostezek v Praze. Submitted thesis deals with urban and suburban cycle tracks in Prague. The theoretical part concerns terminology of the given topic and defines terms such as cycle track, cycle route, cycle lane etc. Furthermore, it specifies terms closely related to the topic (free time, hobbitry, kinetic recreation etc.) Other chapters address the history and...
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Názory dětí na atletiku a jejich postoje k tréninku v atletických klubech Prahy 6 (komparační studie) / Childrensˈopinions on Track and Field and their attitudes towards the practices in athletic clubs of Prague 6 (comparative study)Drncová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Tittle: Childrensˈopinions on Track and Field and their attitudes towards the practices in athletic clubs of Prague 6 (comparative study) Student: Bc. Lucie Drncová Supervisor: PhDr. Aleš Kaplan, Ph.D. Main goals: an investigation of the attitudes and opinions towards Track and Field and athletic practices for school age children in the selected clubs in Prague 6, a monitoring of selected world and Czech popular track and field athletes and also an exploration of the knowledge of important track and field athletes by children in this age group. Methodology: A survey was used in order to meet the main goals of this work. Four athletic clubs from Prague 6 that work with the youth were asked to participate in this survey. N = 154 completed questionnaires were collected. Questionnaires were divided into categories by gender and also by age. The interviewees were between the ages of 8 and 12. The main scope and purpose of the research was to investigate the attitudes, beliefs and motivation of children to do track and field and its various disciplines. In this study we were also interested in the children knowledge of the most famous world and Czech athletic personalities. Results: Research has shown that there are no major differences in attitudes and opinions between the boys and girls or between the...
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Využití metody FMS u atletů dorostenecké a juniorské kategorie / The use of methods of FMS in athletes of category U16 - U19Sachová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Title The use of methods FMS on athletes of category U16 - U19 Objectives: This thesis aims to point on the possibilities of a new method based on physio-therapeutic principles of physical preparation and training primarily of young athletes, named Functional movement screening (FMS), invented by Gray Cook. Most in particular the thesis is focused on what FMS method is and what possibilities are given to identify fundamental movement patterns of junior and teenager athletes. Short examination of the methods FMS was based on two tests invented by Gray Cook and evaluated on a group of ten athletes of category U16 - U19. Methods: The thesis comes out from two crucial works published by Gray Cook. Subsequently I resumed results found out in foreign articles and studies about methods FMS, its principles, relationship with athletic performance and prevention of injuries, as well as relevant norming data. My attention was devoted to studies focused on implementing FMS testing of young athletes. Therefore I decided to select two particular tests and conduct short testing on athletes of category U16 - U19. When scoring the quality of their movements, I've applied the criteria of the methodology itself first. Later there were extended by my own verbal evaluation of particular segments of tested movements. In...
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Atletika v hodinách tělesné výchovy z pohledu žáků gymnázií / Athletics in physical education from the perspective of grammar school studentsPavlíková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Title: Athletics in physical education from the perspective of grammar school students Aim: The aim of this thesis is to determine how grammar school students in selected regions view athletics in physical education classes and their relationship to the sport as a whole and its individual disciplines. Methods: The thesis is based on the quantitative research conducted among grammar school students of third and fourth grades in selected regions of the Czech Republic. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analysed in Microsoft Excel and SPSS programs. Basic descriptive characteristics were identified and then processed into tables and charts. Results were verified in a manner based on the nature of the variables, using either the Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney non-parametric test or Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Tests were conducted at 5%, resp. 1% level of significance. Results: Athletics are perceived as negative by 40.1 % of responding students - with girls prevailing over boys in this group. The perception of athletics is mostly influenced by teachers of physical education, but also depends on the level of physical activity. Classes for the most part emphasize learning skills in various athletic disciplines, but grading still often reflects only the performance. The preferred...
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Signal processing techniques for modern radar systemsElhoshy, Mostafa Kamal Kamel 07 August 2019 (has links)
This dissertation considers radar detection and tracking of weak fluctuating targets
using dynamic programming (DP) based track-before-detect (TBD). TBD combines target
detection and tracking by integrating data over consecutive scans before making a decision
on the presence of a target. A novel algorithm is proposed which employs order statistics in
dynamic programming based TBD (OS-DP-TBD) to detect weak fluctuating targets. The
well-known Swerling type 0, 1 and 3 targets are considered with non-Gaussian distributed
clutter and complex Gaussian noise. The clutter is modeled using the Weibull, K and
G0 distributions. The proposed algorithm is shown to provide better performance than
well-known techniques in the literature. In addition, a novel expanding window multiframe
(EW-TBD) technique is presented to improve the detection performance with reasonable
computational complexity compared to batch processing. It is shown that EW-TBD has
lower complexity than existing multiframe processing techniques. Simulation results are
presented which confirm the superiority of the proposed expanding window technique in
detecting targets even when they are not present in every scan in the window. Further, the
throughput of the proposed technique is higher than with batch processing. Depending
on the range and azimuth resolution of the radar system, the target may appear as a point
in some radar systems and there will be target energy spillover in other systems. This
dissertation considers both extended targets with different energy spillover levels and point
targets. Simulation results are presented which confirm the superiority of the proposed
algorithm in both cases. / Graduate
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Monitoração de Rn-222 nos galpões de armazenamento de rejeitos radioativos do IPEN / 222Rn monitoring in the radioactive storage IPENManocchi, Fábio Henrique 04 August 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a dose efetiva recebida pelos trabalhadores da Gerência de Rejeitos Radioativos do IPEN devido à inalação de 222Rn nos galpões de armazenamento de rejeitos radioativos tratados e não tratados. As concentrações de 222Rn no interior dos galpões foram determinadas por meio da técnica de detecção passiva com detectores de traços nucleares do estado sólido (SSNTD). O detector utilizado foi o CR-39 inserido em uma câmara de difusão do tipo NRPB. Foram monitorados um total de 12 pontos internos e 1 ponto externo no galpão de rejeitos radioativos tratados G4 e 13 pontos no galpão de rejeitos radioativos não tratados G3, durante um período de 11 meses, entre junho de 2012 e maio de 2013. As concentrações variaram de 0,73 ± 0,08 e 4,55 ± 0,16 kBqm-3 entre os períodos de monitoramento no galpão G4 e entre 0,61 ± 0,07 e 2,94 ± 0,12 kBqm-3 no galpão G3. A dose efetiva devido à inalação de 222Rn no interior dos galpões de rejeitos radioativos foi calculada de acordo com os procedimentos da Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) a partir de um fator de conversão de dose, da concentração média do 222Rn no ar e do tempo de exposição dos indivíduos. Os valores de doses apresentados são uma média das concentrações entre os períodos de monitoramento que variam 15,70 mSva-1 no G4 e de 9,27 mSva-1 no G3, sendo que em um dos períodos obteve-se valores superiores ao estabelecidos pelo órgão regulador (CNEN) e recomendados pela Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) de 20 mSva-1 para indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos, indicando a necessidade de medidas mitigadoras. Cabe, contudo, informar que foi considerada uma hipótese bastante conservativa de 2000 horas de trabalho no local. / Some radionuclides that make up the radioactive series are noted for their contribution to the total exposure to which individuals are subjected, an important example is known as radon 222Rn and their descendants, responsible for more than half of the radiation dose received by the population due to natural sources. In this work the effective dose received by the workers of the Management of Radioactive Waste in IPEN due to inhalation of 222Rn in storage sheds from treated and untreated radioactive waste was evaluated. Concentrations of 222Rn inside the sheds of treated and untreated radioactive waste G3 and G4 were determined by the technique of passive detection with solid state nuclear track (SSNTD) detectors. The detector used was CR-39 inserted in a diffusion chamber type NRPB. A total of 12 internal points and 1 external point were monitored in the shed radioactive waste treated G4 and 13 points in the shed radioactive waste untreated G3, for a period of 11 months between June 2012 and May 2013. Concentrations ranged 0.73 ± 0.08 to 4.55 ± 0.16 kBqm-3 among the monitoring periods in the shed G4 and between 0.61 ± 0.07 and 2.94 ± 0.12 kBqm-3 in the shed G3. The effective dose due to inhalation of 222Rn inside the sheds radioactive waste was calculated according to the procedures of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) from a conversion factor of dose, the mean concentration of 222Rn in the air and time of exposure of individuals. The dose values for G4 and G3 are 15.70 and 9.27 mSva-1 respectively, this being greater than the value established by the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) and recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 20 mSv / a for occupationally exposed individuals, thus indicating the need for mitigation measures. It should, however, report that was considered a very conservative assumption of 2,000 hours of work on site.
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Os efeitos da irradiação com laser de baixa potência na regeneração do nervo fibular comum do rato submetido a lesão por esmagamento / The effects of low power laser irradiation on the regeneration of the common fibular nerve in rat submitted to a crush lesion.Andraus, Rodrigo Antonio Carvalho 10 February 2009 (has links)
A regeneração dos nervos periféricos é um processo natural, que demanda um período longo para se completar, havendo algumas evidências de que agentes físicos, inclusive o laser, podem acelerá-lo. O objetivo primordial deste estudo foi analisar a influência da irradiação com o laser de baixa potência (AsGaAL) sobre a regeneração nervosa, num modelo de lesão por esmagamento do nervo fibular comum de ratos. O objetivo secundário foi avaliar a concordância entre os índices funcionais do nervo fibular (PFI) e o dos nervos ciático (SFI) e tibial (TFI), segundo os métodos propostos por dois autores diferentes. Foram utilizados 35 ratos Wistar (130 dias de idade, massa corporal média de 240 gramas), divididos em quatro grupos no total, sendo três grupos de dez animais cada, conforme o procedimento realizado (1: esmagamento, sem tratamento; 2: esmagamento e tratamento simulado; 3: esmagamento e tratamento efetivo) e num grupo de cinco animais intactos, para controle. A lesão por esmagamento do nervo fibular comum foi obtida pela aplicação de uma carga de 5 Kgf por dez minutos, com uma pinça especialmente confeccionada para esse fim. A irradiação com o laser foi iniciada no primeiro dia pós-operatório, empregando um equipamento de laser AsGaAL de baixa potência (potência de 100 mW, comprimento de onda de 830 nm, dose de 140 J/cm2) de emissão contínua, pelo método transcutâneo pontual de contato, e continuada por 21 dias consecutivos. Os resultados foram avaliados pela medida da velocidade de marcha do animal e do índice funcional do fibular (PFI, de peroneal functional index). A massa corporal, a velocidade de marcha e o PFI foram medidos antes da operação e no 21º dia pós-operatório, o PFI foi obtido por meio de um programa de computador específico para esse fim, utilizando duas fórmulas diferentes. Os resultados mostraram que a massa corporal aumentou em todos os grupos, sem diferença estatística entre os períodos. A velocidade de marcha diminuiu, com diferença estatística em todos os grupos. O PFI aumentou em todos os grupos e com as duas fórmulas utilizadas na sua medida, mas no Grupo 3, embora sem diferença estatística nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios, evidenciando que a irradiação com o laser interferiu na regeneração do nervo fibular esmagado. Houve uma concordância moderada entre o PFI e o SFI, maior no período pós-operatório, demonstrando que o SFI pode ser empregado para a avaliação do nervo fibular, o que, entretanto, não é recomendável. Concluímos que a irradiação do laser de baixa potência influenciou na regeneração do nervo fibular comum esmagado de ratos, pela medida do índice funcional do fibular. / Peripheral nerve regeneration is a natural process, which requires a long period to complete, with a few evidences that physical agents including laser, can speed it up. The main objective of this investigation was to analyze the influence of low power laser (AsGaAL) irradiation on nerve regeneration, in a model of crush injury of the common fibular nerve of rats. A secondary objective was to evaluate the concordance between the fibular (PFI) and sciatic (SFI) nerves functional indexes, according to the methods proposed by two different research groups. Thirty-five Wistar rats (130 days of age, 240 g average body mass) were used and divided into four groups in total, be three groups of ten animals each, according to the procedure carried out (1: crush injury, no treatment; 2: crush injury, sham irradiation; 3: crush injury, effective irradiation), and a group of five untouched animals, for normal control. The crush injury was obtained by the application of a 5 kgf load for 10 minutes, using a spring forceps especially built for this purpose. Laser irradiation was started on the first postoperative day and continued for 21 consecutive days, using a commercially available continuous emission equipment (100 mW intensity, 830 nm wave length, 140 J/cm2 dose) and the transcutaneous punctual contact method. The results were appraised for the measure of the speed of the gait of the animal and of the functional index of the fibular (PFI, de peroneal functional index). Body mass, walking speed and the functional indexes were measured before the operation and on the 21st postoperative day, the functional indexes using a specific software especially developed for this purpose and the two different methods mentioned above. The results showed that the body mass increased while speed decreased with time for all groups, but without statistical significance. The PFI increased in all groups according to the two methods of evaluation used and more markedly in Group 3, although without statistical significance, period pre and post-operative. Moderate concordance was showed between PFI and SFI, higher in the post-treatment than in the preoperative evaluation, meaning that, although not recommendable, the SFI can be used to evaluate the fibular nerve. We concludes that low power laser irradiation influence the regeneration of the crush fibular nerve of rats, as measured by the peroneal functional index.
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